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Worse Mmorpg Ever! Read Here From Gamespot + Poll



  • Static_WolfStatic_Wolf Member Posts: 80

    Wow, I cant believe how dumb some people are to actually like the new combat system in swg, are you seriously stupid or something? Everyone is basiclaly the same now, no matter what rifles or whatver you use, I mean you point that RIDICULOUS hud or what you want to call it at targets and just fire like an idiot.


    I mean if your going to make this style, at least try and make it nice, like a true first/3rd person shooter. Only AN COMPLETE IDIOT WOULD think this is good. IT BECAME MORE STAR WARS HOW you idiots? everytime i point to something i have to press the tiddle key????????? are you stupid lol? what was wrong with right click?

    Chase cam is still bugged as well lol, it doesnt even work, i swear its really not the vets complaining, its basicall all the people with an IQ over 20 that are. 95% of the people disagree of the nge. but you have these sneaky bastards running around in forums quickly to cover up negative posts and such , but you know what, read that spicky


    Look at the scumsucker's responses to sme of those questions. SOE's customer service stinks and thanks to nge so does the game now as well. I'd wish you good luck but you wouldnt know what to do with it.

  • TwiZzoTTwiZzoT Member Posts: 90

    only people that are pissed off and cancelling their accounts are those who can't live their swg lives without their precious jedi.  i had more fun in that game NOT being a jedi & that was when jedi where completely owning in pvp too.


    i hate to even think it, but learn to play!!!  awww hell!!!!!!

  • DorkusboyDorkusboy Member Posts: 20

    The thing i noticed about the combat that its some sort of wacky hybrid now, you cant actualy dodge enemy fire. it still pretty much comes at you like 'guided missles' and i dont think ive seen a npc miss once, no matter how hard i tried there fire would seek me down.

    the damage im capa ble of doing seems to be level based even though my weapon has stats i just dont feel like im doing any or much more damage with a better weapon.. its funny though you sit there and fire away at a mob and everytime it gets hit it twtiches.. i almost feel like the game is in fast foward or something..

    i believe its still turned based but they seemd to speed the ticks up four X faster.. another problem i had was with melee i cant seem to hit a target while im moving, unless i have some sort of snare npc's can pretty much kite you..

    once planet side for some reason the bugs really kicked in! the interface would constantly tell me -level up-, -snared-, ande the mobs moved more freely hence there ability to effectively kite me..

    the only extra quests beyond that where in the level 10 range and wherent very exciting.. te one that eeved me the most except for geting basically armor with no stats was the speeder one, you get a landspeeder that at this junction i feel like i can outrun..

    planetside is when i really noticed how hacked together everything really was. the xp was terrable per kill and there really wherent many quests too help you level up. now i left the station at like level 8 or so but i hear you can play it till thirty..

    oh yeah tat 'minning station?' has almost the same layout and mobs the geocaves had.. its like te devs sad hm the geocaves where popular how can we get that into the new player area.

    aside form that i feel really burnt by sony releasing there expansion a few days befoe telling the public there changes.. torres saying pretty much that people where behnd his change. people have been asking the devs to either fix this or that over the past couple of years but as far as i remeber no one asked for anything like this..

    the devs seemed to ignore the community implementing buggy changes that none of us really wanted instead of fixing flaws in the basic game mechanics.. take creature handler whic in the begining of the game was a popular profession they pretty much nerfed the hell out of it and said dont worry where going to add *new* content well they never really did.. i cant really speak for them post cu i quit..

    smugglers couldnt smuggle anything, entertainers where looked down upon as basicaly buff bots partially because they never thought to listen too the entertainer community which i might say thy gavevery little content too over the years, there mission terminals where a joke they really didnt even recieve any new songs or anything for like the first year and the content they added for them just wasnt enough..

    im sure lots of professions could say that they where pretty much ignored by sony look at bounty hunters, they left there investigation line broken for the first year.. if your expecting sony now to turn over a new leaf with this game you have o be kidding me.. yes they added a nice little tutorial to try and get new customers but beyond that they really didnt add anything that wonder or 'unbroken' or that new with the nge..

