1. Your not paying a monthly fee, but you can bet they will have about 20 boxes of mini patches you'll have to buy at 30 bucks a pop, plus the cash shop, and other things you can buy.. believe me they'll get their money out of you.
That's completely ridiculous. I expect some paid expansion content over the course of the first year, but it won't come close to equaling the $180 you'd pay subscribing to a P2P MMO. There will be a healthy sized live update team working on FREE content updates through out the year.
2. Judging from these forums and every other GW2 forum I've looked at, the community is going to akin more to that of Halo than an MMORPG. Its going to be downright atrocious.
Actually, when you exclude trolls and haters, I see just about the most mature, intelligent and tollerant pre-launche comunity I have seen for any MMO the last half decade+
3. PVP is set up to be an esport already. You thought arena's in WoW were bad... just wait. The mysticism behind "battle" is being replaced with standardized gameplay.. you'll feel like your playing a mini game.. not waging war against your enemies.
Wait, what? Skill based PVP is bad, but gear grind based PVP is good? Well, I guess for people who want to pretend they are skilled because they have hundreds of hours to earn gear that may sort of make up for the fact that they still aren't that great. Not saying you have to have awesome skillz to enjoy GW2 PVP either. The E-sport crowd has their formal tournaments, the rest of us have more casual matches and a match making system that allows you to play against players of a similar level of accomplishment.
If you do end up being pretty good at GW2 PVP, you'll have the added satisfaction of knowing it's because you have half a brain and are able to actually improve your game playing skills over time; rather than running around with uber-gear granted handicaps that minimize your skill as a player vs. those who don't have the same Uber-gear.
If you aren't that great, well, hopefully you'll still have some fun just knocking around and, hey, you might actually improve over time. Some people have been known to have fun doing things that they don't always win at.
4. Cash shop will eventually become an issue, they always do.
There is always the potential for cash shop issues when there is a cash shop. Potential doesn't mean certainty and as long as Arenanet remains Arenanet and NCSoft allows them their creative autonomy, I think the potential for notable issues are slight.
There are no healers/tanks! I can’t play my favorite role!
The combat is too hard!
There’s no subscription! It’ll lose money, crash, burn and fail!
Great article over at ZAM discussing the five above mentioned arguements against GW2 and why they may not hold up under closer scrutiny. Definitely worth a read and further discussion.
Another Fail threads ,dont want to play the game so what? we dont give a F%$# what you think just dont play it you are just helping the comunnitie of the game andhaving you would be worst so tyvm .
Read the article, or maybe even re-read the part above I've highlighted in red.
1. NO mounts.... this will be the first and only MMORPG I will play that has no player mounts. Not that big of a deal for me but some might find it hard to deal with. Mounts to me are just as much a status symbol as they are transportation .
Well that is all I can think for now, this game is shaping up rather nicely!
I imagine you can get it cheaper than that if you tried.. but NCsoft is still selling it for that..
so why would this one be any different?
To respond to a bunch of you at once..
When I originally posted I didn't expect it to turn into a donnybrook about WvW.. that told me all I needed to know about who I'd have to play with if I did decide to purchase this.. Boom Headshot! is what it's going to be.. I can see it now.
No one argues there won't be paid expansions for the game, or that they won't cost between $30-$60 for full sized expansions. There won't be enough expansions to come close to equaling the cost of subscribing to a P2P game for a year ans buying the first paid expansion, let alone to match your insance prediction of 20X$30 expansions the first year. I mean, it would be great if they could magically produce a full expansion every few weeks, we could buy a new one when ever we run out of things to do and play the game for a decase with out ever having to buy another game ever again for out gaming needs. But, well, our real world has a sad lack of such magic, so I guess we'll have to settle for something a bit less ambitious. I'd be ecstatic if we got a full sized $30 expansion every six months over the next five years!
2) PVE--IT doesn't sound like the PVE is going to be very good in this game (like it was lame in GW1 also)...WHile PVP is the core of the game, it is still going to need some sort of fun PVE for most of us to stay entertained long term....The game proclaims there is no gear grind, but other than PVP what else is there to keep me interested for very long?
You may want to watch some of the numerous gameplay videos, I would recommend something like this one from TB:
There are no healers/tanks! I can’t play my favorite role!
