Second.. all the countries form the old Russian Republic speak and understand Russian. Start addign them up.
Third, Spannish speakers, Portuguese and Italian have very close languages so they understand each other pretty well. Start to add them up aswel.
See.. English is one of the less spoken languages in Europe.. I find it funny that you guys form UK always complain about non English typing aswel, when the vast majority of you cannot even type in anything else than your own native language
I am from Europe. Poland.
I was living also for some time in Holland and in Slovakia. I do also have some friends from Ukraine.
Not to mention people from all Europe from Portugal to Russia I had met in all years of my life.
While apart of speaking Polish and English , I can speak a little bit of Slovak and I have some understanding of Czech and Ukrainian + have very general understandment of other Slavic laugneuges (especially if written not spoken and if written in latin alphabet cause my cyrylica is not so good ).
STILL - with most of those foreign people I have spoken in English. Why? Cause it usually was language we both know on some level at least.
So while for your FIRST language - English os nowhere to be most common language in Europe as there are more Russian & German native speakers in Europe than native English speakers - still English is language that most people know on at least basic or intermediate level.
When I was living in Slovakia - I was living amongst students from whole Europe and while it was not a rare occurence that sometimes there were conversations (people speaking with other people from another language) in Spanish , French, Russian or in my case Slovak-Polish mix to some Slovak people and they replying with pure or almost pure Slovak.
STILL 90% of conversations were in English. Why?
Because while quite a bit of people knew Spanish , Russian , French ,etc - it was NOT a majority WHILE English was known (on diffrent levels of course) by MAJORITY.
So yeah sometimes it is irritiating when some asshat from UK is compaining that not everyone is speaking ONLY english , then on the other hand English IS most widely spoken SECOND language in Europe by far.
Second.. all the countries form the old Russian Republic speak and understand Russian. Start addign them up.
Third, Spannish speakers, Portuguese and Italian have very close languages so they understand each other pretty well. Start to add them up aswel.
See.. English is one of the less spoken languages in Europe.. I find it funny that you guys form UK always complain about non English typing aswel, when the vast majority of you cannot even type in anything else than your own native language
I don't have the numbers for europe only, but these are the numbers world wide:
Russian: 145 millions
Italian: 61 millions
Spanish: 328 millions
Portuguese: 208 millions
Total: 742 million people speak these languages (first and second language).
English as first language: 402 millions.
English as second language: Up to 1000 millions
Total: 1402 million people speak english as their first or second language. Even more if you count people who just give a damn and learn it.
Unless a company provides a native server for a nation I do believe that there should be an enforced language for a game. English seems to be the most common second taught language in Europe.
If it was any other language and I wanted to play that game and it was for example German I would learn German. I went with Germany cause they have the wealthiest economy keeping Europe afloat therefore I believe they have most disposable income while most almost third world EU countries like spain and greece are suffering massive employment issues would not.
I jibe a little however my main point is this. I have enjoyed my time talking to various people from different countries in my gaming career and on a daily basis I chat with people from Denmark and Belgium. I do not like communities that huddle together speak their own language then are rude/abusive and exploitative towards those who aren't their "own".
I wish gaming companies would enforce/police a language of a server the community at large would benefit a great deal regardless of the whine and rascist accusations. Any private chat can be done via comms.
Not that i have any issues with people speaknig their own langauge in games.. infact i like it as it helps me pick up other languages..
Ok lets see this list of yours:
First of all, you forgeting Russia.
Second.. all the countries form the old Russian Republic speak and understand Russian. Start addign them up.
Third, Spannish speakers, Portuguese and Italian have very close languages so they understand each other pretty well. Start to add them up aswel.
See.. English is one of the less spoken languages in Europe.. I find it funny that you guys form UK always complain about non English typing aswel, when the vast majority of you cannot even type in anything else than your own native language
"English is an official language of the European Union and many Commonwealth countries, as well as in many world organisations."-Wikipedia
Odd that it would be the official language of the EU then, isn't it? It may be hard for you to accept, but the English language is more widespread than any other language, if not as a first language, then as a second. That includes the EU. You can group together whatever languages you wish in order to rationalize your position, but unless they are dialects of a common tongue, you're just being obtuse.
By the way, I notice you're from Portugal. Isn't English your second language as well?
Unless a company provides a native server for a nation I do believe that there should be an enforced language for a game. English seems to be the most common second taught language in Europe.
If it was any other language and I wanted to play that game and it was for example German I would learn German. I went with Germany cause they have the wealthiest economy keeping Europe afloat therefore I believe they have most disposable income while most almost third world EU countries like spain and greece are suffering massive employment issues would not.
