Also the wii runs at 99$ and most kids wanted the wii. The wii launched cheap and sold a bunch but it's a pile of crap and most people don't even want it or play it.
You didn't specify NA only. And at the end of the day, the people that sell the most consoles do worldwide. You don't see Apple crying that Androids are doing better in Japan than in North America. It's a global market.
And regardless of pricing, Wii is much better selling than the 360. You stated an untruth, I showed you the facts, you start saying "yea but..."
Its not a untruth its the most sold system in the US sorry I didn't state that before but I can careless what the rest of world buys since I'm in the US
please stop embarrassing yourself and leave this thread , your fanboism is too much to bear and ruins whole discussion , do you even read what you post, your first post was so bad i couldnt bear reading, you praising ms like a some religious fanatic and criticize sony like devil itself, and i dont even own single console nor believe in god, thats how bad you look, like a 12 year old child incapable of thinking, stop posting before everyone here will decide to report you for trolling/derailing and flame wars instigation
Originally posted by Precusor What's going to happen to Gamestop?
That is the goal of both Sony, and MS, destroy the used game market. They view it as pirating. TBH I quit console gaming because of the used sales. I mean seriously? Here I will give you $8, for the newest launch, then sell it for a $4 discount since it is used. (hyperbole, but close to truth in my eyes)
Also the wii runs at 99$ and most kids wanted the wii. The wii launched cheap and sold a bunch but it's a pile of crap and most people don't even want it or play it.
You didn't specify NA only. And at the end of the day, the people that sell the most consoles do worldwide. You don't see Apple crying that Androids are doing better in Japan than in North America. It's a global market.
And regardless of pricing, Wii is much better selling than the 360. You stated an untruth, I showed you the facts, you start saying "yea but..."
Its not a untruth its the most sold system in the US sorry I didn't state that before but I can careless what the rest of world buys since I'm in the US
The graph clearly shows you're wrong. Lol.
Yes for global but not the US.
Can you read?
Yeah I can read jackass but I guess what I hear on tv and the radio about the xbox is just BS my bad. I can careless what that poll says as it might not even be updated. I go see If I can find a poll that swings it in my direction. As I know the WII is not the most sold system anymore. Lucky if you can trade a WII at gamestop anymore.
LMFAO. You link to a graph that clearly disproves the point you're trying to make. Then you say that graph is inaccurate, without citing any further sources. You crack me up.
Edit: Then he links to a review that says nothing about sales. LOL!
Just pointing out that I can find a poll too since that's all you guys have done.
Only one of those is a poll. The other is a sales chart, which has nothing whatsoever in common with a poll, other than they both use numbers.
Not really impressed. Seems to be far too much focus on all the least important aspects of multimedia.
It's meant to be a games console. It should be all about the games. Imagine how good the gaming on it would be if they didn't spend 80% of their resources on all the other crap that's coming with it. We already have TV.. we already have internet browsers.. we can already stream.. we can already chat and Skype with friends... my TV can already switch between TV and gaming instantly; just change the input selection.. what we don't have is a true next gen gaming console and it looks like we aren't going to get that here.
I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
I stopped using consoles after PS2, the PS2 was my last console I actively used, because it had cool unique titles. I got a PS3 but played only two games ever, so I am by no means a console expert.
That said, there is the weird, the unsettling and the evil.
Weird: I find this notion of talking and gesturing to my devices ridiculous and... just totally uncool. Sorry if that sound odd, but I already hated this Kinect or what it was called. All this waving and talking to computers... no. Just no. It's just spooky and absurd. I want a controlled or mouse and keyboard. I am NOT talking to my computer.
Unsettling: Cloud. I vividly passionately hate the cloud idea. I want MY software on MY computer and not anywhere else. There is a plethora of reasons, but it mostly breaks down to the control issue. If software and data is no longer in my computer but in the cloud, I can't control it anymore. If my texts and savegames are in the cloud, it can be stolen much easier, it can get lost, and worst of all, if software is in the cloud or depends on the cloud, the "service" might break down and I am in 1000 troubles. Like the recent case in Sim City (5) has proven. I just hate this cloud idea. Especially now the cost of "always online" is apparently getting up. German Telekom will raise flatrate cost 15-20 Euro per months soon, and with the high traffic I am sure over time flatrate will become much more expensive globally. Which in TURN will create a split class society: rich cloud people and poor masses with limited access.
