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Holymoly. I revisted the Ryzom forums again tonight and, well, just "wow". If they were attempting to clean up their forums they have miserably failed. Seems like they poured gasoline everywhere and lit a match!
Every week that goes by saddens me more regarding Ryzom. So much promise. Such a neat group of players. It had a flavor unlike the other games out there. Really, it was more of a pasttime than a game.
And now, I continue my quest to find a truly good roleplaying game. That game will depend as much on the players in the game as the game itself.
GRIMACHU, I tend to agree with most of your views I've seen you express. Let me know if you find another game that catches your interest, because it'll probably get mine too.
I'm giving them a while again to sort their act out. R2 will be out soonish and that's what I've been waiting for so I can create and run my own 'content' regularly for people.
Nothing else around or in the offing appeals to me very much but I'm planning to give DDO a try, even though it contains much that I do not like (instancing, set quests, Eberron etc) it is non PvP and team oriented so a lot of the @$$#@+ problems that plague other MMOs shouldn't occur there.
Meanwhile though, Ryzom continues to hold my interest, like a faberge egg being handled by drunken monkeys.
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I don't NEED to be especially nice here though do I?
I can observe what is going on on the forums lately and it pisses me off to no end.
As to elitist, its always better to reach for the highest possible goal, even if you fail is it not?
Humour is a very useful thing in criticism, it can soften the blow or make a point more accessable.
Rants? Just about everything I've said has been laid out with points - ones yet to be answered by critics such as yourself who, as we see here, can ONLY resort to ad hominem attacks. I'll admit to getting frustrated when a long detailed post containing numerous points gets replied to with txt/leet speak of no merit, but then who wouldn't?
The post I got banned for only asked Nevrax whether they accepted any responsibility for creating the negative atmosphere through their changes to the game, and expressed concern that their rules were NOT being enforced equitably in game, and predicting what would happen if they weren't in the forum. As things turned out my predictions were entirely correct.
I used to think this game had the best and most mature community of any MMO but PvP, and Nevrax's other actions, seem to be bringing out problems in droves, turning it into just another MMO without the things that made a signifcant difference. Maybe that's what they were after?
Oh, for those interested, the following is what I was banned for...
What did you honestly expect though when you brought in the PvP on a more wholesale scale. Sweetness and light?
The situation in game hasn't been much better, even worse, and moderation there has been spotty and uneven.
There's a cause and effect going on and I think that needs to be acknowledged too to form a solution. Sudden and much stricter enforcement will likely increase some tensions and produce resentment towards the moderators if it is not very well handled.
Short and pretty sweet really... shouldn't need explanation.
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morning Jyudas,
would you accept that both sides of the PvP fence are to blame for the recent mess on the forums? It really pains me when you group everyone who likes PvP into this leet kid/trouble maker/destroying the game/etc category...
The way i see the utter lack of understanding and acceptance of game play elements that you and others dislike has done more to fan the flames and troubles than a handful of ppl having fun with PvP.
And last point, the game is rated 12+, that means children play it, its not fair of you to expect them all to act like adults and speak/act in the way older players might.
now, lets see if everyone can discuss this without it turning into a 20 page flame thread
Hi Rushin,
Yes, I would accept that both sides of the fence are to blame for the recent mess on the forums. However I think more of the blame lies with Nevrax itself for the fairly botched way they introduced and implemented it - which only made the problem worse. It also strikes me as extremely peculiar that they bring in this policy just as things have calmed down and destroying the goodwill they had just regained with the latest exec letter.
It may pain you for me to categorise everyone (most) of the pro PvP camp as the leet kid troublemakers who are destroying the game. Unfortunately, thus far, that perception has been at least 95% right in my experience. Pro PvPers capable of having, or understanding even, a cogent argument or having any interest in even listening to the opposing point of view have been few and far between. Lets not forget you had your own issues over something happening in game and responded in a way that surprised me but which also, yet again, confirmed my stereotype.
Look at the threads again if you can, the pro PvP argument is prosecuted almost entirely by people whose only argument has been "LOL its PvP deal with it!" - whereas the opposite side of the argument is usually expressed quite well and quite expressively. Like it or not there IS a divide and any intelligent or capable pro-PvPers are drowned out in a morass of idiocy that just makes the pro PvP side seem worse and worse.
