Just like AoC, SWTOR and a few other games, Rift is a great game...for about 3 months. Alt replayability is out the window and the endgame is the exact same we've seen in WoW, Lotro and so on for the last 8 years. Personally it's not enough to make me "love" the game. I consider Rift a nice "go back and check out for a month" type of game. Second rate MMO up there with EQ2, Lotro, AoC and SWTOR. Third rate MMOs are where you don't want to be so they have that going for them, ;D. Maybe when it doubles in size and add's a whole new leveling path for alts and adds different mechanics to endgame that lean toward sandboxish ideals, then it might become a first rate MMO for me.
Trion as a developer however, I respect immensely and am constantly watching what they do and am always impressed. Impressed enough to consider always trying any of their products, like their other 2 upcoming games.
Just unsubbed from SWTOR, and went back to check out RIFT. I was there at launch etc.
What TRION has done is amazing.....Just flat out awesome. THIS IS HOW YOU DO MMOS. TAKE A NOTE BIO. If you like mmos, check it out. You have nothing to lose.
And no, im not a paid advertiser haha. Look at my posting history.....
No thank you, i like what Bioware did. If they did MMO the way Rift did we would have small maps with mobs sprinkled like salt and two starter areas. I am not saying SWTOR is exapnsive in nature but Rift is even more limited and has worse end game gear grind since days of WOW.
No thank you.
As I understand MMO to mean playing WITH other people, SWTOR didn't really fill that role more than marginally. Great Cut Scenes, big open spaces you can't explore...and hideous interface..that part it nailed.
The two don't really compare when you start talking about MMO's though. Rift picks it up and walks away when it comes to group content. I wouldn't mind a bit more flavor if I'm reduced to questing, but watching cut-scenes every 10 seconds is a bit overkill.
What is this group content? end game dungeon grind and rift groups where people appear out of bushes and disappear once the rifts are closed? not a single world is said by anyone, no strategy, just whack everythign that moves and go your own way, it is like playing solo with bunch of people surrounding you. I leveled in RIFT solo all the way to level cap and gave up after the insane gear grind which puts WOW to shame.
In SWTOR i have grouped more in first 20 levels than i did in Rift's 50 levels.
Comparing grouping for instances with the groups that "appear out of bushes" for Rifts is dishonest, also do you really feel that Rifts need a strategy???
QFT. SW:TOR is least massively multiplayer on the market, more akin to a single-player rpg/ corpg that charges an absurd $15/month for single-player rpf lobby-system content.
This dishonest portrayal of SW:TOR being more massively-multiplayer will continue from Ad Revenue sites within their misleading reviews because, well, it fits within their Ad Revenue business model to attract more Ads.
And aside from that, there is no question that the community-centric, ope-world Dynamic events that Trion has interjected into the genre, advancing upon the Dynamic event system that had been seen with another game or 2, far surpasses anything community-centric that the single-player cinematic-centric studio that Bioware has with TOR.
Not to mention the dynamic massively-multiplayer grouping system that uagments and supports more organic and multiplayer involvement versus standing in a TOR lobby shouting lfg for a 4-person flash-point that one with much less expectations on game-play continously shouts-out for to run through that same exact static content over and over again ad-nauseum.
Just unsubbed from SWTOR, and went back to check out RIFT. I was there at launch etc.
What TRION has done is amazing.....Just flat out awesome. THIS IS HOW YOU DO MMOS. TAKE A NOTE BIO. If you like mmos, check it out. You have nothing to lose.
And no, im not a paid advertiser haha. Look at my posting history.....
No thank you, i like what Bioware did. If they did MMO the way Rift did we would have small maps with mobs sprinkled like salt and two starter areas. I am not saying SWTOR is exapnsive in nature but Rift is even more limited and has worse end game gear grind since days of WOW.
No thank you.
As I understand MMO to mean playing WITH other people, SWTOR didn't really fill that role more than marginally. Great Cut Scenes, big open spaces you can't explore...and hideous interface..that part it nailed.
The two don't really compare when you start talking about MMO's though. Rift picks it up and walks away when it comes to group content. I wouldn't mind a bit more flavor if I'm reduced to questing, but watching cut-scenes every 10 seconds is a bit overkill.
What is this group content? end game dungeon grind and rift groups where people appear out of bushes and disappear once the rifts are closed? not a single world is said by anyone, no strategy, just whack everythign that moves and go your own way, it is like playing solo with bunch of people surrounding you. I leveled in RIFT solo all the way to level cap and gave up after the insane gear grind which puts WOW to shame.
