I'm afraid GW2 doesn't have that much hype outside mmorpg fandom. I think SWTOR is much more famous and know around the whole gaming market. So even if GW2 might not live to the expectations of it's fans, it can easilly surpass expectations of all those people who didn't play 1st part or many other mmos.
If by MMORPG-fandom you are referring to the MMORPG market in general...then that's pretty big. Over 10 milllion for sure. SWTOR has done very well so far (1.7 million or something), but their numbers fall WELL within the MMORPG market-space.
I really don't think GW2 has to reach beyond the MMORPG market to be wildly successful. This may have been true in 2004, but now the MMORPG market is MASSIVE. And if you have a lot of awareness within that market, you can do really well.
And really, WoW is constantly making the MMORPG-market bigger by barraging normal gamers and even non-gamers with TV-ads.
It is impossible for this game to live up to the hype it has generated. It has been romanticized to a fault, and the expectations people have put on it go way beyond what a game can pull.
You will not wake up twitching to try to get your dose of GW2. You will not sleep better because of your accomplishments in game. You will not give up your job, family, friends and physical well-being just to get in a few more hours of game time.
The prior example was just an exageration to put "hype" into perspective. The ultimate game should be able to completely suck you in to the point that you do just what I have stated before without even realizing it. Like the most intense of drugs, it should make you do things you wouldn't normally do. That is the type of stuff that WoW did to many in the gaming community... check out WoW's current hype... Then come look at GW2's hype and tell me you expect it to do better than that.
All that aside, the real reason it should not release is because of the quote I did before: You NEED to have an ultimate goal as to what you want a game to be. A holy grail of gaming to come (but that never materializes). Once GW2 releases, the disappointments accross the board are going to be increadibly large. The bugs, the exploits, the cheats, the gankings, the unfair advantages, the tweaks, the nerfs... IOW, the REALITY of MMORPG gaming will kick in. While its in development you can easily ignore all those things and make the game to be the best that will ever come out. But once it is out, its all over. No pleasant feeling of an upcoming game, no daydreaming of how the PvP will go, ...
GW2 should stay in development ad-infinum just to keep the gaming community hoping for a good game in the future, in order for them to not realize that their current gaming is about as good as things will ever get and not drop into a gaming depression. Having a "goal" keeps the MMORPG gaming community healthy as they continually try to find justifications for why their current or future or prior game was the best there ever was/is/will be.
Spoken like a True WoW Fanboi!!
BTW...LoL (League of Legends) has already De-throned WoW. GW2 is your least concern. I quit WoW 7 months ago (Played since Beta) and I never looked back nor will I.
There really is no need to start a Topic to defend an AGING MMO.
I understand what your trying to say OP. There are posts/threads about how great GW2 is going to be on these forums. Threads like, 'Whats the best thing about GW2?', and plenty of fans reaming off lists of promised features from ANET.
It's a bit like religion, your creado is clearly right and damm the rest because anything that critises that is clearly wrong :P
I am going to be bored with GW2. I'm going to be looking for a different game to replace it, that offers all sorts of new things that I don't even realize that I want yet. This will happen after I've played it enough to feel I've had great value from my investment. I'm going to be glad that I bought GW2 and all the subsequent expansions. I don't think I expect too much out of GW2, just that it's going to be worthwhile. I can't say the same about any other mmo on the horizon but I'm still looking forward to others as well.
All of my posts are either intelligent, thought provoking, funny, satirical, sarcastic or intentionally disrespectful. Take your pick.
I get banned in the forums for games I love, so lets see if I do better in the forums for games I hate.
I enjoy the serenity of not caring what your opinion is.
hmmm... if a game wakes us up from our need to search for the MMO Messiah, and makes us realize that the answer was inside us all along.... does that make it the MMO MesSIAHHHH?????!!!! HOLY CRAP DUDE
On the other hand, I wonder if GW2 will be fun to play. I'm thinking, yeah, it will. Sign me up yesterday.
