Currently, I have seen all the information that has been offered on the winternet pertaining to beta.
Not a single thing seems even remotely interesting atm. I am banking on the fact that Anet is holding back some information or footage that will be revealed closer to launch to actually make me want to buy this game.
As of now however, I have no will to buy it whatsoever.
I know there are a lot of fanboys of this game who are already going crazy about it and calling it the best thing since slice bread. Am I really the only one that is a bit skeptical still?
If no info so far has gotten you excited you should wait for trial keys and playtest the game yourself.
I'll be buying GW2, but I don't really consider myself a white knight. To be honest, the draw for me in GW2 is the small things they've done to improve over previous MMOs. That, and the PvP. I was a major Warhammer Online fan, and I was incredibly disappointed when it failed the way it did. The concept of an almost all PvP MMO made me happy. It had SO much potential, but the stress proved too much for them I'm guessing. It's improved majorly since it was released, but they lost the prime subscriber window and it's relegated to being a small niche MMO now. Given the IP, it saddens me to no end.
GW2 seems to be bringing back the same flavor I loved in WO and DOAC with WvWvW, and I couldn't be happier. I love PvP, I love exploring and I love finding little things in a game to keep me occupied. DEs, the jumping puzzles and just general quality of life improvements are what draw me to this game besides PvP. Wow never grabbed me in that regard, and the only MMO that did really was EVE-O, which I recently took a small break from.
For now, I'm enjoying my old standyby, FFXI. But once GW2 comes out, I'll most likely be "maining" that MMO.
Currently, I have seen all the information that has been offered on the winternet pertaining to beta.
Not a single thing seems even remotely interesting atm. I am banking on the fact that Anet is holding back some information or footage that will be revealed closer to launch to actually make me want to buy this game.
As of now however, I have no will to buy it whatsoever.
I know there are a lot of fanboys of this game who are already going crazy about it and calling it the best thing since slice bread. Am I really the only one that is a bit skeptical still?
After SWTOR - I will NEVER pre-order another MMO until months after launch.
Currently playing SWTOR and it's MUCH better than it was at launch.
If you've done your research and you don't buy the game by now, you won't be buying the game. It's just not your thing.
If you don't believe the reviewers when their reviewing it, or your don't believe the differences in game play to other games, you're not going to.
The one thing you can say is that you can take all thei nfo you know about this game now, and know that you didnt have an inkling of htis much gameplay and review in starwars, or previously released games. I don't even know a game that has given u this much information to prepurchase a game.
We have seen videos and reviews of every single class and half the races. We've seen dungeons, pvp, competitive pvp, sea battles etc. There's just nothing left else . Any comments that "it's nothing we havn't seen before" are just trollish. Sure, you can say i don't like the new stuff, but you can't say it's not new, unless you're not looking hard enough. If you love your current mMO. by all means stick with it. Guild Wars was designed for folk who aren't happy with the current template, and that's cool. Variety rocks.
Currently, I have seen all the information that has been offered on the winternet pertaining to beta.
Not a single thing seems even remotely interesting atm. I am banking on the fact that Anet is holding back some information or footage that will be revealed closer to launch to actually make me want to buy this game.
As of now however, I have no will to buy it whatsoever.
I know there are a lot of fanboys of this game who are already going crazy about it and calling it the best thing since slice bread. Am I really the only one that is a bit skeptical still?
You've started 5 previous threads in the GW2 forum, titled...
"So can we call GW2 the ultimate care bear MMO?" (locked)
"LF1M DPS ResurrectionOrb required"
"So what are the benefits of a Pay to Win game like GW2?" (locked)
"So if you love healing, avoid this game like the plague, right?"
and "So what exactly will keep people playing?"
And then you continue the trend by insulting the people who would have taken the time to give you a thoughful answer to your question.
I see no reason why anyone should give this thread any serious consideration whatsoever.
Yeah, this. This guy is a troll that worships bioware. He isnt getting the game even if it DID cure cancer. He always does this.. comes in, starts a thread insulting GW2 and giving out wrong information. He also makes sure to let everyone know that if you dont say nice things, you are a fanboi and should feel bad about yourself.
I guess he figured out somthing most people did.. SWTOR is only a good game for a month, then you get bored. His new game is trolling GW2 forums.
Oh boy the GW2 white knights are going to come ridiing in on their noble steed soon to roast you.
But just to let you know, there isn't really anything left to show or reveal. Given the press non NDA you can pretty much see everything there is too the game(DEs, Dungeons, Combat and WvWvW).