Evil: Outright evil is how my friends and everyone can SEE all I did, watched, played asf. I already find it highly disturbing that in Steam all people I know can see what games I own, when I played them, what I unlocked. So I am becoming more and more transparent. No more can I cover my life behind gentle lies, like "Oh sorry I don't have time right now" - "YES I can see you play Halo again now!" Sorry, but I want to keep my doings to myself and I want to be in control who knows what. And I most certainly DON'T want a free pass to EVERYONE to know all the stuff I watched and played! (Like all my friends know all the porn I watched... >.<)
So just from these 3 points I am not feeling well about this. But then, the console games of the last couple of years were mostly uninteresting to me. But some of the trends are unsettling and spooking me off. (Couple that with Google Glass I already can imagine humans becoming Borg drones in 100 years. NOT cool. Not at all! )
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
To be honest I'm not bowled over by any of the upcoming consoles so far. As a gamer I'm leaning towards the PS4, but I'm probably in the minority in stating that I do like some of the xbox ones multi media aspects and how it integrates with the tv. Not to keen on having to have kinect always on and always having to be online though, that's kinda creepy. I suppose I can always through a towel over it when I decide to play a game when I'm still in my underwear though. I'll wait till I see more detail on the PS4 before deciding what to go for.
That said, there is the weird, the unsettling and the evil.
So just from these 3 points I am not feeling well about this. But then, the console games of the last couple of years were mostly uninteresting to me. But some of the trends are unsettling and spooking me off. (Couple that with Google Glass I already can imagine humans becoming Borg drones in 100 years. NOT cool. Not at all! )
Good post, great read.
I find it fascinating to see where tech is going these days. Of course the greatest gift is the present moment, yet the future is super interesting. What will humanity create?
Now I just watched some Iron Man 3 recently, and Tony's computer in the air thingy looks super fun and I'd love to have one of those. But yeah, we've had so many science fiction movies and shows 10-20 years past now that have showed some crazy futuristic things in it's time, and now some of them are coming true.
I haven't been into all the new gadgets actually. No iPhone, haven't seen a 3D movie, haven't played with Kinect or whatever it's called. No crazy touch screens computers, except for my android phone. xD I've played PS3 and the Wii too.
My favorite console games remain on the SNES and Sega respectively. PS1 is the runner up for final fantasy 7,8,9 and some other gems.
Like, I LOVE technology, yet there has to be a conscious light bulb that goes on at some point that says "Don't get the microchip, and don't search for immortality within the tech." As tempting as it may be.
This reminds me of the Futurama episode when they download themselves into the internet, or movies like... the Matrix, obviously, 13th floor, existence, etc.
As we can see this new Xbox is taking steps away from self sovereignty, all in the name of money and being social. Teehee. Gotta love it.
Sometimes the point and intent of entertainment isn't even to entertain, depending on who is creating it.
And whos to say we aren't already Borg drones or connected to a matrix? Hehehe.
Looks like I'll be staying with the PC, maybe get a PS4 if I can stop being a vagabond and settle down. And meanwhile I'll listen to Ayreon - 01011001 album.
Talk about an abundant planet where news of a new technology makes the front pages. Now if only there was some way that every human being had access to that abundance....
i like the new interface... But that is because i wanted it since Minority Report..=P
Beyond that it looks like this gen will come down to price. Both Sony and MS is trying to re-invent them self and both have some weird ideas but both i think will capture the casual gamer... farmville and all.
Now my biggest problem is kinect... If it does not work like the said in the trailer X-box will suffer massively and the chances of it working as advertised is pretty much nill... zip zero nada.
Again i think it will come down to price as to who will win the "war"
Not really. The 360 was the worst of the 3 consoles last generation and it seems to be more of the same this time around.
