Both TSW and GW2 will have no real longevity /Depth and generate little or no community and as such they will be 3 month have a look games work through the content and throw away.
MoP will have no real longevity /Depth and generate little or no community and as such people will spend 1 month looking at the new "content" and then go back to queueing up in the new hub.
...very serious group of contenders in 2006...toughest challenge yet from Dungeons and Dragons Online. ...very serious group of contenders in 2007...toughest challenge yet from Lord of the Rings Online. ...very serious group of contenders in 2008...toughest challenge yet from Age of Conan ...very serious group of contenders in 2008...toughest challenge yet from Warhammer Online ...very serious group of contenders in 2009...toughest challenge yet from Darkfall ...very serious group of contenders in 2009...toughest challenge yet from Champions Online ...very serious group of contenders in 2009...toughest challenge yet from Aion ...very serious group of contenders in 2010...toughest challenge yet from Star Trek Online ...very serious group of contenders in 2011...toughest challenge yet from DC Universe Online ...very serious group of contenders in 2011...toughest challenge yet from Rift ...very serious group of contenders in 2011...toughest challenge yet from Star Wars: The Old Republic ...very serious group of contenders in 2012...toughest challenge yet from TERA ...very serious group of contenders in 2012...toughest challenge yet from Guild Wars 2 may be right.'s so true. So many times I have heard the "WoW killer" cry on these forums only to have WoW steam roll the competition time and time again.
I can agree that it is MMORPG's job to hype games but honestly before RIFT did anyone actualy expect those games to beat WoW? and frankly WoW is already a shadow of what it was 2 years ago, the market has already spread out even without this new batch of games.
Originally posted by Montaronx Hope it fails so hard so that the developers get a hint on how to support their player base for their next game
Support "player base". And you really think any developer can make happy millions of players? That your "player base " complain maybe is something I'm not bothered at all.
Let`s be honest no game will ever over throw WoW in the MMO market. Sorry, GW2 is just overhyped sure it will be a decent game heck it might sell 5 million box copies but it will not have a lasting effect like WoW has on MMOs. I am not sure why everyone gets into this clash "What will kill WoW?" the correct answer is father time.
No matter how much you hate WoW and Blizzard the truth is they do it the best just look at the track record the competition in any genre of game they produce they are the best by far.
i believe they'll sell millions of copies just like they have every other xpac. People say every xpac will be their final downfall and it never happens, maybe you'll be right this time eh?
inb4 selling tons of copies doesn't mean its good! well for all the people that bought it they think its good and that's all that matters.
"The great thing about human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand." - Lewis Thomas
new mmos will not kill WoW its not something instant i like to imagine that they bleed WoW to death(and it started a while ago WoW numbers are still sky high but not as good as it used to be...its more about asian players now than american players thats why the asian subject on this expansion)
i do think its time for a change i dont hate blizzard (even if i dont like WoW and D3 was not THAT good) so i want them do another project and put their experience (aka steal every good idea from other games and put it in their game) and give us something good to talk about and play
...very serious group of contenders in 2006...toughest challenge yet from Dungeons and Dragons Online. ...very serious group of contenders in 2007...toughest challenge yet from Lord of the Rings Online. ...very serious group of contenders in 2008...toughest challenge yet from Age of Conan ...very serious group of contenders in 2008...toughest challenge yet from Warhammer Online ...very serious group of contenders in 2009...toughest challenge yet from Darkfall ...very serious group of contenders in 2009...toughest challenge yet from Champions Online ...very serious group of contenders in 2009...toughest challenge yet from Aion ...very serious group of contenders in 2010...toughest challenge yet from Star Trek Online ...very serious group of contenders in 2011...toughest challenge yet from DC Universe Online ...very serious group of contenders in 2011...toughest challenge yet from Rift ...very serious group of contenders in 2011...toughest challenge yet from Star Wars: The Old Republic ...very serious group of contenders in 2012...toughest challenge yet from TERA ...very serious group of contenders in 2012...toughest challenge yet from Guild Wars 2 may be right.
Ugh stop exaggerating. None said all of those games would do as such. The only ones on there that it could have been echoed is SWToR, Warhammer, GW2 and maybe AoC. No one thought anything of the rest of them so you are really exaggerating.
Ugh stop exaggerating. None said all of those games would do as such. The only ones on there that it could have been echoed is SWToR, Warhammer, GW2 and maybe AoC. No one thought anything of the rest of them so you are really exaggerating.