I jibe a little however my main point is this. I have enjoyed my time talking to various people from different countries in my gaming career and on a daily basis I chat with people from Denmark and Belgium. I do not like communities that huddle together speak their own language then are rude/abusive and exploitative towards those who aren't their "own".
I wish gaming companies would enforce/police a language of a server the community at large would benefit a great deal regardless of the whine and rascist accusations. Any private chat can be done via comms.
How dare you call us that. You've got some nerve.
Well going off topic but the EU as it was implemented was a dumb idea, most of the european countries were very poor and had little economical power. Heck spain and greece were not even democratic untill the mid-late 70's, and some what beyond that.
Except of the UK, France, and Germany not a single country in the EU had any real productive economy except for maybe Holland but even they are mostly traders so they count on the well being of other economies for their prosperaty.
Then the EU came and said every one should make X euro's get full socail benefits and bla bla bla when in reality there are a handfull of countries that can economically support it while the rest were living on borrowed time and money.
If its a english server you should write in english in general chat. If its a german server you should write in german. It makes no difference if you are a native english/german speaker as long as you can use the language.
I think its OK if you are only allowed to use the servers official language in general chat. If you cant do that dont use general chat. If you use guild chat or if you are in a group with friends it makes no difference.
I've never understood this kind of thinking. If something being said in general chat is in a language other than the server's official language, then it's not all that important to you if you don't understand it. If it were, it would have been written in a more commonly understood language. English is the mother tongue where I'm from and it would be stupid for me to get pissy if I heard people speaking Japanese or Spanish. Frankly, I think that's pretty cool when I hear it. Same goes for game chat.
Besides, when was the last time you heard anything worth listening to in general chat, anyway?
It's basic courtesy when you are in a group of people who dont speak your language you dont speak it...
Everytime i travel in europe for my work and we having a meeting or a discussion people would appologize 10 times prior and after switchng to their native language.
Say your are french or spanish and you got a client in germany you go there sit in a meeting room and they all talk german you have no idea what they are talking about its a very uncomfortable feeling...
Unless a company provides a native server for a nation I do believe that there should be an enforced language for a game. English seems to be the most common second taught language in Europe.
If it was any other language and I wanted to play that game and it was for example German I would learn German. I went with Germany cause they have the wealthiest economy keeping Europe afloat therefore I believe they have most disposable income while most almost third world EU countries like spain and greece are suffering massive employment issues would not.
I jibe a little however my main point is this. I have enjoyed my time talking to various people from different countries in my gaming career and on a daily basis I chat with people from Denmark and Belgium. I do not like communities that huddle together speak their own language then are rude/abusive and exploitative towards those who aren't their "own".
I wish gaming companies would enforce/police a language of a server the community at large would benefit a great deal regardless of the whine and rascist accusations. Any private chat can be done via comms.
If its a english server you should write in english in general chat. If its a german server you should write in german. It makes no difference if you are a native english/german speaker as long as you can use the language.
I think its OK if you are only allowed to use the servers official language in general chat. If you cant do that dont use general chat. If you use guild chat or if you are in a group with friends it makes no difference.
I've never understood this kind of thinking. If something being said in general chat is in a language other than the server's official language, then it's not all that important to you if you don't understand it. If it were, it would have been written in a more commonly understood language. English is the mother tongue where I'm from and it would be stupid for me to get pissy if I heard people speaking Japanese or Spanish. Frankly, I think that's pretty cool when I hear it. Same goes for game chat.
Besides, when was the last time you heard anything worth listening to in general chat, anyway?
it was'nt the fact they were speaking another was the fact they were spamming the chat channel so most had to turn it off .thats what the problem was..can't work it out if it was deliberate or not.because i didnt understand .a lot of people were getting very upset who were asking for advice who never got a lookin because of what they did.when asked to tone it down they just continued..there was about 10 of them that did it constantly..they are on everyones ignore list.i got the feeling it was kind of deliberate but not really fair to say that.
Unless a company provides a native server for a nation I do believe that there should be an enforced language for a game. English seems to be the most common second taught language in Europe.
If it was any other language and I wanted to play that game and it was for example German I would learn German. I went with Germany cause they have the wealthiest economy keeping Europe afloat therefore I believe they have most disposable income while most almost third world EU countries like spain and greece are suffering massive employment issues would not.
I jibe a little however my main point is this. I have enjoyed my time talking to various people from different countries in my gaming career and on a daily basis I chat with people from Denmark and Belgium. I do not like communities that huddle together speak their own language then are rude/abusive and exploitative towards those who aren't their "own".
I wish gaming companies would enforce/police a language of a server the community at large would benefit a great deal regardless of the whine and rascist accusations. Any private chat can be done via comms.
How dare you call us that. You've got some nerve.
