Numbers will drop, happens with all games. Thing is, watch those numbers curve over the next few months. The number will drop, its how much it drops that counts over time, not just instantly first month.
Probably going to get in trouble for this in some way, but that might just be one of the "whitest" comments I've ever seen.
A guy who at 3 AM in the morning on a Star Wars gaming forum talking about "haters" with an unmistakable Eastern European syntax, using smileys, and somehow getting it all wrong in an a way that's kind of just uncomfortable for the reader.
You remind me a bit of my 60 year old female boss from New Jersey who always insist on Hi-Fivin' the African-American staff whenever they do something good, but nobody else...
That's pretty insultive, and kinda racist. Are you saying that a black person couldn't be on a Star Wars forum at 3am (from your post I figure your dumb enough to think "hater" is a black people term so I'm just assuming here)? Do you know my work schedule? Isn't it Saturday?
Juding form your comment and your syntax, I'd say you you represent everything that is wrong with racism in this country. Could it possibly be that I'm so comfortable with myself and my interaction with people of other ethnicities that I just don't give a fuck how I come across? Do I sound too "white" for you? Fuck you.
My best friend of over 15 years is from the Caribbean. I grew up in prodominatly black neighborhoods for most of my childhood. The biggest Star Wars nerd I know is Jamaican (he seriously put up star wars wallpaper all over his apartment).
I'll high five who ever the fuck I want regardless of their skin color. Maybe your 60 year old boss just doesn't hi-five you because your a racist douche bag,
Oh, but it was "insultive" and "kinda" racist. "Your" right... and yes... I am dumb enough to think that "hater" was originally a "black people term" (much like "bling", "homeboy", and women calling eachother "girlfriend" for what it's worth. I'm just horrible...). Perhaps I got that wrong and it originated out of some coastal town in upstate Maine somewhere. 'My apologies. Didn't mean to be hatin'.
Either way.... Also didn't mean any insult to you, Jamaican people, or for that matter Caribbean's of any kind. Point conceded. U's right. Hater's be haitin', and failer's be a failin'. Or whatever the fuck nonsense you said to pretend to make a point.
You also seem to be predjudice against women, the elderly, people form new jersey and hi-fives.
If you think that slang orgininated or is somehow all-inclusive to the black community you are sorely wrong. Yes I spelled "you're" wrong.
My point was made, you responded with another deragatory and insultive post, proving you are a racist douche who lives with your head up your ass.
No wonder you don't get any high fives.
Dude.... You spell everything wrong for what it's worth, but good job on picking up on the "you're".
Whatever... I just always find it funny and like to call people out on it when they use "net-bonics" to try to make some kind of statement. As though calling people "haters" is going to somehow drive home whatever lack of a point you were pretending to convey, but either way... For shits and giggles.... Since I obviously failed to pick up on it.... When you so eloquently stated that "Haters still trying, still faililng:. What exactly were you trying to say?, and while we're on the subject.... Since you seem to konw... Please educate me.... If not out of black hip-hop, where do you think the term "hater" originated? I'm seriously curious here.
Also... if you find it racist that I think it's sheer comedy that net-gangsta's such as yourself like to throw 90's black slang around on Star Wars forums at 3 PM at night then that's on you man. My concience is pretty clear....
I wasn't going to post on this , however its 5am, im black and thats why we came up with new words? Cause of certain people trying to copy them and using them wrong. Also people usually speak how the rest of thier community does regardless of what time it is. GET BACK ON TOPIC & STOP BAITING.
Probably going to get in trouble for this in some way, but that might just be one of the "whitest" comments I've ever seen.
A guy who at 3 AM in the morning on a Star Wars gaming forum talking about "haters" with an unmistakable Eastern European syntax, using smileys, and somehow getting it all wrong in an a way that's kind of just uncomfortable for the reader.
You remind me a bit of my 60 year old female boss from New Jersey who always insist on Hi-Fivin' the African-American staff whenever they do something good, but nobody else...
That's pretty insultive, and kinda racist. Are you saying that a black person couldn't be on a Star Wars forum at 3am (from your post I figure your dumb enough to think "hater" is a black people term so I'm just assuming here)? Do you know my work schedule? Isn't it Saturday?
