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To those that play SWTOR I have a question regarding the game and I hope that some of you would be courteous enough to spend some time answering my question.
SWTOR is a good game in your eyes, but surely there must be things you wish to see fixed or added to the game to make your enjoyment of playing the game a better experience. If you could add, fix, or change things to the game what would they be?
For instance, do you wish to see more races added? What about better guild features? Maybe you think waiting until level 25 to get a mount is to much and players should be able to get it sooner.
I am really curious as to what some of you might change, fix or add to the game.
-There are tons of races existing as NPCs that'd I'd like to be able to play.
-The Auction House (GTN) UI really needs help.
-Wish there were an easier way to compare items with mods side by side instead of opening up an item and writing down the stats. Surely I must be doing this the hard way.
-Where are the RPers?
-Sith Corruption has to be reclicked ever time you zone... gets annoying
I still love the game!
I currently have an active account to SWTOR, but I stopped playing specifically because of a few issues all relating to PvP:
1. The responsiveness is off (see the massive thread on the official forums, and here).
2. You can't queue for an individual warzone.
3. There is no level tiering in zones.
4. There is very little class flexibility. No dual specs, expensive respecs, no innovative systems that let you reinvent your character like Rift's soul system.
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?
Things that I would like to see in game would be:
1. Ship interior customization.
2. BH and smuggler as neutral factions.
3. A more in depth crafting system for those of us who love crafting. Keep the current system too, just give us crafters more options.
4. Better space content.
I am sure these things (maybe not the crafting) will be addressed in the future.
Good thread by the way.
UI BUGS! Holy crap do they piss me off sometimes. In fact, they need to do a lot of work on the UI. I wan't to resize and move stuff. Mods would be nice, but I'll settle for making the ui customizable a bit. I hate the side bars, I hate the big ass borders around the bottom bars. I hate the giant map that takes up your whole screen.
I hate the raid frames (even when they work properly). About half the time, when I go into Huttbal, my raid frames don't report peoples health properly. They show full health when the person is half dead. I'm a healer and this really really sucks. This bug has existed since I've been in beta (summer) and they know full well that it is there. This needs to be fixed very quickly. You can't even reset the UI to get it to work. This is the most gamebreaking bug I have experienced.
I would like to see a little bit of customization to the ship's interior. That may be a techincal challenge for them the way they have it set up, but it would be a nice feature. Maybe throw some paintings on the wall, or something. Change the couches or add different lighting. Anything like that. It would be nice to see the beds that are in there put to some use as well. Maybe sleeping in them would pump up your rested bonus faster than just logging out in the ship.
Right now, I just want them to get the 4000 bugs in the game taken care of, I'm less concerned with adding features at this point.
In response to your questions, I don't think the mount thing is that big of a deal, because sprint is meant to act like a low level mount. Technically you get your first "mount" at level 14. Sprint actually works better than a mount since it is always on when you're out of combat. You don't have to get on it.
Guild features would be nice. I don't know if I care about leveling or guild quests specifically, but the guild interface is very lacking in features. Guild banks would be a good start here, as well as some sort of guild travel ability (teleport, summon, whatever).
More races seems like an expansion type of thing. I think that's probably what we will see if they add races. I dont really care too much about this, but it would be nice to see some different options. Of course, that is one of the things they have mentioned when talking about the legacy system, so who knows what they'll do.
Shadow's Hand Guild
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The Secret World - Dragons
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Tera - Dragonfall Server
I would like to see the guild UI fixed. I would also like to see the GTN UI updated. I want a LOT more functionality in the main UI, including the ability to move windows and elements. I hate that pre-raid crafting at 50 is basically useless because better rewards can be had through dailies.
Other things are fairly broken. For instance, if you die in one of the flashpoints it will cause a CTD and force you to the end of the queue. Some datacrons are incredibly assinine. One of them requires you to wait almost 30 minutes for a balloon to get to you and then another 20 minute ride to get to the datacron because it moves so slowly. Then it has a high chance to despawn on you right before you get to the datacron. That is insane. Sith corruption doesn't work correctly. Shadows are awful and blocky.
There's probably more I could come up with if I spent more than a minute or two here, but I'm busy playing.
I love the game and it's my current main MMO, but it does need some fixing... and some improvements.
Playing a Sith Juggernaut. Had to wait until level 14 to unlock my tanking stance. Retaliation was not worth using ever because it does less damage than any other 3 rage attack because there is never enough rage to give it purpose.
It may have purpose in PvP while whacking away at a healer to built up rage and then expend that rage with retaliation, but that would take a while.
Lightsabers do not impale or cut in half. Ever. In a Star Wars game...
These are the things I would fix in the game.