In SWTOR i have grouped more in first 20 levels than i did in Rift's 50 levels.
Comparing grouping for instances with the groups that "appear out of bushes" for Rifts is dishonest, also do you really feel that Rifts need a strategy???
Just because you do not like Rifts "group content" does not mean it's not group content. Rift excels at it whether you like it or not.
And Rift has no instances? the only open group content offered is Rifts which is like playing with bobbing silent heads. As far as 'not liking the group content doesn't mean it is not group content', same can be said for just any MMO in existence.
If you can't find a group for instances in Rift your doing it wrong and if in open group content your expecting a battle plan once again your doing it wrong.
And Rift has no instances? the only open group content offered is Rifts which is like playing with bobbing silent heads. As far as 'not liking the group content doesn't mean it is not group content', same can be said for just any MMO in existence.
If you can't find a group for instances in Rift your doing it wrong and if in open group content your expecting an elobrate battle plan once again your doing in wrong.
Yeah whenever everything fails tell others 'you are doign it wrong'. The point here is not whether i am unable to find groups but that Rift has more group content than SWTOR. Which is a laughable statemement.
Both game let you solo all the way to level cap. In both games msot of the grouping happens at end game. Swtor has its heroic quests, world boss, bonus quests which let you group with other players while leveling where as Rift has so called dynamic events where people join up, whack stuff, collect loot and move on.
But yeah keep telling everyone how Rift is more group oriented.
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
Not to mention the dynamic massively-multiplayer grouping system that uagments and supports more organic and multiplayer involvement versus standing in a TOR lobby shouting lfg for a 4-person flash-point that one with much less expectations on game-play continously shouts-out for to run through that same exact static content over and over again ad-nauseum.
And that is somehow worse than standing in main city spamming 'your mom jokes' while auto queued for instances and running through same exact static content over and over again ad nauseum? i think you need to read and learn what a word 'hypocrite' means
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
By the way all forums are open to every user. You are confusing these Rift forums with fan site where everyone high fives each other and gushes over how 'awesome' game is.
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
And Rift has no instances? the only open group content offered is Rifts which is like playing with bobbing silent heads. As far as 'not liking the group content doesn't mean it is not group content', same can be said for just any MMO in existence.
If you can't find a group for instances in Rift your doing it wrong and if in open group content your expecting an elobrate battle plan once again your doing in wrong.
Yeah whenever everything fails tell others 'you are doign it wrong'. The point here is not whether i am unable to find groups but that Rift has more group content than SWTOR. Which is a laughable statemement.
Both game let you solo all the way to level cap. In both games msot of the grouping happens at end game. Swtor has its heroic quests, world boss, bonus quests which let you group with other players while leveling where as Rift has so called dynamic events where people join up, whack stuff, collect loot and move on.
But yeah keep telling everyone how Rift is more group oriented.
Yes and you keep telling others in the RIFT thread SWTOR is an MMO.
Move along.
Nice dodge there. But typical.
No use "argueing" with a SWTOR troll in the RIFT forum, you dislike the game yet troll the "rift is awesome" thread.
By the way all forums are open to every user. You are confusing these Rift forums with fan site where everyone high fives each other and gushes over how 'awesome' game is.
I still love Rift too. It suffers from the same situation many games do post "max level" but what I have found (my personal opinion) is that the thing that keeps me going in Rift are the achievments. Some are easy some are hard but they are diverse. just my two cents for the OP when he does hit max level.
Rift is a great game. If I had to choose a themepark game to play it would be Rift. Unfortunately, themepark games burned me out. Right now I'm in the mood for some sandbox adventure, and EvE is the perfect game for that
"EVE is likely the best MMORPG that you've never really understood or played" - Kyleran
Just unsubbed from SWTOR, and went back to check out RIFT. I was there at launch etc.
What TRION has done is amazing.....Just flat out awesome. THIS IS HOW YOU DO MMOS. TAKE A NOTE BIO. If you like mmos, check it out. You have nothing to lose.
And no, im not a paid advertiser haha. Look at my posting history.....
what , pray tell, has trion done since you left 1 month ago that made this game omg terrific? i played it about 3 months ago...was meh to me.
"what , pray tell" -- are you freaking serious right now ? who the heck talks like this ?
Just unsubbed from SWTOR, and went back to check out RIFT. I was there at launch etc.