Why ride in on our noble steeds to roast this guy? There's an incredibly simple solution..............don't buy it.
nope, for me that something special already arrived - world made for exploring and quests you just come across instead taking them from npc.
These anti bi posts fro mpeople who never had an inkling to buy the product to begin with reminds me of those movies where the jocks barge into the chess club and talk about how stupid chess. If you don't know how to play, it looks like a bunch of wood on squares.
I'm waiting for them to throw in the Ronco Veg-OMatic. You know it's a slicer, dicer, chopper, and looks great attached to an Engineers backpack?
I've been about the biggest fanboy of GW2 since the day they announced it, but I have to admit (as much as I hate to), until they offer some form of automatic food processing device, there's just no way I will feel like the game is the complete package. And if they really wanted to knock WoW off its pedestal, they'd offer us a selection of colors.
Charr: Outta my way. Human: What's your problem? Charr: Your thin skin.
I'm waiting for them to throw in the Ronco Veg-OMatic. You know it's a slicer, dicer, chopper, and looks great attached to an Engineers backpack?
I've been about the biggest fanboy of GW2 since the day they announced it, but I have to admit (as much as I hate to), until they offer some form of automatic food processing device, there's just no way I will feel like the game is the complete package. And if they really wanted to knock WoW off its pedestal, they'd offer us a selection of colors.
I'm old school so I'd take ginsu knives or the pocket fisherman.
Currently, I have seen all the information that has been offered on the winternet pertaining to beta.
Not a single thing seems even remotely interesting atm. I am banking on the fact that Anet is holding back some information or footage that will be revealed closer to launch to actually make me want to buy this game.
As of now however, I have no will to buy it whatsoever.
I know there are a lot of fanboys of this game who are already going crazy about it and calling it the best thing since slice bread. Am I really the only one that is a bit skeptical still?
I wouldn't say the game isn't interesting. Even I think it might be a fun game. I just think it is going to be to shallow like ever other game without enough true content. I am really waiting for them to do something about that instance PvP they call WvWvW or the non-dynamic events they call dynamic. Does anyone know what dynamic means anymore?
I might play might not waiting to see if they step it up even more than they have already. Otherwise it is just another FAD game like SWTOR, Rift or anything else made since WOW.
I was actually going to pass on this game because I detest the GW1 NCP/grouping system but when I found out that's gone I decided to give it another look. Right now I'm leaning toward picking it up, not much to lose since it's not a monthly. I suppose it's the PvP aspect that looks interesting. I saw a vid of keep defense the other day and it reminds me of DAoC so meh, we'll see.
"Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever." - Noam Chomsky
I'm so ready for a new game to become lost in that I don't need free Hotdogs and Balloons for the kids. Something brown and deep fried on a tooth pick would be nice right now though.
Ballerinas are always on their toes. Why don't they just get taller ballerinas?
Currently, I have seen all the information that has been offered on the winternet pertaining to beta.
Not a single thing seems even remotely interesting atm. I am banking on the fact that Anet is holding back some information or footage that will be revealed closer to launch to actually make me want to buy this game.
As of now however, I have no will to buy it whatsoever.
I know there are a lot of fanboys of this game who are already going crazy about it and calling it the best thing since slice bread. Am I really the only one that is a bit skeptical still?
Sounds like you are on the right path. Stick with the game you currently love and let this one go by. If everything you've heard about this game doesn't interest you, I doubt anything else they could offer would do the trick.
I'm wondering what you are playing now. I've been bored with every MMO to launch in years and can't wait to try GW2. While I don't expect it to be the end-all-be-all of gaming, it certainly seems more interesting than the garbage available now.
As a sandbox lover primarily, I can't wait to try something like ArchAge, but who knows when that will happen. TSW looks interesting, but I think that's going to be a niche game. Not sure if I will like it until I try it. I can't think of a single other MMO due out this year that I care about.
A sure sign that you are in an old, dying paradigm/mindset, is when you are scared of new ideas and new technology. Don't feel bad. The world is moving on without you, and you are welcome to yell "Get Off My Lawn!" all you want while it happens. You cannot, however, stop an idea whose time has come.
Currently, I have seen all the information that has been offered on the winternet pertaining to beta.
Not a single thing seems even remotely interesting atm. I am banking on the fact that Anet is holding back some information or footage that will be revealed closer to launch to actually make me want to buy this game.
As of now however, I have no will to buy it whatsoever.
I know there are a lot of fanboys of this game who are already going crazy about it and calling it the best thing since slice bread. Am I really the only one that is a bit skeptical still?
