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I mean yes I COULD be evil, but somehow it doesn't make sense. If my Jedi became darkside, he would leave the order and go to the Empire. But... GAAAH all this PC talk, all this "oh yes, I serve all people, and all for free, no matter what WHINERS and QQers everyone is!" All this goody goodness makes me so sick after a while. Sir yes Sir, of course I help you find your lost socks, can I vacuum your rooms while I am hear because I live to serve!
Lightside Sith on the other hand is way more fun. You still can be mean now and then, it still makes SENSE, and you don't have such cheesy, goody good PC talk dialogues as Jedi!
Playing Jedi a longer time just makes me feel like I need to say something highly un-PC. Goodness.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Nobody wants to be Uncle Ben, the moisture farmer.
That's one of the reasons why I simply can't play lightside. Not to mention the black and white views of the Jedi Order.
Cluck Cluck, Gibber Gibber, My Old Mans A Mushroom
You don't really need to always pick light side choices, even if you want to play a lightside character. Sometimes a mix is good. I've made choices on my character that went against my chosen side because the decision in question required it.
If getting enough points is your concern, don't worry, it's very very easy to cap out either light or dark side. You usually get there before max level. So don't worry and make a few dark decision if the good ones don't fit what you want to do. You'll enjoy it more.
Im playing lightside on my counselor, although if u look at it from star wars lore. Luke skywalker is a grey jedi, Revan would be a grey jedi also
Then u take into account guys like kyp durron, This guy doesnt just walk on the dark side alot of his moves are still more dark side then ligh in comparision to most jedi. Hes not sith, But his choices are made mostly with his emotions not lack of i9t.
There are instances of jedi walking the dark side but not turning sith. Obi wan walked a fine line, he dated , he hung out in the lower levels of courscant gambling and what not. In tor those would e dark side chocies
If u actually look at the chocies of the jedi there dark side ones are better then the light side choices i make on my inquisitor.
my inquisitor light side choice is to kill a guy quickly vs dark side torture then kill him,
or i can choose to kill rebels, as light side or poision them so they are used as an experiment and suffer horrible pain before they die.
Wheras a jedi dark side choice is to romance someone, Vs light side to turn in his fellow padawans for having a romance. So its not like the dark side choices u get as a jedi would turn u sith.
it just means your morality compass as a jedi isnt quite as gooody goody as the light side jedi.
Everything is shifted to the lightside in the game. even sith's darkside responses aren't what I would say...I'd just kill people for wasting my time when I could've been increasing my power and hatred
But...there is a achievement/title for going full Dark/Light guess you didnt know that and mixed it up before hand. For me that's a reason to go full Dark. Your choice if ya don't but I know some people remade there toon after making the wrong choice. I had the same with GW for not being killed first 20 levels, made tons of new ones cause I got careless at lvl 18 or 19.
I read somewhere(cant find the link at the moment) that they are planning on "neutral" points too somehow, with rewards etc like lightside/darkside. Would be great for BH and Smuggler
edit : found the link
Cluck Cluck, Gibber Gibber, My Old Mans A Mushroom
this is why they should never have marked the light/dark side choice.
Yup, you are right sir! In my perfect game the choices for Empire/Republic and Dark/Light should not have been made before you start. Sure you can mix dark/light but it makes no sence. For me as smugler it's even beyond why I can't trade with the empire. I am as grey as they come, i'm in it for profit no matter who is the buyer. Han Solo did bussines too with the empire or at least with persons allied to the empire. And yes a Jedi who gets trained can potentially be pursuaded to the darkside, due to personal conflicts or being brainwashed into it.
And look at Voss, you don't need to be a Jedi to be Force sensitive or even use it for good. And even as a Smuggler/Armortech I now have Empire stuff I can make but nowhere to sell it. Agents/Smugglers should have been the Grey Faction between them to act as traders, spies for both sides, and to choose 1 side when it benefits them. For instance maybe it was better for my money to ally with Empire on Balmorra, but to help Republic on Tatooine!
That's unfortunately the failing of the plus/minus "choice" systems in Bioware's games. The options tend to boil down to "goody goody" on one end, "jerk" on the other, and varying degrees of apathy and indifference in between.
