I'd be more than happy to do so, I'm here to discuss these exact things.
FFXIV has monsters that have attacks much like other newer games, mobs target you with abilities where you must dodge, or interrupt or stun them in some way. There are cone attacks where you can run behind the monsters, there are bomb throws you can entirely dodge out of.
The combat is slower paced at the start, like many MMO's (I can't remember one that wasn't slow paced low level tbh). You get more abilities and you create combos. You can socket abilities from one class into another with some limitations.
There is a lot of MP / TP management in parties when you start to get to party content and higher level monsters. You can't just spam abilities you need to time things and conserve etc.
I'd be more than happy to answer any other questions about my opinions on the game.
Combos = tab 1,2,3 its called a rotation that you repeat over and over again 1000000 times and its in every single game.
Resource management is in every single game.
Steeping out of red circles is in every game.
Sorry but this is just not going to convince people that the combat is advanced or interesting.
I'd be more than happy to do so, I'm here to discuss these exact things.
FFXIV has monsters that have attacks much like other newer games, mobs target you with abilities where you must dodge, or interrupt or stun them in some way. There are cone attacks where you can run behind the monsters, there are bomb throws you can entirely dodge out of.
The combat is slower paced at the start, like many MMO's (I can't remember one that wasn't slow paced low level tbh). You get more abilities and you create combos. You can socket abilities from one class into another with some limitations.
There is a lot of MP / TP management in parties when you start to get to party content and higher level monsters. You can't just spam abilities you need to time things and conserve etc.
I'd be more than happy to answer any other questions about my opinions on the game.
Combos = tab 1,2,3 its called a rotation that you repeat over and over again 1000000 times and its in every single game.
Resource management is in every single game.
Steeping out of red circles is in every game.
Sorry but this is just not going to convince people that the combat is advanced or interesting.
I never claimed it was a brand new innovated system.
I said it was fun and its a lot like the other new mmo's when it comes to combat mechanics.
I even said "much like other newer games" in my post.
I think the big difference is (and a Signet Warrior in GW2 is the only exception here - though that's a solo leveling build and ineffective in PvP and higher end PvE) is that all the abilities in GW2 you actively use. Actually Warrior is probably the worst example of GW2's combat as they are the simplest class to play. FFXIV may have plenty of abilities, but the jobs boil down to hitting the same rotations over and over again for effective play. You'll use minute long+ cooldowns for buffs and such, and maybe occasionally a situational skill here and there, but for the most part it boils down to some boring rotations. CNJ was pretty much just spam Cure up to level 25 with maybe a Medica every once in a while if I had to. GLD was run in and spam Flash (or whatever the AoE enmity generation was) then get MP back up with Fast Blade + Riot Blade and repeat EVERY single pull with no variation whatsoever. Sure I used the short term buffs like Rampart, but the GLD boiled down to that rotation. Maybe other jobs are different, but that's my experience with those two.
Then again, perhaps my experience is an unfortunate one that left a bad taste in my mouth because I played the wrong class.
To me that's how the combat felt, and generally I like to play Melee toons... the warrior really looked like my sorta class from just glancing at it. I am sorry if I miss represented the game based off my limited experience with the class I chose.
I agree with your analysis of the combat of FFXIV up to 25, however, is not most combat in most RPG's like that at level 25?
I remember in TERA I used but one healing spell as a mystic until level 60 when I finally got an AoE hot as well. Sure I had other abilities but I only really used that one.
In WoW I was recently leveling a warlock... got it to level 40 a few days ago, really only use about 3-4 buttons in my DPS rotation at that point.
I guess what I'm saying is that from what I'm reading about the abilities at higher level it looks like FFXIV has a lot of the same depth to its combat the other games I really enjoy have too (like WoW or FFXI or even TERA)
Exactly, its the same old combat everyone has seen a million times before. Which is why they are bored of it.
Then again, perhaps my experience is an unfortunate one that left a bad taste in my mouth because I played the wrong class.