Hows the most sold system the worst? guess people like spending money on the worst system lol.
You people argue over which overpriced PC wannabe was best while the people who know how to even half-arse a custom built computer will laugh their asses off at your purchases for the entire next gen console cycle with the same PC, don't believe me? One of my college friends half-arsed his PC build in 2006 or 2007 and has a PC right now which in its original config could run all the console games past and present, he upgraded the GPU (100-200 dollars) a few months back and now he can comfortably run all future gen games as well XD all this for a grand total of 600 dollars (for the desktop central unit, you don't put the pc monitor or the other peripherals in the cost as those can be used across hardware generations whereas console peripherals can't for the most part:3 ).
Right. Can you give us the specs? You said a grand total of 600 so he spent 400-500 in 2006/2007 and he spent 100/200 a few months ago? I seriosly doubt that a 500 dollar PC built in 2006 can run current gen games properly.
Also I am laughing my ass off at all the PC exlusivist who often BEG, yes BEG companies to realise console exlusive games to the PC but then hail the superiority of the PC platform. There are too many great console exclusives and it's worth having a console just for them hehe.
Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
First of all I don't like the name, just the name alone makes me think it's a slim version of the normal Xbox, or even a lesser version of the normal Xbox. I know it isn't but am speaking mainly about it's name.
I am seeing most of it's "special feature's" to be common feature's I already have either on my 3D Smart TV that is connected to my Horizon UPC tv box. And most likely the "tv feature's" on the Xbox One don't even work in my country (The Netherlands)
So for me all the Xbox One has to deliver is a much better gaming experience then I already have with my PC. Well here is where Kinect comes in which is something that even pushes me further away from wanting it. My smart tv already has voice recognition yet I do not use it .
The only thing the Xbox One can do for me is blow me away with awesome games and the list of Xbox exclusive games I truly would like is very to small to get myself a Xbox, kinda the same with playstation.
But if I had to buy one of them, from what I have read/seen it would be the PS4.
Looks like they're running x64 AMD hardware which is a plus. I like the ability to move from games to live tv without having to change input channels. Backwards compatibility is no big deal to me as I will still have the 360, not to mention the PS4 is not BC so that won't be a selling point for one over the other. As for titles E3 is coming in a few weeks and I believe that might be why they didn't go very deep into the potential game lineup.
They really did not show much other then how the system looks and some of the kinect and media capablitlites. I will hold out till E3 because thats when they are going to show what the system is really about.
With the announcment that they had 15 exclusives and 8 new IPs in the first year pretty much got my attention because that was the only weakness of the Xbox 360.
I have an feeling that this has something to do with patent that allow camers / kinect-like devices to check HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE SITTING IN FRONT OF CONSOLE / TV. Now group that with "DRM" and "face recognition" and "privacy" :E
Watching TV and market capture, the grocery store has cameras that watch you and what your looking at. I'm sure their going to be watching your eye movement for more product placement and marketing research. Not having it watch you would defeat the purpose of having a e-spy in your living room.
I'm going to be skipping this generation of consoles...I think consoles are an outdated way to play games. My computers and TV can do everything these consoles can do, and do it twice as good...they made the mistake of trying to make consoles more and more like computers. Why do I want something that tries to be a computer, when I could just buy a computer?
Edit: Computers also have more free things you can do. I never liked Xbox Live, I got it for 6 months free once, never paid a dime for it, and never will.
I am glad they are killing second hand games. It is a shame when Gamestop robs people.
Facial Recognition will be interesting, and possible heartbeat monitoring. Skynet has a new name and it is Microsoft.