Charr: Outta my way. Human: What's your problem? Charr: Your thin skin.
I understand what your trying to say OP. There are posts/threads about how great GW2 is going to be on these forums. Threads like, 'Whats the best thing about GW2?', and plenty of fans reaming off lists of promised features from ANET.
It's a bit like religion, your creado is clearly right and damm the rest because anything that critises that is clearly wrong :P
But the features are there?
INB4 you ask have I played it, I have, PVP and PVE, alongside friends.
But ok think that way.
I might get banned for this. - Rizel Star.
I'm not afraid to tell trolls what they [need] to hear, even if that means for me to have an forced absence afterwards.
P2P LOGIC = If it's P2P it means longevity, overall better game, and THE BEST SUPPORT EVER!!!!!(Which has been rinsed and repeated about a thousand times)
Common Sense Logic = P2P logic is no better than F2P Logic.
I understand what your trying to say OP. There are posts/threads about how great GW2 is going to be on these forums. Threads like, 'Whats the best thing about GW2?', and plenty of fans reaming off lists of promised features from ANET.
It's a bit like religion, your creado is clearly right and damm the rest because anything that critises that is clearly wrong :P
It could sort of be like that, yeah...
...if each person to visit the prophet or deity of that religion got a 40 minute demonstration of multiple miracles and these were captured on film and placed on the largest accessible source of information in existence. ;P
I'm afraid GW2 doesn't have that much hype outside mmorpg fandom. I think SWTOR is much more famous and know around the whole gaming market. So even if GW2 might not live to the expectations of it's fans, it can easilly surpass expectations of all those people who didn't play 1st part or many other mmos.
That's a valid point. I think we forum browsers sometimes forget just how significant a minority we are. Even many avid MMO players don't necessarily know what GW2 is yet. The very few who actually frequent forums such as these, and people who actively seek out video game information almost certainly do, but those players are a minority, even within the gaming population. Given that our own perception is filtered through this forum-going perspective, it's really impossible to say exactly what others' perception of the matter is. What I do know is that I constantly have to explain what GW2 is and why I'm looking forward to it to my gaming friends.
The funny thing is that a lot of us GW2 fans don't see this game as the Messaiah of MMORPGs, that will appear once every 2 millenia, to save us and this genre as a whole.
well define "a lot" because so far the GW2 community* is kinda "meh" to use a nice word from my point of view, way worse than the GW1 one, which while it had some "omg wow sux!!111" post wasn't quite as rabid towards other MMOs
*not refering to just this forum, but in general
Originally posted by Pigozz
You see SWTOR was announcced and everyone was like OMZG THIS WILL BE THE BEST MMO EVER - I HAVE NO REAL INFO ABOUT IT BUT I JUST KNOW THAT!!!AMA FAKIN PROPHET! ...Oh yes I also remember threads like SWTOR wont be anything like wow because of this and that bla bla...THAT was hyped up
when TOR was annoucend it was more of a "lololo this game looks like shit" more than anything else :P
well the first screen shoots released did look like shit ^^
If Arenanet cannot help pull the themepark MMO genere out of the slump with the surefire way they have been handling things up until now, then who seriously can?
GW2 hype is a hell of a lot different than regular MMO hype. Let's look at afew examples:
WAR:Only provided conceptual descriptions of what the game was supposed to be like, exaggerated by Paul Barnett to sound awesome. No actual proof was provided and players found out that the game was barely functional once it was released.
AoC: Only showed snippets of highly polished gameplay from the beginning of the game. Once released, players found out that past the beginning area the game was extremelly unpolished and generally lacking.
SWTOR: Talked about story constantly and barely described the actual gameplay of the game. When asked about basic features they replied with "Don't worry, they'll be there". Once release came we found out that story WAS great, but the rest of the game met the basic description and was generally unpolished/bugged or uninspired.
GW2: ArenaNet talks about the philosophy behind their game, gives detail explanation of games systems, provides ample demo time for both press and gamers, shows polished content from all areas of the game (low level, high level, dungeons, PvP, etc).
