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History of Broken Promises by AV - if considering this game must read


Below you find the recipee on how a gaming company can loose their biggest fans in the most effective way. It just really takes a constant breaking of promises, and in the end all credability is gone, and i stopped being a beleiver.

First of all id like to say that i am a huge fan, or rather i was. I am fan enough to keep my sub running and most likely to play darkfall2 when it comes.
So with that in mind I would like to complain/whine about the following things that I find totally unacceptable.

I believe that the players are being held as total fools, with a never seen before list of promises never kept, and simply a long history of lying to the players and simply not telling the players that truth.

But Aventurine, the devs and the communication – oh my god, you treat your players like idiots and I simply hate that a game company treats their fans like shit.

I would like to call you out on a few things that really springs to mind, and everytime I read them I die a little bit inside:

Of honorable mentions then January 14th, 1 year and 7 months ago you posted about new tradeskills, dyes, rare drops and not to forget you wrote “yes tons” for the question of more craftables and new items – AND THIS IS 1 YEAR AND 7 MONTHS AGO, WHAT THE FUCK !!!!.

The siegejoke of all time:
April: self siege fixes - changes to siege system.
May: siege system rewritten and ready for testing.
June: new siege system out within one month.
Early July: siege system still being testes. should be out within one month
Late July:: testing siege system ongoing
August: siege system expansion still testing.
September: siege expansion still being worked on. in "final testing " stage. (but now it’s a hard task because they now state it was made for df2.0 and they are working on putting it in df1 – please look at june and july siege updates – does it smell of …?).

Anyways, Ivanhoe from Sun made a post about broken promises.

The updates that are from 2010 , most of them being 1.5 years old and while they sound great it just kills me to read it all over. Its broken promises, it shows a company who are either incompetent or in so much trouble that they have to constantly lie to their paying customers.

We deserve the truth here, because going over this list Is simply such a sad thing, and it pains me to read everytime and think of what the game could have been, but we have just been lied to for a very very very long time.

Ivanhoes list of broken promises, read it and weep.


Jan 14,2010
We have some major improvements for trade skills underway which target their depth and add a lot more items to the game
We’re improving monster drops and especially rare drops. 
We’re planning a huge itemization boost almost doubling the amount of items in the game. This will mean more ingredients, more recipes for crafting, and this should help diversify the economy significantly. 
We’re also planning on Clan Vendors.
We’re planning on player/clan vendors in capitals and possibly in clan cities. You need to compete to secure a vendor spot in a capital, or you need to earn one.
Yes we are currently testing our system for armor and clothing dyes in conjunction with the sweeping changes in 2010. The colors are craftable and not all colors are created equal.

Is there any plan at all for more types of craftable armor or weapons anytime in the future?Yes, tons

Starting with the dynamic lore system where players can seriously impact the game’s lore and events happening in the game, it’s in our future plans to allow our players to increasingly affect the world.
Will the sliding corpse bug ever be fixed? Yes and it won’t just be fixed but it’ll be replaced with something very cool.
We’re currently working on introducing dynamic PvP opportunities to the game.
Demigods are a part of a bigger design a part of which is the Dynamic Lore System. The Demigods will be introduced when it’s time for them to be introduced.
Anti -aliasing will be implemented.
We’re speaking with several partners concerning a N. America box release but we can’t give an ETA on that yet.
Salvaging skill will be added and currently being worked on.
Plans to implement a tiered clan bank access system.
planning on diversifying the different melee skills by adding unique attacks/moves or specializations for each weapon type

Feb 22 2010 Advanced leather armor -All races are getting upgrades to new armor.
April 21 2010 Besides the existing mounts, the game will see a wide array of mounts being added.
April 22 2010 A major feature on the way are the Prestige Classes
April 29 2010 Player Model updates, almost all the races have been finalized.
April 29 2010 Attribute consumables, skill books and scrolls should be more common: Yes they should be and they will be on low level mobs.
Introduce new potions / consumables that affect skill/spell/stats for a given time span: These are the temporary boosts we’re talking about in the character progression discussion post. 
Quests to increase specific skills/stats: We’re working on this.
Increase the skill/stat level that attributes consumables raise to: We’re looking at adding new types of attribute consumables along these lines.
Decrease the number of “necessary” spells/skills or simply make them more readily available and faster to skill up: We’re doing many small things to this end but we feel that Prestige classes will address this in the best possible way.
Heal mount shouldn’t be affected by encumbrance: We’re going to address this like we did with the transfer spells.