Basically, I would make lightsabers occasionally cut off limbs or impale torsos using the same system Bounty Hunters have. When a Bounty Hunter uses their channeled ability it shows a death animation. All lightsaber wielding classes have the same mechanics but are missing animations that would give the lightsaber qualities a lightsaber is supposed to be able to have (like cutting).
Then I would let Juggernauts have their tanking stance at level 10, still give them Guard at 14, and then make retaliation give rage back on a successful retaliate hit while in Soresu Form (the tanking stance). The talent that reduces the cost of retaliation would still be in effect but it would take away the amount of rage that is restored upon a successful retaliate, therefore still benefitting the retaliate skill through talents but making the juggernaut more fun at level 10.
I'm a lvl 48 Sith Assasin and absolutely love leveling him. I will soon start seeing the problems with SWTOR.
1) Space Combat - Give me some seriously awesome multiplayer NOT ON RAILS space combat and I will subscribe. This is clearly not something on the near term horizon and is the games biggest flaw for me personally.
2) LFD system - I understand their reasoning for not wanting to implement this system, but it's essential in my opinion. Big mistake by BW.
3) Full customizability - Apparently end game gear has fixed set cosmetics with set bonuses. Give us a system like LOTRO which include dyes.
4) 4 man instances - This game has the same issue as WOW in terms of too many DPS and not enough tanks.healers. reducing the party size to four people is a mistake. I'd prefer to see 5 or even 6 mans instead. That would reduce the need for healers/tanks as you'd have 3 or 4 dps per each on of them as opposed to the current 2.
5) Guild perks - I'm a solo player. But give the game a system like WOW and I'll gladly guild up and help a guild level.
6) Linear leveling path - This is a major problem when it comes to leveling alts. Their story based desing means this is here to stay.
7) AH UI - horrible
There's not much that BW can do to get me to be a hardcore raider or PVPer. Been there, done that and don't ever want to return.
Off the top of my head:
Fix ability delay!
Fix the lousy fact that you end up having to queue again after a disconnect!
Better functionality for the GTN (auction house). Would be nice to have decent search here.
UI customization (don't mean mods here, just moving and resizing UI elements)
And then:
More species. And please, ones that are a bit less like "humans".
More character creation options across the board - so you have more slots to tweak even if you pick a human.
Swimming. Do it. Put it in avn expansion with "meaningful" underwater content if you want, just implement it. I hate "wading" through the galaxy. :P
Day / night cycles. OK, I see the shadows and lighting are baked on and it's a big deal, so we'll probably never see it, but still it bugs me not to be able to see a Tatooine twin sunset for heaven's sake!
Space combat with more breadth. I'd love it if they took us off the tunnel, but it's probably not going to happen, so I'm OK with multiplayer being implemented. PVP would also be cool in theory, but I have no idea how it's not going to be frustrating in a tunnel shooter.
Fitting mini-games from the Star Wars universe that's not space combat! Really, there's Pazaak and Sabacc and Swoop Racing. Use those for mini-games - that makes sense. Not space!
Several non-combat activities. Think stuff like fishing, but not fishing. Just things to do when you don't want to pewpew.
Neutral gear. I know they're working on it, but hurry up. Don't punish me in itemization just because I'm playing my Bounty Hunter in a way that makes sense.
Ship customization that's visible! (especially interiors)
Creature mounts. OK, not a huge deal, but it's nice to have. Yeah a bit of a luxury as far as expectations go. :P
1. An economy worth a damn. There are so many factors that go into this... hard to list them all...
2. Joining your companion on missions... don't get me wrong it's awesome to send my companion out on a diplomatic, or underground trading, or acheological mission... but it would be cool if we could optionally go with them for increased rewards.
3. Less travel, more action.
4. More conflict between Imp/Rep players.
Really that's all I can think of now.
"They essentially want to say 'Correlation proves Causation' when it's just not true." - Sovrath
-combat responsiveness needs to be fixed like now.... not "soon" as BW seems to put everything lately
-more races, a LOT more races
-marauders need a buff, their damage is pathetic
-slicing needs fixed, again, thanks to an overnerf
-various sound fixes... sometimes sounds will just stop playing... or music will keep playing well beyond when it should have stopped
-more companions kthx
-ship customization soon please
-guild features soon please
-more character customization options soon please
-legacy system explained NOW, implemented SOON.... i dont want it to turn into heroic classes like WOW where they promise it 6 months after release, release ONE hero class years down the road that ends up being no more powerful than any other class, and then completely drop the idea altogether.
-coop/pvp/more rogue squandron esque space combat
-the ability to queue for specific warzones NOW, this should have been in at launch
-more guild features at some point, would be nice
-much more dynamic cinematics, most of them are just people standing around playing talking heads.... i want to see some epic duels between sith and jedi forces in game....
-MANY more flashpoints like Black Talon/Esseles... these instances were -awesome-
-better GTN please...
