Sorry but you You must be brainwashed. Dubbing anything down is never a good thing for any game. and it never has. (SWG, EQ, EQ2) The only thing it's done is loose hardcore players interest and move onto other games. It's only a good thing to casual players who want things handed to them on a silver platter.
People who defend Diablo 3 despite the obvious, is the same people who couldn't be bothered too do research and look into what has been removed mechanically and gameplay wise from the first 2 games that made the 2 games unique from other hack'n'slash rpgs.
-The reply Value for Diablo 3 sucks. Period.
-The Mechanics in diablo 3 are for people with don't know how too do grade 8 algerbra. Period
Mysts of Pandora is a perfect example of this. Blizzard has stated that their new system is for the better, and nieve gamers like you eat it up everytime. Instead of being able to mix-match in certain tree's like you used to be able too do. Now you wont be able too do that. THE GAME WILL DO IT FOR YOU YAY FOR THAT! *sarcasm
I also find it amusing that you say that diablo 3 allows for more class customization. Even my wife laughed at that one. Even Rift has more class combination then this pos
Someone already wrote about supposed "hardcore" players
In thruth you only have players with abundance of time and players with limited time
As for replayability ...
If the only way for game to create replayability is to force you to grind new builds , than screw that game.
Calling out IQs is about like calling people nazis on a forum.
D2s skill trees were 10x as complex if by complex you mean the number of perfectly viable builds pre-hell. I'm comparing pre-hell fun builds to the ENTIRE range of possibilities viable or otherwise in D3. It's just a fact, deal with it. I'm a big d3 fanboy, but this isn't a good system.
I wonder if anyone here has played rift. I could play with that character builder all day and not run out of ideas. D3's builder took me about 3 and a half minutes.
The game is out in 24 hours, can we stop the pointless bashing? D3 skills system is different to that of D2.. you cannot please all of the people all of the time. For me D3 system offers so much more, Tree's skills & stat points are old hat lets give this system a fair go rather then dismissing it just cus it's different.
i for one have a boner for the monk combat skills.
dear god, 100 fists, exploding palm, 7 sided strikes, roundhouse kicks, its like bruce lee, with a chuck norris beard!
Sorry but you You must be brainwashed. Dubbing anything down is never a good thing for any game. and it never has. (SWG, EQ, EQ2) The only thing it's done is loose hardcore players interest and move onto other games. It's only a good thing to casual players who want things handed to them on a silver platter.
People who defend Diablo 3 despite the obvious, is the same people who couldn't be bothered too do research and look into what has been removed mechanically and gameplay wise from the first 2 games that made the 2 games unique from other hack'n'slash rpgs.
-The reply Value for Diablo 3 sucks. Period.
-The Mechanics in diablo 3 are for people with don't know how too do grade 8 algerbra. Period
Mysts of Pandora is a perfect example of this. Blizzard has stated that their new system is for the better, and nieve gamers like you eat it up everytime. Instead of being able to mix-match in certain tree's like you used to be able too do. Now you wont be able too do that. THE GAME WILL DO IT FOR YOU YAY FOR THAT! *sarcasm
I also find it amusing that you say that diablo 3 allows for more class customization. Even my wife laughed at that one. Even Rift has more class combination then this pos
How do I put this.
D2 had 10 active skills by the end of any character class.
D3 has over 3 times as much.
D2 had a few viable builds.
D3 has billions (there was actually someone who did the math).
Not only this but what is different about the two at all again? Been asking this for a while and no one seems to know. When I ding level 3 I am presented with a selection of skills to choose from with skill trees. Correct? I choose one. I do the same thing in D3.
Its just in D3 I don't have to run back and forth to town over and over again to respec and pay a meager 15g nor do I have to 'pay' 150 hours of my life to reroll and get back to the same point again.
Does it make you feel cool that someone has to pay over a hundred hours or 15g to just go back and copy your build anyways?
I gaurantee'd you if you took your kanye glasses off and actually tried the game, and saw that the two systems are identical minus tedium (and D3 has way more customization options presented in the form of 10 times as many skills total and even more considering all skills have 6 variations and then your passive skills).
Really? Your wife? Hilarious. One game (D2) has a couple thousand possibilities and only a few viable ones out of the bunch. D3 has billions. You can compare all you want but I gaurantee you I will see more unique builds then you.
If the only reason you were replaying D2 was because you had to reroll a character then you were not playing for the right reasons. At least in my opinion. That's not fun. Its not even really playing, your just working to get back to the same point you were at before with the same character just slightly different skills this time.