None said? Who's exaggerating? I'm not even going to bother to point out the "WoW killer" posts before each of those games were released. So no, I'm not exaggerating.
All I'm saying is that I now have the "boy who cried wolf" syndrome now when I see the next "WoW killer" hype article. No, I have no interest in WoW anymore. Liked it a lot when it first came out, maybe up until the first BC expansion, then I saw where it was headed.
However, I still recall it as being probably the most bug-free MMO I've ever played, and with...what, 10 million subscribers, however you may bend the numbers, it still the biggest thing out there (at least if raw numbers is your measure of a great game).
So please excuse me if I don't get exctied over the 10th+ game about to "kill" WoW. I would certainly like to see something give it some serious competition so the MMO genre could get a REAL breath of fresh air. I just don't think GW2 will do it, but would love it if I were proven wrong.
I know for a fact, some person will not play GW2 because they see that without a tank role or class most stuff related to mobs will be a mess.
And because Gw2 is so hype, person will come to realize its the same formula just presented differently, but because its free they'll stay...
Said it before the one to kill wow is gonna be blizzard themselves.. They have that feeling too, that why they are in no rush to release "project titan"...
wow will have no problem keeping its 1st position at least for one decade .reason? because the new mmo that is probably gonna come out will be sci fi or anything closer to that . so people who like eve online will be drawn to it which is a completly different niche . so all in all .it is again win -win situation for blizaard and teh customers
I know for a fact, some person will not play GW2 because they see that without a tank role or class most stuff related to mobs will be a mess.
And because Gw2 is so hype, person will come to realize its the same formula just presented differently, but because its free they'll stay...
Said it before the one to kill wow is gonna be blizzard themselves.. They have that feeling too, that why they are in no rush to release "project titan"...
gild wars 2 is way too overhyped . i have played teh beta .although it is a good game but it is definitely not a killer type.
All this expansion shows me is that Blizzard is nothing more than a money minded organization that cares very little about what their core player base thinks. It reminds me of nintendo's Wii. Make something gimmicky that they can milk for cash. In this case make something that the billions in china will relate to so they can save their crashing game. Like someone here said. They may still stay supreme king in the MMO genre but that's because they have no competition. Screw the pandas. They're the stupidest goddam idea ever. Anyone who believes otherwise is just a fanboy who deserves to be slapped REALLY hard until they wake up and see the truth
I'm sorry, I really have nothing to say about Pandaria one way or the other, but I have to say this:
Get some freaking proof-readers. I mean, this is supposed to be a legitimate MMORPG news site, is it not? Then how can you allow a piece with so many typos and grammatical errors to make it to the front page?
I'm not trying to be a jerk, but jeez, I'm embarassed for
"I am the weapon that strikes/In the hearts of men I thrive/Feeding their fear with lies/I will devour/I will divide/I am the god of hellfire/inside every man there lives a liar/before their gods they cower/I will divide/I will devour" - "Divide Devour" by Iced Earth
All this expansion shows me is that Blizzard is nothing more than a money minded organization that cares very little about what their core player base thinks. It reminds me of nintendo's Wii. Make something gimmicky that they can milk for cash. In this case make something that the billions in china will relate to so they can save their crashing game. Like someone here said. They may still stay supreme king in the MMO genre but that's because they have no competition. Screw the pandas. They're the stupidest goddam idea ever. Anyone who believes otherwise is just a fanboy who deserves to be slapped REALLY hard until they wake up and see the truth
You do realize, that what's posting on WoW forums isn't what a majority of the players want...
Fact is, if dev's are to listen to almost eveyone on the forums the game becomes a jumbled mess.
Also you do know you don't have to pick pandas right..
"So the question between these two games is will Mists of Pandaria really rock the Warcraft universe? I think there are many factors to the expansion that will. For starters people will absolutely play the pet system game. They will love it and collect them all. You will see pet tournaments and challenges all over Azeroth. This may not be a big deal to hardcore eight year players who have downed every boss in the game. But it is a big deal to much more casual players and more importantly their kids or girlfriends. That aspect alone could net Blizzard more players in an instant. So if you don’t have any faith in the pet system have faith in the fact that Blizzard will do it right and make it fun. That alone will bring the hordes of fans screaming."
Uh, I would have worded this differently, something on the order of "the new pet combat system might not be a big deal to hardcore eight year players who have downed every boss in the game, but will appeal more to casual players." In your version, you come across as elitest, bordering on mysogenist and ageist not only through how you worded it.