The combat is too hard!
There’s no subscription! It’ll lose money, crash, burn and fail!
Great article over at ZAM discussing the five above mentioned arguements against GW2 and why they may not hold up under closer scrutiny. Definitely worth a read and further discussion.
Another Fail threads ,dont want to play the game so what? we dont give a F%$# what you think just dont play it you are just helping the comunnitie of the game andhaving you would be worst so tyvm .
Another Fantasy RPG in an oversaturated fantasy RPG market(I understand the sentiment, but at least it isn't entirely a rehash of the typical fantasy environment).
Very Anime similar visual style (many will disagree, but can't be denied for humans and asura)(I disagree on the "anime" style. Nothing about it matches an anime style and the game doesn't even look like an Asian market game, even those that don't look like "anime").
"Floating" running animations (some races/models look weightless when running)(I've seen a lot worse. In fact, as an MMO player I haven't really noticed this issue at all because the game seems to be well with in the norm. All for further tweaking, if need be, however).
No opposing factions to fuel PVP rivalry(Other servers are your rivals. How can a rivalry be any less intense than that? Through the match making system for matching servers of similar rankings against each other, as the dust starts to settle, there will be a greater likelyhood that there will be a small cadre of servers you'll face much more often than others).
Unappealing armor sets in structured PVP (all classes wearing blue/red robes. Hopefully this will change in live)(At launch, there will be over 33 distinct armor sets you can earn for your SPVP characters for each armor weight class. Many of the available designs are pulled from some of the most striking armors available in the PVE game world. The choices aren't tiered, so individual taste will determine what people buy and variety will be the spice of life. Some will find a favorite and stick with it; others will make a point of showing up in something different every day, to show off their "winnings". Eventually, there may be some looks that wil be harder to earn and will have more prestige attached to them, but that remains to be seen).
Action combat that requires you to run around like a chicken with your head cut off. I'm sure this will make all the bunny hopping spaz monkies happy, but I can see it getting really old, really fast the longer I play the game.
Well, I like PvP, but then in FPS such as TF2. In MMORPGs? Nah, never really enjoyed that. Since GW2 is a MMORPG PvP game, with a little bit of PvE glued on, it's definately not for me, so I won't buy it.
Maybe half a year after it's release, when I read through some reviews and it had its worst bugs fixed and there is a free trial, I might try that one. Until then: I doubt I'll miss anything when not getting GW2.
I read this is to me it looks allot like REASONS to play.
I think thats the point.
Exactly. I've seen all of these concerns in actual conversation. The article addresses them all pretty succinctly, which is why I started the thread to give people a heads up on the article.
You must be referring to the times before the treadmil
It was less about getting to a point in the game and more about experienceing something you did.
This is why I truly believe the buy to play and cash shop works in a game like GW2 because there really isn't the same treadmill and gear/end-game focus as.. well, everything since 2004.
The Cash Shop in GW2 is a concern to me a little, but honestly, it's not even close to my biggest one.
It is a concern of mine too, as I have never really played anything but subscription MMOs since.. 1999?
My biggest concern is that I have changed, that I somehow will miss/need the treadmill to have continued enjoyment of the game and that I won't find it as refreshing as I hope it will be to return to that kind of pre-treadmill UO like "journey > destination" mind set.
I don't know. I still play Rift. But to be honest, as much as I like it, I can only take it in small doses. 1 maybe 2 hrs a sitting. I don't know if GW2 will address this or not. I am looking forward to enough differences to make it worth buying. II am probably suffering from both MMO burnout and withdrawl at the same time. LOL, I thought I wanted a sandbox, but the ones out there are as much of a grind or are not my cup of tea. So, I wait for the next wave of offerings to choose from.
I can defintely relate. I'm hoping that I'll get a couple hundred hours or more from GW2 before I feel the need to take it in in smaller doses. I greatly appreciate that by being Buy to Play, I can play as much, or as little; as often or as infrequently; as I care to with out ever having a subscription fee I need to justify.
There are no healers/tanks! I can’t play my favorite role!
The combat is too hard!
There’s no subscription! It’ll lose money, crash, burn and fail!