What are you even talking about with the mechanics? They are fine. I found way more complex decisions looking at skills in D3 than in D2. There are more of them, variations of them, and they are all useful.
In D2 I immediately ruled out 2/3 of the skills for just not holding up well against the others.
You and your wife can have fun missing out on one of the best games we've seen.
Sorry but you You must be brainwashed. Dubbing anything down is never a good thing for any game. and it never has. (SWG, EQ, EQ2) The only thing it's done is loose hardcore players interest and move onto other games. It's only a good thing to casual players who want things handed to them on a silver platter.
People who defend Diablo 3 despite the obvious, is the same people who couldn't be bothered too do research and look into what has been removed mechanically and gameplay wise from the first 2 games that made the 2 games unique from other hack'n'slash rpgs.
-The reply Value for Diablo 3 sucks. Period.
-The Mechanics in diablo 3 are for people with don't know how too do grade 8 algerbra. Period
Mysts of Pandora is a perfect example of this. Blizzard has stated that their new system is for the better, and nieve gamers like you eat it up everytime. Instead of being able to mix-match in certain tree's like you used to be able too do. Now you wont be able too do that. THE GAME WILL DO IT FOR YOU YAY FOR THAT! *sarcasm
I also find it amusing that you say that diablo 3 allows for more class customization. Even my wife laughed at that one. Even Rift has more class combination then this pos
Two things that make me get bored of skilltrees are:
filler skills
cookiecutter builds.
No matter how awesome your skilltrees are, these two points always come up. People argue that skilltrees make for varied styles, but if I look how bloody popular certain sites are, it seems to me that people are more interested in the maximum potential of a certain build, but not the experimenting part. Secondly, you always face filler skills. Even in Diablo 2, you needed certain skills because they're prerequisites or necessary for the synergies. You didn't like or use the skills in particular, but you needed them nonetheless.
Diablo 3 tries to do this all away. It tries to make every skill viable. I'm pretty amused that it caused a backlash on forums. Blizzard claims to have statistical evidence that people tend to use the cookiecutter builds. In a competative game, you're only gimping yourself by using a build that differs from the standard.
Now I'm all up for specific builds that do specific things. I fail to see how Diablo 3 limits in that perspective. At level 30 you have unlocked all skills. At level 60 you have unlocked every rune and passive ability. My guess is that there are going to be loads of different builds for every champion. With the big difference that if you build doesn't work, you can switch to another. I'm just glad that Diablo 3 doesn't *force* me to level a whole new character when I don't feel like leveling one, just as a penalty for trying out different builds. That's old and in my opinion, retarded. It's the same with certain programming classes at my university. You used to be tested at these programming languages with a written test. I detested those, because the way I learn programming languages, is by trial and error. Nowadays you get your grade by making a program. You get certain specific points and a deadline. I can try different things and get a grade for the endproduct. Needless to say, I score a lot better on those, plus the gained knowledge sticks longer. Win - win.
That's the way I hope Diablo 3 will work too for the masses. Promote more experimenting with different skills, without penalizing the player. It seems more fun to me, which is why I can't seem to understand people that still stick with the old concept of skilltrees. PoE's systems seemed nice (I like how they did the active skills), but limited refunds on the passive skilltree limit experimenting. You can plan all what you want, but in the end you need to experience the endgame first, before you can say if your build works at the end or doesn't. Having to grind more then 100 respec orbs to do a full respec (extreme case), only to find out that your second build doesn't work either, is (for me at least) a kick in the balls. If by all means this means I'm not a "hardcore" gamer, then I'm glad I'm not.
Lastly, I'm guessing your wife was laughing at you for not seeing the potential of Diablo 3's mechanics and perhaps your awful usage of the English language. Before you throw in the "I'm not a native English speaker"-card, neither am I. I'm Dutch, but at least I try to write something that doesn't look like it's thrown out by bloody Babelfish. There are a lot of spelling check methods out on the internet these days. I suggest you search for some if you want to be taking seriously.
P.S. I'm intrigued by the concept of "dubbing down games". Is it the concept of making games worse by making the dubs horrible? Because I agree with you on that. I'm always glad when I can play a JRPG with a Japanese audio language, because some English dubs "rape" my ears.
Someone already wrote about supposed "hardcore" players
In thruth you only have players with abundance of time and players with limited time
As for replayability ...
If the only way for game to create replayability is to force you to grind new builds , than screw that game.
I want replayability because of gameplay
i for one have a boner for the monk combat skills.
dear god, 100 fists, exploding palm, 7 sided strikes, roundhouse kicks, its like bruce lee, with a chuck norris beard!