May 18th -2010 We know you are also wondering about character animations: in this case we can tell you that they will get a complete overhaul and Aventurine is currently working on setting up a motion capture studio.
July 02 2010 - Enviromental sounds will be patched in as soon as possible.
Sept 1 2010 - The release of boxed versions of the game across EU and NA. , It will be on Amazon and Steam soon, Adding a type of cloak or tabard for clans. 
working on specific plans to improve crafting making it more diverse.
Several new spells coming to the game.
We’re working on several new additions to archery in connection to the prestige classes.
we’re going to offer more weapon types and ammunition types for archers
We’re re-making the entire interface.
speaking with partners in Asia about offering Asian servers as there seems to be strong interest in the game.
adding many craftable-only items to the game.
We’re rolling out a political map in the near future and several other clan tools. We also have several plans for additions to clan cities.
fix city cannons from being able to destory your own city walls.
adding new villages and housing slots.
(dyes / dyeable robes or further cloth accessories that are external to armor.)

Sept 9th 2010
Prestige classes are the largest feature ever added to Darkfall and will definitely change the face of the game. The final design for them is complete. From here we go to the technical design, implementation, testing, evaluation, more testing etc. Sounds like this will take forever but it won’t.
Getting a Darkfall box out is underway and Darkfall is available now through most digital download channels and we’re in talks to get it on more of them
Sveral new spells on the way.
we will reward mages for being mages.
adding more PvP centric additions on land
Archers are getting new weapon types and ammo types and they’re also getting secondary skills in connection to prestige classes
We’re rolling out a political map and several other clan tools. We also have several plans for additions to clan cities and we’re working on implementing various types of clan insignia
We announced that we’re working in the direction of mobs leveling up, and mobs attacking player cities

Jan 2011
new interface
new environmental souns system
major changes to crafting
armor changes affecting gameplay choices.
Darkfall arena announced (used to be called darkfall 2010)
all racial areas getting total spawn and environmental revamp.
All Subcontinents will get revamped.
Own epic monster on each continent
Monsters getting overall art revamp.
new animations for monsters
new armors like barbaian and animations.
underwater effects for swimming
new gui is complete and ready to implement.

Feb 2011
New information interface will be released next month.
implementation of our new website and new forum layout is underway.
GUI interface is now in production.
New lighting system.
More armor talk
Largest monster in Agon.
Another major upcoming change in the game will come as a direct result of the conquest system is being rewritten.

March 2011
Along these lines, each continent will have their own unique boss of which we already presented the Ragaizan
One of the new features being added are land based PvP objectives
new lighting system
Crafting and melee skill skill-up rates will be increased.
Some of the ingredients for the attribute consumables will come from the sea

April 2011
We’re also looking into a faster option for players to get back from a negative alignment
New features of the political map were demonstrated for us
demonstration of the new sound system
The development of the new GUI has led to a lot of further development
Darkfall will also get more utility out of multiprocessor systems.
A significant change coming with the “Arena” expansion to NPC city layouts is that there will be only one starting town for each race.
All types of workstations will be in all NPC cities as well.
Dungeon Chaos Vendors
armor specialization system is now in full development.
self siege fixes - changes to siege system.
deadlier tower s in capital xities.
clan vendors in clan cities.
redesigning the crafting system
quality of enchanting materials is also under consideration
We’re taking a better look at specializations/extensions to hopefully make them more meaningful
Darkfall to utilize multicore systems more efficiently. This will also be going in soon and we should be seeing further improvements to game performance.

May 2011
siege system rewritten and ready for testing.
Some more work has been done on the new Darkfall information system/ interactive map
blood spatter improvements.
New NPC vendors have been prepared and they are all based on the new character models
sound system talk

June 2011
new siege system out within one month.
pve content is being worked on. dungeons etc.
pvp conten is being worked on.
asia market talks
demon queen boss.

july 2011
political map still not done. now called "information interface"
siege system still being testes. should be out within one month.
darkfall re launch eta will be known in august.
dungeon talk
lights talk
environmental effect talks.
new audio system is being enhanced
considers various levels of wipes.
Active subscribers will have priority in playtesting and in a developer interaction group about the new game-darkfall 2.0

making city walls more meaningful is a big priority for us. We are working on many things that when combined will seriously improve the defenses of a city, and one of them is the better management of the potential of the physics spells. We are really determined to make siege machinery such as warhulks and cannons a lot more useful.

