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I like TOR a lot, now that's out of the way..
I bought a champion bag for 200 merc, and 200 warzone commendations, then maxed both out to 1000, this way I'd get 6 bags as soon as I hit 50. (Which just happened, btw)
So I bought a new bag, every time I had opened the one I had, and guess what I got from all 6 bags.
6 bags of 3 centurion commendations each, that 18 centurion commendations.
Cheapest thing you can get is a relic for 14 centurion, then implant or ear piece for 21, most expensive thing is the weapon which is 121 centurion marks.
I talked to a lot of guildies who have opened not just 6, but one guy opened 16 bags in a row, with nothing in them but these centurion marks.
While other people get the "unassembled" marks, so they can purchase gear straight away.
As of right now, there is no way to get merc commendations AFAIK, except for converting warzones into merc...
30 warzone commendations, for 10 Mercenary commendations.
1 bag cost 200 of each.
So 5 bags = 4000 warzone commendations.
Now let's say you win EVERY warzone you play, and you get enough medals to get 100 commendations per win, (that would be around 8-10 medals) that is 40 matches!
And this is in best case scenario, you have to win ALL, and do very good, every time!
A match usually takes 10-15 minutes.
40 games * 10 min = 400 min ( best case scenario )
40 games * 15 min = 600 min
400-600 min for 5 bags.
Say you never get unassembled marks in your bags, that would mean you'd have to collect 743 centurion marks, for your full set.
You get 3 centurion commendations per bag, so 743 / 3 = 247 bags
247 bags / 5 bags * 400 minutes = 1981 minutes
1981 min / 60 = 33 hours
33 hours = 198 warzones
This is best case scenario, where you will always win EVERY warzone in 10 min, with 8-10 medals! ( but no unassembled marks )
If you're thinking to yourself, that's nothing.. then think again, this is only centurion gear, then comes champion, and after that, battlemaster.
I've heard it's only possible to get 2 battlemaster bags a day.............
Okay, so good luck with that.
So, it seems you can do some daily quests in illum for bags too, that will take some of work out of it.
Thanks for the info Andelith
I still think RNG is a bad way to hand out gear though, some needing tons of bags while others get lucky.
I think they should give out all the gear upon first log-in, hell no one wants to work for anything anymore
[mod edited]
But yeah, the bag thing sucks. One of my guilds officers got 4 of the earpieces in a row out of the bags. Really annoying.
Shadow's Hand Guild
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Lol, are you trying to act cool? It's not working.
This is not working for ones gear, this is working your ass of like a 6-18 job lol.
It's fine to make people work for their gear, especially the best gear, but RNG is not the way to do it.
1. Guy opens 5 bags and get 3 unassembled marks, and 6 centurion commendations.
2. Guy who opens his 5 get 15 centurion commendations.
Is the 1. guy a better player, have he earned it more than the 2. guy??
Has the 1. guy worked harder?
Not really, no.. If the PvP gear had a set price, it would be equal work to all, it could still be expensive and hard to get, but isn't it more fair for everyone?
I think so.
Not wanting to do 50 hours of nothing but warzones for a set of gear isn't laziness. I think I might do 5 accumulated hours of them before my sub runs out or my brain melts.
gear treadmills are just stupid anyways. PvP should be for pvp sake, and not a place of gear supremacy.
I agree, it should be about the PvP, and to better your skills, as much as one can.
Thing is, only way to get lvl 50 PvP gear, with expertise on it, is to do this RNG bag race, and 1 guy might be lucky getting his chest legs, and wep in the first 5-10 bags, while someone else have to grind to get 50 bags to get the same gear.
And Expertise alone = less dmg taken in PvP, more dmg given in PvP, more healing done to allies engaged in PvP combat
That's just messed up.
Time sinks are in every mmo, Some do it better than others. These type of sinks are one of the reasons I quit Aion.
All I can say is don't buy the bags or just hang on to them untill BW nerfs the RNG.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Is this entire thread because you want the best gear in the game for no effort? 198 warzones over a period of say 2-3 months breaks down into 2-3 warzones an evening. As is, you should NOT have lvl 50's running around by week 1. Spoonfeeding the masses leads to entitlement.