See the difference? ArenaNet actually provides evidence of their promises, while other MMO companies have mislead or straight up lied to their prospective customers.
I think you are right OP. At least right now people have the delusion that the game will be perfect to hold onto.
I predict the same cycle of major disappointment and forum whining when GW2 releases that we see on this site with every other game that comes out.
People's expectations are just not possible to meet in many cases. I feel sorry for a lot of people on this site... it honestly seems like many of them can no longer enjoy the games they play. I count myself lucky not to be among them.
i agree, many people dont relize that they may not be the ones companing, but there will always be people who will.
Honestly, I think this game has as much of a chance to attract all MMORPG fans as any other. The reason being is that it will be available at all major retailers. Wal-Mart, EB Games, GameStop, etc. I mean really how much competition does it have retail wise. I know from personal experience when i got to a store for a new game there are only a few choices available, and I own most of them. So one day when I or others are bored they are going to go to the game section and look around and realize, this is the only new game on the shelve that i don't already own. The fact that it is a B2P increases the chances even more. Now a far as the digital purchases go I couldn't tell you, because I am a fan of getting the games I play in store and not online. Maybe that is just an american thing though, who knows. I agree that WoW deffinitly expanded the market and now there is a masssive amount of MMO players, ironic...
"People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. People's heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool."
"You should never meet your hero." - Paul Newman It is impossible for this game to live up to the hype it has generated. It has been romanticized to a fault, and the expectations people have put on it go way beyond what a game can pull. You will not wake up twitching to try to get your dose of GW2. You will not sleep better because of your accomplishments in game. You will not give up your job, family, friends and physical well-being just to get in a few more hours of game time. The prior example was just an exageration to put "hype" into perspective. The ultimate game should be able to completely suck you in to the point that you do just what I have stated before without even realizing it. Like the most intense of drugs, it should make you do things you wouldn't normally do. That is the type of stuff that WoW did to many in the gaming community... check out WoW's current hype... Then come look at GW2's hype and tell me you expect it to do better than that. All that aside, the real reason it should not release is because of the quote I did before: You NEED to have an ultimate goal as to what you want a game to be. A holy grail of gaming to come (but that never materializes). Once GW2 releases, the disappointments accross the board are going to be increadibly large. The bugs, the exploits, the cheats, the gankings, the unfair advantages, the tweaks, the nerfs... IOW, the REALITY of MMORPG gaming will kick in. While its in development you can easily ignore all those things and make the game to be the best that will ever come out. But once it is out, its all over. No pleasant feeling of an upcoming game, no daydreaming of how the PvP will go, ... GW2 should stay in development ad-infinum just to keep the gaming community hoping for a good game in the future, in order for them to not realize that their current gaming is about as good as things will ever get and not drop into a gaming depression. Having a "goal" keeps the MMORPG gaming community healthy as they continually try to find justifications for why their current or future or prior game was the best there ever was/is/will be.
Hmm but isn't that a bit to synical? All the other games are either wow clones or martial arts based. The best immortal/Co I ever played was gw1 and no other mmo has satisfied me, plus I played the eurogamer demo of gw2 and I thought the gameplay was excited. Yes your entitled to your opinion but no need to make it seem like everyone else's hope for the game will just lead to doom and gloom.
There's always people who overhype and get dissapointed but for me the things GW2 fixes I have complained about since I started playing mmo's (wow in 2003 or so, Beta) or well maybe not outright complained then but had a nagging feeling in the back of my head saying "this is rather poor design" but I was ok with it since I was oblivious to any better way.
So what the OP is trying to say is that GW2 is impossible. The OP is trying to say the developers cannot make GW2 the way they said they were going to make it. The gaming world is fictional therefore the gaming universe makes anything possible.
If I want cows that poop peppermints in a video game I can have it because I can create it out of programming and visual design. There is no limitation to a game. The only limitation is the mind of the developer.