Juding form your comment and your syntax, I'd say you you represent everything that is wrong with racism in this country. Could it possibly be that I'm so comfortable with myself and my interaction with people of other ethnicities that I just don't give a fuck how I come across? Do I sound too "white" for you? Fuck you.
My best friend of over 15 years is from the Caribbean. I grew up in prodominatly black neighborhoods for most of my childhood. The biggest Star Wars nerd I know is Jamaican (he seriously put up star wars wallpaper all over his apartment).
I'll high five who ever the fuck I want regardless of their skin color. Maybe your 60 year old boss just doesn't hi-five you because your a racist douche bag,
Oh, but it was "insultive" and "kinda" racist. "Your" right... and yes... I am dumb enough to think that "hater" was originally a "black people term" (much like "bling", "homeboy", and women calling eachother "girlfriend" for what it's worth. I'm just horrible...). Perhaps I got that wrong and it originated out of some coastal town in upstate Maine somewhere. 'My apologies. Didn't mean to be hatin'.
Either way.... Also didn't mean any insult to you, Jamaican people, or for that matter Caribbean's of any kind. Point conceded. U's right. Hater's be haitin', and failer's be a failin'. Or whatever the fuck nonsense you said to pretend to make a point.
You also seem to be predjudice against women, the elderly, people form new jersey and hi-fives.
If you think that slang orgininated or is somehow all-inclusive to the black community you are sorely wrong. Yes I spelled "you're" wrong.
My point was made, you responded with another deragatory and insultive post, proving you are a racist douche who lives with your head up your ass.
No wonder you don't get any high fives.
Dude.... You spell everything wrong for what it's worth, but good job on picking up on the "you're".
Whatever... I just always find it funny and like to call people out on it when they use "net-bonics" to try to make some kind of statement. As though calling people "haters" is going to somehow drive home whatever lack of a point you were pretending to convey, but either way... For shits and giggles.... Since I obviously failed to pick up on it.... When you so eloquently stated that "Haters still trying, still failing". What exactlywere you trying to say?", and while we're on the subject... Since you seem to know... Please educate me... If not out of black hip-hop, where do you think the term "hater" originate? I'm seriously curious here.
Also... if you find it racist that I think it's sheer comedy that net-gangsta's such as yourself like to throw 90's black slang around on Star Wars forums at 3 PM at night, then that's on you man. My concience is pretty clear....
Calling out my spelling still doesn't prove your point. Callin me a "net-gangster", and your overall tone proves yet again you are an ignorant shit head.
Nice try at redeeming yourself by calling out my grammatical errors.
Oh, and btw ..... .... ...... .... ....... ......
What if I said "Fanbois still trying, still failing"?
I have no idea where the term "haters" came from. Does it matter?
I see it mostly used on video game forums.
A computer game was the topic, you're the one who pulled the race card my friend.
Just logged on and there is a handfull of servers at FULL, about 1/3 HEAVY, and the rest STANDARD.
So all you haters told us to wait until the free month is up and that would be the true test of SWTOR'S success.
Well the free month is up....looks like the hate team was wrong yet again.
You claimed that the population would dwindle to nothing after the free month, and that the game would be f2p by summmer.
There are actually more people playing today (on my servers at least) then there was 2 weeks ago.
Maybe now you can stop the hate, move on to over-hypeing the next game, and then pounce on it with your anger and hatred because it didn't meet the astronamical expections you came up with in your own mind.
But I know....the players are wrong, the critics are wrong, and you extremely small (yet very vocal) community of hate breeders are right and this game is epic fail.
Now go photoshop a SWTOR logo on a picture of the titanic or something equally as ludicrus if it makes you feel better.
Wow man, sure told all of us "haters". Next time please throw a "go back to wow" comment in there for the fanboi cherry on top. Who could argue with such hard numbers and facts as you provided - clearly there is no one leaving and the game is a masterpiece.
"There is snow and its cold outside, therefore global warming is a hox and they are wrong about it!"
Translated OPs response into a generalized one about global warming anyone can understand.
If I were to make a post about global warming it wouldn't be while I was drunk on a video game forum. Global warming matters, the life and death of star wars online does not.