Sure, 2-3 months, I could deal with that, if it was the best gear, but as I said in OP.... After centurion comes champion, after champion comes battlemaster.
This is hardly a rant without reason, RNG is a silly way to handle things, they should make it a set price.
As I said earlier, there is no reason as to why it can't be a set price, but still expensive, that way you still work for your gear, but the work is equal to all, and not 1 guy getting his pieces in 20 bags, and another guy in 200 bags.
Don't you see how messed up that is?
Edit: And btw, 198 warzones is only if you.. Win ALL matches with 8-10 medals, every time!
Highly unlikely.
I am willing to acknowledge that a Themepark MMO requires a treadmill. Often that treadmill is gear. Or AA (legacy if you will). I do think that some of the gear seems like an awfully LOT of work but that's my opinion. It's ALSO why I would never run in the hamster wheel long enough to do so. At the same time, I'm tired of seeing people maxed out everything complaining they have nothing to work towards. It's a very fine double edged sword.
Well, we agree that there should be some "work" involved.
I'd hate to see 40+ people standing in the combat area of the fleet, all in battlemaster gear cause you can get in a week.
I just think RNG is one of the worst things you could do with PvP gear, RNG is the enemy in this thread, not so much the work.
If they had set a price on the gear, so everyone had to pay an equal amount, I would be fine with it, at least one could feel progress made.
Not only is it an unfair way to hand out gear, it's also discouraging for the ones who open their 20th bag with nothing in it.
First off the unassembled gear in the bags are for Champion gear or T2, the commendations are for centurion gear or T1. so no they shouldn't give you T2 gear all the time, when it clearly states that the bags have Centurion commendations and a chance at an unassembled Champion piece.
Second,If you did the daily and weekly Ilum quests you would get 10 bags a week just from those, and having done all those warzones you may actually be around valor level 60, which you need to even equip the Battlemaster gear(T3). The Ilum quests give you the option to get battlemaster bags as well.
Which kind of makes me laugh, I have barely done any warzones(running huttball over and over isn't fun) but did go to Ilum as soon as I hit 50 and did the weekly and daily quests. I started on Monday, got 4 bags for completing the 2 quests. Then the quests reset on Tuesday, hmmm 4 more bags. 1 more today for the daily. 3 pieces of champion gear. Nothing even close to grinding for all those commendations.
I'm far from valor 60, Im rank 36.. One in my guild is in the R50s, he is saying that each Rank up there is like 35k valor per lvl :P
But that was a side note.
As I said, I just dinged 50, I have done some quest in Illum, and only thing I've gotten so far is daily commendations, not sure where you get the quests for champ or battlemaster bags.
Seems to take some of the work out of it.
Doesn't change the fact that RNG is a poor way of handing out gear though.
1 guy might still need twice as many bags as someone else, which is hardly fair.
So your getting rewarded pvp gear for doing quest instead of pvping? Seems like an odd way of doing things, and please don't tell me people are pvping on IIum because their not.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
Aion comes to mind O_O
The truth may be puzzling. It may take some work to grapple with. It may be counterintuitive. It may contradict deeply held prejudices. It may not be consonant with what we desperately want to be true. But our preferences do not determine what's true.
Carl Sagan-
The vendors have set prices in commendations on them, and then chance at getting a token for a piece of gear. I have more centurion comms than i do warzone or merc.(I'm valor rank 2)
Leave the PVE area on Ilum and go to the PVP zone, the 2 Ilum pvp quests are located right by the PVP item vendors in the fleet.
From the shuttle on Ilum go NW to the next quest hub and get the speeder link there to the 3 speeder points further to the west. This links the bases speeder to the pvp zone, when you enter the pvp area you will get "quests" that tell you which spots are republic and imperial controlled, and they are marked on your map. Republic owned(vulnerable) are attackable by Imperials and vise versa.
Usually there are people from both sides trading points so everyone can finish their quests, there is no fighting or very little.
