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So, since NDA is kind of lifted, and if you've been in CBT, rate the game according to what you feel. Don't have room for all number, but i don't thin a 2 will be missed
Also, if you really haven't been in CBT, KEEP YOUR HAND OF MAH POLL
Best game I've played since my first time walking into WoW. I was a long time role playing gamer, and gamer in general, but yes WoW was my first MMO Started 1 week into BC.
Been in CB awhile, have only played into Savage Coast- content-wise I adore this game but I'm a 100% PvE player and I'm beyond burned out on fantasy MMOs. Voted 7 because it could use quite a bit of polish and some more features. I also despise that Funcom is going with box+sub+CS- it's BS.
Gonna wait for either the box cost to drop or other change to their revenue model before I pick it up.
When literally the only complaints I have are character creation and some combat animations, that should tell you something about how good this game is overall.
Things about this game that are top notch in my book:
Art style
skill wheel
crafting (this is a true gem for themepark crafting)
dungeons (best ive played. period)
world detail/atmosphere
3 faction pvp (real factions)
I sit on a man's back, choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by all possible means - except by getting off his back.
Rated it a nine. Animations and Character Creation keep it from being a ten. Most immersive game I've experienced in a long time.
It got a 9 from me, but Funcom has to deliver on the content they are holding back (faction, investigation), otherwise it's an 8.
They have basically fixed everything that has been asked for by the closed beta testers - maybe except for the character creation, but really I don't care about that. The responsetime on bugs is phenomenal and the engine looks rock solid and something they can use as a tool for adding new and interesting forms of content.
I love the questing and for me, it really got me into the "relax, take your time and explore" mood, which is so important for an rpg. I have laughed, grinned and hrmf'd when it comes to cut scenes. For instance the quest "The League of Monster Slayers" really got to me. Anybody else who grinned when the camera panned to the sandbox with the dead zombie in it when he talked about the kids?
The game has gotten to me from another side too, and that's the build creation and the endless options. It reminds me of Titan Quest (an action rpg) that had dual classing. Loads of fun making different builds and you really got a huge variety from it. TSW is a lot like that, but even more free and you can change between the builds according to your mood or the mobs.
Voted 5.
This game still needs some work and cutting the sharp edges. The setting is awesome and skill system feels great. Combat, however, needs more work. Builder - finisher for every weapon is boring and there should be different mechanics for every weapon type. Also, to give your avatars movement some feeling of weight they should look at the animation - sound effect timings a bit more.
Lots of other minor things to fix here and there. This game needs some more months before it's ready. Definitely going to check this one again in the future, but for now.. it's a no go.
Rated a 7. Good not great. Worth playing if you like the setting and the quest style.
Former xFire user... I only wanted a game tracker and messenger, not a screenshot taker, video recording, broadcasting piece of bloatware.
Rated a 9. There has been a big difference between CB and BWE, more than that I can't say.
I did not give it a rating because I was not in CBT, but from the OB I would say its worth a 6.5 I reserve my final decision though after the game launches and I get an idea of what direction they are heading in.
I rated it a 7.
I hate character creation with a passion, but that's about the only major complaint I have.
Otherwise it's not going to be the most polished game you've ever seen, but the environments are amazing, the story is interesting, the entire setting is not that common in the first place. There are plenty of reasons to try it out (or at least read the reviews when it comes out).
Its not right to rate it from only Cb, but i love it. 10 from me
When I first started CB, Seoul was kinda sparse. London made it look really bad. But every other day, they just keep adding more and more stuff. Seoul looks night n day better than before. I cant wait to see the launch version.
I sit on a man's back, choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by all possible means - except by getting off his back.
I wasn't in CB but the game is the best MMO in 10yrs. Given that everyone tell me what MMO has better CC (Do not include DoH or Aion) and I will agree with it being bad but it is on par with any other MMO. Not something I really care about anyway.
I give it a 7 until I test PvP.