    another thing that really pissed me off is the new boxed set comes with a free clicky that allows you to travel too the spaceport from anywhere it pretty much calls a personal tie-fighter for you from what i understand and wisks you away to one of the starports n your planet. so another words you have to be new to the game or start a second charecter to get this device, andeven if they do allow you to have it if you buy the new boxed set why should we shell out 50$ for a product we already have?

    the whole way they went about things was totally sleezy. this is one of the sleeziest moves ive ever seen a mmo do short of horizons but i think they where in dyers strates.. oh bar asheron 2.. but in a way this might have even been more deceptive then that. they knew full well about all of this they just never aproached the community with it..

    i dont have a jedi personally i never worked for one and im pissed to i feel kind of jaded and overlooked with nge up until recently i was a various combat professions and a doctor, ive done pikesman pistoleer tkm rifleman swordsman ive also done musician, but i got bored so i said what the heck let me give musician a try again so i worked twards being one (Again) i said i can always re-grind a combat prof again later. so i for fun a played one again i didnt afk or anything like that its just when i came back i wanted too try something i havent in a while.. so then boom along comes the nge my skills where 250/250 ive been combat before but guess what? i can respect into a master trader or entertainer but no combat profession.

    in its self thats all good but guess what guys? any level 1 combat profession can respec into a master entertainer or trader too.. now thats just rediculous, it makes anyone who was in the entertaining proff prior too the NGE feel kinda underapreciated.. some of us want to do some combat profession again and we cant! but a combat level 1 character can pretty much jump in as a master..

    another thing i noticed is that i came back as a master politician! i never ground a box of politics in my life.. okay you might think now that anyone can start as a master politician? wrong.. thos that had been a politician prior to the CU are at there same level but anyone who wasnt or rather most people who wherent are now full fledged mayors!

    in closing i would like to say that im fed up with this soe/la BS i have a all access pass mostly too play EQ2 which suprisingly enough never had 1-100th the bugs that SWG does too this day and they stopped being so restrictive and added tons of solo content.. infact i dare say that if you didnt like EQ2 a few months ago it might be worth your while to try it again..

    but even though i like eq2 what they did to swg makes me feel like canceling my all access pass and i worked hard on some of those characters to i would be giving up my 65 mage on eq1 my (once) multi-profession bothan on naritus swg.. and my 35 conjurer i *now* enjoy playing on EQ2 and not to mention real life friends i have there.. but im so tempted to cancel the game because of this..

    plain and simple i never felt so less a part of a comunity well adimwise then i do in SWG. i never seen such sleazy moves as i have in this game from the devs..

    glasic gherkinpickle gnome mage, karana(rathe) eq1
    Rovver dangerfield naritus botan entertainer, naritus SWG
    Gnobby gherkinpickle gnomish conjurer, everfrost server EQ2

  • haxxjoohaxxjoo Member Posts: 924

    dont even bother trying to convince some people here of the games facts.

    SWG isn't going to Explode. 

    The princess wasn't a spy during our time frame either. She never doned that armored suit until after Empire strikes back when she learns she is force sensitive. 

    Jedi didn't become more powerful in the force by killing anything.  Jedi and Dark Jedi alike gain there skills by understanding the flowing force that surrounds us all and binds the galaxy together.  Dark Jedi and Sith just manipulate that energy source for different purposes.  Understanding Jedi and how to impliment them would require a sense of thought on how experience for a jedi character is gained and how actions positively and negatively affect ones own balance with the force.  A jedi uses a weapon only in self defense.  Killing aggro mobs light side jedi faction.  Killing yellow conned mobs darkside faction.  Learning skills.  Not just handed out.  Taught.  Forced education.  Seek out either a person, place or object.  Answer the questions.  Practice the skill.  Understand the force.  Answers dictate further paths.  No path should be indentical.  Answers change.  Many possibilities.  The force and Jedi is something to be handled by the devs and tweaked.  To far down the dark path one wanders more thinks become dark. Characters of all types are red.  All creatures either flee or attack on sight.  Everyone is an enemy.  Trust no one.  No peace.  Extinquish the light.  Follow the code...

    A jedi seeks peace.  Enlightment.  A jedi guards against evil.  It protects all life.  A jedi only acts out of serenity and calm.  Understand what you must do.  

    Dark and light jedi alike can feel each others presense in the force.  There is sooo much to the ways of the force and so many lessons.