I in no way believe that global warming is a hox (cool word btw, seriously).
Saying there is a mass exodus out of swtor is a hox and simply not true.
Myabe a small decline in popualtion sure, but not a MASS EXODUS.
Probably going to get in trouble for this in some way, but that might just be one of the "whitest" comments I've ever seen.
A guy who at 3 AM in the morning on a Star Wars gaming forum talking about "haters" with an unmistakable Eastern European syntax, using smileys, and somehow getting it all wrong in an a way that's kind of just uncomfortable for the reader.
You remind me a bit of my 60 year old female boss from New Jersey who always insist on Hi-Fivin' the African-American staff whenever they do something good, but nobody else...
That's pretty insultive, and kinda racist. Are you saying that a black person couldn't be on a Star Wars forum at 3am (from your post I figure your dumb enough to think "hater" is a black people term so I'm just assuming here)? Do you know my work schedule? Isn't it Saturday?
Juding form your comment and your syntax, I'd say you you represent everything that is wrong with racism in this country. Could it possibly be that I'm so comfortable with myself and my interaction with people of other ethnicities that I just don't give a fuck how I come across? Do I sound too "white" for you? Fuck you.
My best friend of over 15 years is from the Caribbean. I grew up in prodominatly black neighborhoods for most of my childhood. The biggest Star Wars nerd I know is Jamaican (he seriously put up star wars wallpaper all over his apartment).
I'll high five who ever the fuck I want regardless of their skin color. Maybe your 60 year old boss just doesn't hi-five you because your a racist douche bag,
Oh, but it was "insultive" and "kinda" racist. "Your" right... and yes... I am dumb enough to think that "hater" was originally a "black people term" (much like "bling", "homeboy", and women calling eachother "girlfriend" for what it's worth. I'm just horrible...). Perhaps I got that wrong and it originated out of some coastal town in upstate Maine somewhere. 'My apologies. Didn't mean to be hatin'.
Either way.... Also didn't mean any insult to you, Jamaican people, or for that matter Caribbean's of any kind. Point conceded. U's right. Hater's be haitin', and failer's be a failin'. Or whatever the fuck nonsense you said to pretend to make a point.
You also seem to be predjudice against women, the elderly, people form new jersey and hi-fives.
If you think that slang orgininated or is somehow all-inclusive to the black community you are sorely wrong. Yes I spelled "you're" wrong.
My point was made, you responded with another deragatory and insultive post, proving you are a racist douche who lives with your head up your ass.
No wonder you don't get any high fives.
Dude.... You spell everything wrong for what it's worth, but good job on picking up on the "you're".
Whatever... I just always find it funny and like to call people out on it when they use "net-bonics" to try to make some kind of statement. As though calling people "haters" is going to somehow drive home whatever lack of a point you were pretending to convey, but either way... For shits and giggles.... Since I obviously failed to pick up on it.... When you so eloquently stated that "Haters still trying, still failing". What exactlywere you trying to say?", and while we're on the subject... Since you seem to know... Please educate me... If not out of black hip-hop, where do you think the term "hater" originate? I'm seriously curious here.
Also... if you find it racist that I think it's sheer comedy that net-gangsta's such as yourself like to throw 90's black slang around on Star Wars forums at 3 PM at night, then that's on you man. My concience is pretty clear....
Calling out my spelling still doesn't prove your point. Callin me a "net-gangster", and your overall tone proves yet again you are an ignorant shit head.
Nice try at redeeming yourself by calling out my grammatical errors.
Oh, and btw ..... .... ...... .... ....... ......
What if I said "Fanbois still trying, still failing"?
I have no idea where the term "haters" came from. Does it matter?
I see it mostly used on video game forums.
A computer game was the topic, you're the one who pulled the race card my friend.
You stated that I was ignorant and racist for thinking that the term"haters" was a "black" term originated in 90's Hip Hop. Now you claim to have no idea where it came from. Why would you call me out as a racist when you really have no idea? Sounds like you're the ignorant one, my friend.