The new crafting system is a complete overhaul

surges and fizzles have been reworked more info coming soon.

There are new spell trees and new rules on how different magic schools can be combined. On top of that, we concentrated on reworking the buffs (and the debuffs). So you can be sure that it won’t “continue like now

We are determined to make the melee-focused player more viable
A new salvage skill will be available and it will play an important role in crafting

Top rank gear is being redesigned with everything else and thus will be in the game more often than it is now

armor dyes/guild emblems/city -we'd love to have them in game waiting to find out impact they have on game performance.

testing siege system ongoing

august 2011
new sandbrock video
darkfall 2.0 a closer look (to much shit to list. will be part of broken promises 2.0 list in 2012)
bone armor video
crafting update talk
siege system expansion still testing.

Sept 2011
wipe talk ongoing.
siege expansion still being worked on. in "final testing " stage.

The string of broken promises is insane, and it would be fitting that the players supporting the game, gets told what the fuck is going on.



  • Deerhunter71Deerhunter71 Member Posts: 527

    *** Also another thread on these very forums you can reference/research for track record of this company....


  • asdarasdar Member UncommonPosts: 662

    Much hate, have you played the game?

    With no qualification I'll say it's the best game out there. GW 2, c'mon I played two characters to max level and the only thing that game is good for is to give me a good nights sleep from the boredom. wow? If you want to put in months of mind killing boredom to level and gear up so that some snobby 12 year old will take you in a group you might find some challenge. Name a game that's even somewhat close. If you're bashing DFUW then tell us what's so awesome that it puts this game to shame.

    The only game that compares is Eve, and I don't care to be a space ship floating around. I don't have anything against that game, except that I don't feel a part of the world there.

    DFUW has the best combat system out there. The mix of arrows that arc and spells that are straight is fantastic. Only people that don't give it a chance don't like the combat, or people not capable of aiming. Just head and shoulders above any other game.

    DFUW has the best AI. Other games are so easy to predict, so easy to figure out the leash spots and kill AI. I die in those games more because I just don't care to pay attention than I do because of any challenge.

    DFUW has the best crafting and world building. Crafting means so much in this world. It's not some side mini game without value. You can build here, and you can't in most other games, especially mainstream.

    DFUW has without a doubt the best boat and water system in any game. There's nothing like the battles on the water.

    DFUW has the best world. You get to know the area around your castle or base if you aren't fortunate enough to own some place. You know hard to find stashes of resources. You get to know the world. It's a lot like the old games in that way. You spend time in the world without hopping from this to that by instant travel.

    DFUW has a death penalty, it's called losing your stuff. Games without anything but stats bore me to tears. No death zerg in DFUW.

    It's just a fantastic game which will get better.

    If you like PvP with free for all Loot, then if you give it a chance you'll like DFUW. I you don't the game isn't for you and that's as simple as it gets.


  • GenadiGenadi Member UncommonPosts: 110

    Someone should do this with Mortal Online, include the dodgy GM practices and you'd prob have to break it up into volumes.



    OP if broken promises are not your thing I'd suggest maybe another genre other than mmo's. They have a well earned reputation of providing many.

  • furidiamfuridiam Member UncommonPosts: 137

    I liked DF 1 and played it a lot. But sadly AV's track record for fibbing to there customers is at the legendary point:)

    It is one of the worst updated games I have EVER played in regards to promises/updates.

    On the other hand DF 1 was hella fun.

    The only thing I am worried about it the large list of features that are "shortly after release". Not a good thing when the game being released was originally called Darkfall 2010.

  • ChaosChestChaosChest Member UncommonPosts: 97

    Bottom line is AV are a bunch of amatuers and have NO clue what they are doing with this "new game" called DF:UW.

    The new gui is awful. The game runs really bad. The "roles" are far from complete. They are missing 4-6more roles and tons of abilities and options for each one. The combat is slower and dumber than ever and there are tons of features missing from launch that might not ever come, or come 1year later after players are paying a premium price of 15/month for this game.

    I was in DF beta 08 and very little has improved and much has stayed exactly the same as it is today in UW beta.

    It is a sad state of affairs that AV wants to try to pass this game off as a finished product. I would warn all new players to stay away from anygame that involves Aventurine and do not get scamed and buy UW.


  • Deerhunter71Deerhunter71 Member Posts: 527
    Originally posted by ChaosChest

    Bottom line is AV are a bunch of amatuers and have NO clue what they are doing with this "new game" called DF:UW.