Hopefully with the FvF larger area stuff, the PvP flag, and the direction the last exec letter indicates they have understood their problems and are going to work, now, to correct them. However, again, it seems very strange to me indeed that on the one hand the players are being told "Yes, we boobed, thanks for the feedback, this is how we're responding to it, sorry you're upset." And then on the other hand people are being stifled from GIVING the very feedback that a couple of days ago they were claiming was important.
The new 'rules' have not been explained and are not being applied evenly or fairly, either in the forum or in the game itself. The total effect? Everything I predicted in that post.
You're painting a false picture if you say that I am being intolerant of other play styles, after all, there is no mechanism by which I can force another NOT to PvP, all I have is reasoning and appeals to their better sense. Indeed, of late, I've had some success in explaining my PoV to even previously highly committed gankers who have been made to understand and have started leaving non PvP people alone. Again, I'd lay the blame at the feet of Nevrax for not providing a non PvP option and forcing these two groups to interact (or rather for one to be preyed upon by the other).
As to the community, whatever the rating it has, always, been a more mature community due to the appeal of the game (as was). There are younger people playing but maturity is not solely a function of age. That has been massively undermined lately and it is my opinion that Ryzom can _never_ have the massive broad appeal they wish it had and that introducing the elements and attitudes they have been will only cost them the good press and loyalty of the niche that they had managed to occupy.
We'll see if they come to their senses any time soon, as the last exec letter implied.
R2 is make or break for Ryzom IMO.
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Erm. I should've known I was moving the arguments over here with my post. Sorry 'bout that.
In all honesty, I bet they will end up with more players in the PvP direction they are going. I figured out long ago that what I enjoy in a game (or even in life) isn't what most other folks do. There are almost always games out there that feed my kind of player though. Ryzom seemed to be that kind of game before, but much less so now.
Doesn't make it wrong, or bad, or whatever; from a money standpoint it's probably better. But it's not surprising a good slice of the playerbase is upset. They seemed to cater to players like me for a long time and now it doesn't seem they will continue to do so. I shrugged and moved on, but others have a lot more time invested and feel a bit cheated.
Also, folks on this side of the "fence" will always be considered "elitist". We like to talk in full sentences and use a larger vocabulary. We enjoy the philosophical discussions and the storylines. This loftiness is often misinterpreted as elitism.
R2 is interesting, but it seems to be from the "old guard", if you will. Folks that don't seem to be around anymore, or at least have a lot less control in Ryzom. I don't have a lot of confidence in R2 to bring me back. I just think it'll be botched up somehow.
I don't think it WILL help them from a money standpoint. The people they've driven off are the people who often form the cores of communities, the creative and helpful types for the most part. The ones who help make a fictionarl world come alive, rather than simply 'exist'.
For PvPers there are much easier and more PvP friendly games out there. PvP in Ryzom even with the changes comes down to being a high level mage, and that's about it. There's little variation, not a lot in the way of tactics or choices and even the PvPers have gotten bored of it. The tail end of the Ep2 event is pretty much entirely peaceful with everyone digging and crafting rather than fighting.
The PvPers won't stay, or be satisfied, the RPers will or have left unless something is done and the forum BS just adds to the negative mix.
Its SUCH a shame.
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Your stereotyping is the same thing, in real life, that destroys communites and segregates them to the point of mutual hatred. While this isn't real life, it's a game, the same thing can happen to an extent. Your rather provoking and insulting comments of pro-PvP people caused more anger and bad blood on the forums than killing someone of the opposite faction ever did.
If by provoking you mean thought provoking then yes, I'm with you, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on that one. A stereotype contains a kernel of truth or they would not be so persistant. As it happens my experiences within the game with the PvPers have not given me any cause to think that they do not fit that stereotype of the 'leet kiddy'. This may just be my experience, it is - after all - not exhaustive but it is a large enough sample for _me_ to consider that, by and large, in perhaps 95% of cases the pro PvPers do fit my conception. Even your posts, while more literate than many, confirm that stereotype. The difference between us is that I can accept and understand the opposing viewpoint, I just think they should be a little more accomodating to fill the gap that Nevrax has left. There IS room for all types of play but it requires those who CAN impose their POV (The PvPers) to be less selfish and to show some understanding for the other side.
Now, some of the PvPers have shown that amount of courtesy and I have managed to, finally, get my point across to a number of the others. I'd love to attribute this solely to my silver tongue but I think it is as much to do with people getting bored of the event to be honest. Still, there remain a hardcore of selfish players - and that's not slander when you try to talk to them and all you get back is 'I do what I want **** you' - when you ask for some courtesy.
