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Just want to respond to a few comments - In no specific order, and with no specific posts being quoted - from my last thread here
To those calling me a "swtor fanboy who called anyone who disagreed or didn't like SWTOR a troll"
This is an out and out lie and borders on defamation of character, not only do I not call anyone a troll simply out of the fact that everyone misuses the term now a days, I've rather reasonable with my view on any game rather I'm looking forward to it or not. But I'm also realistic, when a game comes out I don't demand it to be perfect and I find those who do to be unreasonable, this is an opinion I will voice to those making unrealistic demands, no game is going to be perfect upon release, they all have bugs its the nature of MMOs, of course I know these same two people are going to say 'well if you're so reasonable why did you quit". Simple, They did not do as they promised within what I felt was a reasonable time, and I felt the game was no longer up to the quality I seek in a game to be worth my monthly fee. Will I return when most of the bugs are squashed, the engine is improved and there is more content? Who knows I very well may be.
Now, that wall of text out of the way, to those saying "lawlz tsw are already panicing"..
I'm not a fanboy of anything, first of all as I said before, I believe I'm a reasonable person, who makes reasonable requests of the devolpers that make the games I purchase, I don't make "I'm leaving this game because you suck!' posts, I don't whine on the forums every patch about how the game sucks now that they changed it, I don't troll people or insult them just because they like a game I don't, or they dislike a game I do within reason, if you're the kind of person who goes to a game forum to call anyone who plays it an idiot the game a steaming pile then I will point you to the nearest door because thats not a reasonable request, its nothing really theres no point for posts of peer hatred, if you don't like something simply don't..Go there.
With that, I'm sure someones going to try to make me out to be a hypocrit "Well if you don't like GW2 why are you on this forumz?"
I never said I didn't like GW2, in fact I'm worried for its longevity, see I've noticed a pattern in many MMOs of late..I'd say it started with the last few patches of wrath of the lich king on wow, however the game mostly effected, that I've noticed, was SWTOR. See, on WoW the common saying used to be "Oh don't worry, the next patch will fix it", followed by everyone on the boards crying and whining about how that patch sucked, then "Oh, don't worry, cata will fix it", followed by the same, as a result no one looks at the positive aspects and only looks for the negative. THAT is what I am saying about GW2. With a large number of people - How large a percent of the actual fandom? I can't say but from my own personal experience it seems like a lot - are making GW2 out to be the holy grail, the massiah of MMOs, and if they do its going to be a victim of its own hype, I hate when good games are precieved as failures because of that. Not because I'm a fan of every MMO that does it, but because I'm a fan of video games in general, and no good game - rather I think its good or not - deserves to die simply because of hype.
Finally, to those who actually saw the point of my previous post? I thank you for helping maintain some sanity on these boards.
waiting for
The secret world
WoW, DCU online, star wars: the old republic, city of heroes, city of villains, everquest, plenty more I'm probably forgetting or aren't worth noting.
I can't believe I just sat and read all that self-important crap.
I enjoy the irony in that post..
waiting for
The secret world
WoW, DCU online, star wars: the old republic, city of heroes, city of villains, everquest, plenty more I'm probably forgetting or aren't worth noting.
Looks in beastiary codex and "Book Of The Dead" for proper incantation to help this poor man. Ok, here goes..."Back to your bridge have no powers here!" That should help my friend.
Ballerinas are always on their toes. Why don't they just get taller ballerinas?
All i can say is, if it got locked, it was for a good reason, and there's no need to bring it up again in a different post.
One locked thread wasn't another wall of text
I enjoy this as well, its often said when one can't find a way to argue intelligently, they resort to insults.
waiting for
The secret world
WoW, DCU online, star wars: the old republic, city of heroes, city of villains, everquest, plenty more I'm probably forgetting or aren't worth noting.
Ill repost my original comment to you.
If you fail to discern the clear differences between the quality of these two games then I fear what else you fail to see.
Fear not though, just remember one thing; I dont like onions on my Big Mac.
the difference in two games has nothing to do with what I'm talking about when its happened to more then just one, thats just the one it effected the most and happened the latest.
waiting for
The secret world
WoW, DCU online, star wars: the old republic, city of heroes, city of villains, everquest, plenty more I'm probably forgetting or aren't worth noting.
Edit: Decided that adding to this thread only perpetuates why the first one got locked.
Lolipops !
WoW = SWTOR -> WoW addict. If you never played Guild Wars please stop being clever and trolling here. There's a big diference between WoW/SWTOR and Guild Wars. Arenanet never let out "unfinished game". You should cry about "Game future" on the SWTOR or the WoW forums. They are really need your points of view:)
Would you explain what, in your opinion, makes this post worthy of being locked? I mean, you're really not arguing anything, or even making a point. Also, I'm not insulting anyone, or anything, in fact I'm defending myself against insults and out right lies against my person.
waiting for
The secret world
WoW, DCU online, star wars: the old republic, city of heroes, city of villains, everquest, plenty more I'm probably forgetting or aren't worth noting.
Oh, perfect! Thank you, this is a perfect example of what I mean when I said no one knows what a troll is anymore.
"this person has a different point of view, TROLL!"
waiting for
The secret world
WoW, DCU online, star wars: the old republic, city of heroes, city of villains, everquest, plenty more I'm probably forgetting or aren't worth noting.
I agree, GW2 will be the best MMO ever released. In fact, I doubt we'll see another MMO of the same quality for another 10 years.
Azrael......he was reffering to my post to you, and he is correct. My post was mean spirited and dumb of me to post. I take it back and appologize.....seriously.
Dude, just try to not take what people say so seriously.
Last post was locked for an unjust reason. The conversation was good even though it was slitghly offtopic. This is a valid point of concern about GW2 but saying anything negative about GW2 on these forums is considered trolling.
The game certainly has flaws but A.Net has tactically prevented the gamers from bringing these up (NDA) and press is strictly managed to only point out good and interesting parts of the game. I will raise my hat to the first press reviewer to raise criticism about the game, but it's not going happend yet since they would lose their beta priviliges and any professional journalist needs to be in the GW2 beta for good material.
You forgot to mention how his poor choice in grammar and cokin placement degraded his argument to the point of it being illegible.
You're making yourself the dicussion, first I doubt anyone really cares, second, it's against the rules to discuss a poster, I'm sure that even applies when tht person is trying to discuss themselves.
Third, you lose, the only reason anyone would call you out that way, is to get a rise out of you, they obviously have had some success in that.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Sorry, thanks for mentioning it. You did me a great service. You're a gentlemen and a scholar.
No offense but who really cares if someone " insulted your person" or " character" or whatever on these forums? I mean really?
You have your opinions, others have theirs. Sometimes they conflict. Such is life bro.
I disagree.
Read learn and respect. A lot of bugfixes and BALANCES (yes a word what have an unknown meaning in SWTOR and WoW). Will be the same in GW2. That's why Gw2 will be the "holy grail" of the MMO world.
Well you're just an anti-life fanboi.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
Personally I can't wait for the first pre-order Beta Weekend Event so we can freely discuss the title and get more people actually playing it. Then we can actually talk business instead of hyping :j