Great article over at ZAM discussing the five above mentioned arguements against GW2 and why they may not hold up under closer scrutiny. Definitely worth a read and further discussion.
I was siting on the fence until I read the article in the link. Then I started watching vids of game play on You Tube.
I just pre-purchased the game.
AMD Phenum II x4 3.6Ghz 975 black edition 8 gig Ram Nvidia GeForce GTX 760
these are my pet peeves, not argument against because I'm going to buy bloody game:
Legal RMT. (CS is mostly fine)
PvP Isolated to one zone with predefined battleground, no open world PvP, no dueling.
No player confrontation in PvE zones, you are forced to accept anyone while 'questing'.
Gathering without excitement, personal instanced nodes.
Limited differentiation between same profession, traits are there just for argument sake(hope not).
It's too late to speculate about anything else, I need to see this in game while playing, every game has it's own spirit, maybe everything in GW2 will be fine and dandy, really hope for Anet to make this right.
Anybody who thinks dueling is PvP, has been playing way too much WoW.
The rest of your post sounds exactly like "mortal online", or should I say "gankfest online". No thanks, we have enough of those games already, and we have plenty of PvE/Raiding games.
Looks like GW2 is not for you.
Wrong on all points. Take it easy man, no one will take GW2 away from you.
these are my pet peeves, not argument against because I'm going to buy bloody game:
Legal RMT. (CS is mostly fine)
PvP Isolated to one zone with predefined battleground, no open world PvP, no dueling.
No player confrontation in PvE zones, you are forced to accept anyone while 'questing'.
Gathering without excitement, personal instanced nodes.
Limited differentiation between same profession, traits are there just for argument sake(hope not).
It's too late to speculate about anything else, I need to see this in game while playing, every game has it's own spirit, maybe everything in GW2 will be fine and dandy, really hope for Anet to make this right.
Much of my sentiment too.
My list:
1. World PvP Isolated to one zone with predefined battleground, no open world PvP in the main game world, no dueling.Lenient death penalties.
2. No mounts or other real time, natural means of fast transport but teleporting (also teleporting in dungeons).
3. World not as seamless or open as I would like to see (despite apparently large and open zones).
4. Influence vendor offering an indirect link between Cash and Inf. (the main WvW "currency").
5. No roles = limited synergy in group content between players resulting in a typical cycle of Fighting -> Getting aggro -> Being face stomped -> Fighting to survive -> Ressing / Being ressed -> Fighting -> Getting aggro-> Being face stomped -> Fighting to survive, etc. i.e. Defeating hard fights requires being defeated a lot yourself.
I do have a list of good points as well though, but this thread is not about those.
If there's one word to characterize the philosophy behind this game I think it would be "convenience". It's something you will see back in almost every aspect. This has both good and bad sides.
You better get used to the concept. If D3 will be successful (and I can safely predict it will), RMT will become the new normal very soon. Not sure if Blizzard will backport it to WoW but they'll have RMT in their next MMO.
MMORPG genre is dead. Long live MMOCS (Massively Multiplayer Online Cash Shop).
There are no healers/tanks! I can’t play my favorite role!
The combat is too hard!
There’s no subscription! It’ll lose money, crash, burn and fail!
Great article over at ZAM discussing the five above mentioned arguements against GW2 and why they may not hold up under closer scrutiny. Definitely worth a read and further discussion.
I don't need to read about these arguements in another article because everyday I see these vain arguements in these forums, sadly. Thanks anyway! :-D
gw2 is the my most disapointed 2012 video game after swtor
They better live up to this DAoC 2.0 shit or this game failing to meet expectations will damage the genre SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad it will not be funny. We will be stuck with WoW and WoW clones for years to come.
After half the shit you GW fans said about Rift this game better live up to the hype or I promise to god you will never hear the end of it from me and a crap ton of other people. Also including hardcore WoW and TOR fans who's games you guys also trolled endlessly.
If ArenaNET can not even pull off something as simple as public grouping within the first month it is on.
If gameplay videos aren't enough for some people to convince them it's the best MMORPG on the market, after beta weekend and some playtime they WILL be convinced.
If gameplay videos aren't enough for some people to convince them it's the best MMORPG on the market, after beta weekend and some playtime they WILL be convinced.
I know because I had some playtime
See you in beta.