Why is it so hard for these few to accept that other people want to play the game differently and to accomodate them where Nevrax has failed to? Why must their pleasure come at the expense of someone elses? Why does the game being played the way THEY prefer take pre-eminance over the way that others prefer?
That is why people have been driven away and why there has been bad blood, exacerbated because Nevrax made - functionally - no comment whatsoever on any of it, did not try to tone down any of the threads and answered no questions that were raised, leaving people to stew in their own juices.
Just as things were calming down they pull this forum stunt, ramping up the bad blood once again.
Honestly, what am I _supposed_ to make of all that?
Can you answer the questions above and explain to me, from your side, why my - relatively eloquent - advocacy of my preferred playing style, and repeated appeals for understanding, are somehow worse than the posts that amount to 'STFU n00b'? - and no, I'm not stereotyping there either, go back and read some of them.
I should love NOTHING more than to engage in a reasoned and intelligent debate with someone on the other side of the argument who can meet my questions and objections intelligently, eloquently and with some kind of moral backup to what they're saying. Please, please give me that opportunity.
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[quote]At first with Jessica's announcement and your first post I thought I might come back to the forums and see if anything did happen.
Now with the ridiculous bans you're just pulling a "Funcom" and courteous means you can't say anything bad about the company and draconian censorship.
You're not stopping the trolls and flames between players, you're just trying to improve the company's image by silencing any critics.
So much for coming back, let the former majority of the Ryzom playerbase that has now left the game know if you ever want to stop swinging from one bad extreme to another.[/quote]
and just so that he could prove my own point for me, Xavier banned me for pointing out that any critic would be banned.
It is sad, the game I played in beta was so wonderful it convinved a guild to join a new game and we grew rapidly. But they've decided to go the direction that everybody left other games to try Ryzom out for. Tired of the grind, the static world, the game breaking bugs, the ganking, etc.
Meanwhile the rude members of the fanboi pro-PvP community go about with posts and they still don't clean up posts with religious and racial degradations.
Oh well, if Nevrax was hurting from Patch 1 and went into bankruptancy then EP2 and the forum lockdown are just going to hammer the rest of the nails in their coffin. I hope it lasts long enough for you to see Ryzom Ring GrimJim, or maybe we can hope for a buyout by some company like Vivendi who just might give the original vision a try.
double posted
I think its perfecly clear now where the game is going to.
I say that the management was allways aware of their actions in the last months.
Latest changes on the forum just show that the company wants to control the image of the game themselfes.
They want to go bussiness and mainstream. I assume they have to if they dont want do get hunted down by the bank.
The big problem is just that the industry doesnt care for minorities. After some years its an established bussiness. Not very different from building cars or selling shoes.
There is nearly nothing out there without PvP or FvF, especially large scale FvF. The industry thinks, and is probably right, that only this sort of gameplay will attract players. Anyways i d like to see a poll about players in waiting mode for a real good game to come.
As for me, WoW is no alternative for me. I d prefer the old Diablo over WoW.
Seed has a nice concept, but game is in very early state and nobody knows if and when it will be released.
Irth has something that reminds me of SoR. Wide and open. But part of graphics and toon customication lacks. Also there is large scale FvF planned. Cause the world is nearly as huge as in DnL and cause there is a nonPvP race this is my exile atm Devs are actually playing several times a week
DDO might be a candidate. Not sure how much MMO feeling there will be. But with mature players it will be a lot of fun in team.
Pirates of the burning sea is somehow different. Again PvP but maybe with a good possibility to play a neutral Adventurer.
DnL/SoG is again promissing but again based on large scale FvF, GvG. But also a good chance to play there a neutral char. Al least they have a sozial skill tree. They start soon with SoG, i soon will see if its worth the space on my harddrive
I have to say I'm stunned by the the actions taken at SoR's forums.
I used to play SoR. I left about a year ago, after it seemed to me that the game wasn't living up to it's premise. What had originally attracted me to SoR were the exciting PvE ideas, based on the equally exciting premise of a race which had nearly been wiped out trying to reclaim it's prior homeland. I thought there would be a war with a front line, and I could see how my actions could actually make a difference. I had dreams of hearing a call for help from a new outpost, for example, which was suddenly being swarmed under by Kitin, and of heroically making a difference. I hoped that the results of this ongoing conflict would influence the gameworld.