If you had stated that "Fanbois still trying, still failing" it would still have been a completley idiotic and pointless post, but you would have sounded like slightly less of a moron and I probably wouldnt have called you out on it. If you plan on making more posts in the "haters gonna hate" spirit in the future, I'd definitly stick to the "fanbois gonna fanboi...." or whatever.
"You pulled the race card"..... Wtf is wrong with you? Stop blurting out shit you don't understand. You make yourself look like a complete fuckin fool.
On topic, my server is still rocking. The freak show that is general chat inthe fleet was scrolling by at ridiculous speeds today. I must say, my server has some very high quality trolls.
Anyways, of course there will be decline. Pay wall's have a way of doing that.
I'll say that if this were any other game, the drop right now would be greater than it will actually be. The bugs alone would be enough to ensure that.
I think a lot of people (like me) will give them a pass on this stuff because of the IP and it being Bioware and general enjoyment of the game. That will only go so far though, they really need to smooth out the issues quickly.
My point is, I think the normal mmo drop off might happen later that usual, and only if Bioware doesn't keep up on fixes and content.
Just logged on and there is a handfull of servers at FULL, about 1/3 HEAVY, and the rest STANDARD.
So all you haters told us to wait until the free month is up and that would be the true test of SWTOR'S success.
Well the free month is up....looks like the hate team was wrong yet again.
You claimed that the population would dwindle to nothing after the free month, and that the game would be f2p by summmer.
There are actually more people playing today (on my servers at least) then there was 2 weeks ago.
Maybe now you can stop the hate, move on to over-hypeing the next game, and then pounce on it with your anger and hatred because it didn't meet the astronamical expections you came up with in your own mind.
But I know....the players are wrong, the critics are wrong, and you extremely small (yet very vocal) community of hate breeders are right and this game is epic fail.
Now go photoshop a SWTOR logo on a picture of the titanic or something equally as ludicrus if it makes you feel better.
Wow man, sure told all of us "haters". Next time please throw a "go back to wow" comment in there for the fanboi cherry on top. Who could argue with such hard numbers and facts as you provided - clearly there is no one leaving and the game is a masterpiece.
Why would I tell you to "go back to WoW"? That would be pretty mean, it would be like telling someone to go take a vacation to Detroit in Febuary.
Anyways, all jokes aside, clearly there are people leaving. And clearly there are people coming.
Again, there is no MASS EXODUS, a term I'm pulling from a multitude of bash threads I've seen on this very website.
Why is it that the creator of the original Mass Exodus thread didn't get "called out" for intentional baiting, but this poster did?
There's an incredible double standard happening on this board. They're both guilty.
And it's about time that the bait-counter-bait just stopped. Please give us this message board back, some day.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
Today around 9 PM EST more than half the servers were "heavy". Some of them with 20 min queues. And only 3 light servers. This game is hardly dying lol. If anything it gained some players in some servers since server cap was increased due to long queue times. I think this game will do well. With more stuff coming march it will do allright. I can easily see this game hold a 1 mil-1.5 mil subs. This game has the most dedicated fan base i have seen in a MMO.
I dont know why anyone would think that after the first 30 days the game would be empty of people. At 60 bucks for the box (or 150.00 for the CE) I'm sure a lot of people will try to like the game and sub for a few months at least. You would also have to take in to consideration that not everyone levels as fast so the people that might quit once they hit end game may not have even reached that point yet. Sure there will be those that don't come back after the free 30 days there always is in every MMO. I say give the game at least 3 months and see where it is headed.
Probably going to get in trouble for this in some way, but that might just be one of the "whitest" comments I've ever seen.
A guy who at 3 AM in the morning on a Star Wars gaming forum talking about "haters" with an unmistakable Eastern European syntax, using smileys, and somehow getting it all wrong in an a way that's kind of just uncomfortable for the reader.
You remind me a bit of my 60 year old female boss from New Jersey who always insist on Hi-Fivin' the African-American staff whenever they do something good, but nobody else...
That's pretty insultive, and kinda racist. Are you saying that a black person couldn't be on a Star Wars forum at 3am (from your post I figure your dumb enough to think "hater" is a black people term so I'm just assuming here)? Do you know my work schedule? Isn't it Saturday?