I gotta say it's kinda annoying that GW2 fans are always being thought of as fanatical about this game and we're all drinking the kool aid. The truth is, we're not here trying to convince anyone this game is great, we're just confident it's going to be good, and when it is out let the game speak for itself. If a lot of people don't wanna leave their gaming comfort zone that they're used to that's their choice. But those looking for a new expereince will find something great in GW2.
As a person that's gotten hands on expereince with it in a demo, I can honestly say that it's more fun than swtors combat and story. In fact swtors big draw being the voice acting, is more of a hinderance to my expereince. I found it to be overbearing and a lot of quests didn't gain any significant immersion because of it. The action in GW2 is always moving and fast. For me the only credible arguement against this game right now would be from a person that doesn't have fast reflexes and is getting up there in age.(No offense meant old timers.)
So what the OP is trying to say is that GW2 is impossible. The OP is trying to say the developers cannot make GW2 the way they said they were going to make it. The gaming world is fictional therefore the gaming universe makes anything possible. If I want cows that poop peppermints in a video game I can have it because I can create it out of programming and visual design. There is no limitation to a game. The only limitation is the mind of the developer.
that's the thing. Many of us are living in reality. History doesn't repeat history, people repeat history. And in this genre of gaming, people repeat history a lot,,,very often. These games get over hyped greatly. I seen people argue that Guild Wars 2 won't have a grind... Or some argument that because the game doesn't have raids, that means that there won't be any dungeon grinds. Some people even saying that the game will be balanced in PvP.some people are hyping up the Dynamic Event to some unrealistic measurements. The large boss fight events are the same concept that we see from the bosses in Rift. Let's be real here people.
I have to disagree with the notion that "GW2 is overhyped".
I know what to expect and don't believe GW2 to be the perfect mmo.
There are things I would like to change and that I think are mistakes.
If TOR proves anything people ignore facts posted everywhere and make up their own reality. GW2 not being released is doing more damage to the genre then it is worth right now. They need to drop it and see what and how it affects the genre.
Everybody does realize that is GW2 releases and is just a smash success and lives up to these promises it brings into question the sub model of quite a few top mmo's. B2P mmorpg on par with Rift/WoW/TOR is dangerous.
that's the thing. Many of us are living in reality. History doesn't repeat history, people repeat history. And in this genre of gaming, people repeat history a lot,,,very often. These games get over hyped greatly. I seen people argue that Guild Wars 2 won't have a grind... Or some argument that because the game doesn't have raids, that means that there won't be any dungeon grinds. Some people even saying that the game will be balanced in PvP.some people are hyping up the Dynamic Event to some unrealistic measurements. The large boss fight events are the same concept that we see from the bosses in Rift. Let's be real here people.
Hmmm. Either you never played Guild Wars 1, or you didn't understand it.
It's easy to believe Arenanet, because they did a lot of this stuff already.
PvP? Surprisingly balanced for something with a metric crapton of skills. This time around, they're designing it in a way that promotes better balance, from the beginning. Of course it won't be perfectly balanced, but there's no reason for it to not be better balanced than usual.
... and GW2 will have a grind. .. .but it'll be optional. God, you could grind the HELL out of Guild Wars. Fear the people with the GWAMMO title. :P They're going for a low power ceiling you hit quickly in a variety of ways. Max equipment can be gotten from tokens (That means 5 trips to the dungeon tops. On a dungeon with 4 paths. Anything after that is optional, player-induced grinding), crafting, WvW or just plain bought using gold or karma. Of course you'll be ABLE to grind, but at that point, it's not really for statistical progression anymore..
... and the only person I see hyping up Dynamic Events to unrealistic measurements in this topic is you. Really. You don't even seem to KNOW why people look forward to dynamic events, that people have already played them, and what seperates them from Rifts. I feel sorry for Cali59, since you appear to have him on ignore.
I gotta say it's kinda annoying that GW2 fans are always being thought of as fanatical about this game and we're all drinking the kool aid. The truth is, we're not here trying to convince anyone this game is great, we're just confident it's going to be good, and when it is out let the game speak for itself. If a lot of people don't wanna leave their gaming comfort zone that they're used to that's their choice. But those looking for a new expereince will find something great in GW2.