    It is a shame that jedi are the way they are in this mmo.  I do not see the story behind many toons necessary for me to see any player as anything more then a jedi poser.  I have volumes of jedi and dark jedi materials.  Years of actual rp with jedi.  To bad really.  SWG the game of noobs and ego maniacs.  Rational thought?  Patient development? Tendered ideas? Real conversations? haha.  If soe want real debate and real thought they would ask for it.  If they wanted anything of substance it is all there for them.  They want money.  Only money and dont care what they do to get money.  Nothing they have done since game release has been about anything more then making money. 

    SOE STOP.  See yourself in the mirror.  Look hard.  Why did you get into game design.  Make that game.

  • huey89huey89 Member Posts: 75
    Well, I have been with swg for a long time. I beta tested it while playing Earth and Beyond.  I subscribed to swg after EnB died.  All I can say thus far, is that I am an Elder Jedi, started holo grinding and finished him in the village.  The NGE is much more challenging. I can no longer take on mobs like I used to.  The animations need work. The targeting system needs work.  I am really dependant on groups so that I can lvl to 90.  I am trying to give it a chance, and I hope that they fix some of these issues.. If things dont improve between now and when Dark and Light launches, I think I will be cancelling and joining D&L.  SWG isn't a total failure, it is really geared up for the new player. If you start from scratch it's fun.  I am glad that in order to gain level, it's based on completing a quest rather than killing the same spawn of critters for hours on end.  I would say that you would feel more involved in the starwars story line.  But, like I said, this needs a lot of work and tweaking.  It's sad that my jedi does better with a blaster than his saber.  But I am adapting.  Not sure if it's worth it yet, but I am giving it a valiant effort.


  • huey89huey89 Member Posts: 75

    Originally posted by darquenblade

    Gotta love those naysayers, eh?
    I'm downloading the trial now, and will be checking it out tonight image

    Let us know your first impressions. Please include your profession, and the quests, and how it all felt from a new persons point of view.  If you guys come to the sunrunner server, post your name, and ill give you some spending cash.  image


  • DorkusboyDorkusboy Member Posts: 20

    I agree with the above post. i see alot of eastern philosophy in jedi alot of forgotten traitions. Its funny way back when george lucas studied mythology. infact it star wars was mentioned in Joseph Campbell
    documetary, the power of myth on pbs. it was akin too the odyssey and various other tales from homer. i.e. a journey of self discovery. stuff like that. not these prequels and for sure not star wars galaxies!

    When they first introduced SWG i was really hoping that if they DID introduce jedi that they might have done it in the right way expecially for the time frame the game was in.. i thought wouldnt be great if it was some sort of passive quest sponsered by the devs themselves based on how you interact with the community and the enviroment in game. but they introduced it as a senseless grind that brought l33t kiddies by the droves.

    personally i enjoyed adventuring so while everyone was grinding jedi, thats what i was doing i think i visited every cave and every poi on every planet at the time.. but when i got back to 'civilization' it set in just bad the comunity got during the grind period. i would go to the cantina and everyone would be running bots begging you too watch them so they can gain xp. good doctors where replaced by shoddy ones too the point i became a doc myself, just to buff me and my friends..

    another ting that ruined my immersion was the pointless pvp going on now sparring, was one thing so was raiding or even going overt sneaking into cities etc. but pvp became thugish people would ask regardless of what title you had above your head to duel them and if you didnt you where called a 'fag'. i had a friend cynister recon i knew n RL that i asked to chill out a couple of times *because* he would go into starports and start picking on people. i dont mind if someone asks anoter person to a duel but too insult them if they dont! call them names that was bad and no one would do anything about it during that period!

    i was so glad when i came back the second time and most of those people moved on! see what sony does or doesnt realize is these kids will get bored of the new starwarzy experience and just move on. it already happend once and it will happen again that is if even, and i doubt it get the following it once had.

    oh btw what is with this new flashy word i keep on hearing 'starwarzy' sounds like ad-man PR talk personally, so dos the word 'iconic' i dont think smedly can write/say a paragraph without throwing them in there! personally if you ask me this game is now 100% run by suits with no room for creativity.

    its begining to remind me of network TV! and NEW COKE! and FULL HOUSE and canned laughter and all i can seem to picture when i read a torres discussion of the game is AND, buy NOW and for a limited time you'll get--!! when i picture SOE/LA SWG right now i picture some Greasy guy with his hair slicked back talking with his hands trying to sell me realistate on tv or something like that. what i dont picture at all is Star Wars: A new hope, empire strikes back or return of the jedi. am i making sense?