THe whole locked into a faction system really doesn't help either. Starting neutral and deciding which faction to be part of based on choices, or even being able to defect later on in the game, would allow for character progression to make a lot more sense... but unfortunately that kind of freedom incredibly difficult to account for in a very static and pre-scripted game.
I was wondering what light side would be like as I haven't tried it yet. Funnily enough that's what being evil 24/7 kind of feels like. I feel stupid as just being a stupid tool for the empire and some things try to strike at my conscience.
That's not the only thing that makes jedi/sith in this game not fun for me though. Lightsabers don't cut in combat. No really cool death animations either. Plus the fact that it feels like just a carbon copy of the World of Warcraft Prot Warrior if you go tank sith warrior for me. I went back to my Bounty Hunter character because of that.
Because of this burnout, I cancelled my subscription with ten days of play left. So I started doing nothing but running warzones on my level eleven mercenary lol boy was that a mistake. People complain a lot about lowbies in the pvp warzones and claim it's only for level fifties. Oh I'm sorry I didn't even know Bioware thought that this was a cool idea to throw us in there!
I played a lot of warzones and I'm level sixteen now. Bought a whole set of level twenty gear (that I can't use) and bunches of level ten lockboxes to try and get gear and I got nothing I can really use except healing potions and some green level thirteen bracers.
PvP is really laggy for me internet wise. Some people get stuck on a corner and catapult. Knockbacks don't always work. Skills always bug out when an enemy walks out of range while the skill is in execution. One game our team was being spawn killed when I got there so I stayed in the spawn shooting down at the enemies and the game kicked me out because I didn't notice the message that says, "You must leave this protected area or you will be removed from the Warzone" (something like that). I went to the PvP forums and there are lots of complaints. One complaint I actually ran into which was on the forum was that PvP Weapon offhands don't exist for levels below level 50. I probably spent an hour searching for one. Oh well I at least bought a level fourteen mainhand blaster I guess that's all I need right? It's not like my class' dual wield ability is that important lol.
Oh well take from this what you will. That was my experience with the game. I don't feel like going back to PvE. I don't think I want to subscribe for the PvP either. I could get the same experience in WoW but at least the queues pop instantly with a single 1-50 level bracket! lol!
Maybe I'll take a break and try going back to pve questing again and try to pvp again at 20 when I can actually wear my items I bought. Also I constantly wonder while pvping as a lowbie if items even do anything? Does training an upgraded version of a skill even do anything if you already have the skill also? That isn't obvious to a newb like me to this game.
This isn't about points so much, it is about dialogues. They feel SO cheesy and cliche. I don't want to be darkside Jedi, but I don't want to be nice to every whiner and always "Oh yes sir I LOVE to help, thats what I do, all of you in your tiny, meaningless problems you can't do because YOU ARE DUMB".
When Qui-Gon stranded on Tatooine, he "didn't actually come to free slaves". And he only used Anakin because he had midichlorians. If Anakin would have been a normal kid without the Force and without any connections or skills, Qui-Gon wouldn't have cared about his fate a damn. Because Jedi do important stuff! Ok sometimes they also do small stuff. But its like every QQer of the whole galaxy comes to me, and I am always "oh yes I help for free" "can I do anything ELSE for you?", its so feeling like bootlicking and PC talk. Where is the humor, the irony, the sarcasm and still being good? I mean, even a Jedi doesn't have to be dull and servile!
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
I think the middle dialog option is usually the cocky, silly, and generally nomcommittal responses. I usually use that when I'm not in the mood to be a errand boy or outright rebel. Although I do agree, it would be nice if you could have light side options that weren't so menial in nature. I'd love to see more light side options where you have to make painful sacrifices for the greater good, or something along those lines.
Darkside choices on the republic kind of suffer this as well. Sometimes I just feel like a ass instead of some Corrupt Soldier of the republic. It's as if I'm posed with the question "Can you help me find my lunch? (lightside: Of course I'll search the entire district for your sandwich! vs darkside: No screw you, and give me your juice or else!)
Although this isn't the case all the time, mostly just the side quests.
Haven't really had this problem with Smuggler, nor BH in beta. Their decisions are typically always on the profit, hit on the girl or laugh at side of things. I've lost count how many girls he's gone to bed with (PG enough>?) at this point.