Well going off topic but the EU as it was implemented was a dumb idea, most of the european countries were very poor and had little economical power. Heck spain and greece were not even democratic untill the mid-late 70's, and some what beyond that.
Except of the UK, France, and Germany not a single country in the EU had any real productive economy except for maybe Holland but even they are mostly traders so they count on the well being of other economies for their prosperaty.
Then the EU came and said every one should make X euro's get full socail benefits and bla bla bla when in reality there are a handfull of countries that can economically support it while the rest were living on borrowed time and money.
We had a fucking dictator running things until he died in 1975. What do you expect.
It's not like any country helped us get rid of him.
But that's besides the point. We are far from being a 3rd world country. Saying otherwise is trivialising the struggles of the actual ones.
Why english talkers always complains against other languages? Go study yourselves.
Most English speakers, speak English AND their native language. It is mostly non-english speakers who refuse to learn a language beside their native language.
I am from Sweden but live and work in France and I can tell you that maybe 90% here dont speak anything beside French.
Lets keep in mind that the ultimate goal is to communicate, whatever the means available. The language barriers are just that, barriers that we need to ovecome. It ultimately doesn't matter how we communicate with each other, but that we actually do it and thus cooperate and unite ourselves instead of divide and segregate.
English is taught in schools in most EU countries along with their primary language, but they just prefer to speak their native language in their native countries. Online I guess they dont like having to think about what they type so they type their native language. Servers for specific languages would be the best way for now, but those people that speak a different language they can actually understand quite a bit of what you say, even if they dont reply
If its a english server you should write in english in general chat. If its a german server you should write in german. It makes no difference if you are a native english/german speaker as long as you can use the language.
I think its OK if you are only allowed to use the servers official language in general chat. If you cant do that dont use general chat. If you use guild chat or if you are in a group with friends it makes no difference.
I've never understood this kind of thinking. If something being said in general chat is in a language other than the server's official language, then it's not all that important to you if you don't understand it. If it were, it would have been written in a more commonly understood language. English is the mother tongue where I'm from and it would be stupid for me to get pissy if I heard people speaking Japanese or Spanish. Frankly, I think that's pretty cool when I hear it. Same goes for game chat.
Besides, when was the last time you heard anything worth listening to in general chat, anyway?
In that case I also think it should be called EU server. Not english server. Perhaps what they are saying is important. Perhaps I would be interested. But the player saying it cant write in english or think it would be very difficult to do that. Maybe the only choice for him/her is to use his/her native language or not say/write it at all.
Of course its annoying if you cant understand general chat most of the time. Because everyone is using some native language. And even worse if you join a PUG and end up with 4 different languages in the group. And 3 players in that group perhaps not understanding any english at all.
So why not both EU servers and english servers? It could be a good idea...
English is taught in schools in most EU countries along with their primary language, but they just prefer to speak their native language in their native countries.
Well you are confusing teaching with actual learning. I can tell you for a fact that a big chunk of my countrymen (Italy) can't speak english at all. And when they encounter an english chat they react in the only childish way they know, you see something that put you face to face with your ignorance you make fun of it.
More on topic, I'm sorry if this sound a bit harsh but I'll just enforce english on general chat with bans for who doesn't conform. It's a matter of education. Not to mention that in almost any games there are custom channels for other languages communities.
I am from Europe. Poland.
I was living also for some time in Holland and in Slovakia. I do also have some friends from Ukraine.
Not to mention people from all Europe from Portugal to Russia I had met in all years of my life.
While apart of speaking Polish and English , I can speak a little bit of Slovak and I have some understanding of Czech and Ukrainian + have very general understandment of other Slavic laugneuges (especially if written not spoken and if written in latin alphabet cause my cyrylica is not so good ).
STILL - with most of those foreign people I have spoken in English. Why? Cause it usually was language we both know on some level at least.
So while for your FIRST language - English os nowhere to be most common language in Europe as there are more Russian & German native speakers in Europe than native English speakers - still English is language that most people know on at least basic or intermediate level.
When I was living in Slovakia - I was living amongst students from whole Europe and while it was not a rare occurence that sometimes there were conversations (people speaking with other people from another language) in Spanish , French, Russian or in my case Slovak-Polish mix to some Slovak people and they replying with pure or almost pure Slovak.
STILL 90% of conversations were in English. Why?
Because while quite a bit of people knew Spanish , Russian , French ,etc - it was NOT a majority WHILE English was known (on diffrent levels of course) by MAJORITY.
So yeah sometimes it is irritiating when some asshat from UK is compaining that not everyone is speaking ONLY english , then on the other hand English IS most widely spoken SECOND language in Europe by far.