They have convinced me that WvW will be a epic lag fest and the dynamic events have little to no actual coordination. Also instanced zones are not even worth talking about this game as a serious mmorpg.
Sorry to be a buzz kill here, but I am not throwing money at ArenaNET until this game proves itself on live servers. GW2 fanboi hype is seriously turning me off to this game and making it impossible to figure out wtf this game is really about.
If gameplay videos aren't enough for some people to convince them it's the best MMORPG on the market, after beta weekend and some playtime they WILL be convinced.
I know because I had some playtime
See you in beta.
They have convinced me that WvW will be a epic lag fest and the dynamic events have little to no actual coordination. Also instanced zones are not even worth talking about this game as a serious mmorpg.
Sorry to be a buzz kill here, but I am not throwing money at ArenaNET until this game proves itself on live servers. GW2 fanboi hype is seriously turning me off to this game and making it impossible to figure out wtf this game is really about.
That statement is ridiculous, hype as nothing to do with what the game actually is, actually hype is only working for the "too much hype = the game is a piece of crap" people.
Go check out the thousands of videos of actually gameplay footage and convince yourself if it's good or bad.
If gameplay videos aren't enough for some people to convince them it's the best MMORPG on the market, after beta weekend and some playtime they WILL be convinced.
I know because I had some playtime
See you in beta.
They have convinced me that WvW will be a epic lag fest and the dynamic events have little to no actual coordination. Also instanced zones are not even worth talking about this game as a serious mmorpg.
Sorry to be a buzz kill here, but I am not throwing money at ArenaNET until this game proves itself on live servers. GW2 fanboi hype is seriously turning me off to this game and making it impossible to figure out wtf this game is really about.
I'm witholding judgement on GW2 until I get some time to play it. I'll probably pick it up a few months after it's launched.
Your first paragraph suggests that the videos you've watched have demonstrated a laggy or choppy gameplay in WvW. I am wondering which videos you've watched. The short clips I've been able to locate online are all very smooth. I'm sure this is because it's nto actually live, and I suspect there will be latency issues once the scale of the battles reaches a certain point. However, to say that the videos are showing you latency issues seems like unhype to me (the opposite of hype). Or have you actually found something that shows the issues you mention?
I don't think you need to apologize for being a buzz kill anymore than I need to apologize for not liking caviar. If something isn't appealing to you, that doesn't make you a buzz kill. What would make you a buzz kill is seeking to cut down peoples' excitement for a game because you yourself don't like it. Why is hype turning you off to a game? This game, more than any other in recent memory, has gone against the grain by offering quite a bit of objective information about the game's features, design philosophy and scope. Do what the rest of us moderates do- read the information and make your own decisions. If you've already done this (and it sounds like you have) then I'm not sure what else needs to be said from you on the topic.
I'm noticing that these forums have as many people unhyping the game as there are hyping it. Anyone who comes on here and says GW2 is the best game is clearly hyping themselves and trying to create buzz. Similarly, anyone saying GW2 is terrible is clearly unhyping themselves and trying to diminish the anticipation of the game by the community. To me, both groups are two sides of the same coin. The person you've quoted is clearly excited, but they overreach when they assert that people WILL like the game once they play. That's obviously not going to be true in every case. I don't see why so many people are upset that this game is being hyped. Who cares what people say? Go read about it, make your decision, even share it with the community if you want. But to acknowledge (and validate) the hyperbole on either side is obnoxious and puts you at the same level as those you strive to condemn.
Sorry to be a buzz kill here, but I am not throwing money at ArenaNET until this game proves itself on live servers. GW2 fanboi hype is seriously turning me off to this game and making it impossible to figure out wtf this game is really about.
You could watch a video?
This one is particularly good at showing the game is not just button mashing:
I'm not sure how "fanbois" are keeping you from forming your own opinion, but I have seen multiple posts attempting to troll the game that have essentially said the same thing.
I think it's accurate that a lot of people have built up their expectations so high that they can't help but be disappointed, and there also appears to be a lot of folks nervous that GW2 might negatively impact the playerbase in a game that they like. But has apparently been pretty open in saying what the game is and what it isn't, and this non-NDA beta is the next step in transparency. If you watch a video and don't like what you see, why not move on instead of getting so angry about it?