    The new gui is awful. The game runs really bad. The "roles" are far from complete. They are missing 4-6more roles and tons of abilities and options for each one. The combat is slower and dumber than ever and there are tons of features missing from launch that might not ever come, or come 1year later after players are paying a premium price of 15/month for this game.

    I was in DF beta 08 and very little has improved and much has stayed exactly the same as it is today in UW beta.

    It is a sad state of affairs that AV wants to try to pass this game off as a finished product. I would warn all new players to stay away from anygame that involves Aventurine and do not get scamed and buy UW.


    The real test will be IF this load lag goes away with the debug mode off....  But yeah with the amount of content in at launch it should be a B2P game not a subscription at all.


    Also - GREAT reading if you dare try and put negative reviews out, lol --> cannot wait to read the Eurogamer review this go round again....

  • ChaosChestChaosChest Member UncommonPosts: 97
    Originally posted by Deerhunter71
    Originally posted by ChaosChest

    Bottom line is AV are a bunch of amatuers and have NO clue what they are doing with this "new game" called DF:UW.

    The new gui is awful. The game runs really bad. The "roles" are far from complete. They are missing 4-6more roles and tons of abilities and options for each one. The combat is slower and dumber than ever and there are tons of features missing from launch that might not ever come, or come 1year later after players are paying a premium price of 15/month for this game.

    I was in DF beta 08 and very little has improved and much has stayed exactly the same as it is today in UW beta.

    It is a sad state of affairs that AV wants to try to pass this game off as a finished product. I would warn all new players to stay away from anygame that involves Aventurine and do not get scamed and buy UW.


    The real test will be IF this load lag goes away with the debug mode off....  But yeah with the amount of content in at launch it should be a B2P game not a subscription at all.


    Also - GREAT reading if you dare try and put negative reviews out, lol --> cannot wait to read the Eurogamer review this go round again....

    Yeah, "debug mode" . That is hilarious.

    I remember when AV was claiming having a ton of content and features in beta but that they were turned "off" for testing.....

    Funny how after release and years later nothing was ever turned "on" .

    If launch is in 4 days, I would think the devs could roll out the actual launch ready game with no "debug mode" and allow players to actually test the game.. But my money is on debug mode isnt the reason for the poor performance. And AV is just going to settle with it. We are talking about systems that are extremely high ended that UW runs like trash on. This is with only 100 people max on the beta server and only being around 10-20 players. Just imagine how bad things will be around 200 players in a siege. or just having 1k players on the server etc etc.

    For new players, Just stay away from this game. The population will be at its lowest level ever, and the game needs years of work. The big thing is getting a real dev team to take over the game to fix it. It is looking more and more outdated as well.


  • kadepsysonkadepsyson Member UncommonPosts: 1,919

    I'm very excited for the game to launch.  I won't be buying it of course.


    I am wondering how long until it gets shut down for the next do-over: Darkfall: Holier Agon


    Is anyone realisticly expecting a solid launch with minimal bugs and the game to be very fun and financially successful?  I mean truly realistic, not wishful thinking or desperate hope, it is Aventurine we're talking about here.


    See you in Darkfall!



    Darkfall UW Launch



    I'm so excited!

  • CaldrinCaldrin Member UncommonPosts: 4,505
    Originally posted by asdar

    Much hate, have you played the game?

    With no qualification I'll say it's the best game out there. GW 2, c'mon I played two characters to max level and the only thing that game is good for is to give me a good nights sleep from the boredom. wow? If you want to put in months of mind killing boredom to level and gear up so that some snobby 12 year old will take you in a group you might find some challenge. Name a game that's even somewhat close. If you're bashing DFUW then tell us what's so awesome that it puts this game to shame.

    The only game that compares is Eve, and I don't care to be a space ship floating around. I don't have anything against that game, except that I don't feel a part of the world there.

    DFUW has the best combat system out there. The mix of arrows that arc and spells that are straight is fantastic. Only people that don't give it a chance don't like the combat, or people not capable of aiming. Just head and shoulders above any other game.

    DFUW has the best AI. Other games are so easy to predict, so easy to figure out the leash spots and kill AI. I die in those games more because I just don't care to pay attention than I do because of any challenge.

    DFUW has the best crafting and world building. Crafting means so much in this world. It's not some side mini game without value. You can build here, and you can't in most other games, especially mainstream.