At least MS has COD so it cant be that bad.
please stop embarrassing yourself and leave this thread , your fanboism is too much to bear and ruins whole discussion , do you even read what you post, your first post was so bad i couldnt bear reading, you praising ms like a some religious fanatic and criticize sony like devil itself, and i dont even own single console nor believe in god, thats how bad you look, like a 12 year old child incapable of thinking, stop posting before everyone here will decide to report you for trolling/derailing and flame wars instigation
That is the goal of both Sony, and MS, destroy the used game market. They view it as pirating. TBH I quit console gaming because of the used sales. I mean seriously? Here I will give you $8, for the newest launch, then sell it for a $4 discount since it is used. (hyperbole, but close to truth in my eyes)
Only one of those is a poll. The other is a sales chart, which has nothing whatsoever in common with a poll, other than they both use numbers.
Not really impressed. Seems to be far too much focus on all the least important aspects of multimedia.
It's meant to be a games console. It should be all about the games. Imagine how good the gaming on it would be if they didn't spend 80% of their resources on all the other crap that's coming with it. We already have TV.. we already have internet browsers.. we can already stream.. we can already chat and Skype with friends... my TV can already switch between TV and gaming instantly; just change the input selection.. what we don't have is a true next gen gaming console and it looks like we aren't going to get that here.
I stopped using consoles after PS2, the PS2 was my last console I actively used, because it had cool unique titles. I got a PS3 but played only two games ever, so I am by no means a console expert.
That said, there is the weird, the unsettling and the evil.
Weird: I find this notion of talking and gesturing to my devices ridiculous and... just totally uncool. Sorry if that sound odd, but I already hated this Kinect or what it was called. All this waving and talking to computers... no. Just no. It's just spooky and absurd. I want a controlled or mouse and keyboard. I am NOT talking to my computer.
Unsettling: Cloud. I vividly passionately hate the cloud idea. I want MY software on MY computer and not anywhere else. There is a plethora of reasons, but it mostly breaks down to the control issue. If software and data is no longer in my computer but in the cloud, I can't control it anymore. If my texts and savegames are in the cloud, it can be stolen much easier, it can get lost, and worst of all, if software is in the cloud or depends on the cloud, the "service" might break down and I am in 1000 troubles. Like the recent case in Sim City (5) has proven. I just hate this cloud idea. Especially now the cost of "always online" is apparently getting up. German Telekom will raise flatrate cost 15-20 Euro per months soon, and with the high traffic I am sure over time flatrate will become much more expensive globally. Which in TURN will create a split class society: rich cloud people and poor masses with limited access.
Evil: Outright evil is how my friends and everyone can SEE all I did, watched, played asf. I already find it highly disturbing that in Steam all people I know can see what games I own, when I played them, what I unlocked. So I am becoming more and more transparent. No more can I cover my life behind gentle lies, like "Oh sorry I don't have time right now" - "YES I can see you play Halo again now!" Sorry, but I want to keep my doings to myself and I want to be in control who knows what. And I most certainly DON'T want a free pass to EVERYONE to know all the stuff I watched and played! (Like all my friends know all the porn I watched... >.<)
So just from these 3 points I am not feeling well about this. But then, the console games of the last couple of years were mostly uninteresting to me. But some of the trends are unsettling and spooking me off. (Couple that with Google Glass I already can imagine humans becoming Borg drones in 100 years. NOT cool. Not at all! )
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
To be honest I'm not bowled over by any of the upcoming consoles so far. As a gamer I'm leaning towards the PS4, but I'm probably in the minority in stating that I do like some of the xbox ones multi media aspects and how it integrates with the tv. Not to keen on having to have kinect always on and always having to be online though, that's kinda creepy. I suppose I can always through a towel over it when I decide to play a game when I'm still in my underwear though. I'll wait till I see more detail on the PS4 before deciding what to go for.
BTW isn't the XBOX One damn ugly?
If you all want an honest review of the xbox one then you must watch Francis.
Good post, great read.
I find it fascinating to see where tech is going these days. Of course the greatest gift is the present moment, yet the future is super interesting. What will humanity create?
Now I just watched some Iron Man 3 recently, and Tony's computer in the air thingy looks super fun and I'd love to have one of those. But yeah, we've had so many science fiction movies and shows 10-20 years past now that have showed some crazy futuristic things in it's time, and now some of them are coming true.