-better looking gear for marauders please.... i would like some hoods....
-ability to put hoods up and down with a command
-non-mechanical mounts plox
-story branches just for lightside or darkside characters pleeeaaaaaassssssssssse
I have been playing for awhile now since beta and i have to say i love it. that aside there is alot i would wish to see.
First off and i can't stress this enough, player bounties (arnold) DO IT! DO IT NOW!
Also i agree with a few previous posters that bounty hunter and smuggler need to be neutral with the ability to side one way or the other. Character customization needs far more options than it has, this is annoying as they removed some sine beta for races like miraluka. Voice acters are great but having the same voice for every character of the same class breaks the immersion faster than a hooker in heels can run. The guild system needs some improvement and i would kill to see the ability to war guilds, same faction or otherwise. Ships need customization both interior and exterior. I could go on, and on but most of my other annoyances are small and although they are legion they are things that will be fixed.
My responses are pretty straight forward
1. Target of target: This I what I want most.
2. Cover bugs: just let me crouch and be done with it.
3. My Sith Corruption really annoys me, fix the settings bug
4. Fixing some of the animations to run in the gcd. You are locked until the animation finishes.
5. a built in self dps meter for me and my companion so I can fine tune skills.
honestly with sith corruption... they need to just change it altogether. 99% of people have it turned off because it looks HORRRRRRRRIBLE. i wouldnt mind the eye color changes and the veins, but the pale skin is just ugly as all get out, and i can name a dozen VERY darkside attuned sith lords that were not sickly pale looking creatures....
Add in there is no modern LFG system, and this is why I stopped playing after 4 days. Not playing a game that doesn't want players to group up quickly and easily.
you are kinda lazy huh?
/1 LFG *insert instance*
*receive 5 tells*
yeah, it really is that easy.
my guess? you didnt like the game from the start. nobody quits a game over LFG after 4 days, considering you were probably only lvl 20 and had access to 2 instances....
Sith Corruption was suppose to be optional! You do not know how many complaints I hear in guild chat about this. I do not want to look like an emo vampire. *Sigh*, I do not think that a settings bug would take that long to fix either.
Some more opinions, although I don't know if everyone in that thread plays SWTOR.
I played the beta so I am not fit to answer your question
"Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."
I need to take this advice more.
it IS optional... you can turn it off...
a setting bug does not not make NOT optional.... it is a bug.... plus, after about lvl 30 your char is most likely wearing a helmet or hood that fully obscures their face anyhow... unless you are hiding helmets, which is again your choice.
My problem with it is that I can't seem to get it to turn ON... Much less get it to stay that way. I think I've flipped the toggle for it about a zillion times and I've seen my corruption ONCE.
I think it would be better if they just done away with the Dailies. This bothers my a lot.
Guild Wars 2's 50 minutes game play video:
Everything We Know about GW2:
I have a biased opinion about SWTOR because im a bigger fan of sandbox games like FFXI and SWG pre-cu. The game mechanics so far have been good, the story line is awesome.. and I do feel like im playing out as a character in a star wars movie, but I can't help but feel like I'm playing a completely solo adventure with occassional party in order to complete certain missions or flashpoints.
I don't think the game is conducive to role-playing or socializing at all. It is very difficult for a group of people to RP when there are no chat bubbles above our heads. I know they left out chat bubbles because of the screen spam issues in other games.. but it really pulls you out of the moment when you have to read all the chat in one window insted of just watching it unfold on-screen in the game world. i would take the sacrifice and deal with spam just so i could have a better RP experience with groups.
about the missons.. this brings us back to the solo play. It is very difficult for a party to do missions in groups, for example like in WOW.. you can get together with a group, all pick up the same missions, then go through a particular zone together as a team. the instances claiming "only one jedi knight can enter" forces solo play on people who don't play MMOs for that reason. If I wanted solo play, the game should have just been KOTOR 3 and they could have skipped the whole MMO platform.
I also think the companion system pulls us out of being immersed in the game.. yes it does make it more exciting to go through the storyline having companions, but then again, it only really matters for "solo-play". it is difficult to feel like I am in a real world when I first reach coruscant and I'm completely amazed by the scenery and blown away with the amount of detail in the world.. wow this is great!! It actually looks like Coruscant!! unbelievable.. oh wait?? whats this?? (my smiles of appreciation soon become frowns of dissapointment) that other jedi knight has a companion named Kira Carsen.. oh and that one also? oh my.. every Jedi knight's padawan is Kira Carsen.. It just doesnt "feel" right.
not enough classes.. and the fact that you have to choose between republic and empire if you are a bounty hunter is a joke. Bounty hunters only work for who has the most credits. could use more races also, but that is minor. there should be at least a neutral faction with a whole different set of classes. I do appreciate the many branches one can take within each class, there just needs to be more. 4 member party size limit is dissapointing and frustrating as well.
many of the problems that i am having have already been spoken of. i can go on and on and on. Star wars is something that very dear to my heart along with man oher people. This isnt just another WOW which is a fairly new universe that had to be written as they were adding content. the Star Wars univers is an already established, realized and living world that should be taken better care of. maybe bioware wasnt the right team for this job. maybe makeing the game too much like KOTOR and not enought like the original SWG PRE CU was a mistake. at least for me it was.