  • mistereous1mistereous1 Member Posts: 13

    Originally posted by TwiZzoT

    only people that are pissed off and cancelling their accounts are those who can't live their swg lives without their precious jedi.  i had more fun in that game NOT being a jedi & that was when jedi where completely owning in pvp too.
    i hate to even think it, but learn to play!!!  awww hell!!!!!!

    I disagree, did they screw up my jedi...yes they did, however I didn't become a jedi until they screwed up armorsmith...with the NGE, they've screwed up weaponsmith, which I picked up with my alt.  But that has nothing to do with why I cancelled.

    The reason is somewhere between the premise of the game is stupid with even more jedi running around, the premise of the game is too simple since your stats don't mean anything, and it's obvious that the game has a total lack of direction with it's SECOND overhaul in the past six months.  We learned a different system with the CU, so your reason people are cancelling doesn't make sense.  Could it be that I don't want the game rewritten every six months?

    The bulk of the people returning are the ones that said, wait...I have to WORK to become a jedi?

  • Static_WolfStatic_Wolf Member Posts: 80

    So i decided to give the THING a last chance, went to Mustafar touched a scroll to kill some fleas (yipeeeeee) went out witha  group fired some shots and yup folks, that was it, just cancelled the accounts on this joke of a game...Goodbye and Good ridance and RIP.

    And to those fanboy nerds and soe employees who will reply good ridance to you too, f u 2 lol :)

  • MarshaSiouxMarshaSioux Member Posts: 27

    Originally posted by Artean
    Yup, for the first time ever, I've actually been having some fun trying out SWG. Especially the n00b tutorial is really good implemented (some bugs excluded ofc).

    You know, I cancelled all 6 of my accounts before this NGE went live. I played the NGE on the TC for two weeks before deciding it was too much to handle.

    One of the ONLY good things about these changes is the new player tutorial. I enjoyed the beginning of the game very much. The content was way more exciting than a lot of the other things that had ever been implemented in the game. As I have said in several other places though, this new eye candy just wasn't enough to make the other changes worth sticking around for.

    I am NOT, however, suggesting that anyone that continues to or begins playing this game now is stupid, a moron, only working for SOE or retarded or any such thing. I say to each their own and I am glad that at least some people are enjoying the changes.

    It is time for some of us to find a better game to play now though - I just hope I can find somewhere else to play that I can have even half the fun I used to with this game before all of the huge changes and redesigns. I am sad to say I believe that is going to be a very difficult if not impossible thing to do.

    I'm the girl the ESRB warned you about...

  • =GK=Darkstar=GK=Darkstar Member Posts: 30

    Well after a few days

    Its more like the old days of exploring and doing quests rather than the linier boring hunt, grind hunt grind hunt grind I must be a level 80 stuff.  Ya that was really exciting I will really miss that.

    I am loving it and its a fact more players are coming in via demo and people like myself playing it again after the last CU which ACTUALLY nearly killed the game as it was awfull.

    Its good to be exploring and having fun again in the SW Universe at my leisure without having to put my son up for adoption and divorce the wife as I MUST GRIND Yawn..........

    This is a fun game again,

    Thanks SONY

    Creator & Founder of =GK= Clan 2004
    =GK= Founder & Creator 2004
    Multi Gamer


  • Static_WolfStatic_Wolf Member Posts: 80
    Staying after NGE, hehe, you really must have an IQ of 2+2
  • =GK=Darkstar=GK=Darkstar Member Posts: 30

    Judging by that post still higher than yours my young friend

    Anyway,if you think its fun grinding out batha hunts all day then you really dont have much of a life mate

    Creator & Founder of =GK= Clan 2004
    =GK= Founder & Creator 2004
    Multi Gamer


  • ElnatorElnator Member Posts: 6,077

    Originally posted by Obraik
    So far I've notice an increase of people online. Will have to see how this stabilizes over the next few weeks tho image.
    Many people say the same thing about Windows and Microsoft, yet neither is dieing image

    Microsoft Windows has no competition
    SWG does

    Not going to say it's going to die, because it won't. No matter WHAT They do to the game they will always find folks to fit that niche. It's a truism that you can produce just about ANYTHING and you WILL find an audience.