I wouldn't say the game isn't interesting. Even I think it might be a fun game. I just think it is going to be to shallow like ever other game without enough true content. I am really waiting for them to do something about that instance PvP they call WvWvW or the non-dynamic events they call dynamic. Does anyone know what dynamic means anymore?
I might play might not waiting to see if they step it up even more than they have already. Otherwise it is just another FAD game like SWTOR, Rift or anything else made since WOW.
The game won't be changing to cater to your PvP preference or dynamizing the dynamic events to your personal specifications. It just ain't going to happen. Best to accept it and move on. Either enjoy what the game does offer you or find another. I honestly don't care which.
I really don't mind if people aren't interested in what ArenaNet is selling with this game, just stop telling us you aren't happy. *WE* can't alter reality for you and ArenaNet is *NOT* hearing your message.
Yes I'm waiting for that "something special" before I buy's called a beta invite. Just a weekend beta invite..all I'm asking hehe. I can determine if I like the game or not in a weekend.
I agree and nothing about GW2 so far is pushing me towards a purchase. Actually, the newer pvp videos are making me shy away from buying even more. I loved the first GW and am still hoping for a good game out of GW2 but I just dont see it.
Yes I'm waiting for that "something special" before I buy's called a beta invite. Just a weekend beta invite..all I'm asking hehe. I can determine if I like the game or not in a weekend.
+1, I'll never buy a game I haven't tried first no matter how much hype there is or how many videos are released. Even then if I decided to buy it it wouldn't be until 2-3 months following release- those players that have to have it the day of release then powergame for a month and leave are intolerable.
The lack of character progression at max lvl is something I'm not happy about. I was hoping there would be something similar to DAOC's realm ability/point system for WvW. But there isn't. So at the moment I don't plan on buying it.
If no info so far has gotten you excited you should wait for trial keys and playtest the game yourself.
I'll be buying GW2, but I don't really consider myself a white knight. To be honest, the draw for me in GW2 is the small things they've done to improve over previous MMOs. That, and the PvP. I was a major Warhammer Online fan, and I was incredibly disappointed when it failed the way it did. The concept of an almost all PvP MMO made me happy. It had SO much potential, but the stress proved too much for them I'm guessing. It's improved majorly since it was released, but they lost the prime subscriber window and it's relegated to being a small niche MMO now. Given the IP, it saddens me to no end.
GW2 seems to be bringing back the same flavor I loved in WO and DOAC with WvWvW, and I couldn't be happier. I love PvP, I love exploring and I love finding little things in a game to keep me occupied. DEs, the jumping puzzles and just general quality of life improvements are what draw me to this game besides PvP. Wow never grabbed me in that regard, and the only MMO that did really was EVE-O, which I recently took a small break from.
For now, I'm enjoying my old standyby, FFXI. But once GW2 comes out, I'll most likely be "maining" that MMO.
After SWTOR - I will NEVER pre-order another MMO until months after launch.
Currently playing SWTOR and it's MUCH better than it was at launch.
If you've done your research and you don't buy the game by now, you won't be buying the game. It's just not your thing.
If you don't believe the reviewers when their reviewing it, or your don't believe the differences in game play to other games, you're not going to.
The one thing you can say is that you can take all thei nfo you know about this game now, and know that you didnt have an inkling of htis much gameplay and review in starwars, or previously released games. I don't even know a game that has given u this much information to prepurchase a game.
We have seen videos and reviews of every single class and half the races. We've seen dungeons, pvp, competitive pvp, sea battles etc. There's just nothing left else . Any comments that "it's nothing we havn't seen before" are just trollish. Sure, you can say i don't like the new stuff, but you can't say it's not new, unless you're not looking hard enough. If you love your current mMO. by all means stick with it. Guild Wars was designed for folk who aren't happy with the current template, and that's cool. Variety rocks.
Yeah, this. This guy is a troll that worships bioware. He isnt getting the game even if it DID cure cancer. He always does this.. comes in, starts a thread insulting GW2 and giving out wrong information. He also makes sure to let everyone know that if you dont say nice things, you are a fanboi and should feel bad about yourself.
I guess he figured out somthing most people did.. SWTOR is only a good game for a month, then you get bored. His new game is trolling GW2 forums.
nope, for me that something special already arrived - world made for exploring and quests you just come across instead taking them from npc.
Why ride in on our noble steeds to roast this guy? There's an incredibly simple solution..............don't buy it.