Not sure if it's just me or not but I've seen a ton of Firefly influence to the smuggler's storyline/activities.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Lol - I know what you mean. Although i'm playing a a light-side Bounty Hunter - and yes, it is very fun. However, I never get to see my outcome in flashpoints
I completely agree, I could never identify with my Jedi character because of this. It really seems like you have a choice between stupid good or stupid evil and that's really it. You are either dudley do-right or a senseless sociopath that always take the dickish option just "for the evulz." Same thing with playing a dark side Sith.
The only thing I really identified with was playing a light side Empire character. I felt like here's a guy that got forced into a really bad situation but he's basically a good person and tries to find the "least evil" resolution to the problems life throws at him, even though that can be very difficult.
Are you team Azeroth, team Tyria, or team Jacob?
This is a game design problem... Star Wars doesn't fit into a Theme Park game and sadly BioWare will discover that the hard way.
It's my opinion that the Empire dialogue and choices feel better by a considerable amount. My scoundrel does have some okay lines, especially when he's taking more of those 'middle' options instead of the light or dark options all the time. I kind of agree that the 'stupid evil' and 'stupid good' is clear here. If you wanted to play a 'smart' evil Sith, you'd probably end up neutral or even some lightside due to some of the choices.
It helps if you turn off the marking of light/darkside choices. I believe it's somewhere in the preferences menu. I find that without the choices clearly marked, I can focus more on picking the response that I feel fits that character. Even if they are limited, it's made me like the dialogue a little more because I'm more focused on picking a reasonable line instead of fishing for points. BW said they are going to implement 'gray' gear for neutral characters just like they have LS/DS vendors, so relics should even be available to you if you go this way soon enough.
Oh, good. thanks for the info. I thought I was gonna be told what my choices effected based on what was said earlier in the thread.
I'm currently playing Fallout 3 and Oblivion and some of the Good/Bad choices stuff is really screwed up.
For example:
In FO3 I killed the "Family" and rescued the boy but taking their stuff is stealing? They're dead, who am I stealing from?
In Oblivion: I did the Paranoia quest with Glarthair(?) and killed him when he attacked me, but I can't take anything from his house because it's stealing??? He's dead, who am I stealing from. The game doesn't take into account who attacked who.
Sounds like SWOTOR also has a few of these issues.
I sort of imagine my Jedi as a guy who wants to work for the Republic but thinks the Jedi order itself is impotent. I can choose mostly dark choices that way, but not all. If you choose all dark then there really is no back-story that makes sense. I also find it interesting that sometimes the light choices aren't "good" so much as "republican lackey" choices, which kinda sucks since the game makes it clear in all story lines that the Republic actually is so politically amoral and disfunctional it makes the US Congress look like a shining beacon of morality.
Playing Jedi as pure light, on the other hand, is just boring. Leave it to Bioware to be incapable of writing a good guy into a game.
I figured it'd be awesome if you had an Anakin type story lol, but oh my lawd the drama with your guild and friends would be crazy yet amussing nonetheless lol.
I might get banned for this. - Rizel Star.
I'm not afraid to tell trolls what they [need] to hear, even if that means for me to have an forced absence afterwards.
P2P LOGIC = If it's P2P it means longevity, overall better game, and THE BEST SUPPORT EVER!!!!!(Which has been rinsed and repeated about a thousand times)
Common Sense Logic = P2P logic is no better than F2P Logic.
haha! That's kind of how I'm trying to go about it. I'm all about justice and fighting for the little guy (which Anakin didn't do in the end.) I think I've picked about 3 light choices in that framework up through level 20 something. I never thought of guild drama, though! That could be fun if you had enough rpers in the guild.
This is what I had to say about some of the Jedi Consular missions from my blog.
"You say we’re suppose to be heroes of our own story, yet you force us to do silly, lowly quest that any nearby peon should be doing. I do not think a Jedi is to high and mighty to clean toilets, but to have to clean toilet after toilet...please. If I wanted to be the hero of cleaning toilets I’d would have asked you to put in a janitorial class. Do you get what I am saying here? "
So I know what you are saying and I felt the same way while playing my Consular.