To me that's how the combat felt, and generally I like to play Melee toons... the warrior really looked like my sorta class from just glancing at it. I am sorry if I miss represented the game based off my limited experience with the class I chose.
I agree with your analysis of the combat of FFXIV up to 25, however, is not most combat in most RPG's like that at level 25?
I remember in TERA I used but one healing spell as a mystic until level 60 when I finally got an AoE hot as well. Sure I had other abilities but I only really used that one.
In WoW I was recently leveling a warlock... got it to level 40 a few days ago, really only use about 3-4 buttons in my DPS rotation at that point.
I guess what I'm saying is that from what I'm reading about the abilities at higher level it looks like FFXIV has a lot of the same depth to its combat the other games I really enjoy have too (like WoW or FFXI or even TERA)
True, but mostly comparing it to GW2 where all the skills are unlockable except the Elite (30 in that case) within an hour or two of play. Honestly for me, it's hard to go back to the old combat simulator style of combat after playing GW2 or even Neverwinter (and a few other unique MMOs like Wakfu). For the record I'm not a fan of TERA's combat either and WoW isn't too bad, but certainly boils down to rotations especially at low levels.
I completely understand what you are saying, I just personally really like the old school RPG feeling games.
I honestly wasn't a huge fan of TERA's combat after a while, I got to max level, and I enjoyed it, but I honestly prefer tab target and more old school RPG elements.
I AM glad there are action RPG online games coming out, I will play them and enjoy them, this is just not one of them. Which to be honest, for a final fantasy online game, I'm kinda happy about that.
I think the big difference is (and a Signet Warrior in GW2 is the only exception here - though that's a solo leveling build and ineffective in PvP and higher end PvE) is that all the abilities in GW2 you actively use. Actually Warrior is probably the worst example of GW2's combat as they are the simplest class to play. FFXIV may have plenty of abilities, but the jobs boil down to hitting the same rotations over and over again for effective play. You'll use minute long+ cooldowns for buffs and such, and maybe occasionally a situational skill here and there, but for the most part it boils down to some boring rotations. CNJ was pretty much just spam Cure up to level 25 with maybe a Medica every once in a while if I had to. GLD was run in and spam Flash (or whatever the AoE enmity generation was) then get MP back up with Fast Blade + Riot Blade and repeat EVERY single pull with no variation whatsoever. Sure I used the short term buffs like Rampart, but the GLD boiled down to that rotation. Maybe other jobs are different, but that's my experience with those two.
Then again, perhaps my experience is an unfortunate one that left a bad taste in my mouth because I played the wrong class.
To me that's how the combat felt, and generally I like to play Melee toons... the warrior really looked like my sorta class from just glancing at it. I am sorry if I miss represented the game based off my limited experience with the class I chose.
I agree with your analysis of the combat of FFXIV up to 25, however, is not most combat in most RPG's like that at level 25?
I remember in TERA I used but one healing spell as a mystic until level 60 when I finally got an AoE hot as well. Sure I had other abilities but I only really used that one.
In WoW I was recently leveling a warlock... got it to level 40 a few days ago, really only use about 3-4 buttons in my DPS rotation at that point.
I guess what I'm saying is that from what I'm reading about the abilities at higher level it looks like FFXIV has a lot of the same depth to its combat the other games I really enjoy have too (like WoW or FFXI or even TERA)
Exactly, its the same old combat everyone has seen a million times before. Which is why they are bored of it.
Except there are many people that could care less about the combat, as long as it's functional. No matter how innovative combat is in any MMO, after doing it over and over, it gets old. It's all about the content, what other things the game has to offer, if that's not there, no matter how good the combat is, noone is going to play it.
Exactly, its the same old combat everyone has seen a million times before. Which is why they are bored of it.