This question has already been asked on another thread a couple of days ago, but anyway, I'll answer again:
In no particular order:
---UI customization. I don't need mods, but being able to scale and move the UI around would be nice.
---Galactic Market (auction house) is far too tedious to deal with. Needs a search function deperately.
---Some social features, like being able to sit in chairs, and having an actual reason to hang out in cantinas (maybe use them as a place where players can exchange buffs?) would be nice. Not a top priority for me, but would be nice nevertheless.
---More planet overlap during levelling process to give people alternate locations to quest at.
---More interaction between Imps and Pubs earlier in the game. Instead of waiting until level 24 (Tatooine), it would be nice to see the other faction earlier, and make it possible for capital cities to be raided by the other side. One thing I missed about WoW, even though I'm not much of a PvPer. I think they segregate both sides too much in the game. I'd like to be able to mix it up a bit earlier.
---Please, for the love of everything holy, bring back the function that lets you match the color of your gear to your chestpiece! I hate that they removed that.
---More flashpoints with a story behind them like Black Talon and the Esseles. I was disappointed to find out that the other flashpoints in the game have less of a story element and more of the same boring WoW dungeons. Work your way through trash mobs, get to boss, grab loot, rinse and repeat. The flashpoints are very well done and much more fun that WoW's dungeons, but I just wish they had continued on with the story element like they did with the first one from each side. It seems as though they rushed to get more flashpoints available, and sacrificed the story aspect in order to do it.
Other than those relatively minor quibbles, I love the game, and am completely addicted to it.
umm i cant really go deep into pvp details as unfortunantly my laptop dies when i enter warzones.
warzones need to be teired. i was in a 2 FPS moment and notice a level 47 attacking a level 15. something about these match ups is wrong.
more character customization
More species.
better space game play. Down with locked rail, up with free flight
multiple space ships and not one type per class. if fact no class specific ships
Classes should be redone where you pick force sensitive then you choose your side. From there you are a normal padawan or apprentice with only basic strike and power strike. When you reach level 5 your asked to pick a path. Either martial strong (knight) or force strong (consular) then you continue down that story path.
Troopers should be on both republic and imperial teams same with the agent. just chance his name to like or just make it Agent.
BH and smuggler should be neutral class that can pick in game to fight for either side or even be able to get contracts from both. doing the both would have consequences of course.
Edit: i was just thinking that for the force sensitive you are put in a story where you are givin tasks that lead you up to eventually deciding and at level five you pick where you want to go then you are taken to the respectful academy and then you choose your path.
There are niceties, I wish as improvement but which are not really essentially, and things I think Bioware NEEDS to add/change to make sure SWTOR has a long life.
Niceties would be: alien races, same gender romance arcs, a tad better textures, guild featues, UI adaptability, more & better clothing pieces. Those would be nice for me to see, but not vital.
Vital additions/changes are:
- all Flashpoints need to have such detailled story and VO as Esselles & Black Talon. The other Flashpoints also need to be longer. Those first are great, but the later ones are way too much like WOW/LOTRO/EQ2 "kill all that moves" dungeons.
- alternative levelling with new planets (more open planets like Tatooine & Alderaan, fewer "dungeon" planets like Nar Shadda or Coruscant)
- rewards for "grey" people who do not want to go all dark or light side
- more companions and earlier more choice of companions. Some classes get totally boring companions, like that Lizard Qeyzen for Consular. BOOORING. And I am stuck with him way too long.
- companions can and should have more personality, more personal questlines like the companions from Dragon Age.
- PVP matches should be able to select and not just "list for ANY PVP match".
- Open zone PVP areas with "castles" as in Warhammer, also tiered for various level ranges: 20-30, 30-40, 40-50 or so.
- non combat "hobbies" like Entertainers as in SWG. Maybe not for your own char, but as a role you play a while within the game, similar as you be someone else in LOTRO in some stories, you'd have an alter ego who can be someone not heroic in any of these hobbies.
- optional chat bubbles!
- long term: player cities and real housing, real crafting, more craftable items, open space, betrayal quest (as in EQ2 to change your faction)
Thats all I can think of right now.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
You can select your targets target by pressing Alt T
Not sure which cover bugs specifically, maybe that they force you to take real cover sometimes?
I also hate sith corruption.
I am not interested in a DPS meter... I don't really see what that brings to the game.