Needless to say, none of this ever remotely came true. Basically we were dealing with a static world, where no matter how many times you killed the same thing, nothing changed. I saw no goal to work towards, no meaningful content. And no updates for a very long time; with the only vague metions of future updates from Nevrax seeming to point more in a PvP direction. I pointed all this out in the forums at SoR while I was still subscribed, and then here.
And who was the most staunch defender of Nevrax against the above criticisms? None other than GrimJim, the person they have now banned. He was a steadfast voice saying that the game needed no goal and that players should make their own "content" in order for it to be meaningful. He never liked the idea of PvP either, but clearly felt Nevrax would leave options open for all. Through the year of no content updates and little communication from Nevrax, GrimJim was a passionate voice urging the community to stick with the game, and perhaps singlehandedly keeping a high level of interest amongst many in a game which would otherwise have seemed stagnant. His reward for this effort? He gets banned from the Nevrax forums because he is too passionate about the direction the game is currently going, which is contrary to his vision that helped hold it together during the previous year of turmoil at Nevrax.
I usually have not agreed with GrimJim, you can see our previous discussions in this forum, we generally were on opposite sides of the issues. But I've always respected his reasoning, and his courtesy towards others whether he agreed or disagreed with them. For Nevrax to suddenly ban him, after all this time and all he's done for them, on the basis of one innocuous post is unbelievable.
Grim, if I were you and you aren't re-instated soon, I would cancel my subscription. Why pay them for the privlege of letting them punish you? If they insist on sticking it to their biggest supporters, they should pay the price for that.
If you find a new game to play, perhaps you will mention it here. I think I'd enjoy being in a guild with you.
Doctor Z.
Thank you Doc,
I am sticking with it for R2 at least, to see how that turns out. The idea of creating my own content really appeals to me and from previews and info it looks like it may be easier than NWN, which I tried with but couldn't really get the hang of.
I plan to have a look at DDO, despite parts of it that don't appeal to me (instancing, repeated quests, what they've fiddled with from the D&D system, Eberron) because it stems from The Daddy of all RPGs.
I've got too many friends (despite the people of stronger spine who have quit) in Ryzom to give up on it too readily, their professional act is in gear again now, IMO they've just gone the wrong direction with it. I can't see how Ryzom can compete directly with all the other MMOs - by imitating them - IMO they should have gone for their niche aggressively, there's enough people out there who prefer well done PvE, crafting and RP play to support a well done game.
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I've been trying to write something here without going over the same old points we have on the main forum, it's tricky to say the least.
Banning Grim in the way it was done.. madness in mine and most ppl's opinion i think, trying to do something about the flooding on the forums a good idea. Xavier doing it and not the mods, really really silly. timing - bloody awful as things were starting to get back to normal. However seeing Xavier get wound up and emotional like all of us that care about the game do is a nice thing, even if the results are not exactly ideal. Nevrax is a very small company, they care about their world, and communicate directly with the community in a way that sony, ncsoft, etc would never do. I think thats an important point to remember there *is* a lot of communication, and changes are made from comminuity opinions, and its plain to see they care. Sadly that isnt enough to make everyone happy, there is this horrible problem of capitalism which Nevrax have to take some notice of, they have a niche product, the player base isnt at a level or expanding at a pace that makes their investors sleep soundly so they try to do something about it.
Is that working? dont know.. I'm a very laid back person generally and dont have any particular problems with the focus on PvP thats going on, i find it interesting really. What i dont find so great is all the talk of people leaving because of it, however i dont know how much of this talk is an initial overreaction by those who see it as ruining their game..
Now i have grim telling me i am leet kiddie, not very nice to be name calling now is it? what did i do after our little experience in the FvF zone? call u names in region? nope, post something on ur guild forum explaining my distaste for your actions - how does that make me one of these ppl that u despise so much i wonder..