It also has the added second on the global cooldown so it ends up being even slower than the combat we have seen a million times before. To me it gives off a clunky feel but I can understand why it might be appealing for those that want to sit back and relax while playing. Some people say that it makes it more like Final Fantasy, but I don't get that at all.
Actually, I honestly wouldn't mind if they made the combat turn based and gave everyone 10 seconds to pick their option and the enemy and the players all executed in an order according to their speed or whatever. It would be pretty cool to see someone do a system like that and Final Fantasy would have been the perfect IP for it.
Except there are many people that could care less about the combat, as long as it's functional. No matter how innovative combat is in any MMO, after doing it over and over, it gets old. It's all about the content, what other things the game has to offer, if that's not there, no matter how good the combat is, noone is going to play it.
I understand that people might not like the combat, I think that a lot of people will though. This is an online RPG with very traditional RPG elements mixed in with a lot of new age mechanics too.
I don't like a lot of games that try to reinvent the wheel, I think neverwinter, while fun, has very simplistic combat. I enjoy the game, I have a Control Wizard at 60, I've done a lot of the dungeons at max level, and I think that FFXIV has a better mix of old and new ideas in it. Again, this is just my opinion.
I really like the types of content FFXIV has to offer, and there are a lot of things they are planning on adding back in or adding in for the first time that is really quite interesting.
Aww so much hate for a simple Final Fantasy mmo. We get it, you dont like it
There is the door !!! Just walk trough it !!! Your not forced to play this beta / or buy the game and pay a sub !!! Wait for Wildstar / EQN / A new wow expansion !!! or another free to play mmo !!!
Let us old fashioned mmo players enjoy the "traditional story driven tab target mmo"
Realy awesome people get so upset for a game they "dont even going to play"
I don't know much about this game as I am just actively reading threads about the newer MMOs coming out. However, since I played Gw2 I'll give a little insight of what I know.
Heals and dodge are all important so no need to go over those skills much.
Mesmer 80 - Great sword - Rotation = Basic attack, 2nd skill that bounces and creates clone, 3rd skill that creates phantom, repeat basic attack until the CDs were off.
The rest were pretty situational: 5 push back, 4 boon remover, reflective zone (I used this quite often even if not a ranged mob because I could combo off myself and cause confusion), stealth for when in danger or removing threat, condition remover (for party or myself), and the ultimate (Rarely ever used except when bosses were low HP, or when one or two party members were down since it allowed me to rez faster.)
Clone destroyer abilities I only used when the mob I was hitting was almost dead.
Warrior 40 - Sword and Shield - Rotation = Basic *repeat* then the warrior ability to do many bleeds and immobilize enemies for a short time.
Situational: Shield bash (daze powerful mob attacks), Block (block powerful mob attacks), Lunge (gap closer), Hamstring (slowing down running away mobs). All signets were basically passive, except signet of rage, which was on use 24/7 for constant fury buff (ultimate skill).
Engineer 80 - Bomb kit, Grenade kit, rifle - Rotation based on situation. Grenade kit you spammed when you were at range. Bomb kits rotation when you had a few mobs at melee = Smoke bomb (AOE blind), Fire bomb (AOE burn), Poison bomb (I think. AOE poison), Daze bomb (AOE daze), and glue bomb (AOE immobilize). Rifle was only used for single target net shot to stop a boss from moving for awhile. Ultimate for when I need to stun and quickly heal up.
From what I see the game seems like it starts out like WoW. I only seen a bit of gameplay from a healing class but from 1-10 was cure, and stone. Like in WoW as my hunter all I used for those levels were steady shot, arcane shot. Warrior = heroic strike, victory rush. Mage = frost fire bolt, fire blast. I enjoyed WoW, so judging the combat from low level gameplay seems silly because it is basically what WoW is like. Until more high level stuff is achieved and shown we won't be able to be capable of judging how the combat is like. If you don't like WoW combat, then you just don't like the combat style and would like a more active one like Gw2.