As a person that's gotten hands on expereince with it in a demo, I can honestly say that it's more fun than swtors combat and story. In fact swtors big draw being the voice acting, is more of a hinderance to my expereince. I found it to be overbearing and a lot of quests didn't gain any significant immersion because of it. The action in GW2 is always moving and fast. For me the only credible arguement against this game right now would be from a person that doesn't have fast reflexes and is getting up there in age.(No offense meant old timers.)
Well just like you GW2 fans want to share your confidence with the gane all over the forum, well the GW2 critics want to share their skepticism all over these forums as well.
we seen this same defensive behavior time and time again. SWTOR, WARHAMMER,AoC, etc fans all had this same reaction to skepticism and criticism . But were the Critism of Warhammer, for example, justified after the way you see the game launched? What about for AoC and SWTOR? Why is it any different for GW2? I believe many of you are confused, and assume that GW2 is a true sequel to GW1, which it isn't. The two games are nothing alike in gameplay. The only connections that Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 have is the ip. If you replace GW2's ip with a different ip or a brand new IP, you would never know the game was related to GUILD WARS at all!!! Just because something worked one way in GW1, doesn't mean it will work that way in GW2.
If by MMORPG-fandom you are referring to the MMORPG market in general...then that's pretty big. Over 10 milllion for sure. SWTOR has done very well so far (1.7 million or something), but their numbers fall WELL within the MMORPG market-space.
I really don't think GW2 has to reach beyond the MMORPG market to be wildly successful. This may have been true in 2004, but now the MMORPG market is MASSIVE. And if you have a lot of awareness within that market, you can do really well.
And really, WoW is constantly making the MMORPG-market bigger by barraging normal gamers and even non-gamers with TV-ads.
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?
Spoken like a True WoW Fanboi!!
BTW...LoL (League of Legends) has already De-throned WoW. GW2 is your least concern. I quit WoW 7 months ago (Played since Beta) and I never looked back nor will I.
There really is no need to start a Topic to defend an AGING MMO.
Carry on and see you in GW2 when it releases.
"My Fantasy is having two men at once...
One Cooking and One Cleaning!"
"A good man can make you feel sexy,
strong and able to take on the whole world...
oh sorry...that's wine...wine does that..."
I understand what your trying to say OP. There are posts/threads about how great GW2 is going to be on these forums. Threads like, 'Whats the best thing about GW2?', and plenty of fans reaming off lists of promised features from ANET.
It's a bit like religion, your creado is clearly right and damm the rest because anything that critises that is clearly wrong :P
This looks like a job for....The Riviera Kid!
I am going to be bored with GW2. I'm going to be looking for a different game to replace it, that offers all sorts of new things that I don't even realize that I want yet. This will happen after I've played it enough to feel I've had great value from my investment. I'm going to be glad that I bought GW2 and all the subsequent expansions. I don't think I expect too much out of GW2, just that it's going to be worthwhile. I can't say the same about any other mmo on the horizon but I'm still looking forward to others as well.
All of my posts are either intelligent, thought provoking, funny, satirical, sarcastic or intentionally disrespectful. Take your pick.
I get banned in the forums for games I love, so lets see if I do better in the forums for games I hate.
I enjoy the serenity of not caring what your opinion is.
I don't hate much, but I hate Apple© with a passion. If Steve Jobs was alive, I would punch him in the face.
hmmm... if a game wakes us up from our need to search for the MMO Messiah, and makes us realize that the answer was inside us all along.... does that make it the MMO MesSIAHHHH?????!!!! HOLY CRAP DUDE
On the other hand, I wonder if GW2 will be fun to play. I'm thinking, yeah, it will. Sign me up yesterday.
Charr: Outta my way.
Human: What's your problem?
Charr: Your thin skin.
But the features are there?
INB4 you ask have I played it, I have, PVP and PVE, alongside friends.