    DFUW has without a doubt the best boat and water system in any game. There's nothing like the battles on the water.

    DFUW has the best world. You get to know the area around your castle or base if you aren't fortunate enough to own some place. You know hard to find stashes of resources. You get to know the world. It's a lot like the old games in that way. You spend time in the world without hopping from this to that by instant travel.

    DFUW has a death penalty, it's called losing your stuff. Games without anything but stats bore me to tears. No death zerg in DFUW.

    It's just a fantastic game which will get better.

    If you like PvP with free for all Loot, then if you give it a chance you'll like DFUW. I you don't the game isn't for you and that's as simple as it gets.


    its just a shame its a shadow of the origional game.. The origional Darkfall was the best game out there gands down.. it needed some fixes and changes but it didnt need DF:UW.. still your right there is not much out there at the moment for people who enjoy FFA full loot PC games its just a shame waht they did to it..

  • StarIStarI Member UncommonPosts: 987
    Originally posted by Caldrin

    its just a shame its a shadow of the origional game.. The origional Darkfall was the best game out there gands down.. it needed some fixes and changes but it didnt need DF:UW.. still your right there is not much out there at the moment for people who enjoy FFA full loot PC games its just a shame waht they did to it..


    You ever planning to get over it?  You spam this in every DF thread for a month or more now, we understand you and some other gamers don't like it but that doesn't really mean it goes beyond your opinion.

    DFUW is a new game with the core of the game copied from the old DF. DF1 was unable to sustain itself with the few nerds like you and me who played it a lot. It died for a reason. Definitely not because it was a great game.  it was only great for a very small community.

    So there is a damn good reason DFUW tries to make things different. It needs to catter to a bit wider audience in attempt to survive longer than 3-4 years.


    On the topic and AV, I didn't read OP because most of it is probably true. Most of us who played DF for years know that Aventurine guys are very unprofessional when it comes to handling an MMORPG. But in the end of the day they still provide one of the more immersive and interesting gaming worlds, so you either  learn to read in between the lines and downgrade every announcement they make for a level or two, or move on.

  • SnoepieSnoepie Member UncommonPosts: 485
    Originally posted by StarI
    Originally posted by Caldrin

    its just a shame its a shadow of the origional game.. The origional Darkfall was the best game out there gands down.. it needed some fixes and changes but it didnt need DF:UW.. still your right there is not much out there at the moment for people who enjoy FFA full loot PC games its just a shame waht they did to it..


    You ever planning to get over it?  You spam this in every DF thread for a month or more now, we understand you and some other gamers don't like it but that doesn't really mean it goes beyond your opinion.

    DFUW is a new game with the core of the game copied from the old DF. DF1 was unable to sustain itself with the few nerds like you and me who played it a lot. It died for a reason. Definitely not because it was a great game.  it was only great for a very small community.

    So there is a damn good reason DFUW tries to make things different. It needs to catter to a bit wider audience in attempt to survive longer than 3-4 years.


    On the topic and AV, I didn't read OP because most of it is probably true. Most of us who played DF for years know that Aventurine guys are very unprofessional when it comes to handling an MMORPG. But in the end of the day they still provide one of the more immersive and interesting gaming worlds, so you either  learn to read in between the lines and downgrade every announcement they make for a level or two, or move on.

    funny part is that caldrin is right..


    Darkfall has a bit bigger community ( dedicated ) then MO ( also dedicated)


    Currently AV puts up a huge finger to their own communitty by introducing a crap game like UW..


    I wish Av good luck tho.. with finding a new community... with their reputation on the internet.. :)


    Uw combat system is fcking boring.. its a open world moba game..


    Lets us see what happends after 1 month of launch when the numbers are dropping of the pre-orders..


    tbh: currently waiting for an emulutor of 1.0

  • Deerhunter71Deerhunter71 Member Posts: 527
    Originally posted by StarI
    Originally posted by Caldrin

    its just a shame its a shadow of the origional game.. The origional Darkfall was the best game out there gands down.. it needed some fixes and changes but it didnt need DF:UW.. still your right there is not much out there at the moment for people who enjoy FFA full loot PC games its just a shame waht they did to it..


    DFUW is a new game with the core of the game copied from the old DF.

    LOL - that right there proves it is NOT a new game.  It is just a glorified mod since they copied the core of the game from the old one - yet they want to keep claiming this is an all new game....  If they copied so much from the old game then how the hell could they not copy all the boats, cannons, warhulks, etc.?  They have so much missing content from the first game they say is coming after launch....  They took 3 years and took stuff out when all they had to do was copy it as you say....