These anti bi posts fro mpeople who never had an inkling to buy the product to begin with reminds me of those movies where the jocks barge into the chess club and talk about how stupid chess. If you don't know how to play, it looks like a bunch of wood on squares.
I've been about the biggest fanboy of GW2 since the day they announced it, but I have to admit (as much as I hate to), until they offer some form of automatic food processing device, there's just no way I will feel like the game is the complete package. And if they really wanted to knock WoW off its pedestal, they'd offer us a selection of colors.
Charr: Outta my way.
Human: What's your problem?
Charr: Your thin skin. this. Everything will be ok....its not your fault.
I'm old school so I'd take ginsu knives or the pocket fisherman.
I wouldn't say the game isn't interesting. Even I think it might be a fun game. I just think it is going to be to shallow like ever other game without enough true content. I am really waiting for them to do something about that instance PvP they call WvWvW or the non-dynamic events they call dynamic. Does anyone know what dynamic means anymore?
I might play might not waiting to see if they step it up even more than they have already. Otherwise it is just another FAD game like SWTOR, Rift or anything else made since WOW.
I was actually going to pass on this game because I detest the GW1 NCP/grouping system but when I found out that's gone I decided to give it another look. Right now I'm leaning toward picking it up, not much to lose since it's not a monthly. I suppose it's the PvP aspect that looks interesting. I saw a vid of keep defense the other day and it reminds me of DAoC so meh, we'll see.
"Censorship is never over for those who have experienced it. It is a brand on the imagination that affects the individual who has suffered it, forever." - Noam Chomsky
I'm so ready for a new game to become lost in that I don't need free Hotdogs and Balloons for the kids. Something brown and deep fried on a tooth pick would be nice right now though.
Ballerinas are always on their toes. Why don't they just get taller ballerinas?
Sounds like you are on the right path. Stick with the game you currently love and let this one go by. If everything you've heard about this game doesn't interest you, I doubt anything else they could offer would do the trick.
I'm wondering what you are playing now. I've been bored with every MMO to launch in years and can't wait to try GW2. While I don't expect it to be the end-all-be-all of gaming, it certainly seems more interesting than the garbage available now.
As a sandbox lover primarily, I can't wait to try something like ArchAge, but who knows when that will happen. TSW looks interesting, but I think that's going to be a niche game. Not sure if I will like it until I try it. I can't think of a single other MMO due out this year that I care about.
A sure sign that you are in an old, dying paradigm/mindset, is when you are scared of new ideas and new technology. Don't feel bad. The world is moving on without you, and you are welcome to yell "Get Off My Lawn!" all you want while it happens. You cannot, however, stop an idea whose time has come.
the gameplay was as far from wow as i could imagine in this genre without being true action
moves/attacks were to be thought about, on long cool downs, with positioning being a key factor, no clck click click here
moving around required different controls to typical mmos... it s hard to describe..
WvW is all the something special I need..!
Enter a whole new realm of challenge and adventure.
The game won't be changing to cater to your PvP preference or dynamizing the dynamic events to your personal specifications. It just ain't going to happen. Best to accept it and move on. Either enjoy what the game does offer you or find another. I honestly don't care which.
I really don't mind if people aren't interested in what ArenaNet is selling with this game, just stop telling us you aren't happy. *WE* can't alter reality for you and ArenaNet is *NOT* hearing your message.
If you aren't "sold" now you probably never will be.
Unless of course all your friends/guildies start playing and drag you with them, then you might find something to "sell" you on too.
If not, well, good thing there are dozens of other quality MMOs to play that might fit you better!
I can understand the thread opener's concern
I have similar feelings but not for GW2 but for Secret World.
I have played GW1 for years and I loved it and I know what to expect from the devs so there is no hesitation in my mind in regards to GW2
Yes I'm waiting for that "something special" before I buy's called a beta invite. Just a weekend beta invite..all I'm asking hehe. I can determine if I like the game or not in a weekend.
I agree and nothing about GW2 so far is pushing me towards a purchase. Actually, the newer pvp videos are making me shy away from buying even more. I loved the first GW and am still hoping for a good game out of GW2 but I just dont see it.
+1, I'll never buy a game I haven't tried first no matter how much hype there is or how many videos are released. Even then if I decided to buy it it wouldn't be until 2-3 months following release- those players that have to have it the day of release then powergame for a month and leave are intolerable.
The lack of character progression at max lvl is something I'm not happy about. I was hoping there would be something similar to DAOC's realm ability/point system for WvW. But there isn't. So at the moment I don't plan on buying it.