I haven't been into all the new gadgets actually. No iPhone, haven't seen a 3D movie, haven't played with Kinect or whatever it's called. No crazy touch screens computers, except for my android phone. xD I've played PS3 and the Wii too.
My favorite console games remain on the SNES and Sega respectively. PS1 is the runner up for final fantasy 7,8,9 and some other gems.
Like, I LOVE technology, yet there has to be a conscious light bulb that goes on at some point that says "Don't get the microchip, and don't search for immortality within the tech." As tempting as it may be.
This reminds me of the Futurama episode when they download themselves into the internet, or movies like... the Matrix, obviously, 13th floor, existence, etc.
As we can see this new Xbox is taking steps away from self sovereignty, all in the name of money and being social. Teehee. Gotta love it.
Sometimes the point and intent of entertainment isn't even to entertain, depending on who is creating it.
And whos to say we aren't already Borg drones or connected to a matrix? Hehehe.
Looks like I'll be staying with the PC, maybe get a PS4 if I can stop being a vagabond and settle down. And meanwhile I'll listen to Ayreon - 01011001 album.
Talk about an abundant planet where news of a new technology makes the front pages. Now if only there was some way that every human being had access to that abundance....
That is f***ing genius!!!
i like the new interface... But that is because i wanted it since Minority Report..=P
Beyond that it looks like this gen will come down to price. Both Sony and MS is trying to re-invent them self and both have some weird ideas but both i think will capture the casual gamer... farmville and all.
Now my biggest problem is kinect... If it does not work like the said in the trailer X-box will suffer massively and the chances of it working as advertised is pretty much nill... zip zero nada.
Again i think it will come down to price as to who will win the "war"
This have been a good conversation
Right. Can you give us the specs? You said a grand total of 600 so he spent 400-500 in 2006/2007 and he spent 100/200 a few months ago? I seriosly doubt that a 500 dollar PC built in 2006 can run current gen games properly.
Also I am laughing my ass off at all the PC exlusivist who often BEG, yes BEG companies to realise console exlusive games to the PC but then hail the superiority of the PC platform. There are too many great console exclusives and it's worth having a console just for them hehe.
Mission in life: Vanquish all trolls - especially TESO, WOW and GW2 trolls.
First of all I don't like the name, just the name alone makes me think it's a slim version of the normal Xbox, or even a lesser version of the normal Xbox. I know it isn't but am speaking mainly about it's name.
I am seeing most of it's "special feature's" to be common feature's I already have either on my 3D Smart TV that is connected to my Horizon UPC tv box. And most likely the "tv feature's" on the Xbox One don't even work in my country (The Netherlands)
So for me all the Xbox One has to deliver is a much better gaming experience then I already have with my PC. Well here is where Kinect comes in which is something that even pushes me further away from wanting it. My smart tv already has voice recognition yet I do not use it .
The only thing the Xbox One can do for me is blow me away with awesome games and the list of Xbox exclusive games I truly would like is very to small to get myself a Xbox, kinda the same with playstation.
But if I had to buy one of them, from what I have read/seen it would be the PS4.
They really did not show much other then how the system looks and some of the kinect and media capablitlites. I will hold out till E3 because thats when they are going to show what the system is really about.
With the announcment that they had 15 exclusives and 8 new IPs in the first year pretty much got my attention because that was the only weakness of the Xbox 360.
Watching TV and market capture, the grocery store has cameras that watch you and what your looking at. I'm sure their going to be watching your eye movement for more product placement and marketing research. Not having it watch you would defeat the purpose of having a e-spy in your living room.
I'm going to be skipping this generation of consoles...I think consoles are an outdated way to play games. My computers and TV can do everything these consoles can do, and do it twice as good...they made the mistake of trying to make consoles more and more like computers. Why do I want something that tries to be a computer, when I could just buy a computer?
Edit: Computers also have more free things you can do. I never liked Xbox Live, I got it for 6 months free once, never paid a dime for it, and never will.
"Negaholics are people who become addicted to negativity and self-doubt, they find fault in most things and never seem to be satisfied."