    I do think this change is going to negatively impact subscriber numbers though. And I suspect it's going to impact subscriber numbers to their other titles too because, like me, many are now feeling that their AAP isn't worth keeping. And once they decide that many are deciding to not bother with PlanetSide and/or EQ2. I know I did.

    I've gone back to DAOC myself.

    Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
    Sig image Pending
    Still in: A couple Betas

  • =GK=Lisaro=GK=Lisaro Member Posts: 6

    Originally posted by Shayde

    Originally posted by =GK=Darkstar

    His own poll proves him wrong lol

    Well, actually it doesn't, since his first 3 answers are all pretty much the same answer. Add those together and they still outvote the positive.

    Totally agree with you, (which is a bit naughty as Darkstar is head of the clan im in! lol)

    But the trouble really comes down to the way in which this upgrade has been handled... along with the content....

    At the end of the day such massive changes to the game needed to be introduced properly, not rushed to ensure a bumper crop of PS3 players at Christmas.  And certainly not a week or so after people were buying a new expansion... i

    No-body here would buy a car with everything on it bar the wheels, engine, seats and brakes... this is what the NGE is... its an ill thought out, incomplete monthly subscription Beta version of a game, which in my humble opinion has not added anything positive to the game...

    And although i never say "dont buy or try" any game... It's easy to see why this attitude arises from the sorts of decisions made by SoE and LA this time and throughout their history with SWG.



    Former Mayor of Genesis City, Lok
    Farstar Server

  • =GK=Darkstar=GK=Darkstar Member Posts: 30


    But the guys that started this post needs to be ashamed of himself, he is trying to spoil it for people like me who have had this game from the start.  I hated the CU and it changed the game form what it was when it first came out.

    But to make a post of this kind saying this is the "worst" and "everyone" is leaving is just dumb as this is not happening, and the new people have come in with demos and are enjoying it.

    If you dont like the game fine, but dont try to kill it willfully by making stupid posts like this.  I like it and I want people to be online, then u get this clown who is trying to put people off and ruin MY game.  He needs to think about it.



    Creator & Founder of =GK= Clan 2004
    =GK= Founder & Creator 2004
    Multi Gamer


  • maciopamaciopa Member CommonPosts: 49

    I had no chance to play SWG in the "old" version. Now I am playing a trial. In my opinion DEV's should re-enable "crafting line" for all who want this path as a secondary one in their lives - to some fixed point - Trader should be the only class with a "Master degree". Trader and Entertrainer should be able to gain Combat/quest exp as well.
    The game says - You have gained xxx strrfighter experience. What is it for?
    In the present form SWG looks - for me - more like AO with better graphic and worse playability/class system/advancing possibilities.
    All "ranged" classes look the same - so I have chosen a Commando to do heavy ranged damage then.
    Spy class need better stealth/easier ways to enter the stealth.
    Ranged clasess should have specific weapon boosts - like - spy - a rifle, BH - carabine/rifle etc
    but hey - I will pay that 15 USD - to check it out further.

    just my 2 cc

  • Static_WolfStatic_Wolf Member Posts: 80


    You are right, am sorry if you are starting the game from start.


    I am doing this because Soe has absolute zero respect to it's customers by slapping in them in the face with this NGE. Eventually they will do that to whatever customers they get now. Hope the new commers enjoy the game, I am so outta here :) moving on to other mmorpg's.



  • SonOfAGhostSonOfAGhost Member Posts: 383

    Originally posted by =GK=Darkstar
    But the guys that started this post needs to be ashamed of himself, he is trying to spoil it for people like me who have had this game from the start.  I hated the CU and it changed the game form what it was when it first came out.
    But to make a post of this kind saying this is the "worst" and "everyone" is leaving is just dumb as this is not happening, and the new people have come in with demos and are enjoying it.
    If you dont like the game fine, but dont try to kill it willfully by making stupid posts like this.  I like it and I want people to be online, then u get this clown who is trying to put people off and ruin MY game.  He needs to think about it.