The crux of my annoyance is that you seem to think you have to goto a FvF zone, like the rest of the game suddenly disappeared. I fail to understand why you need to go there, be unhappy and moan about it to everyone, and also on the forums.. Not everyone enjoys every aspect of the game, so what, pick and choose what you do - dont do things u dont like... You were saying somewhere else u felt u had to take part because of the honour points.. Read the patch notes again, honor points are traded in at the end of episode 2, not at the end of the temple building - there are going to be more events where we can accumulate them so if this one isnt to your taste why not carry on your normal existance on Atys and see if you like the next one more. I spent the entire day on sunday organising a trip and running round atys siteseeing, was an absolute blast and the fact that there is a war going on in no way detracted from anyones enjoyment.. we even stopped by the Tryker temple to say hi
I am enjoying the PvP, i am crap at it but having fun. sure there are some people there that do things i wouldn't do, but there are loads who also have fun, and play in a way i can enjoy so ur argument that we are all leet kids is frankly bodoc's
I do think that having this superior attitude, and dismissing as incorrect those that dont play how you do is not helpful and only builds walls between groups of players rather than bringing them closer together.
if nothing else lets stop calling each other names and sterotyping, i actually find being called a fanboi more depressing than any other. what is so wrong with enjoying playing a game exactly? Why would people want to call me names because i spend my free time enjoying myself? i really dont get it at all...
apologies for spelling and missing words, got on a roll and just typed :-)
A lot of people have left, or have suspended their accounts and are watching. This was entirely predictable and, by Nevrax' backtracking in the last exec letter - I guess they are getting the message. Still, all we can really look forward to for a while is more PvP 'content'. I suspect this is because PvP is a relatively easy thing to add, with relatively little investment of time (and therefore money) while creating a semi-false vision of 'endgame' and 'high end content'.
This may actually do more long term damage to the prospects of the game than Patch 1 did, due to the quality of people lost.
Not very nice to be ganking people, whatever your motivation, its also against the game policies that they don't seem to be enforcing very well at the moment, or evenly. After our 'experience' you reneged on a deal and gave me a dressing down for not assisting you to rez, an IC action that lead to your OOC response. I cannot regard that, or your behaviour for digger ganking, as a good thing. If you get off on that sort of thing then yes, you're a leet kiddy. It was more of a shock and more anger making from coming from you though I admit it was probably an overreaction and I apologise - even though I'd still p'ed off by it.
Yes, I think I have to enter the FvF zone, because there are no other options, because this is the only, truly, game effecting event in about a year of any significance, because of the rewards and because of the nature of the character I play and my duties and alleigence to the guild. There is no non PvP option and, therefore, no other choice.
Choosing not to take part is choosing to miss out, to give up the 'good gear' entirely to the gankers and kiddies, reinforcing their position as unbeatable top dog in any other future event. A positive feedback loop which also forms a major concern about the FvF spires. The more you win, the more boost you get, so you win more, so you get more boost... and so on, leaving the other side unrecoverable.
Sorry, the 'go elsewhere' argument simply doesn't work. AFter all, the pro PvP people COULD go fight in the PR, or in the arena, they don't HAVE to be in the FvF zone now do they?
Just because Nevrax haven't provided a non PvP option does not mean that players cannot respect each other's choices and confine themselves to fighting and killing those who accept it or want it, leaving the others alone, correcting Nevrax' mistake and maintaining the reputation for good community. But no, people have to be entirely selfish - some - and one person can spoil something for hundreds.
The ones who are entirely selfish are. There ARE PvPers with a mature enough attitude to leave people alone and compensate for Nevrax, but it only takes a very few to mess things up for everyone.
Its hard not to have a superior attitude when you come up against these people, when their best arguments are 'I'm allowed' or 'I do what I want' or merely a string of obscenities. Its hard not to feel superior to people who place their own enjoyment far and away over that of any others. Its hard not to feel superior when I can respect their choices and even PvP - so long as there are opt outs or other options - when they can't respect mine. The names and stereotypes - unfortunately - fit too well.
As to the fanboi thing, generally its an accusation levelled to people who praise mindlessly and don't accept that there are any flaws or problems. Kibs would be the best example of a genuine fanboy in Ryzom
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I cutely noticed that his reversal of a ban into a warning was only for the few people who a public outrage was mounted for.
In truth he is trying to save his public face while they do nothing at all.
Kind of the same as they've done with EP2 entirely, make comments that they'll do something different... while making absolutely no move to do anything for the non-PvP crowd (unless you count opening R2 alpha). Seems to me that given Ryzom's financial situation and now the continued decimation of the playerbase with EP2 it is going to be a doomed game.
To Rushin...
Why argue with someone who believes it is ok to be judgemental and condecending of people who don't do/think what he does? You say there is other content in the game besides the FvF...he comes back with all his self imposed restrictions for gameplay, saying he is forced in. So now because he thinks there is only one right way to play...what you've said is just completely wrong.