Juding form your comment and your syntax, I'd say you you represent everything that is wrong with racism in this country. Could it possibly be that I'm so comfortable with myself and my interaction with people of other ethnicities that I just don't give a fuck how I come across? Do I sound too "white" for you? Fuck you.
My best friend of over 15 years is from the Caribbean. I grew up in prodominatly black neighborhoods for most of my childhood. The biggest Star Wars nerd I know is Jamaican (he seriously put up star wars wallpaper all over his apartment).
I'll high five who ever the fuck I want regardless of their skin color. Maybe your 60 year old boss just doesn't hi-five you because your a racist douche bag,
Oh, but it was "insultive" and "kinda" racist. "Your" right... and yes... I am dumb enough to think that "hater" was originally a "black people term" (much like "bling", "homeboy", and women calling eachother "girlfriend" for what it's worth. I'm just horrible...). Perhaps I got that wrong and it originated out of some coastal town in upstate Maine somewhere. 'My apologies. Didn't mean to be hatin'.
Either way.... Also didn't mean any insult to you, Jamaican people, or for that matter Caribbean's of any kind. Point conceded. U's right. Hater's be haitin', and failer's be a failin'. Or whatever the fuck nonsense you said to pretend to make a point.
You also seem to be predjudice against women, the elderly, people form new jersey and hi-fives.
If you think that slang orgininated or is somehow all-inclusive to the black community you are sorely wrong. Yes I spelled "you're" wrong.
My point was made, you responded with another deragatory and insultive post, proving you are a racist douche who lives with your head up your ass.
No wonder you don't get any high fives.
Dude.... You spell everything wrong for what it's worth, but good job on picking up on the "you're".
Whatever... I just always find it funny and like to call people out on it when they use "net-bonics" to try to make some kind of statement. As though calling people "haters" is going to somehow drive home whatever lack of a point you were pretending to convey, but either way... For shits and giggles.... Since I obviously failed to pick up on it.... When you so eloquently stated that "Haters still trying, still failing". What exactlywere you trying to say?", and while we're on the subject... Since you seem to know... Please educate me... If not out of black hip-hop, where do you think the term "hater" originate? I'm seriously curious here.
Also... if you find it racist that I think it's sheer comedy that net-gangsta's such as yourself like to throw 90's black slang around on Star Wars forums at 3 PM at night, then that's on you man. My concience is pretty clear....
Calling out my spelling still doesn't prove your point. Callin me a "net-gangster", and your overall tone proves yet again you are an ignorant shit head.
Nice try at redeeming yourself by calling out my grammatical errors.
Oh, and btw ..... .... ...... .... ....... ......
What if I said "Fanbois still trying, still failing"?
I have no idea where the term "haters" came from. Does it matter?
I see it mostly used on video game forums.
A computer game was the topic, you're the one who pulled the race card my friend.
You stated that I was ignorant and racist for thinking that the term"haters" was a "black" term originated in 90's Hip Hop. Now you claim to have no idea where it came from. Why would you call me out as a racist when you really have no idea? Sounds like you're the ignorant one, my friend.
If you had stated that "Fanbois still trying, still failing" it would still have been a completley idiotic and pointless post, but you would have sounded like slightly less of a moron and I probably wouldnt have called you out on it. If you plan on making more posts in the "haters gonna hate" spirit in the future, I'd definitly stick to the "fanbois gonna fanboi...." or whatever.
"You pulled the race card"..... Wtf is wrong with you? Stop blurting out shit you don't understand. You make yourself look like a complete fuckin fool.
Sorry, but already lost with your original post. Give it up.
No, I have no idea where "haters" originated. Probably form some shitty pop music song. I picked it up on the internet and I don't think i've ever said the word aloud, or heard anyone say it in person (including the many black people people I work, live and play with).
The original post is obviously toungue in cheek. Anti-comedy maybe.
You called me out to be some ignorant "white" boy. you proved you are the ignorant one.
it's still weekend so you wont feel it until monday. give it 2 days, you'll see it yourself. as I said, 23rd is the ay to look at. which of course sites wont track until early 24th.