    Can you imagine how idiotic it is going to be to siege a city with walls up and you have to use battlespikes to take down all the walls before you can take the stone down - LOL

  • StarIStarI Member UncommonPosts: 987

    I know it's mostly pointless to reply to you but since I like pointing out brainless statements... let's see.

    Originally posted by Snoepie

    funny part is that caldrin is right..

    About what? About the subjective opinion which game is better? You will have to read my reply that you quoted yourself, if you're going to have a debate with me. Never said myself he is wrong... and there's nothing funny about a man being grumpy and sad (mad?).


    Originally posted by Snoepie

    Currently AV puts up a huge finger to their own communitty by introducing a crap game like UW..

    From this statement I can only extract that you're a bit slow. Us vets knew this almost 2 years ago when it became clear they abandoned DF1 for something else (and from their pow it alreay started in 2010). For 2 years they kept their finger very high yet a few hundred suckers egoisticaly choose to ignore that and kept playing DF1 which eventualy dried out completely and died.

    Not to mention that's your subjective opinion. In fact DFUW is miles ahead to what DF1 was at release.


    Originally posted by Snoepie

    Uw combat system is fcking boring.. its a open world moba game..


    Again, it's ok to have your own opinion but because you and 100 other bitter vets think it sucks it doesn't really mean it sucks. I'm a vet too and thought it sucks when I had to say good bye to DF1 but I accepted the reality and moved on. UW has all the chances to surpas the predecesor in every way. But that's up to AV, not your opinion.

    Btw moba games are very popular because they are fun. DF1 wasn't fun for a big majority of gamers who tried or heard about it. Actually it's kinda funny that you compare it with moba games. While it's far away from one, you're unintentionaly implying that it will be fun for milions. Something that no one would realy mind.


    Originally posted by Deerhunter71
    Originally posted by StarI

     DFUW is a new game with the core of the game copied from the old DF.

    LOL - that right there proves it is NOT a new game.  It is just a glorified mod since they copied the core of the game from the old one - yet they want to keep claiming this is an all new game....  If they copied so much from the old game then how the hell could they not copy all the boats, cannons, warhulks, etc.?  They have so much missing content from the first game they say is coming after launch....  They took 3 years and took stuff out when all they had to do was copy it as you say....

    Can you imagine how idiotic it is going to be to siege a city with walls up and you have to use battlespikes to take down all the walls before you can take the stone down - LOL


    How does it prove it's not a new game? I really have to question if retarded or you're just trying to troll and slagg on a game... Probably the last since you're the guy who recently posted 5 months old list of "missing features" where half of it was either an opinion or a feature added long ago as proven later on by devs and community.

    So.. The core is the same but they're building a new game on top of that.

    They stripped the old game to the core and they are rebuilding it into a new one. They are not copying everything... There's so many completely new and rewritten code in it, that old vets don't recognize the original DF anymore and cry cos it's not the same... it's really just retardation of a few individuals, covering their eyes and ears ang going "nanana i want to play df1 nanana!! ", refusing to realise DFUW is trying to differentiate from DF1.


    In fact you're proving my statements right, when questioning why isn't everything from DF in DFUW. It would have been if they just copy/pasted everything. You're proving that they are not cos they are trying to make a different (a New) game.


    Originally posted by Deerhunter71
      They took 3 years and took stuff out when all they had to do was copy it as you say....

    I never said this. Nevertheless my statements above should bring your comprehension into a better light.



  • Deerhunter71Deerhunter71 Member Posts: 527
    Originally posted by StarI

    I know it's mostly pointless to reply to you but since I like pointing out brainless statements... let's see.

    Originally posted by Snoepie

    funny part is that caldrin is right..

    About what? About the subjective opinion which game is better? You will have to read my reply that you quoted yourself, if you're going to have a debate with me. Never said myself he is wrong... and there's nothing funny about a man being grumpy and sad (mad?).


    Originally posted by Snoepie

    Currently AV puts up a huge finger to their own communitty by introducing a crap game like UW..

    From this statement I can only extract that you're a bit slow. Us vets knew this almost 2 years ago when it became clear they abandoned DF1 for something else (and from their pow it alreay started in 2010). For 2 years they kept their finger very high yet a few hundred suckers egoisticaly choose to ignore that and kept playing DF1 which eventualy dried out completely and died.