This is why BW has stated that they are implimenting changes to Ilum to include kills in these quests because by their bad design the quests are incredibly simple to finish and get gear from the vendors.
As I said, in 3 days I have 3 pieces of champion gear, and enough centurion comms to buy a piece of centurion gear if I wanted.
I'm looking at the champion gear vendor and found something interesting, I am a Juggernaut and on my vendors I can buy weapons for 72 comms, yet when i go over to the sith inquisitor vendor their lightsabers cost 123 comms? idk if it's because I have 3 pieces of gear or there is more going on here than RNG and bad quest design.
youre sooo hardcore! we should date.
I don't see the peoblem here. You actually have to work hard to max out your character for a change. Seems like a nice way to separate the casual players (like myself) from the hardcore ones in the PvP areas.
"If half of what you tell me is a lie, how can I believe any of it?"
RNG is never fair, you wont hear the lucky ones complain at all, but there can be very bad streaks of rotten luck that can poison a player off the game for feeling unfairly treated.
Working for things is fair, doing trhe same work as the next guy when he gets the golden goose & you get the turd....not fair at all, unnecessary & unjustifiable to treat two people with the same effort completely differently.
I don't care 2 craps for the numbers required of anything, but I have always detested RNG systems for gear like this, at least with drops from mobs you can understand some RNG being involved because otherwise only the people needing the items it drops would ever hit it *or want to, hence loot-tables & rng for raid mobs. But RNG for bags of gear that you earn token for...i say bullshit to that.
BW will make the changes and the players will just conspire to trade kills & still do the quest, Examples of this can be found in Aion also. Players will always find the easy route to their goal even if it means exploting.
The easy fix is to remove all pvp gear, because lets face it pvp gear is not needed in order to pvp effectively.
The only reason pvp gear is in the game is for a time sink. Keep the players busey untill new content is added.
Velika: City of Wheels: Among the mortal races, the humans were the only one that never built cities or great empires; a curse laid upon them by their creator, Gidd, forced them to wander as nomads for twenty centuries...
I actually feel sorry for the people who will be part of this sorry excuse for a grindfest.
I was already over this kind of gameplay when i was 12 years old a loong time ago.
When i get to lvl 50 with 1 or 2 classes i will probably quit, this kind of garbage isn't what i call endgame.
Give me "space combat" like ArcheAge has Naval Warfare, let me EXPLORE tthose mountains in the background of Ord Mantell, let me have my own house on a hill in Taris, let me do SOMETHING that isn't part of a gear treadmille made for manchildren.
Im not asking for a sandbox, but this? Aion was considered a grindfest for a lot less.
"Esport with tournaments is for hardcore pvp'rs that want to be competitive. Openworld PVP with ganking and griefing is for casuals that just wants their pvp mixed with pve from time to time."
What they should do is make it so only the most socially retarded individuals can get it. I mean no life, antisocial losers that sit in their dank parents basements playing 24/7. No bathing allowed and your toilet is a diaper....a clean diaper IF you can convince your mother to change it for you. And the items should look really FUBAR because people of this caliber don't care about appearances. Hell, just look at them.
Oh wait...that's the system they have now. No thanks.
The thing I like about it is that they really promote people getting merc commendations through actual world pvp, rather than the unfavorable warzone commendation exchange rate.
If you factor in getting merc commendations the intended way, as well as the actual chance on an unassembled mark drop, I bet your maths looks very different.
edit: Looking at other posters here it seems you just were unlucky with your boxes so far.
Same with the crafting system: on some recipes (barrels) I make, the blue version procs right away, on others it takes 10 x re-engineering a green one.
My brand new bloggity blog.
*snip* Edited to save the arguments lol
There is no "PvP" orange gear other than the low level stuff which is no different than PvE gear and most fresh 50's just chuck on crafted purples which are pretty good. But yes, it is quite easy to get gear for some, for many it is utter hell with the lucky dip bags. It's nothing to do with putting a lot of time in but rather how lucky people get which is why so many complaints, the system doesn't reward time nor effort.
Hopefully all that is about to change with the PvP updates Bioware announced last night.