What TRION has done is amazing.....Just flat out awesome. THIS IS HOW YOU DO MMOS. TAKE A NOTE BIO. If you like mmos, check it out. You have nothing to lose.
And no, im not a paid advertiser haha. Look at my posting history.....
No thank you, i like what Bioware did. If they did MMO the way Rift did we would have small maps with mobs sprinkled like salt and two starter areas. I am not saying SWTOR is exapnsive in nature but Rift is even more limited and has worse end game gear grind since days of WOW.
No thank you.
lol -- and this is why people go to the SWTOR boards to flame that crap of a game. go back to playing your single player RPG with some co-op features and dont forget to pay bioware that $15 fee to play their single player RPG.
Rift is a great game. If I had to choose a themepark game to play it would be Rift. Unfortunately, themepark games burned me out. Right now I'm in the mood for some sandbox adventure, and EvE is the perfect game for that
I feel the same about Rift.
I played from the headstart to a couple months after release, but lost interest due to being burnt out on themeparks. But I don't fault Rift for that, it's otherwise a very solidly built game for what it aims to be. It also had the most complete state and stability at release of any MMO I've ever played, which is quite impressive. Had I not played WoW for six years prior to trying Rift, I'd probably still be playing Rift.
Just unsubbed from SWTOR, and went back to check out RIFT. I was there at launch etc.
What TRION has done is amazing.....Just flat out awesome. THIS IS HOW YOU DO MMOS. TAKE A NOTE BIO. If you like mmos, check it out. You have nothing to lose.
And no, im not a paid advertiser haha. Look at my posting history.....
No thank you, i like what Bioware did. If they did MMO the way Rift did we would have small maps with mobs sprinkled like salt and two starter areas. I am not saying SWTOR is exapnsive in nature but Rift is even more limited and has worse end game gear grind since days of WOW.
No thank you.
As I understand MMO to mean playing WITH other people, SWTOR didn't really fill that role more than marginally. Great Cut Scenes, big open spaces you can't explore...and hideous interface..that part it nailed.
The two don't really compare when you start talking about MMO's though. Rift picks it up and walks away when it comes to group content. I wouldn't mind a bit more flavor if I'm reduced to questing, but watching cut-scenes every 10 seconds is a bit overkill.
What is this group content? end game dungeon grind and rift groups where people appear out of bushes and disappear once the rifts are closed? not a single world is said by anyone, no strategy, just whack everythign that moves and go your own way, it is like playing solo with bunch of people surrounding you. I leveled in RIFT solo all the way to level cap and gave up after the insane gear grind which puts WOW to shame.
In SWTOR i have grouped more in first 20 levels than i did in Rift's 50 levels.
LMAO , I soloed to 50 in SWTOR in about 6-7 days during the beta , sure I could have grouped but there wasn't any reason to being that its more of an RPG than an mmo ( or as you described it was like playing solo with a bunch of people around you ) , I did enjoy the story the first time through then after the wipe I couldn't find the motivation to play another time through because its extremely boring after the first time same cutscenes same crap over and over.
Rift on the other hand is a bit more group friendly and has the dungeon finder allowing for instant grouping rather than standing around spamming , The gear grind is a bit annoying but I would choose that and Rift pvp over swtor's boring warfronts any day. and playing through rift on new characters isn't nearly as bad being that you don't have to sit there and watch the same cutscenes over and over , not to mention alternative ways of leveling.
I'm not playing rift and havn't for the past several months due to time constraints and probably won't be back to it anytime soon but Imo its a far better game than swtor will ever be.
In SWTOR i have grouped more in first 20 levels than i did in Rift's 50 levels.
complete BS .. I haven't played rift in awhile but either way with the open group system you end up grouped so many times even if you didn't try to even start a group in rift. Not to mention all the zone events/invasions/rifts where you will easily get a raid of people going....On top of that having the full LFD system makes grouping a million times easier..
in rift you litteraly don;t have to make an attempt to group most the times.. swtor is the complete opposite.. not that there's not plenty of group content but just lack of enough people allowed in zones due to phasing and to many wrapped up in their own story to care to group.
In SWTOR i have grouped more in first 20 levels than i did in Rift's 50 levels.
complete BS .. I haven't played rift in awhile but either way with the open group system you end up grouped so many times even if you didn't try to even start a group in rift.
True. And someone disagreed with me earlier also. It doesn't matter. Those disagreeable folks wont be playing Tor more than 3 months anyway.
Rift is a good themepark MMO. I don't like themeparks but I came back to Rift after SWTOR disappointment. Fortunately there is still few servers with decent population and players that are not already maxed at level 50.