10 PvE wise, felt good to play a game the required a IQ again.
come launch best pve game you can play now
and 2nd best pvp game you can play now (after eve)
im not higher because i prefer some older games, but im not counting them as current due to low pops etc..
in contrast i put
GW2 at 8
eve at 9
wow at 6
and swtor at 3
Gave it a 7.
The setting, lore, and investigative questing is really refreshing and well done. The dungeons aren't bad either. A lot of elements of the game still need a good amount of polish, and the game is still the most expensive MMO to play. I'm also 'still' hoping that they fix some of the quest bugs. They've done a good job with cleaning up Kingsmouth, but there are a lot of other zones.
In short, the game is good, but not great. If you're a fan of Lovecraft, or the setting / atmosphere the game is offering, then you may enjoy this game quite a bit. A lot of the mileage from this title seems to come from those aspects. I can't honestly say that I would recommend this game based off of the combat, pvp, player customization, or polish.
- If you like a dark story / atmosphere, and you like puzzles, try and give it a shot (preferably this weekend while it's still free). If not, you're probably going to want to pass on this one.
I gave it a 5. Its not a bad game. Its not buggy, but it is realy boring. I've been in cb a long time, and it feel like pulling teeth.
How people can overlook the combat is beyond me, but I don't see long term enjoyment for most.
I guess the 1-4s couldn't download the game to begin, had lots of crashes, or just hate themeparks. There is a rollercoaster after all, somewhat early in the game
No offense Ryowulf, but where you in CBT? I don't think you ever stated so, because, since you really don't like the game, i'd expect you to break NDA regardless. I know you don't like the game, which is perfectly fine, but this poll is for CB testers. If i'm wrong, i apologize and i'm not accusing you btw.
I didn't like much in this game, gave it a week and just didn't feel like logging in anymore.
Game is gear based, your restricted to area's until you collect enough gear to move to the next zone.
Instance dungeons felt lazy with only having a few mini bosses, no minions to deal with left them feeling empty.
No point in grouping at all unless your trying to do a dungeon.
Other players were in my way instead of being there to play with or help out.
Zones felt pretty small, could run across them in a few mintues.
Quests were repetative, you would have to kill the same stuff (just from other quest givers) a few times over and over.
Character Creation was really weak, seen many clones of myself running around.
I can't remember more because I lost interest in the game fairly quickly, but there are more cons than anything for anyway.
Graphic's were pretty good though.
Gave it a 4
Before you jump up and down and cry, yes I was in CB. Gave away a key here that was for CB also.
To be honost I really don't care what rating beta testers give a game. That's not saying I don't find it intresting to read what others might rate the game because I'm sure intrested in what others might think, But the part of don't care is because it doesn't effect me in either wanting to play or not to play. Even if what ever game had 80% of players that truly like the game in the end it's my own opinion after having some real experiance with a game that counts for me.
i suspect most of them are worried swtor players, gw2 fanbois, worried tera players etc.. who never even played it.
rated it a 9) because its fun for me never been hooked to a game i had second thoughts about, sure it had/has bugs but what game doesnt in a beta or at launch? thats just me its shaping up pretty nice with potention and gave my brain a good excercise and thats good.
I rated it 6, the controlls for the combat ruin it for me. The game should have had 3rd/fps controllers. Where Left and right did your weapons. Trying to dodge attacks, While trying to click 1-7 while holding right mouse to mouse look is silly.
Atleast has a option to toggle it. I would had enjoyed the beta more so if I could play it like I mention. The game was fun and I did like it. But this is the only thing which annoyed me.
I beleive you, you give some valid reasons like the CC.
with regard gear, thats only until your about half way through egypt, after that its less about needing gear to progress. Its still a less gear orientated game than your typical wow style mmo regardless.
Your wrong on grouping, you get more XP, more loot drops etc.. from grouping. also there are stuff like wandering mobs, some harder quests etc.. where you need a team, its definetly not just dungeons, it get less soloable as you progress (although there is always a good 75% of content that is soloable)
Most of the low scorers though seem to be "i watched total biscuits video, I know all about it"
you didnt bind q, e, f????