There are so many pets to choose from, and they are all cute and adorable. From the three years I've played Wizard 101 I saw a lot amazing pets, and thru the years the keep getting better and better. When I walk thru wizard city I see pets that I didn't even know excisted, and until I see that amazing pet I think a different pet is spectacular. It always changes every day. Today however, I saw a new phenomenal pet, today I saw "The Judgement" pet. My character is balance, so when I saw there was a "Judgment" pet I nearly freaked out. I've always been obsest with "The Judgement", and when I saw this pet, I knew I needed to find out how to find it. Unfortunately I haven't found her yet, but I know I will someday. Today my favorite pet is "The Judgement" and this is my final answer. Peace to the Spiral Everyone!
it is hard to pick a single favorite, but for my death wizard, his best friend has to be his death ninja pig pet. the little demon likes to cast fient and does a good job with 'pierce train'. he is also good at casting unicorn and comes with univesal accuracy.
My final "Judgement"
There are so many pets to choose from, and they are all cute and adorable. From the three years I've played Wizard 101 I saw a lot amazing pets, and thru the years the keep getting better and better. When I walk thru wizard city I see pets that I didn't even know excisted, and until I see that amazing pet I think a different pet is spectacular. It always changes every day. Today however, I saw a new phenomenal pet, today I saw "The Judgement" pet. My character is balance, so when I saw there was a "Judgment" pet I nearly freaked out. I've always been obsest with "The Judgement", and when I saw this pet, I knew I needed to find out how to find it. Unfortunately I haven't found her yet, but I know I will someday. Today my favorite pet is "The Judgement" and this is my final answer. Peace to the Spiral Everyone!
my faverite pet is the rain beetle
My favorite pet so far which not many people have since it is a hybrid, But I love it since this pet just looks so epic IMO and that