There is also a flaw in your logic: it is clear to me from having played WoW for a long time that those who tend to have lots of pets are usually the hardcore players actually i.e. those who do the hardest dungeons, raid the most often, have the most time to get all of their factions up, etc. Casuals are probably less likely to have the extremely rare pets. There is no evidence to me that pet collecting isn't popular now, without the pet combat system.
Wow is not bad. it's just a game for little kids now. the simple talent trees the complete dumbing down of all content and mechanics.
I think it's still a good game for kids. my nephews were playing wizrd 101 but my sisters gonna let them play the panda expansion since they love kung-fu panda and po
All this expansion shows me is that Blizzard is nothing more than a money minded organization that cares very little about what their core player base thinks. It reminds me of nintendo's Wii. Make something gimmicky that they can milk for cash. In this case make something that the billions in china will relate to so they can save their crashing game. Like someone here said. They may still stay supreme king in the MMO genre but that's because they have no competition. Screw the pandas. They're the stupidest goddam idea ever. Anyone who believes otherwise is just a fanboy who deserves to be slapped REALLY hard until they wake up and see the truth
Really? The stupidest idea ever? Stupider than EQII fairies, or Frogs? You think playing a Panda is stupider than playing a freaking frog? I really don't know what to say to that. So someone who plays a Panda in WoW is a kid or child. Someone who plays a faerie in EQII Is a mature gamer, and whoever plays a frog in EQ is a mature well adjusted individual. Got it.
I like and continue to play Warcraft, but not to the extent that I did when I first started -- the main reason for playing it today is to get together with friends and explore content we can't do individually. That said, I am looking for some fresh ideas in the MMO space, and games like GW2 and The Secret World both show great promise. I'm planning on playing all three. We have a wealth of choices to us in MMOs these days, and this can only be a good thing. Why does any MMO need to "kill" another? We have so much choice today, and this can only spur the companies to keep improving their games.
Was agreeing with much of what you said until this statement:
"This may not be a big deal to hardcore eight year players who have downed every boss in the game. But it is a big deal to much more casual players and more importantly their kids or girlfriends."
Glad to know only hardcore gamers are guys. Fail there dude. I guess women are suppose to only play fluff games and leave the 'real raiding' to guys. WTF? You definitely dropped a few points on my respect meter.
Sure like to know what game is challenging Wow, certainly don't see any current game doing it. Guildwars II might, but beyond that game I do not see anything in the near future that will come close. Yes, MMO players have more options, but when you get down to it, there is just nothing close to the content.
I agree. When it comes to sheer amount of content, features and robust solid gameplay experience. Then both WoW and EQ2 blow all the competition out of the water. Sadly.
I think GW2 has a shot though, living in New Zealand, where the only mmo people play is wow (at all) Guild Wars 2 is the first mmo I've ever heard of getting decent hype. Lots of people are planning on playing it and thefact that it's free to keep playing once you've bought it is a mojor bonus too. I never though for a second that Aion, Rift, Tor, or any other mmos had a shot, however I reakon guild wars 2 is a real contender...
Obviously no one game will beat WoW, but with the level of competition for WoW in the near future, and taking into consideration how disappointed a lot of WoW players are becoming with the content, I think WoW has run its course and has begun what will be a very long and drawn out end.
WoW isn't hurting the game industry. It's not. Honest.
What's hurting the game industry is companies being unable or unwilling to try something new. Nobody wants the next WoW as a gamer, if we wanted WoW we would play WoW. That's something the companies just don't seem to get at all and it's really unfortunate.
The catch-22 is that when any company tries something new, it gets shot down for not being like Warcraft.
"I actually have to pay attention? This game is so phail! Time for me and my e-friends to go to every message board in existence (on several alts) and declare this new game a failure so it will make people believe it and they won't give it a chance."
"It takes me more than 3 days to hit max level? This game is so phail! Time to round up the gang!"
Originally posted by IsaneGuilds do noty make a community and investment in a game world they actually equate to self effacing elements which work against people , really wanting to be part of a world.
community comes from players helping each other more than anything else
In the GW2 Beta, you had to actually force yourself to realize you can like being around other people now. You can be generous, patient, and enjoy the company of fellow adventurers. They cannot kill steal, ninja-loot, or bogart your nodes. All they can really do is help you. and increase your enjoyment of the game.