"Loading screens" are not "instances". Your personal efforts to troll any game will not, in fact, impact the success or failure of said game.
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated
Read the article, or maybe even re-read the part above I've highlighted in red.
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated
1. NO mounts.... this will be the first and only MMORPG I will play that has no player mounts. Not that big of a deal for me but some might find it hard to deal with. Mounts to me are just as much a status symbol as they are transportation .
Well that is all I can think for now, this game is shaping up rather nicely!
No one argues there won't be paid expansions for the game, or that they won't cost between $30-$60 for full sized expansions. There won't be enough expansions to come close to equaling the cost of subscribing to a P2P game for a year ans buying the first paid expansion, let alone to match your insance prediction of 20X$30 expansions the first year. I mean, it would be great if they could magically produce a full expansion every few weeks, we could buy a new one when ever we run out of things to do and play the game for a decase with out ever having to buy another game ever again for out gaming needs. But, well, our real world has a sad lack of such magic, so I guess we'll have to settle for something a bit less ambitious. I'd be ecstatic if we got a full sized $30 expansion every six months over the next five years!
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated
You may want to watch some of the numerous gameplay videos, I would recommend something like this one from TB:
If you watch that and still feel like the PvE isn't very good or interesting then you are correct, this is not the game you're looking for.
"Loading screens" are not "instances".
Your personal efforts to troll any game will not, in fact, impact the success or failure of said game.
read the article isn't bad...
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated
Action combat that requires you to run around like a chicken with your head cut off. I'm sure this will make all the bunny hopping spaz monkies happy, but I can see it getting really old, really fast the longer I play the game.
Well, I like PvP, but then in FPS such as TF2. In MMORPGs? Nah, never really enjoyed that. Since GW2 is a MMORPG PvP game, with a little bit of PvE glued on, it's definately not for me, so I won't buy it.
Maybe half a year after it's release, when I read through some reviews and it had its worst bugs fixed and there is a free trial, I might try that one. Until then: I doubt I'll miss anything when not getting GW2.
Let's play Fallen Earth (blind, 300 episodes)
Let's play Guild Wars 2 (blind, 45 episodes)
Exactly. I've seen all of these concerns in actual conversation. The article addresses them all pretty succinctly, which is why I started the thread to give people a heads up on the article.
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated
I can defintely relate. I'm hoping that I'll get a couple hundred hours or more from GW2 before I feel the need to take it in in smaller doses. I greatly appreciate that by being Buy to Play, I can play as much, or as little; as often or as infrequently; as I care to with out ever having a subscription fee I need to justify.
Want to know more about GW2 and why there is so much buzz? Start here: Guild Wars 2 Mass Info for the Uninitiated
I was siting on the fence until I read the article in the link. Then I started watching vids of game play on You Tube.
I just pre-purchased the game.
AMD Phenum II x4 3.6Ghz 975 black edition
8 gig Ram
Nvidia GeForce GTX 760
Whooopsie OP, you just named 5 ADVANTAGES of GW2 and somehow placed them under "against".
Thise ar 5 reasons why i WILL play GW2
And believe me when I say: Most people see those as advantage and welcome them.
Thats why i quitted SWTOR, it seems you belong to game like WoW/SWTOR.
Wrong on all points. Take it easy man, no one will take GW2 away from you.
"I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that."
gw2 is the my most disapointed 2012 video game after swtor
Much of my sentiment too.
My list:
1. World PvP Isolated to one zone with predefined battleground, no open world PvP in the main game world, no dueling. Lenient death penalties.
2. No mounts or other real time, natural means of fast transport but teleporting (also teleporting in dungeons).
3. World not as seamless or open as I would like to see (despite apparently large and open zones).
4. Influence vendor offering an indirect link between Cash and Inf. (the main WvW "currency").
5. No roles = limited synergy in group content between players resulting in a typical cycle of Fighting -> Getting aggro -> Being face stomped -> Fighting to survive -> Ressing / Being ressed -> Fighting -> Getting aggro-> Being face stomped -> Fighting to survive, etc. i.e. Defeating hard fights requires being defeated a lot yourself.
I do have a list of good points as well though, but this thread is not about those.