How do I put this.
D2 had 10 active skills by the end of any character class.
D3 has over 3 times as much.
D2 had a few viable builds.
D3 has billions (there was actually someone who did the math).
Not only this but what is different about the two at all again? Been asking this for a while and no one seems to know. When I ding level 3 I am presented with a selection of skills to choose from with skill trees. Correct? I choose one. I do the same thing in D3.
Its just in D3 I don't have to run back and forth to town over and over again to respec and pay a meager 15g nor do I have to 'pay' 150 hours of my life to reroll and get back to the same point again.
Does it make you feel cool that someone has to pay over a hundred hours or 15g to just go back and copy your build anyways?
I gaurantee'd you if you took your kanye glasses off and actually tried the game, and saw that the two systems are identical minus tedium (and D3 has way more customization options presented in the form of 10 times as many skills total and even more considering all skills have 6 variations and then your passive skills).
Really? Your wife? Hilarious. One game (D2) has a couple thousand possibilities and only a few viable ones out of the bunch. D3 has billions. You can compare all you want but I gaurantee you I will see more unique builds then you.
If the only reason you were replaying D2 was because you had to reroll a character then you were not playing for the right reasons. At least in my opinion. That's not fun. Its not even really playing, your just working to get back to the same point you were at before with the same character just slightly different skills this time.
What are you even talking about with the mechanics? They are fine. I found way more complex decisions looking at skills in D3 than in D2. There are more of them, variations of them, and they are all useful.
In D2 I immediately ruled out 2/3 of the skills for just not holding up well against the others.
You and your wife can have fun missing out on one of the best games we've seen.
Two things that make me get bored of skilltrees are:
filler skills
cookiecutter builds.
No matter how awesome your skilltrees are, these two points always come up. People argue that skilltrees make for varied styles, but if I look how bloody popular certain sites are, it seems to me that people are more interested in the maximum potential of a certain build, but not the experimenting part. Secondly, you always face filler skills. Even in Diablo 2, you needed certain skills because they're prerequisites or necessary for the synergies. You didn't like or use the skills in particular, but you needed them nonetheless.
Diablo 3 tries to do this all away. It tries to make every skill viable. I'm pretty amused that it caused a backlash on forums. Blizzard claims to have statistical evidence that people tend to use the cookiecutter builds. In a competative game, you're only gimping yourself by using a build that differs from the standard.
Now I'm all up for specific builds that do specific things. I fail to see how Diablo 3 limits in that perspective. At level 30 you have unlocked all skills. At level 60 you have unlocked every rune and passive ability. My guess is that there are going to be loads of different builds for every champion. With the big difference that if you build doesn't work, you can switch to another. I'm just glad that Diablo 3 doesn't *force* me to level a whole new character when I don't feel like leveling one, just as a penalty for trying out different builds. That's old and in my opinion, retarded. It's the same with certain programming classes at my university. You used to be tested at these programming languages with a written test. I detested those, because the way I learn programming languages, is by trial and error. Nowadays you get your grade by making a program. You get certain specific points and a deadline. I can try different things and get a grade for the endproduct. Needless to say, I score a lot better on those, plus the gained knowledge sticks longer. Win - win.
That's the way I hope Diablo 3 will work too for the masses. Promote more experimenting with different skills, without penalizing the player. It seems more fun to me, which is why I can't seem to understand people that still stick with the old concept of skilltrees. PoE's systems seemed nice (I like how they did the active skills), but limited refunds on the passive skilltree limit experimenting. You can plan all what you want, but in the end you need to experience the endgame first, before you can say if your build works at the end or doesn't. Having to grind more then 100 respec orbs to do a full respec (extreme case), only to find out that your second build doesn't work either, is (for me at least) a kick in the balls. If by all means this means I'm not a "hardcore" gamer, then I'm glad I'm not.
Lastly, I'm guessing your wife was laughing at you for not seeing the potential of Diablo 3's mechanics and perhaps your awful usage of the English language. Before you throw in the "I'm not a native English speaker"-card, neither am I. I'm Dutch, but at least I try to write something that doesn't look like it's thrown out by bloody Babelfish. There are a lot of spelling check methods out on the internet these days. I suggest you search for some if you want to be taking seriously.
P.S. I'm intrigued by the concept of "dubbing down games". Is it the concept of making games worse by making the dubs horrible? Because I agree with you on that. I'm always glad when I can play a JRPG with a Japanese audio language, because some English dubs "rape" my ears.