Just unsubbed from SWTOR, and went back to check out RIFT. I was there at launch etc.
What TRION has done is amazing.....Just flat out awesome. THIS IS HOW YOU DO MMOS. TAKE A NOTE BIO. If you like mmos, check it out. You have nothing to lose.
And no, im not a paid advertiser haha. Look at my posting history.....
No thank you, i like what Bioware did. If they did MMO the way Rift did we would have small maps with mobs sprinkled like salt and two starter areas. I am not saying SWTOR is exapnsive in nature but Rift is even more limited and has worse end game gear grind since days of WOW.
No thank you.
lol -- and this is why people go to the SWTOR boards to flame that crap of a game. go back to playing your single player RPG with some co-op features and dont forget to pay bioware that $15 fee to play their single player RPG.
I don't know, i paid for 4 months for Rift for single player experince, i certainly don't mind paying for SWTOR;) by the way posting on alts when you get banhammer on main account is also bannable. Just saying.
Originally posted by sanosukex
Originally posted by Shivam
In SWTOR i have grouped more in first 20 levels than i did in Rift's 50 levels.
complete BS .. I haven't played rift in awhile but either way with the open group system you end up grouped so many times even if you didn't try to even start a group in rift. Not to mention all the zone events/invasions/rifts where you will easily get a raid of people going....On top of that having the full LFD system makes grouping a million times easier..
in rift you litteraly don;t have to make an attempt to group most the times.. swtor is the complete opposite.. not that there's not plenty of group content but just lack of enough people allowed in zones due to phasing and to many wrapped up in their own story to care to group.
Yeah BS.....
Just before server merges when population was dwindling it was hard to find invasion groups in low and middle zones. There were not even enough people to fill up a raid for single zone event. But that is another matter, even if i managed to get a group, people just rushed in killed everything and disappeared as fast as they appeared. Not a single world was exchanged. Maybe that is what you consider a group content but not me. Other than rifts what else group content exist before horrible gear grind at level cap? none.
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
Just unsubbed from SWTOR, and went back to check out RIFT. I was there at launch etc.
What TRION has done is amazing.....Just flat out awesome. THIS IS HOW YOU DO MMOS. TAKE A NOTE BIO. If you like mmos, check it out. You have nothing to lose.
And no, im not a paid advertiser haha. Look at my posting history.....
Its the exact same game they had at launch but with more things to grind on, nothing has changed. I think is just feels different to you for some odd reason or you only leveled to 20 when you quit the first time. But trust me its the same game.
Last time I listened to "trust me" I ended up with a SWTOR CE paperweight.
I think Rift is a great, albeit limited and flawed Themepark MMO. What really sets it apart from every other MMO that I've tried is that it is, in my opinion, the best run MMO I've tried. Trion are great developers. Doesn't mean they're perfect, I can think of one incident in particular, but they're leagues above and beyond the rest.
Just unsubbed from SWTOR, and went back to check out RIFT. I was there at launch etc. What TRION has done is amazing.....Just flat out awesome. THIS IS HOW YOU DO MMOS. TAKE A NOTE BIO. If you like mmos, check it out. You have nothing to lose. And no, im not a paid advertiser haha. Look at my posting history.....
No thank you, i like what Bioware did. If they did MMO the way Rift did we would have small maps with mobs sprinkled like salt and two starter areas. I am not saying SWTOR is exapnsive in nature but Rift is even more limited and has worse end game gear grind since days of WOW.
No thank you.
lol -- and this is why people go to the SWTOR boards to flame that crap of a game. go back to playing your single player RPG with some co-op features and dont forget to pay bioware that $15 fee to play their single player RPG.
I don't know, i paid for 4 months for Rift for single player experince, i certainly don't mind paying for SWTOR;) by the way posting on alts when you get banhammer on main account is also bannable. Just saying.
Originally posted by sanosukex
Originally posted by Shivam
In SWTOR i have grouped more in first 20 levels than i did in Rift's 50 levels.
complete BS .. I haven't played rift in awhile but either way with the open group system you end up grouped so many times even if you didn't try to even start a group in rift. Not to mention all the zone events/invasions/rifts where you will easily get a raid of people going....On top of that having the full LFD system makes grouping a million times easier..
in rift you litteraly don;t have to make an attempt to group most the times.. swtor is the complete opposite.. not that there's not plenty of group content but just lack of enough people allowed in zones due to phasing and to many wrapped up in their own story to care to group.