But ok think that way.
I might get banned for this. - Rizel Star.
I'm not afraid to tell trolls what they [need] to hear, even if that means for me to have an forced absence afterwards.
P2P LOGIC = If it's P2P it means longevity, overall better game, and THE BEST SUPPORT EVER!!!!!(Which has been rinsed and repeated about a thousand times)
Common Sense Logic = P2P logic is no better than F2P Logic.
It could sort of be like that, yeah...
...if each person to visit the prophet or deity of that religion got a 40 minute demonstration of multiple miracles and these were captured on film and placed on the largest accessible source of information in existence. ;P
When it lives up to the hype, people like the OP will change their tune. Simple as that.
That's a valid point. I think we forum browsers sometimes forget just how significant a minority we are. Even many avid MMO players don't necessarily know what GW2 is yet. The very few who actually frequent forums such as these, and people who actively seek out video game information almost certainly do, but those players are a minority, even within the gaming population. Given that our own perception is filtered through this forum-going perspective, it's really impossible to say exactly what others' perception of the matter is. What I do know is that I constantly have to explain what GW2 is and why I'm looking forward to it to my gaming friends.
well define "a lot" because so far the GW2 community* is kinda "meh" to use a nice word from my point of view, way worse than the GW1 one, which while it had some "omg wow sux!!111" post wasn't quite as rabid towards other MMOs
*not refering to just this forum, but in general
when TOR was annoucend it was more of a "lololo this game looks like shit" more than anything else :P
well the first screen shoots released did look like shit ^^
If Arenanet cannot help pull the themepark MMO genere out of the slump with the surefire way they have been handling things up until now, then who seriously can?
GW2 hype is a hell of a lot different than regular MMO hype. Let's look at afew examples:
WAR:Only provided conceptual descriptions of what the game was supposed to be like, exaggerated by Paul Barnett to sound awesome. No actual proof was provided and players found out that the game was barely functional once it was released.
AoC: Only showed snippets of highly polished gameplay from the beginning of the game. Once released, players found out that past the beginning area the game was extremelly unpolished and generally lacking.
SWTOR: Talked about story constantly and barely described the actual gameplay of the game. When asked about basic features they replied with "Don't worry, they'll be there". Once release came we found out that story WAS great, but the rest of the game met the basic description and was generally unpolished/bugged or uninspired.
GW2: ArenaNet talks about the philosophy behind their game, gives detail explanation of games systems, provides ample demo time for both press and gamers, shows polished content from all areas of the game (low level, high level, dungeons, PvP, etc).
See the difference? ArenaNet actually provides evidence of their promises, while other MMO companies have mislead or straight up lied to their prospective customers.
i agree, many people dont relize that they may not be the ones companing, but there will always be people who will.
My hype for Guild Wars 2 is based solely on my play experiences at the last two PAX Primes.
Stay Alert! Trust No One! Keep Your Laser Handy!
Yellow Clearance Black Box Blues!
Honestly, I think this game has as much of a chance to attract all MMORPG fans as any other. The reason being is that it will be available at all major retailers. Wal-Mart, EB Games, GameStop, etc. I mean really how much competition does it have retail wise. I know from personal experience when i got to a store for a new game there are only a few choices available, and I own most of them. So one day when I or others are bored they are going to go to the game section and look around and realize, this is the only new game on the shelve that i don't already own. The fact that it is a B2P increases the chances even more. Now a far as the digital purchases go I couldn't tell you, because I am a fan of getting the games I play in store and not online. Maybe that is just an american thing though, who knows. I agree that WoW deffinitly expanded the market and now there is a masssive amount of MMO players, ironic...
"People are stupid; given proper motivation, almost anyone will believe almost anything. Because people are stupid, they will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true. People's heads are full of knowledge, facts, and beliefs, and most of it is false, yet they think it all true. People are stupid; they can only rarely tell the difference between a lie and the truth, and yet they are confident they can, and so are all the easier to fool."