Are you sure this is a viable source? There are just players shown who use Xfire.
wow to the person who posted this thread I have much respect for you. As I have had to read thread and post left and right over how much people hate this game and it How many were just jumping on a bandwagon. Of course pointing out these people and showing there flaws tended to lead to a few personal bans in my case, But still. two thumbs bro....
As for the rest of the degeneration of this thread really wow I so didnt see this happening.(Sarcasam)
Is every "this is why this game blows" thread not a bait as well?
May as well throw some positivity into the mix.
Often, yes. Universally, no.
In my personal opinion, the time for trolling away at this game is over, but we'll still have people doing it for at least a few more years. (People still troll away at WoW's opening, once in a great while, even though it opened in 2004!)
Obsessive/compulsive? Or just a lack of anything more meaningful to say?
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
We're the dumping ground for people who can't / won't dump on the SWTOR board.
It's fun to be the garbage collection site
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
I actually like it like this man/woman, its more like on episode 4 where your were the few and the chosen. Even in KotOR it was like you were like 1/30 jedi vrs Unknown sith. Also it really is a good game for what it is. I like to get on these forums to unwind from pvp or, see whats happening with other games. This game will continue to do good for one reason. I live in WV there are barly any video games with commercials unless they are AAA. There are currently 2 mmo comercials one with Wow and chuck norris, and SWtOR. So even thou i get on here and rage about bad customer support and liniarity, imma still play when there is new content/ more storyline.
Numbers will drop, happens with all games. Thing is, watch those numbers curve over the next few months. The number will drop, its how much it drops that counts over time, not just instantly first month.
I wasn't going to post on this , however its 5am, im black and thats why we came up with new words? Cause of certain people trying to copy them and using them wrong. Also people usually speak how the rest of thier community does regardless of what time it is. GET BACK ON TOPIC & STOP BAITING.
Calling out my spelling still doesn't prove your point. Callin me a "net-gangster", and your overall tone proves yet again you are an ignorant shit head.
Nice try at redeeming yourself by calling out my grammatical errors.
Oh, and btw ..... .... ...... .... ....... ......
What if I said "Fanbois still trying, still failing"?
I have no idea where the term "haters" came from. Does it matter?
I see it mostly used on video game forums.
A computer game was the topic, you're the one who pulled the race card my friend.
"There is snow and its cold outside, therefore global warming is a hox and they are wrong about it!"
Translated OPs response into a generalized one about global warming anyone can understand.
Wow man, sure told all of us "haters". Next time please throw a "go back to wow" comment in there for the fanboi cherry on top. Who could argue with such hard numbers and facts as you provided - clearly there is no one leaving and the game is a masterpiece.
If I were to make a post about global warming it wouldn't be while I was drunk on a video game forum. Global warming matters, the life and death of star wars online does not.
I in no way believe that global warming is a hox (cool word btw, seriously).
Saying there is a mass exodus out of swtor is a hox and simply not true.
Myabe a small decline in popualtion sure, but not a MASS EXODUS.
You stated that I was ignorant and racist for thinking that the term"haters" was a "black" term originated in 90's Hip Hop. Now you claim to have no idea where it came from. Why would you call me out as a racist when you really have no idea? Sounds like you're the ignorant one, my friend.
If you had stated that "Fanbois still trying, still failing" it would still have been a completley idiotic and pointless post, but you would have sounded like slightly less of a moron and I probably wouldnt have called you out on it. If you plan on making more posts in the "haters gonna hate" spirit in the future, I'd definitly stick to the "fanbois gonna fanboi...." or whatever.
"You pulled the race card"..... Wtf is wrong with you? Stop blurting out shit you don't understand. You make yourself look like a complete fuckin fool.
On topic, my server is still rocking. The freak show that is general chat inthe fleet was scrolling by at ridiculous speeds today. I must say, my server has some very high quality trolls.
Anyways, of course there will be decline. Pay wall's have a way of doing that.
I'll say that if this were any other game, the drop right now would be greater than it will actually be. The bugs alone would be enough to ensure that.
I think a lot of people (like me) will give them a pass on this stuff because of the IP and it being Bioware and general enjoyment of the game. That will only go so far though, they really need to smooth out the issues quickly.
