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Mind you this goes both ways, it could be anything in regards to the game. Most of mine is more focused around aftermath reactions from the players..
So without further a due, let it fly!
1) The "It should be ready to go by early summer!" delusion that fanboys seem to cling to. Makes absolutely no sense how this can be the case given how little we have been given access to thus far in the beta and also they still have yet to even finish polishing some of the current areas that were availble and even had instances within of incomplete material. Lest we forget the other two races that are still not accounted for that they seem intent on withholding while overhauling them presumably. So why not shoot for something more realistic and reasonable? Like September or some time thereafter?
2) When completely jaded 'critics' claim that the current system cant work without the sacred trinity. Like my brother, who can only surmount petty squabbles to counter the game with and then proceed with petulant teen paroxysms in the vain attempt to emphasis it, which somehow validates the "arguement" Such as "WHATS EVEN TEH POINT TO WARRIOR THEN IF THEY CANT HEAR ME WRAWRRR WHILEZ I TANK THEM ALL??! I SOULN:T HAVZ TO DODGE, WHAT SHIT I CAN ONLY DO THAT TWO TIMEZ ANYWAY"
3) The "gold sink arguement", refer to my current review in that post I made titled "My take on it" for more on it. I don't feel the need to repeat myself on this.
4) Another one from the peanut gallery of naysayers like my brother who say "WELL I DONT GET HOW THIS GAME IS EVEN GOING TO HAV LONGEVITY, ONLY 5 SKILLS IN THAT SKILL BAR AND THEY EXPECT THAT TO KEEP ME INTERESTED WHILE GOING FROM 1 to 80!?!" Again just another case of poor reviewal of the facts on the pseudo critics part. (In the case of the elementalist it being 20 per set etc)
5) The fanboy delusion that somehow pvp is just fine currently. Arrow cart spammage anoyone?
6) Embellishing the myth that DEs are always distinct.
7) Rally system in certain instances, like in the case of WvW where its more of a burden then an asset.
8) The lack of clearly defined incentives and mechanics for grouping. (also further constrained by server overflows)
9) Certain elements to the classes that are too restrictive and taxing. For instance, what if I want to play a dominating spiker Mes and not have to use illusions like I did in the last game?
10) "Critics" that say because this game doesn't have proper end game such as raids etc that it wont survive.
Well, that's mine. What are your top ten ?
1. Fans who make a list of pet peeves, that aren't all pet peeves.
No dueling in the mists.
Only being able to add traits one at a time and not being able to subtract points without wiping the entire build.
Realigning teams in the middle of a battleground.
In the end I think this game will be remembered for its combat and dynamic events.
I am slightly annoyed by this constant search for flaws on something that's not finished yet, not balanced yet, not optimized yet.
I am also unbelievably annoyed by the overusage of the words 'carebear' and 'fanboy'.
I don't understand why people take personal offense on the excitement of others.
I think it is unreasonable to compain about release dates, when we all know just how well rushed MMOs fared in the past.
It is moronic to complain about prepurchase if you didn't read exactly what you were getting into.
This game will fail if there are no Asura strippers. RAGE!
Just sayin',
Did you even read what my CURRENT stances are on this? NO
First off I'm not criticising those who are just excited for the game. I'm just pointing out the fact that allot of times over zealous fans are blinded from making good judgments and being reasonable, especailly in regards to the release date that should never be hastefully prescribed to the devs. So yeah I'm advocating the very opposite of what your wayard accusation attacks me on. They should take all the time they need in light of all things that are incomplete as it stands..
Where did I complain about a prepurchase??
Right so lastly you just complain about your perception of me complaining... Would you like some cheese with your whine?
Erm... did I mention you in my post? Did I even link you OP in it? Why would you assume this is a personal attack, when It's not? You asked a list of what bothers me about the game. I gave you my list.
I am sure Freud explains that, somehow... Chill out. Not everyone in the Internet is after you.
A creative person is motivated by the desire to achieve, not the desire to beat others.
I only have one concern with the game to be honest:
1. The lack of progression. This has me concerned personally because I found out that I like to feel like my charcter is progressing in power; and I believe I'm not alone. That's part of the allure of RPGs in general for me. And in GW2, there is no endgame progression, thus it has me worried that I'll get bored with it after a while just like I get bored with FPS after a while. Just like in FPS, even if PvP is perfectly balanced with everyone having the same "stats" and even if the gameplay is good, it just doesn't hold my interest after a few months if there is no progression.
With this also pvp annominity sucks.
They claim to like daoc, but these 2 factors will make WvW not as good as daoc rvr, because good enemies are just as important as good friends.
1) That they did not try to be revolutionary with crafting. But hey, I can live with that, never really cared about crafting in MMOs.
2) That there are no mounts.
3) That we still have no clue of the stuff beyond level 30.
4)That we still have not seen two races.