I don't have the numbers for europe only, but these are the numbers world wide:
Russian: 145 millions
Italian: 61 millions
Spanish: 328 millions
Portuguese: 208 millions
Total: 742 million people speak these languages (first and second language).
English as first language: 402 millions.
English as second language: Up to 1000 millions
Total: 1402 million people speak english as their first or second language. Even more if you count people who just give a damn and learn it.
How dare you call us that. You've got some nerve.
"English is an official language of the European Union and many Commonwealth countries, as well as in many world organisations." -Wikipedia
Odd that it would be the official language of the EU then, isn't it? It may be hard for you to accept, but the English language is more widespread than any other language, if not as a first language, then as a second. That includes the EU. You can group together whatever languages you wish in order to rationalize your position, but unless they are dialects of a common tongue, you're just being obtuse.
By the way, I notice you're from Portugal. Isn't English your second language as well?
Well going off topic but the EU as it was implemented was a dumb idea, most of the european countries were very poor and had little economical power. Heck spain and greece were not even democratic untill the mid-late 70's, and some what beyond that.
Except of the UK, France, and Germany not a single country in the EU had any real productive economy except for maybe Holland but even they are mostly traders so they count on the well being of other economies for their prosperaty.
Then the EU came and said every one should make X euro's get full socail benefits and bla bla bla when in reality there are a handfull of countries that can economically support it while the rest were living on borrowed time and money.
I've never understood this kind of thinking. If something being said in general chat is in a language other than the server's official language, then it's not all that important to you if you don't understand it. If it were, it would have been written in a more commonly understood language. English is the mother tongue where I'm from and it would be stupid for me to get pissy if I heard people speaking Japanese or Spanish. Frankly, I think that's pretty cool when I hear it. Same goes for game chat.
Besides, when was the last time you heard anything worth listening to in general chat, anyway?
It's basic courtesy when you are in a group of people who dont speak your language you dont speak it...
Everytime i travel in europe for my work and we having a meeting or a discussion people would appologize 10 times prior and after switchng to their native language.
Say your are french or spanish and you got a client in germany you go there sit in a meeting room and they all talk german you have no idea what they are talking about its a very uncomfortable feeling...
The "almost" makes it true
it was'nt the fact they were speaking another was the fact they were spamming the chat channel so most had to turn it off .thats what the problem was..can't work it out if it was deliberate or not.because i didnt understand .a lot of people were getting very upset who were asking for advice who never got a lookin because of what they did.when asked to tone it down they just continued..there was about 10 of them that did it constantly..they are on everyones ignore list.i got the feeling it was kind of deliberate but not really fair to say that.
We had a fucking dictator running things until he died in 1975. What do you expect.
It's not like any country helped us get rid of him.
But that's besides the point. We are far from being a 3rd world country. Saying otherwise is trivialising the struggles of the actual ones.
Nonsense. English is the biggest second language in Europe.
My gaming blog
Most English speakers, speak English AND their native language. It is mostly non-english speakers who refuse to learn a language beside their native language.
I am from Sweden but live and work in France and I can tell you that maybe 90% here dont speak anything beside French.
My gaming blog
Lets keep in mind that the ultimate goal is to communicate, whatever the means available. The language barriers are just that, barriers that we need to ovecome. It ultimately doesn't matter how we communicate with each other, but that we actually do it and thus cooperate and unite ourselves instead of divide and segregate.
English is taught in schools in most EU countries along with their primary language, but they just prefer to speak their native language in their native countries. Online I guess they dont like having to think about what they type so they type their native language. Servers for specific languages would be the best way for now, but those people that speak a different language they can actually understand quite a bit of what you say, even if they dont reply
In that case I also think it should be called EU server. Not english server. Perhaps what they are saying is important. Perhaps I would be interested. But the player saying it cant write in english or think it would be very difficult to do that. Maybe the only choice for him/her is to use his/her native language or not say/write it at all.
Of course its annoying if you cant understand general chat most of the time. Because everyone is using some native language. And even worse if you join a PUG and end up with 4 different languages in the group. And 3 players in that group perhaps not understanding any english at all.
So why not both EU servers and english servers? It could be a good idea...
Essenia EU PVP server is tagged as EN/EU
the german and french servers are tagged GE and FR respectivly.
Well you are confusing teaching with actual learning. I can tell you for a fact that a big chunk of my countrymen (Italy) can't speak english at all. And when they encounter an english chat they react in the only childish way they know, you see something that put you face to face with your ignorance you make fun of it.
More on topic, I'm sorry if this sound a bit harsh but I'll just enforce english on general chat with bans for who doesn't conform. It's a matter of education. Not to mention that in almost any games there are custom channels for other languages communities.