    Nobody is trying to kill the game. It IS the worst, everyone IS leaving, including you when they shut down the servers. It's already finished. The only question is how soon. The only factors in when they pull the plug are A) How long it takes the die hards like yourself to admit it and let go and B) How many new people they can sucker with the marketing campaign into paying for a month or three before realizing how bad it is. If you like playing SWG as much as you say it is in YOUR interest to quit ASAP to bring the end about sooner. Star Wars is too popular a franchise for George Lucas not get people working on SWG2 the second Sony terminates the licence contract by shutting down the current disaster. Since that is going to happen someday whether you keep playing as long as possible or not, wouldn't you rather it be sooner than later?

  • ChastityChastity Member Posts: 45

    I don't think it'll die; the SW in the SWG probably insures it at least a limited existence.  And it may be a success.  I never thought much of the old combat system, and since I have no intention of ever giving SOE another dime of my money, I'll never know whether the new FPS approach is good or bad.  So it may just be the greatest thing ever, for all I know or ever will know.  But  it sure doesn't sound good to me.  An FPS without collision blocking just sounds dumb, imho.

    I do know from reading the official entertainer boards that the new targeting system is causing big problems (if you're a musician, you have to constantly target at least some of the instruments or you'll stop playing), and the buffing system is harder because you have to constantly target your buffee and it's easy to get the buff broken up if he moves at all.  On the plus side, AFK buffing has evidently been killed.  Although it seems to me that all these changes, good and bad, come from the devs trying to fit a square peg entertaining system into a round hole NGE combat game now.  It would have been more honest for them simply to have eliminated entertaining altogether, since it's clear that the devs have no interest in it at all.  Hell, they didn't even implement elder titles for entertainers or crafters in the game, which says they've just forgotten that side of the game entirely.  But since when did SOE ever do the decent thing?

    Crafting sounds terrible now.  I was a tailor before, and that's gotten worse.  The BE profession has been eliminated, and with it craftable, modded clothing.  Weaponsmith and armorsmith sounds as though they've pretty much been gutted, with the increased emphasis on loot, elimination of decay, and elimination of the various factors that made it possible for you to "signature" your work.

    The inability to cross class is probably the single biggest casualty of the new system, for me, anyway, and that alone ensures I'll never play it.  My character was a dancer/tailor, and that combination of things just isn't possible anymore.  I feel even sorrier for those who were non combat/combat hybrids, since they must give up one side of their character or the other completely.  Considering the devs clearly are ignoring entertaining and crafting, I know which side I'd choose.  Anticipate the non combat side of the game to get a LOT smaller in the coming months, if the game survives, as people leave it in--well, I was about to say droves, but that doesn't work since there were dwindling numbers of non combat players since the CU anyway.  There will be even fewer now, I think it's safe to say.

    For those of you who are only in the game for combat and who like the new system, spare a thought and a little compasion for the non combat gamers whose experience and achievements in the game have been thoughtlessly destroyed by the devs, first by the CU and now by this.  And imagine how much better a game it would be--how much more rich, diverse and complex in a good sense, how much stronger the social dimension--if they would have introduced the various changes you're enjoying without virtually eliminating the non combat side of the game.  They could have done that, you know.  But they didn't, and they proved by that decision and by many, many more over the last two years that they simply don't give a rat's ass about their customers.

    If you think the leopard has changed his spots, I feel sorry for you. The moment they need to make yet another radical change to what you've built to pursue some market driven goal, they will.  I know online games change, but they aren't usually redesigned completely every six months, damn the players, full speed ahead.  Of course, the transitory nature of the SWG experience may not bother a lot of you.  It seems the online game philosophy is changing to one of catering to the short termers more than the long term vets, anyway.  But do spare a thought for those who are experiencing very real rage over very real mistreatment by a really badly run company, and let us vent.  It won't threaten your game at all--God knows, SOE never listened to their players and they won't listen now, so the game won't change in response to the rage.   Eventually the hubbub will die down and the game will get down to either living or dying on its own merits.