That's it. Because apart from that, it really looks pretty good.
Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don't need.
Nicely put! This is actually my one reservation about the game. I haven't played it, so I don't know for sure, but it is something that was worring me. To be honest, I will most likely buy it and try it out, just cause I like to try the games to be completely sure.
I think the developers know this, that is why the model is Buy to Play. If it was subscription based, the lack of character progression would be a major problem.
1 It's not released yet!
2 It's not released yet!
3 It's not released yet!
4 It's not released yet!
5 It's not released yet!
6 It's not released yet!
7 It's not released yet!
8 It's not released yet!
9 It's not released yet!
10 It's not released yet!
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
1- The overflow server is totally annoying while you're playing in a party.
2- Squads are completely useless, need a lot of changes here.
3- You can't unselect one target unless you target another thing. Auto attack doesn't help either and I sill don't know how to disable this option haha.
4- Still don´t like the thief bar for attack points, I allways feel I'm using less skills than other classes because of this bar. Just face it, is like a mana bar with diamonds. Hit several times with the same skill is cool but the strong skills use too much points and whe you have spent all your points takes forever to recover.
5- Ranger pets have a bad AI, many times they simply ignore your orders or takes too long use one of their skills.
6- HD screenshots have many errors while playing in 3D. 3D screenshots are horrible.
7- Ingame rewars are pretty crappy, at lvl 20 you still receive copper in many cases. Sad thing if you want to pay teleports, repairs, craft, trait resets and so, and so. I doubt the gems of the cash shop will be traded for anything but gold, a lot of gold.
8- I totally dislike the treasure chests. You receive a lot of them while playing.... But keys? The drop rate for keys is extremely low, so you must go to the cash shop if you want to buy keys, hate this. They should simply remove them.
9- You have traits to use and create your build, but you don't have something like presets (like in Rift) to save about 3 of them and swhitch your build out of the combat. You must travel to the city all the times.
10- There are too many trolling, free hate and lies about this game all over the forums around the world. 99% without any research or just judging a vid or screenshots, many just reading other people trolling around and then spread the word. The funny thing about all of this is, when I enter the game is the only one I ever seen where nobody complains or compare with other games or anything, ppl just enjoy.
I'd agree on these counts, however I do really enjoy that the crafting "speeds up" when you do multiple of the same thing, and I like the discovery system (even if it is somewhat elementary)
After playing GW2 a bit I feel like mounts are unneccessary and would distract from the game, but who knows if they are planned for post-launch, I *could* see mounts working in GW2, but knowing Anet they wouldn't be satisfied with simply throwing in mounts for show, they'd have to have increased functionality including mounted combat and new skills and/or weapon sets for mounted combat.
Which after typing that makes it sound so cool to have mounted specific weapon types like they handle the underwater weapons/content.
I think the whole Asura golem thingy is a prelude for some sort of mount/vehicle/craft implementation in the future. It's something that can be put to good use (or go very wrong if implemented shoddily).
Yeah, waiting in line to log on for 2 hours sure are more fun.
Gurus leaked patchnotes seems to indicate that you now can jump to the same overflow server as your friends, should solve it.
Because the one worse thing than overflow servers is not having them.
Besides, a few weeks after launch they probably will be a rarity, in the BWE every single interested player logged in the same time. When the games been out a while players will spread out both in locations time they log in. And there will be 2 more staring areas.
Jeff Grubb did admit that they have been looking into mounts in a vid from last year.
I think they will add them in an expansion, with a similar effect to when you are underwater, you know, new skills and weapons.
There is some progression but I guess not it the way most RPGs progress. There is the obvious gear progression but part of your progression in GW 1 as far as I remember was getting the right "build" and the right "runes" and figuring out what skills work best with each other and "mastering" that build (I think). I guess the rate at which you get your elites is also kinda gives the game a sense of progression? But yea I agree it isn't your typical progression that I and Im guessing most other people like.
Oh! The personal story gave me a sense of progression as well. Then again, I only made it to level 22 during BWEs soo they might end up surprising us.
I always thought the Asura elite golem skill was just a siege golem in the form of an elite skill, altho that might make it a kind of OP elite in WvW.
Posters who claim to loath blanket statements and then make several of their own.
Posters who write off entire perspectives as invalid, while conveniently ignoring any real arguments that may support said perspectives.
Posters who rely on a limited vocabulary of insults derived from a thesaurus of cliches in a weak attempt to elevate their own claims above those of the above condemned perspectives.
So forums then? Although you could block 99% of the posters and come close. release date yet,so the game could become the next duke nukem forever world pvp,running bgs is cool and all.but they get stale after a while
3.just like with swtor,they'll hype the game up.and when its time to release,have half the things they hyped about in the game,and people will end up peacing out 6 months later
#1. Another MMORPG where the majority of the playerbase isn't old enough to even know what "consternation" means.