    Not to mention that's your subjective opinion. In fact DFUW is miles ahead to what DF1 was at release.


    Originally posted by Snoepie

    Uw combat system is fcking boring.. its a open world moba game..


    Again, it's ok to have your own opinion but because you and 100 other bitter vets think it sucks it doesn't really mean it sucks. I'm a vet too and thought it sucks when I had to say good bye to DF1 but I accepted the reality and moved on. UW has all the chances to surpas the predecesor in every way. But that's up to AV, not your opinion.

    Btw moba games are very popular because they are fun. DF1 wasn't fun for a big majority of gamers who tried or heard about it. Actually it's kinda funny that you compare it with moba games. While it's far away from one, you're unintentionaly implying that it will be fun for milions. Something that no one would realy mind.


    Originally posted by Deerhunter71
    Originally posted by StarI

     DFUW is a new game with the core of the game copied from the old DF.

    LOL - that right there proves it is NOT a new game.  It is just a glorified mod since they copied the core of the game from the old one - yet they want to keep claiming this is an all new game....  If they copied so much from the old game then how the hell could they not copy all the boats, cannons, warhulks, etc.?  They have so much missing content from the first game they say is coming after launch....  They took 3 years and took stuff out when all they had to do was copy it as you say....

    Can you imagine how idiotic it is going to be to siege a city with walls up and you have to use battlespikes to take down all the walls before you can take the stone down - LOL


    How does it prove it's not a new game? I really have to question if retarded or you're just trying to troll and slagg on a game... Probably the last since you're the guy who recently posted 5 months old list of "missing features" where half of it was either an opinion or a feature added long ago as proven later on by devs and community.

    So.. The core is the same but they're building a new game on top of that.

    They stripped the old game to the core and they are rebuilding it into a new one. They are not copying everything... There's so many completely new and rewritten code in it, that old vets don't recognize the original DF anymore and cry cos it's not the same... it's really just retardation of a few individuals, covering their eyes and ears ang going "nanana i want to play df1 nanana!! ", refusing to realise DFUW is trying to differentiate from DF1.


    In fact you're proving my statements right, when questioning why isn't everything from DF in DFUW. It would have been if they just copy/pasted everything. You're proving that they are not cos they are trying to make a different (a New) game.


    Originally posted by Deerhunter71
      They took 3 years and took stuff out when all they had to do was copy it as you say....

    I never said this. Nevertheless my statements above should bring your comprehension into a better light.



    Not everything should be in DF:UW that was in DF - but ships and cannons would have been an easy one as I stated....  Call it how you like it is not a brand new game - it is a glorified MOD is all....


    *** Let's revisit this on 4/30 to see how much of the "immediately after launch" is in 2 weeks after launch then we can see if they are still true to their reputation....

  • BadaboomBadaboom Member UncommonPosts: 2,380
    Originally posted by Deerhunter71


    Not everything should be in DF:UW that was in DF - but ships and cannons would have been an easy one as I stated....  Call it how you like it is not a brand new game - it is a glorified MOD is all....


    *** Let's revisit this on 4/30 to see how much of the "immediately after launch" is in 2 weeks after launch then we can see if they are still true to their reputation....

    If AV can be consistant with quick, meaningful patches then I see no reason why Darkfall would not be successful in its niche.  If however, as most people suspect, AV drops the ball, the momentum will run out and the population will eventually dwindle.


    This can be said for any new MMO though. 

  • Deerhunter71Deerhunter71 Member Posts: 527
    Originally posted by Badaboom
    Originally posted by Deerhunter71


    Not everything should be in DF:UW that was in DF - but ships and cannons would have been an easy one as I stated....  Call it how you like it is not a brand new game - it is a glorified MOD is all....


    *** Let's revisit this on 4/30 to see how much of the "immediately after launch" is in 2 weeks after launch then we can see if they are still true to their reputation....

    If AV can be consistant with quick, meaningful patches then I see no reason why Darkfall would not be successful in its niche.  If however, as most people suspect, AV drops the ball, the momentum will run out and the population will eventually dwindle.


    This can be said for any new MMO though. 

    I agree with you totally.  If AV makes me eat my words then by all means that is for the good of the game and they have changed.  But the track record states otherwise and we should revisit the missing features on 4/30.  But you are right there - no doubt and we will know in a mere 19 days what "immediately after launch" means one way or the other....