On the main SoR forums people just jump on the grimjim bandwagon and agree with whatever he says without really looking at what is coming out of his mouth (typing...whatever). His messages are filled with all types of stereotypes and prejudices. What's even worse is that he thinks its ok...and that he's straight up better than people because of how he plays a game.
Don't waste your time.
Someone doesn't pay very good attention.
I am not judgemental or condescending of people who don't do/think what I say. I am judgemental and condescending of people who needlessly impose themselves on others and who prove themselves worthy of such treatment by their actions.
There's room in the game for all sorts of player types to coexist happily provided they are given enough and given the option not to have to interact.
The spires will be something that is missable, avoidable (hopefully, though there will be knock-on effects from them). The current event isn't. The current event is a one time chance to affect the layout of Atys, and one that is more involved than the new tunnel to Zorai was. It is not something that is missable to anyone who cares about the storyline, the RP, the rewards or about affecting the gameworld in some way. While avoiding it may be an option for some, it isn't for most, even if they hate the nature of the event.
All I ask/want is that those who enjoy the PvP action show some consideration for those that don't, but have no choice other than to interact with. Nevrax' failing needn't have been the community's failing - but unfortunately it has been.
I should love my impressions of the other side of the argument to be wrong - I don't begrudge them the ability to play the game in a fashion they desire - so long as it doesn't negatively impact on everyone else's game. But what am I supposed to think when the arguments for PvP all seem to be inherently selfish, false, inconsiderate or just illiterate? It IS a horrible stereotype - the 'leet kiddy' but what is one supposed to think when it is proven over and over?
Hell, I can even see instancesin which I'll happily take part in PvP - and have - the guild of elias who were being hunted, that was enjoyable, fully consensual and the only ganking that happened was to a couple of neutral players trying to get the parties to talk, who were then rezzed.
As to being better than people I'm not sure about all of them, but I have enough ego to think that I'm better than people that act selfishly, aggressively, childishly and place their own pleasure necessarily way above that of others and accept no argument that some compromise would keep both sides happy.
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Back to topic:
I can only add that the same sad things happened at the german forum; it's clearly dying now. To think that in beta we once had twice as many posts as the english community did... So many players were fanboing around, how great this game's gonna be after release and all that, always holding hope up after each change *sigh*
PvP brought out the worst in some people. Childish behaviour and flaming started, but not too much though - because really lots of us formerly engaged forum-writers (me too) left the game as soon as the atmosphere changed to worse, which we already knew would happen if Nevrax won't listen to us.
In-game the majority of the karavan-faction has lost interest in building temples cause the kami-PK-group appearently is larger (with too many level 250 mages) and often camps right in front of the karavans to cage them in. There has been mob-pulling, PKing of course, broken peace-treaties ("we want honor-points! PKing helpless harvesters is what the factions want us to do; we have to do, what the game demands"), also opening hundreds of sources so older computers would have lags or even crashes, and lots of rude and oh-so-cool-but-really-not-funny comments like the ones you hear in any shooter-game, especially the faction-channels were/are full of bs. Right now camping takes the fun out of it all for the karavan-followers. Since I've been a kami-follower I would feel really shameful for being on the same side as those idiots...
Someone linked to Xaviers thread on the english forum about trolling and being more restrictive now, asking into the crowd, if this means they will censor our thoughts now. After just one other post (it was just some "oh" comment), Lawrence closed the thread, not allowing anyone to discuss it. That's a really bad sign if I ever saw one...
That's such a shame, we'd been told that the German server initially rejected the PvP outright and dug alongside each other. Seems that didn't last if it ever happened at all. Just takes a handful of people to spoil it for a large number.
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Grim I don't recall addressing you. However, you felt the need to make your omniscient voice heard yet again. I won't engage in any sort of argument/conversation or anything of the sort with you. I simply don't like/respect you as a person. You are so full of yourself it sickens me.
In short: I'm done with you.
So all I hear in that is that you can't/won't defend your viewpoint. What impression am I supposed to take from that? Yes, I have strong opinions and I express them. So?
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You sir, have become a troll. But I like trolls. I play one on occasion in many games.
You posted in a public forum, therefore you addressed the public, no matter how you disguised it. If you didn't want others to read and possibly respond, you could have sent a private message.
As far as the subject at hand: PvP content was added. It was the only content added in quite some time. The future content is described as PvP content. No non-PvP content has been described as of yet. Therefore, the non-PvP players who enjoy Ryzom are upset. The rest of the arguments just kind of settle into banter, IMO.