No, but because there is no "Grouping loyalty", i can let them do all the heavy lifting and even use them as a meat shield for my own agenda.
Doesn't encourage loyalty in the community imo.
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
MoP will have no real longevity /Depth and generate little or no community and as such people will spend 1 month looking at the new "content" and then go back to queueing up in the new hub.
I can agree that it is MMORPG's job to hype games but honestly before RIFT did anyone actualy expect those games to beat WoW? and frankly WoW is already a shadow of what it was 2 years ago, the market has already spread out even without this new batch of games.
Support "player base". And you really think any developer can make happy millions of players? That your "player base " complain maybe is something I'm not bothered at all.
No matter how much you hate WoW and Blizzard the truth is they do it the best just look at the track record the competition in any genre of game they produce they are the best by far.
i believe they'll sell millions of copies just like they have every other xpac. People say every xpac will be their final downfall and it never happens, maybe you'll be right this time eh?
inb4 selling tons of copies doesn't mean its good! well for all the people that bought it they think its good and that's all that matters.
"The great thing about human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand."
- Lewis Thomas
Fanboys...Fanboys everywhere o_o
new mmos will not kill WoW its not something instant i like to imagine that they bleed WoW to death(and it started a while ago WoW numbers are still sky high but not as good as it used to be...its more about asian players now than american players thats why the asian subject on this expansion)
i do think its time for a change i dont hate blizzard (even if i dont like WoW and D3 was not THAT good) so i want them do another project and put their experience (aka steal every good idea from other games and put it in their game) and give us something good to talk about and play
Ugh stop exaggerating. None said all of those games would do as such. The only ones on there that it could have been echoed is SWToR, Warhammer, GW2 and maybe AoC. No one thought anything of the rest of them so you are really exaggerating.
None said? Who's exaggerating? I'm not even going to bother to point out the "WoW killer" posts before each of those games were released. So no, I'm not exaggerating.
All I'm saying is that I now have the "boy who cried wolf" syndrome now when I see the next "WoW killer" hype article. No, I have no interest in WoW anymore. Liked it a lot when it first came out, maybe up until the first BC expansion, then I saw where it was headed.
However, I still recall it as being probably the most bug-free MMO I've ever played, and with...what, 10 million subscribers, however you may bend the numbers, it still the biggest thing out there (at least if raw numbers is your measure of a great game).
So please excuse me if I don't get exctied over the 10th+ game about to "kill" WoW. I would certainly like to see something give it some serious competition so the MMO genre could get a REAL breath of fresh air. I just don't think GW2 will do it, but would love it if I were proven wrong.
@ Centhan
Well said bro,
I know for a fact, some person will not play GW2 because they see that without a tank role or class most stuff related to mobs will be a mess.
And because Gw2 is so hype, person will come to realize its the same formula just presented differently, but because its free they'll stay...
Said it before the one to kill wow is gonna be blizzard themselves.. They have that feeling too, that why they are in no rush to release "project titan"...
I hate myself for signing up for that Annual Pass oh so much.
wow will have no problem keeping its 1st position at least for one decade .reason? because the new mmo that is probably gonna come out will be sci fi or anything closer to that . so people who like eve online will be drawn to it which is a completly different niche . so all in all .it is again win -win situation for blizaard and teh customers
gild wars 2 is way too overhyped . i have played teh beta .although it is a good game but it is definitely not a killer type.
All this expansion shows me is that Blizzard is nothing more than a money minded organization that cares very little about what their core player base thinks. It reminds me of nintendo's Wii. Make something gimmicky that they can milk for cash. In this case make something that the billions in china will relate to so they can save their crashing game. Like someone here said. They may still stay supreme king in the MMO genre but that's because they have no competition. Screw the pandas. They're the stupidest goddam idea ever. Anyone who believes otherwise is just a fanboy who deserves to be slapped REALLY hard until they wake up and see the truth
I'm sorry, I really have nothing to say about Pandaria one way or the other, but I have to say this:
Get some freaking proof-readers. I mean, this is supposed to be a legitimate MMORPG news site, is it not? Then how can you allow a piece with so many typos and grammatical errors to make it to the front page?
I'm not trying to be a jerk, but jeez, I'm embarassed for
"I am the weapon that strikes/In the hearts of men I thrive/Feeding their fear with lies/I will devour/I will divide/I am the god of hellfire/inside every man there lives a liar/before their gods they cower/I will divide/I will devour" - "Divide Devour" by Iced Earth
You do realize, that what's posting on WoW forums isn't what a majority of the players want...