    My bet is on a diminished life, or at best one at about the same level it was pre NGE.  I don't think LA and SOE will pull the plug on it anytime soon, because to do so would be to admit failure, something neither of them has ever shown any capacity to do.

    --Chastity Nightdancer

  • =GK=Darkstar=GK=Darkstar Member Posts: 30

    Originally posted by SonOfAGhost

    Originally posted by =GK=Darkstar
    But the guys that started this post needs to be ashamed of himself, he is trying to spoil it for people like me who have had this game from the start.  I hated the CU and it changed the game form what it was when it first came out.
    But to make a post of this kind saying this is the "worst" and "everyone" is leaving is just dumb as this is not happening, and the new people have come in with demos and are enjoying it.
    If you dont like the game fine, but dont try to kill it willfully by making stupid posts like this.  I like it and I want people to be online, then u get this clown who is trying to put people off and ruin MY game.  He needs to think about it.

    Nobody is trying to kill the game. It IS the worst, everyone IS leaving, including you when they shut down the servers. It's already finished. The only question is how soon. The only factors in when they pull the plug are A) How long it takes the die hards like yourself to admit it and let go and B) How many new people they can sucker with the marketing campaign into paying for a month or three before realizing how bad it is. If you like playing SWG as much as you say it is in YOUR interest to quit ASAP to bring the end about sooner. Star Wars is too popular a franchise for George Lucas not get people working on SWG2 the second Sony terminates the licence contract by shutting down the current disaster. Since that is going to happen someday whether you keep playing as long as possible or not, wouldn't you rather it be sooner than later?


    OMG here we go again, another one.

    Its the worst in YOUR opinion and some others, But long time players like me and some of the new people love it.  So dont make daft statements like it IS the WORST because you dont like change and could not wait for a few bugs to be fixed.

    Also SOE are clever as hell, they made most of you quit SWG and join EQ or Planetside which they own, which is a fact and HAS happened ROFL, then they launch this new version of SWG which a lot do like as its not as boring as it has been after the CU.

    Also PS3 people will be joining too, so the game will grow again in a different way.

    So my young friend you have been played by SOE and also this game wont die as its just changed to a different style of game.

    So please move on and dont ruin is for the rest of us who want to play it.

    Creator & Founder of =GK= Clan 2004
    =GK= Founder & Creator 2004
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  • WeppsWepps Member Posts: 1,322

    Originally posted by =GK=Darkstar

    OMG here we go again, another one.

    Its the worst in YOUR opinion and some others, But long time players like me and some of the new people love it.  So dont make daft statements like it IS the WORST because you dont like change and could not wait for a few bugs to be fixed.

    But, that's the point, isn't it?

    2nd complete game change in a year, and you're upset because people perceive that to be bad, so you tell them to shut up because you can't stand it, but it's not about you in's about the great majority of people who have a different viewpoint than yours who are free to express it.

    2nd complete change in a year, when any given ONE will alienate the majority of a player base. Stupid business practice, but if it must be done then so be it.

    However, everything the SWG team does is half-assed with no hope of ever being fixed properly. It's implemented so poorly that SOE is fast becoming the laughingstock of the MMO development world.

    If they had just for ONCE utilized the test center, and provided a quality experience from the get-go, then all this could have been avoided.

    They would have lost some not most, and people would have been quick to fill in and surpass that empty subscription slot.

    But they didn't. And they won't. The single reason? They just don't care about you as JoeCustomer. Sure they care about their total subscriber numbers, but they have no realistic concept of how to treat their community and for this reason many more have sworn off the game than play it.

    It's their incompetence that has caused this, not the ranting of some random dissatisfied customer. Put your anger where it belongs and start demanding from them what is rightfully yours....

    Quality of product. Customer Care.



    "For one who seeks what he cannot obtain suffers torture; one who has what is not desirable is cheated; and one who does not seek what is worth seeking is diseased." - Augustine of Hippo

  • =GK=Darkstar=GK=Darkstar Member Posts: 30

    Im not telling people to shut up and I am not that rude.

    What I am saying is that we get you dont like it, but others do so stop trying to go a million miles out of your way to stop people buying the game or playing it with stupid statements like ITS DEAD, ITS FINISHED, WORST, blah blah.

    Thats your opinion and fine but move on and let us play our game.