  • CaldrinCaldrin Member UncommonPosts: 4,505
    Originally posted by StarI


    You ever planning to get over it?  You spam this in every DF thread for a month or more now, we understand you and some other gamers don't like it but that doesn't really mean it goes beyond your opinion.

    DFUW is a new game with the core of the game copied from the old DF. DF1 was unable to sustain itself with the few nerds like you and me who played it a lot. It died for a reason. Definitely not because it was a great game.  it was only great for a very small community.

    So there is a damn good reason DFUW tries to make things different. It needs to catter to a bit wider audience in attempt to survive longer than 3-4 years.


    On the topic and AV, I didn't read OP because most of it is probably true. Most of us who played DF for years know that Aventurine guys are very unprofessional when it comes to handling an MMORPG. But in the end of the day they still provide one of the more immersive and interesting gaming worlds, so you either  learn to read in between the lines and downgrade every announcement they make for a level or two, or move on.

    Its not like its a minority of the old darkfall players that have this opinion.. its most of them.. just check all the polls in the beta forums and i dont think one of them had DF:UW coming up as the better game.. yes some features are pretty good but the majority of what they have done in DF:UW is pure bad and there is nothing else to it... lets not even get started on how much of the game is going to be "ADDED AFTER RELEASE".

    DF did not need to cater to a wider audience they needed to stick to one server and fix some of the issues the game had.. DF is a niche game and they have tried to move it away from that by dumbing certain things down.. but it wont make a difference it will still be a niche game as the general MMORPG population do like like FAA Full loot PVP games with PVE as a side game.. what AV needed to do was fix the issue DF had to keep the core player base and maybe bring some mroe back in that left because of bugs and exploits.. I cant see DF:UW lasting longer than the origional..


    its a joke at the end of the day.. a bad joke..

  • HEKKRAHEKKRA Member UncommonPosts: 80

    I can confirm everything about the company. The best lie they ever said is about the prestige classes and new armor models and character models.



  • Deerhunter71Deerhunter71 Member Posts: 527
    Originally posted by HEKKRA

    I can confirm everything about the company. The best lie they ever said is about the prestige classes and new armor models and character models.



    Oh man I forgot about prestige classes, lol  Thanks for the reminder there....  Guess the design got lost over the course of 3 years that was done...


    Sept 9th 2010
    Prestige classes are the largest feature ever added to Darkfall and will definitely change the face of the game. The final design for them is complete.

  • BadaboomBadaboom Member UncommonPosts: 2,380
    Originally posted by HEKKRA

    I can confirm everything about the company. The best lie they ever said is about the prestige classes and new armor models and character models.



    That is a little unfair as the prestige classes are now class roles.  As for the models, its the communities fault for bitching about equalization of the toons so there are no disadvantages. 

  • CaldrinCaldrin Member UncommonPosts: 4,505
    Originally posted by Badaboom
    Originally posted by HEKKRA

    I can confirm everything about the company. The best lie they ever said is about the prestige classes and new armor models and character models.



    That is a little unfair as the prestige classes are now class roles.  As for the models, its the communities fault for bitching about equalization of the toons so there are no disadvantages. 

    There where other ways for AV to fix that issue... but they took the easy route and now when geared up every race looks the same.. i mean dwarfs died out but mated with humans so now with have humans with beards LOL.. awesome..

  • StarIStarI Member UncommonPosts: 987
    Originally posted by Deerhunter71
    Originally posted by HEKKRA

    I can confirm everything about the company. The best lie they ever said is about the prestige classes and new armor models and character models.



    Oh man I forgot about prestige classes, lol  Thanks for the reminder there....  Guess the design got lost over the course of 3 years that was done...


    Sept 9th 2010
    Prestige classes are the largest feature ever added to Darkfall and will definitely change the face of the game. The final design for them is complete.

    Lol? Guys, think a liitle bit for a change please.


    Prestige classes, new armor and models are all now in game. Tho new models are probably just a placeholder untill  the proper design we've already seen gets properly finished.

  • CaldrinCaldrin Member UncommonPosts: 4,505
    Originally posted by StarI

    Lol? Guys, think a liitle bit for a change please.


    Prestige classes, new armor and models are all now in game. Tho new models are probably just a placeholder untill  the proper design we've already seen gets properly finished.

    Really.... you really believe this ?



  • wrekognizewrekognize Member UncommonPosts: 388

    I don't care what their track record is. They're an indie company and Darfkall 1 was the best game I've ever played. DFUW is a lot of fun in Beta too. 



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