My point is, I think the normal mmo drop off might happen later that usual, and only if Bioware doesn't keep up on fixes and content.
Shadow's Hand Guild
Open recruitment for
The Secret World - Dragons
Planetside 2 - Terran Republic
Tera - Dragonfall Server
Why would I tell you to "go back to WoW"? That would be pretty mean, it would be like telling someone to go take a vacation to Detroit in Febuary.
Anyways, all jokes aside, clearly there are people leaving. And clearly there are people coming.
Again, there is no MASS EXODUS, a term I'm pulling from a multitude of bash threads I've seen on this very website.
Why is it that the creator of the original Mass Exodus thread didn't get "called out" for intentional baiting, but this poster did?
There's an incredible double standard happening on this board. They're both guilty.
And it's about time that the bait-counter-bait just stopped. Please give us this message board back, some day.
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
Today around 9 PM EST more than half the servers were "heavy". Some of them with 20 min queues. And only 3 light servers. This game is hardly dying lol. If anything it gained some players in some servers since server cap was increased due to long queue times. I think this game will do well. With more stuff coming march it will do allright. I can easily see this game hold a 1 mil-1.5 mil subs. This game has the most dedicated fan base i have seen in a MMO.
Currently Playing: SSFIV AE, SFxTekken, SWTOR, WoW. Waiting for: GW2, Resident Evil 6.
Agreed, but it doesn't make it right.
I dont know why anyone would think that after the first 30 days the game would be empty of people. At 60 bucks for the box (or 150.00 for the CE) I'm sure a lot of people will try to like the game and sub for a few months at least. You would also have to take in to consideration that not everyone levels as fast so the people that might quit once they hit end game may not have even reached that point yet. Sure there will be those that don't come back after the free 30 days there always is in every MMO. I say give the game at least 3 months and see where it is headed.
Sorry, but already lost with your original post. Give it up.
No, I have no idea where "haters" originated. Probably form some shitty pop music song. I picked it up on the internet and I don't think i've ever said the word aloud, or heard anyone say it in person (including the many black people people I work, live and play with).
The original post is obviously toungue in cheek. Anti-comedy maybe.
You called me out to be some ignorant "white" boy. you proved you are the ignorant one.
Is every "this is why this game blows" thread not a bait as well?
May as well throw some positivity into the mix.
Are you sure this is a viable source? There are just players shown who use Xfire.
It's something. Better than nothing.
wow to the person who posted this thread I have much respect for you. As I have had to read thread and post left and right over how much people hate this game and it How many were just jumping on a bandwagon. Of course pointing out these people and showing there flaws tended to lead to a few personal bans in my case, But still. two thumbs bro....
As for the rest of the degeneration of this thread really wow I so didnt see this happening.(Sarcasam)
Often, yes. Universally, no.
In my personal opinion, the time for trolling away at this game is over, but we'll still have people doing it for at least a few more years. (People still troll away at WoW's opening, once in a great while, even though it opened in 2004!)
Obsessive/compulsive? Or just a lack of anything more meaningful to say?
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
Aren't the hate community the Sith?
Sorry no sir, I am republic
Couldn't resist sorry >.>
I find it funny that people are resorting to useing "analyst" quotes to defend the pop drop in that link.
Wow...So takin out of context im glad the other guy got it.
Joke it was, Personal you take it
Which message board it on was?
We're the dumping ground for people who can't / won't dump on the SWTOR board.
It's fun to be the garbage collection site
Self-pity imprisons us in the walls of our own self-absorption. The whole world shrinks down to the size of our problem, and the more we dwell on it, the smaller we are and the larger the problem seems to grow.
Well goodnight guys and gals, it's been fun
I actually like it like this man/woman, its more like on episode 4 where your were the few and the chosen. Even in KotOR it was like you were like 1/30 jedi vrs Unknown sith. Also it really is a good game for what it is. I like to get on these forums to unwind from pvp or, see whats happening with other games. This game will continue to do good for one reason. I live in WV there are barly any video games with commercials unless they are AAA. There are currently 2 mmo comercials one with Wow and chuck norris, and SWtOR. So even thou i get on here and rage about bad customer support and liniarity, imma still play when there is new content/ more storyline.