If there's one word to characterize the philosophy behind this game I think it would be "convenience". It's something you will see back in almost every aspect. This has both good and bad sides.
My brand new bloggity blog.
MMORPG genre is dead. Long live MMOCS (Massively Multiplayer Online Cash Shop).
I don't need to read about these arguements in another article because everyday I see these vain arguements in these forums, sadly. Thanks anyway! :-D
They better live up to this DAoC 2.0 shit or this game failing to meet expectations will damage the genre SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bad it will not be funny. We will be stuck with WoW and WoW clones for years to come.
After half the shit you GW fans said about Rift this game better live up to the hype or I promise to god you will never hear the end of it from me and a crap ton of other people. Also including hardcore WoW and TOR fans who's games you guys also trolled endlessly.
If ArenaNET can not even pull off something as simple as public grouping within the first month it is on.
There's a difference between not being able to do something or just not wanting to do it.
If gameplay videos aren't enough for some people to convince them it's the best MMORPG on the market, after beta weekend and some playtime they WILL be convinced.
I know because I had some playtime
See you in beta.
NEW IDEAS that can refresh the STALE state of MMORPGs
They have convinced me that WvW will be a epic lag fest and the dynamic events have little to no actual coordination. Also instanced zones are not even worth talking about this game as a serious mmorpg.
Sorry to be a buzz kill here, but I am not throwing money at ArenaNET until this game proves itself on live servers. GW2 fanboi hype is seriously turning me off to this game and making it impossible to figure out wtf this game is really about.
That statement is ridiculous, hype as nothing to do with what the game actually is, actually hype is only working for the "too much hype = the game is a piece of crap" people.
Go check out the thousands of videos of actually gameplay footage and convince yourself if it's good or bad.
I'm witholding judgement on GW2 until I get some time to play it. I'll probably pick it up a few months after it's launched.
Your first paragraph suggests that the videos you've watched have demonstrated a laggy or choppy gameplay in WvW. I am wondering which videos you've watched. The short clips I've been able to locate online are all very smooth. I'm sure this is because it's nto actually live, and I suspect there will be latency issues once the scale of the battles reaches a certain point. However, to say that the videos are showing you latency issues seems like unhype to me (the opposite of hype). Or have you actually found something that shows the issues you mention?
I don't think you need to apologize for being a buzz kill anymore than I need to apologize for not liking caviar. If something isn't appealing to you, that doesn't make you a buzz kill. What would make you a buzz kill is seeking to cut down peoples' excitement for a game because you yourself don't like it. Why is hype turning you off to a game? This game, more than any other in recent memory, has gone against the grain by offering quite a bit of objective information about the game's features, design philosophy and scope. Do what the rest of us moderates do- read the information and make your own decisions. If you've already done this (and it sounds like you have) then I'm not sure what else needs to be said from you on the topic.
I'm noticing that these forums have as many people unhyping the game as there are hyping it. Anyone who comes on here and says GW2 is the best game is clearly hyping themselves and trying to create buzz. Similarly, anyone saying GW2 is terrible is clearly unhyping themselves and trying to diminish the anticipation of the game by the community. To me, both groups are two sides of the same coin. The person you've quoted is clearly excited, but they overreach when they assert that people WILL like the game once they play. That's obviously not going to be true in every case. I don't see why so many people are upset that this game is being hyped. Who cares what people say? Go read about it, make your decision, even share it with the community if you want. But to acknowledge (and validate) the hyperbole on either side is obnoxious and puts you at the same level as those you strive to condemn.
You could watch a video?
This one is particularly good at showing the game is not just button mashing:
I'm not sure how "fanbois" are keeping you from forming your own opinion, but I have seen multiple posts attempting to troll the game that have essentially said the same thing.
I think it's accurate that a lot of people have built up their expectations so high that they can't help but be disappointed, and there also appears to be a lot of folks nervous that GW2 might negatively impact the playerbase in a game that they like. But has apparently been pretty open in saying what the game is and what it isn't, and this non-NDA beta is the next step in transparency. If you watch a video and don't like what you see, why not move on instead of getting so angry about it?
"Loading screens" are not "instances".
Your personal efforts to troll any game will not, in fact, impact the success or failure of said game.