Yeah BS.....
Just before server merges when population was dwindling it was hard to find invasion groups in low and middle zones. There were not even enough people to fill up a raid for single zone event. But that is another matter, even if i managed to get a group, people just rushed in killed everything and disappeared as fast as they appeared. Not a single world was exchanged. Maybe that is what you consider a group content but not me. Other than rifts what else group content exist before horrible gear grind at level cap? none.
how is group content in SWTOR any better? It's the same stuff... same as every other themepark.. swtor has full VO, Rift has much better class system and lfg/lfd tools but in the end they are both same old themepark clones... hopefully the upcoming games at least feel like the devs try to move the mmo genre forward
I'm sick of Rift getting the attention & praise that it's been getting. I like to consider myself able to tell certain aspects of a game, and literally all I found when I was playing Rift was an unbelievable amount of WoW type gameplay. Rift just felt like a complete WoW copy, and also felt totally F2P like.
Just like AoC, SWTOR and a few other games, Rift is a great game...for about 3 months. Alt replayability is out the window and the endgame is the exact same we've seen in WoW, Lotro and so on for the last 8 years. Personally it's not enough to make me "love" the game. I consider Rift a nice "go back and check out for a month" type of game. Second rate MMO up there with EQ2, Lotro, AoC and SWTOR. Third rate MMOs are where you don't want to be so they have that going for them, ;D. Maybe when it doubles in size and add's a whole new leveling path for alts and adds different mechanics to endgame that lean toward sandboxish ideals, then it might become a first rate MMO for me.
Trion as a developer however, I respect immensely and am constantly watching what they do and am always impressed. Impressed enough to consider always trying any of their products, like their other 2 upcoming games.
QFT. SW:TOR is least massively multiplayer on the market, more akin to a single-player rpg/ corpg that charges an absurd $15/month for single-player rpf lobby-system content.
This dishonest portrayal of SW:TOR being more massively-multiplayer will continue from Ad Revenue sites within their misleading reviews because, well, it fits within their Ad Revenue business model to attract more Ads.
And aside from that, there is no question that the community-centric, ope-world Dynamic events that Trion has interjected into the genre, advancing upon the Dynamic event system that had been seen with another game or 2, far surpasses anything community-centric that the single-player cinematic-centric studio that Bioware has with TOR.
Not to mention the dynamic massively-multiplayer grouping system that uagments and supports more organic and multiplayer involvement versus standing in a TOR lobby shouting lfg for a 4-person flash-point that one with much less expectations on game-play continously shouts-out for to run through that same exact static content over and over again ad-nauseum.
If you can't find a group for instances in Rift your doing it wrong and if in open group content your expecting a battle plan once again your doing it wrong.
Yeah whenever everything fails tell others 'you are doign it wrong'. The point here is not whether i am unable to find groups but that Rift has more group content than SWTOR. Which is a laughable statemement.
Both game let you solo all the way to level cap. In both games msot of the grouping happens at end game. Swtor has its heroic quests, world boss, bonus quests which let you group with other players while leveling where as Rift has so called dynamic events where people join up, whack stuff, collect loot and move on.
But yeah keep telling everyone how Rift is more group oriented.
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
And that is somehow worse than standing in main city spamming 'your mom jokes' while auto queued for instances and running through same exact static content over and over again ad nauseum? i think you need to read and learn what a word 'hypocrite' means
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
By the way all forums are open to every user. You are confusing these Rift forums with fan site where everyone high fives each other and gushes over how 'awesome' game is.
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
You unsubbed SWTOR? Did you not play the beta or something? What a waste of money man =/
Good thing I played the closed beta because just from levels 1 to 10 it was more then enough for me to realize that the game is garbage and a failure.
People should test the game out before buying them. TERA CBT here I come.
All I gotta say is.....
This is the Rift is awesome thread BTW.
I still love Rift too. It suffers from the same situation many games do post "max level" but what I have found (my personal opinion) is that the thing that keeps me going in Rift are the achievments. Some are easy some are hard but they are diverse. just my two cents for the OP when he does hit max level.
Your avatar is off the hook fugly.
Rift is a great game. If I had to choose a themepark game to play it would be Rift. Unfortunately, themepark games burned me out. Right now I'm in the mood for some sandbox adventure, and EvE is the perfect game for that
"EVE is likely the best MMORPG that you've never really understood or played" - Kyleran
"what , pray tell" -- are you freaking serious right now ? who the heck talks like this ?
lol -- and this is why people go to the SWTOR boards to flame that crap of a game. go back to playing your single player RPG with some co-op features and dont forget to pay bioware that $15 fee to play their single player RPG.