Fact is, if dev's are to listen to almost eveyone on the forums the game becomes a jumbled mess.
Also you do know you don't have to pick pandas right..
"So the question between these two games is will Mists of Pandaria really rock the Warcraft universe? I think there are many factors to the expansion that will. For starters people will absolutely play the pet system game. They will love it and collect them all. You will see pet tournaments and challenges all over Azeroth. This may not be a big deal to hardcore eight year players who have downed every boss in the game. But it is a big deal to much more casual players and more importantly their kids or girlfriends. That aspect alone could net Blizzard more players in an instant. So if you don’t have any faith in the pet system have faith in the fact that Blizzard will do it right and make it fun. That alone will bring the hordes of fans screaming."
Uh, I would have worded this differently, something on the order of "the new pet combat system might not be a big deal to hardcore eight year players who have downed every boss in the game, but will appeal more to casual players." In your version, you come across as elitest, bordering on mysogenist and ageist not only through how you worded it.
There is also a flaw in your logic: it is clear to me from having played WoW for a long time that those who tend to have lots of pets are usually the hardcore players actually i.e. those who do the hardest dungeons, raid the most often, have the most time to get all of their factions up, etc. Casuals are probably less likely to have the extremely rare pets. There is no evidence to me that pet collecting isn't popular now, without the pet combat system.
Playing MUDs and MMOs since 1994.
Wow is not bad. it's just a game for little kids now. the simple talent trees the complete dumbing down of all content and mechanics.
I think it's still a good game for kids. my nephews were playing wizrd 101 but my sisters gonna let them play the panda expansion since they love kung-fu panda and po
Really? The stupidest idea ever? Stupider than EQII fairies, or Frogs? You think playing a Panda is stupider than playing a freaking frog? I really don't know what to say to that. So someone who plays a Panda in WoW is a kid or child. Someone who plays a faerie in EQII Is a mature gamer, and whoever plays a frog in EQ is a mature well adjusted individual. Got it.
I like and continue to play Warcraft, but not to the extent that I did when I first started -- the main reason for playing it today is to get together with friends and explore content we can't do individually. That said, I am looking for some fresh ideas in the MMO space, and games like GW2 and The Secret World both show great promise. I'm planning on playing all three. We have a wealth of choices to us in MMOs these days, and this can only be a good thing. Why does any MMO need to "kill" another? We have so much choice today, and this can only spur the companies to keep improving their games.
Was agreeing with much of what you said until this statement:
"This may not be a big deal to hardcore eight year players who have downed every boss in the game. But it is a big deal to much more casual players and more importantly their kids or girlfriends."
Glad to know only hardcore gamers are guys. Fail there dude. I guess women are suppose to only play fluff games and leave the 'real raiding' to guys. WTF? You definitely dropped a few points on my respect meter.
Proud member of Hammerfist Clan Gaming Community.
Currently playing: RIFT, EQ2, WoW, LoTRO
Retired: Warhammer, AoC, EQ
Waiting: SWToR & GW2
I think GW2 has a shot though, living in New Zealand, where the only mmo people play is wow (at all) Guild Wars 2 is the first mmo I've ever heard of getting decent hype. Lots of people are planning on playing it and thefact that it's free to keep playing once you've bought it is a mojor bonus too. I never though for a second that Aion, Rift, Tor, or any other mmos had a shot, however I reakon guild wars 2 is a real contender...
Obviously no one game will beat WoW, but with the level of competition for WoW in the near future, and taking into consideration how disappointed a lot of WoW players are becoming with the content, I think WoW has run its course and has begun what will be a very long and drawn out end.
The catch-22 is that when any company tries something new, it gets shot down for not being like Warcraft.
"I actually have to pay attention? This game is so phail! Time for me and my e-friends to go to every message board in existence (on several alts) and declare this new game a failure so it will make people believe it and they won't give it a chance."
"It takes me more than 3 days to hit max level? This game is so phail! Time to round up the gang!"
Eh. It is what it is.
It's not as much deviation from WoW's formula, as much as the entire MMO playerbase is sick of themeparks.
Vanilla "felt" vaguely sandbox (though it was cleverly disguised, on rails play.)
None of the other MMO released since '04 do.
No, but because there is no "Grouping loyalty", i can let them do all the heavy lifting and even use them as a meat shield for my own agenda.
Doesn't encourage loyalty in the community imo.
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development