    I played WOW online for a while and did not like it, but I respect the people that like it.  I did not make posts trying to put people off the game. 

    Thats the point.

    We understand you like to hunt banthas from Mos Lowlands for 7 hours per day (YAY) now you dont have that "exciting" gameplay anymore, so you dont like it more fast paced and more even leaning toward FPS style, ya I get it.


    Creator & Founder of =GK= Clan 2004
    =GK= Founder & Creator 2004
    Multi Gamer


  • WeppsWepps Member Posts: 1,322

    Originally posted by =GK=Darkstar

    Im not telling people to shut up and I am not that rude.

    What I am saying is that we get you dont like it, but others do so stop trying to go a million miles out of your way to stop people buying the game or playing it with stupid statements like ITS DEAD, ITS FINISHED, WORST, blah blah.

    Thats your opinion and fine but move on and let us play our game.

    But that's not my opinion. I like the theoretical changes. I just don't like their attitude toward the customer. "Been playing for 2.5 years? Well F*** YOU. We're going ahead and doing it anyway, with little notice and no attention to quality. We fully intend to provide you a decent game eventually, but that's not going to happen any time soon."

    That's my issue mainly. Where they are going with SWG with NGE is where they SHOULD have gone right from the start. But their incompetence in every level of how SWG has been managed since Beta-3 is what has led to this. So far, since the NGE release, I have seen NO change in this central problem.

    I played WOW online for a while and did not like it, but I respect the people that like it.  I did not make posts trying to put people off the game.

    Thats the point.

    I play World of Warcraft too. I don't necessarily think it's all THAT, but it WORKS, and it's FUN at a minimal level at least. That's a helluvalot more than can be said for SWG.

    SWG has been in the works now for five and half YEARS. Why do you think people play WoW by the MILLIONS? Is it that much of a better game?

    In it's design, no. In it's implementation, it is superior and this is the reputation for QUALITY that Blizzard has lived up to over the years.

    To be honest though, I would NEVER recommend that people buy the game in its current form. To me this is the ultimate form of griefing, getting people hyped up on a totally broken product.

    Once it's fixed, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it. This all assumes of course that they aren't going to pull yet another bait and switch and change the game entirely 6 months from now, making our characters obsolete again, and nullifying all the work put into them.

    We understand you like to hunt banthas from Mos Lowlands for 7 hours per day (YAY) now you dont have that "exciting" gameplay anymore, so you dont like it more fast paced and more even leaning toward FPS style, ya I get it.

    No, you don't get it at all! LOL.

    I HATED that game play. However, the SWG developers have not changed this. Whereas before you hunted banthas for 7 hours a day, now you hunt bols for 70, that is assuming you did all the tutorial quests to CL 30, after which the grind is now humongous, and just not worth the time considering the totally broken state of the game.

    In fact, the only real method of advancing your character now is to purchase the ToOW extortion, and do flea quests until they are done, get yourself killed, then do them all again. Where is your immersion there?

    To me, it's about SWG being in COMPLETE GAME-BREAKING STATE at this time after a rather low combat level, and more-so all the frills don't work either. Can you respec correctly yet or does it leave a CL80 at CL1 still? Are you actually getting the items promised with the NGE change, or are they still not being delivered? Four second latencies? The new reliance upon smooth network issues to maintain target locks?

    And where is the GCW, the primary reason for all this anyway?

    Meh, I'll buy into it again when they get done making it, which could be never at this pace.



    "For one who seeks what he cannot obtain suffers torture; one who has what is not desirable is cheated; and one who does not seek what is worth seeking is diseased." - Augustine of Hippo

  • =GK=Darkstar=GK=Darkstar Member Posts: 30

    Well those are constructive comments and well thought out.  Its the proplr that post stupid opinions I am sick of.  THE SKY HAS FALLEN DOWN I CANT HUNT BATHAS FOR 24HOURS PER DAY...YAWN

    I am also not happy with all the bugs, but I know they will be fixed, I am just sick of the people that gave it 24 hours and all used it as an excuse to stop playing a game.

    Bantha grinding is a substitute for real life, at least it now feels like a Star Wars Game.

    Creator & Founder of =GK= Clan 2004
    =GK= Founder & Creator 2004
    Multi Gamer


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