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Just wanted to say how impressed with the in game community I have been so far, speaking from my server on The Far Shiver Peaks at least.
Much to my worry that it wouldn't be, the chat has been constant, good natured, entertaining, and helpfull.
So much in contrast to the vile TERA community, or the overwhelmingly arrogant TSW one.
So nice to see
same on Tarnished Coast. Eeveryone is chatting, people actually saying thank you for reviving them, people stopping to talk after events, etc...
Suprprising actually, since public events sort of by their very nature, promote just doing your thing and moving on your way. I am very happy to se ethis isn't the case so far here... because it certainly wa sin WAR and Rift.
Could have ended the good natured post at "entertaining and helpful"...but you had to do it didn't you.
*shakes head*
Bite Me
hehe I'm sorry, but it's in my nature to compare and reference.
I actually don't mean to attack anyone here, just sayin'
I've had a lot of fun playing with other people so far. During this one jumping puzzle, there was a group of players running around 'catching' people who missed a jump, and rezzing them up s othey could go back and try again. That was pretty cool of them.
Map chat can sometimes be a bit bad, but NOTHING compared to your average MMORPG. It's surprisingly tolerable, with only the occasional idiot sneaking on.
Not sure how long this will last, but color me pleasantly surprised.
It's early days, I am sure things will adjust and change, but... oh YEAH
Remember... all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more.
I have yet to encounter any douch'baggery. If I didnt know any better I would think everybody playing the game is over 30, lol
Great community so far.
IT has been very nice so far. I've even accidently commited the sin of talking about other MMO's including WoW and no one complained about those MMO's coming up or even argued if my opinion differed. It was nice. Very cool to see people talk in a sincere manner.
Worse thing I've seen is some really dumb and inappropriate names.
I am hoping it stays this nice when the gates open again today and tommorow. No reason to think it won't right now
I'm on Piken Square, community has been great so far. There was about eight of us from our guild doing a jumping puzzle in the sylvari starting area, one jump was insanely difficult and if you missed you'd drop to your death, not only that it was a place with plenty of mob spawns, everyone that was there was helping by rezzing and defending players, must have been about twenty people around at one point, good atmosphere and great fun.
The Crypt in the charr starter area has a waypoint that became contested, three boss mobs and adds in there, we called out on the map and got a group of about fifteen players, felt like completing a public dungeon, again great atmosphere and a great laugh.
My Guild Wars 2 blog. Read it. The bestestest and most TRUTHEST BLOG EVER!!
Respect, walk
Are you talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me?
Ferguson's Crossing has been great...a few bad apples but the ignore function works like a charm.
Considering it's the least crowded server, I'm surprised at how busy things are...the overflows are getting a workout and most events end up with dozens of people. Everyone's getting along pretty well.
I even had one person send me five copper for explaining how /em works in the game. =D
I told him to make sure he didn't use it for eeevil.
Greetings fellow player from Gunnar's Hold!
Yea it was pleasent so far in Tyria however people while leveling in PvE are rather quiet, but today people were a bit pissed and whined in the morning in WvWvW when they logged in and saw that domination from yesterday didn't hold and french folks were pounding our supply and holds near our main base.
I really like the fact that people are so eager to revive you when you're down. Today I was one shotted by something near the enemy hold(I still have no idea what was that big aoe thing. Weapon?) and suddenly 3 Gunnar Hold mates were beside me to revive! (of course I thanked afterwards ^^ )
Hey, vee41 - Gunnar's Hold ftw!
I agree, it's been great fun just wandering around exploring and getting into scrapes, and being able to simply join in with a group helping each other out. I've noticed the shouts for help with DEs too and always try to get there to pitch in. I think the GW2 system really helps foster this sense of community by removing the competition for resources and also removing any obstacles to simply lending a hand.
Great fun!
Guild wars community has always been helpful and friendly... I only have good experience from GW1 and it's community
"Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life."
Damn french! There were some really, really good times in WvW last night so hoping for some more of that today
My Guild Wars 2 blog. Read it. The bestestest and most TRUTHEST BLOG EVER!!
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
Tera community really is the worst I've ever seen in any mmo by a landslide, holy shit.
Surprised it's any better in gw2 since this seems to be another very hyped one that would attract all the passive agressive douchebags from around the world.
Haha yea they shined in the morning.
I saw one comment while taking a breath in our castle after we lost to a massive french zerg: "Since when french are so eager to fight!?". Had few good laughs.
Maybe we will be able to take what's ours back today. See you there!
I actually saw somebody apologize for being sort of douchey in map chat.
I was shocked.
Are people allowed to apologize? Ever?
It's like he had never been on the internet before.
Another from Gunnar's Hold and you're right... the community here is great.
Everyone helping each other out on skill challenges, puzzles and DEs, people ressing each other and just simply chatting a lot. Just hoping this continues after the actual launch, once the masses get in.