I feel the same about Rift.
I played from the headstart to a couple months after release, but lost interest due to being burnt out on themeparks. But I don't fault Rift for that, it's otherwise a very solidly built game for what it aims to be. It also had the most complete state and stability at release of any MMO I've ever played, which is quite impressive. Had I not played WoW for six years prior to trying Rift, I'd probably still be playing Rift.
LMAO , I soloed to 50 in SWTOR in about 6-7 days during the beta , sure I could have grouped but there wasn't any reason to being that its more of an RPG than an mmo ( or as you described it was like playing solo with a bunch of people around you ) , I did enjoy the story the first time through then after the wipe I couldn't find the motivation to play another time through because its extremely boring after the first time same cutscenes same crap over and over.
Rift on the other hand is a bit more group friendly and has the dungeon finder allowing for instant grouping rather than standing around spamming , The gear grind is a bit annoying but I would choose that and Rift pvp over swtor's boring warfronts any day. and playing through rift on new characters isn't nearly as bad being that you don't have to sit there and watch the same cutscenes over and over , not to mention alternative ways of leveling.
I'm not playing rift and havn't for the past several months due to time constraints and probably won't be back to it anytime soon but Imo its a far better game than swtor will ever be.
complete BS .. I haven't played rift in awhile but either way with the open group system you end up grouped so many times even if you didn't try to even start a group in rift. Not to mention all the zone events/invasions/rifts where you will easily get a raid of people going....On top of that having the full LFD system makes grouping a million times easier..
in rift you litteraly don;t have to make an attempt to group most the times.. swtor is the complete opposite.. not that there's not plenty of group content but just lack of enough people allowed in zones due to phasing and to many wrapped up in their own story to care to group.
True. And someone disagreed with me earlier also. It doesn't matter. Those disagreeable folks wont be playing Tor more than 3 months anyway.
Rift is a good themepark MMO. I don't like themeparks but I came back to Rift after SWTOR disappointment. Fortunately there is still few servers with decent population and players that are not already maxed at level 50.
I don't know, i paid for 4 months for Rift for single player experince, i certainly don't mind paying for SWTOR;) by the way posting on alts when you get banhammer on main account is also bannable. Just saying.
Yeah BS.....
Just before server merges when population was dwindling it was hard to find invasion groups in low and middle zones. There were not even enough people to fill up a raid for single zone event. But that is another matter, even if i managed to get a group, people just rushed in killed everything and disappeared as fast as they appeared. Not a single world was exchanged. Maybe that is what you consider a group content but not me. Other than rifts what else group content exist before horrible gear grind at level cap? none.
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty -- Mahatma Gandhi
LOL for some reason that struck me as funny
WB to Rift. Overall a good game I think.
I think Rift is a great, albeit limited and flawed Themepark MMO. What really sets it apart from every other MMO that I've tried is that it is, in my opinion, the best run MMO I've tried. Trion are great developers. Doesn't mean they're perfect, I can think of one incident in particular, but they're leagues above and beyond the rest.
No thank you, i like what Bioware did. If they did MMO the way Rift did we would have small maps with mobs sprinkled like salt and two starter areas. I am not saying SWTOR is exapnsive in nature but Rift is even more limited and has worse end game gear grind since days of WOW.
No thank you.
lol -- and this is why people go to the SWTOR boards to flame that crap of a game. go back to playing your single player RPG with some co-op features and dont forget to pay bioware that $15 fee to play their single player RPG.
I don't know, i paid for 4 months for Rift for single player experince, i certainly don't mind paying for SWTOR;) by the way posting on alts when you get banhammer on main account is also bannable. Just saying.
Yeah BS.....
Just before server merges when population was dwindling it was hard to find invasion groups in low and middle zones. There were not even enough people to fill up a raid for single zone event. But that is another matter, even if i managed to get a group, people just rushed in killed everything and disappeared as fast as they appeared. Not a single world was exchanged. Maybe that is what you consider a group content but not me. Other than rifts what else group content exist before horrible gear grind at level cap? none.
I'm sick of Rift getting the attention & praise that it's been getting. I like to consider myself able to tell certain aspects of a game, and literally all I found when I was playing Rift was an unbelievable amount of WoW type gameplay. Rift just felt like a complete WoW copy, and also felt totally F2P like.
IMO, it's complete crap.