abilities tab --> claim items, the permanent tab there
That's a level 20 mount though. You can use the horse once you hit level 10 or 11, don't remember.
Basically the claim items will put a book in your inventory, right click to learn, then go to your skills tab (press K) and drag the mount icon somewhere.
I haven't played a MMORPG since SWTOR and I quit that after 2 months because I couldn't stomach the quest grinding anymore. As a matter of fact, I loathe quest grinding so much I swore I'd never play another MMORPG with it in it. So why did I just buy Tera's collectors edition?
It was because of all the glowing reviews and first impressions the community gave here. Members who also hated quest grinding, but still fell in love with the game. The reviews and impressions have been mostly positive, which is different than how it's been for every MMORPG since I've started playing in the genre. Most highly anticipated MMORPG's have overwhelmingly negavtive reviews from open beta, even though those people still pick up the game.
So thanks everyone for your input and I'll see you in game.
BTW, what's the new PvP servers name for NA and what's the death penalty? Do you lose items, xp, or what? Also, is the political system in yet? If not, when?
Have fun and post back when you actually played it
I too, loath questing, i however choose for GW2 for now, but if Tera is as good as it sounds i might just end up playing them both ^^
Yeah, I really like the sound of what GW2 has to offer more than I do Tera, but there's a few things bothering me about GW2 that pushed me over the edge to buy Tera.
1. You can't play the way you want in GW2 without being at a disadvantage. For instance, I generally like playing melee characters with some ranged capabilities for flavor. However, the community adamantly says that to be most effective and not gimp yourself, you must use the weapon that best suits the situation. So if I want to cast some fireballs at range until they get close, and then whip out my swords, then I'm SOL.
2. Beta reports are saying melee is seriously gimped. They deal a lot of dmg, but you get killed almost instantly in PvE by aoe damage, and in PvP, since it's so ranged heavy, you're focused down first.
3. Cash shops. My views on unfair gameplay are different than the majority, I realize that, but if you're able to buy anything that gives you an advantage in the game, then I don't like it. Even xp boosts is unfair IMO, since it allows players to unlock skills sooner, since they'll be in level range to do whatever is necessary to get them, sooner, which gives them an advantage in PvP. You may be the same level, but the person playing with more skills and who has their Elite skills will be better. In the long run, it may not matter, but it'll matter the first couple of weeks to 1 month.
Hi, *ahem* I'll address them in order then? Not really sure how to begin.
1. You can play the way you want without being at a disadvantage. That's to an extent of logic though. Generally if your strategy involves more than blindly rushing in the middle of a mob and you actually think about what your doing you'd be fine. Not sure who told you your fireballs at range and then whiping out your swords would mean your SOL. As a thief I pretty much only used my dual daggers...sooo..yeah.
2. Well, were talking about a beta of a game not even set on a release date yet. Balance is going to be wonky. I don't like when people use beta as an excuse for core design decisions but I equally hate when people use beta as a full, in place, demo. This is not a demo, it is a test. Things are all over the place. There are guild caps that won't be in the game (guilds are not capped at 100 people it was just for beta. Many other games including rift, war, WoW, and SWTOR have done guild caps at a hundred during testing) balancing issues and ability problems. Bugs and clipping issues. BUT ITS BETA. If these things weren't present I'd be pissed that I'm waiting for a game that's ready. Those things are to be expected, the game isn't even optomized yet. All of the graphical components currently rely on 90% CPU strength and almost zero percent on your graphics card.
Don't mean to come off harsh but using a beta as a value judgement for balance or anything related to superficial mechanics is borderline criminal. The game is a work in progress and not even close to a release date yet. Things are going to be a pendelum of change between now and release. I'm sure melee will be buffed to a huge degree by the next beta, then they will have to nerf and rebuff and nerf it again before it's right on point.
Cash shops don't effect PvP at all. Cash shops sell nothing useable in PvP to my knowledge. Especially not in structured PvP and everyone is buffed to the same level on all fronts in both PvP options so exp boosts and things wouldn't even be applicable here. The cash shop would only effect PvE. At that point I don't care if you can kill things faster than me in PvE. Even then though Anet is pretty serious about only selling fluff in the cash shop. Things like mobile banks, plush dolls, superficial pets to follow you around, different town clothes, things like that. I don't believe there's anything in the cash shop that even effects PvE performance much less PvP. Its all just extras for you to indulge in if you want.
Utility stuff, such as the mobile bank I told you about.
abilities tab --> claim items, the permanent tab there
That's a level 20 mount though. You can use the horse once you hit level 10 or 11, don't remember.
Basically the claim items will put a book in your inventory, right click to learn, then go to your skills tab (press K) and drag the mount icon somewhere.
Hi, *ahem* I'll address them in order then? Not really sure how to begin.
1. You can play the way you want without being at a disadvantage. That's to an extent of logic though. Generally if your strategy involves more than blindly rushing in the middle of a mob and you actually think about what your doing you'd be fine. Not sure who told you your fireballs at range and then whiping out your swords would mean your SOL. As a thief I pretty much only used my dual daggers...sooo..yeah.
2. Well, were talking about a beta of a game not even set on a release date yet. Balance is going to be wonky. I don't like when people use beta as an excuse for core design decisions but I equally hate when people use beta as a full, in place, demo. This is not a demo, it is a test. Things are all over the place. There are guild caps that won't be in the game (guilds are not capped at 100 people it was just for beta. Many other games including rift, war, WoW, and SWTOR have done guild caps at a hundred during testing) balancing issues and ability problems. Bugs and clipping issues. BUT ITS BETA. If these things weren't present I'd be pissed that I'm waiting for a game that's ready. Those things are to be expected, the game isn't even optomized yet. All of the graphical components currently rely on 90% CPU strength and almost zero percent on your graphics card.
Don't mean to come off harsh but using a beta as a value judgement for balance or anything related to superficial mechanics is borderline criminal. The game is a work in progress and not even close to a release date yet. Things are going to be a pendelum of change between now and release. I'm sure melee will be buffed to a huge degree by the next beta, then they will have to nerf and rebuff and nerf it again before it's right on point.
Cash shops don't effect PvP at all. Cash shops sell nothing useable in PvP to my knowledge. Especially not in structured PvP and everyone is buffed to the same level on all fronts in both PvP options so exp boosts and things wouldn't even be applicable here. The cash shop would only effect PvE. At that point I don't care if you can kill things faster than me in PvE. Even then though Anet is pretty serious about only selling fluff in the cash shop. Things like mobile banks, plush dolls, superficial pets to follow you around, different town clothes, things like that. I don't believe there's anything in the cash shop that even effects PvE performance much less PvP. Its all just extras for you to indulge in if you want.
Utility stuff, such as the mobile bank I told you about.