Last time I checked the things that I care are in the game
So no, I don't think I will be disappointed by the lack of those things...
"It has potential"
-Second most used phrase on existence
"It sucks"
-Most used phrase on existence
There's always people who overhype and get dissapointed but for me the things GW2 fixes I have complained about since I started playing mmo's (wow in 2003 or so, Beta) or well maybe not outright complained then but had a nagging feeling in the back of my head saying "this is rather poor design" but I was ok with it since I was oblivious to any better way.
So what the OP is trying to say is that GW2 is impossible. The OP is trying to say the developers cannot make GW2 the way they said they were going to make it. The gaming world is fictional therefore the gaming universe makes anything possible.
If I want cows that poop peppermints in a video game I can have it because I can create it out of programming and visual design. There is no limitation to a game. The only limitation is the mind of the developer.
-I am here to perform logic
I gotta say it's kinda annoying that GW2 fans are always being thought of as fanatical about this game and we're all drinking the kool aid. The truth is, we're not here trying to convince anyone this game is great, we're just confident it's going to be good, and when it is out let the game speak for itself. If a lot of people don't wanna leave their gaming comfort zone that they're used to that's their choice. But those looking for a new expereince will find something great in GW2.
As a person that's gotten hands on expereince with it in a demo, I can honestly say that it's more fun than swtors combat and story. In fact swtors big draw being the voice acting, is more of a hinderance to my expereince. I found it to be overbearing and a lot of quests didn't gain any significant immersion because of it. The action in GW2 is always moving and fast. For me the only credible arguement against this game right now would be from a person that doesn't have fast reflexes and is getting up there in age.(No offense meant old timers.)
I have to disagree with the notion that "GW2 is overhyped".
I know what to expect and don't believe GW2 to be the perfect mmo.
There are things I would like to change and that I think are mistakes.
Philosophy of MMO Game Design
If TOR proves anything people ignore facts posted everywhere and make up their own reality. GW2 not being released is doing more damage to the genre then it is worth right now. They need to drop it and see what and how it affects the genre.
Everybody does realize that is GW2 releases and is just a smash success and lives up to these promises it brings into question the sub model of quite a few top mmo's. B2P mmorpg on par with Rift/WoW/TOR is dangerous.
Hmmm. Either you never played Guild Wars 1, or you didn't understand it.
It's easy to believe Arenanet, because they did a lot of this stuff already.
PvP? Surprisingly balanced for something with a metric crapton of skills. This time around, they're designing it in a way that promotes better balance, from the beginning. Of course it won't be perfectly balanced, but there's no reason for it to not be better balanced than usual.
... and GW2 will have a grind. .. .but it'll be optional. God, you could grind the HELL out of Guild Wars. Fear the people with the GWAMMO title. :P They're going for a low power ceiling you hit quickly in a variety of ways. Max equipment can be gotten from tokens (That means 5 trips to the dungeon tops. On a dungeon with 4 paths. Anything after that is optional, player-induced grinding), crafting, WvW or just plain bought using gold or karma. Of course you'll be ABLE to grind, but at that point, it's not really for statistical progression anymore..
... and the only person I see hyping up Dynamic Events to unrealistic measurements in this topic is you. Really. You don't even seem to KNOW why people look forward to dynamic events, that people have already played them, and what seperates them from Rifts. I feel sorry for Cali59, since you appear to have him on ignore.
we seen this same defensive behavior time and time again. SWTOR, WARHAMMER,AoC, etc fans all had this same reaction to skepticism and criticism . But were the Critism of Warhammer, for example, justified after the way you see the game launched? What about for AoC and SWTOR? Why is it any different for GW2? I believe many of you are confused, and assume that GW2 is a true sequel to GW1, which it isn't. The two games are nothing alike in gameplay. The only connections that Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2 have is the ip. If you replace GW2's ip with a different ip or a brand new IP, you would never know the game was related to GUILD WARS at all!!! Just because something worked one way in GW1, doesn't mean it will work that way in GW2.
Philosophy of MMO Game Design