Also I found Gw2 you didn't use much skills to achieve victory (I didn't play explorer mode dungeons, however). It was easy to solo bosses as my Eng and Mesmer throughout the game (expect the bosses that transformed you into little creatures). Also from regular dungeons I only found the difficulty was in how chaotic the battles were. Even if you had some sort of plan it may fail and you would have to quickly think of a new one to create order in the battle field. Compared to WoW in which there was already an order structure (trinity), and the difficulty was found in people executing their roles properly (At least in Cata heroics).
iam glad SE does its own thing otherwise it would have been mmo #9081212319 with all the same shit we have seen past 10 years. it wont be a mmo for evryone, its a pure Final Fantasy mmo, dont like it ? tuff luck /goodbye
What is better is that SE doesnt need to listen to all those forum baby's to maintain high sub numbers. They can do it the way they want it without having the need worry about hitting 2 millions subs.
This is what makes me very happy, finaly an mmo that follows a strong developer with a vision instead of finance department screaming to change evrything for the $$$
10/10 SE job well done
they dont listen to the players? to the forum (not this one of course) why v1 was so bad?
they did improvement thanks to community
and sorry to burst your bubble but SE has a big hope for FFXIV if it fails then its over bye bye FF XIV
Graphic is quite good I guess. And it probably holds some value for fans of Final Fantasy.
Other than that , i dont see why anyone would be interested in it.
Why are you here then?
Because I read few posts about how great the game is. And I got the beta key.
Waste of bandwith ....
I'm glad you shared with us all your reasoning, and suggestions on how to improve the game, very insightful!
I am further intrigued by your long winded and very thought out 2nd paragraph. It tells the reader volumes about the game play and the time you spent playing the game.
Providing this was first MMO i ever played. Or second. Maybe I would like it and have suggestions on how to improve it.
But I played every MMO that came past 2004.
So I played this MMO allready 30-40 times in different packages.
For me and people like me, there is no chance for this - hence no suggestion on how to improve it.
Graphic is quite good I guess. And it probably holds some value for fans of Final Fantasy.
Other than that , i dont see why anyone would be interested in it.
Why are you here then?
Because I read few posts about how great the game is. And I got the beta key.
Waste of bandwith ....
I'm glad you shared with us all your reasoning, and suggestions on how to improve the game, very insightful!
I am further intrigued by your long winded and very thought out 2nd paragraph. It tells the reader volumes about the game play and the time you spent playing the game.
Providing this was first MMO i ever played. Or second. Maybe I would like it and have suggestions on how to improve it.
But I played every MMO that came past 2004.
So I played this MMO allready 30-40 times in different packages.
For me and people like me, there is no chance for this MMO
same here, grew up with ragnarok beta. FF14 has the worst combat mechanic ive ever seen. I understand that shared cool-down timer on all skills makes it time-based combat like in old ff-series, but somone has to explain to me, why 3 different skills do ALL EXACTLY THE SAME DMG!!??? so the new 3 different skills do also the same dmg, wich in fact didnt matter wich skill i spam, since they all used same cooldown and same dmg.
Worst combat system ever. And no ive played from ff2 to ff13 ALL FF-series! even tactics and some other raritys. I guess Squaresoft died with the merge to square-enix.
What are the "lots of ways to progress"? or when can I find that?
- Guildleves
- Guildhests
- Hunting Logs
- Grinding big mobs with friends (there are always higher level mobs around that you can party up to kill instead)
- Quests (they are limited in scope, and in the game only to tell the story of the universe, once you complete one its done for good)
- Dungeons
- FATEs (Which include a variety of things, like guild wars 2 heart quest system, but I feel it has a lot of potential, the FATE system is very detailed and there are a lot of interviews about it, what it can do, and examples of FATEs in the game, do a google and you'll be very informed)
- Hamlets (haven't been reintroduced but they are essentially attacking monster bases)
- Open world dungeons
Just off the top of my head.
GW2 has more than that and most modern mmos have at least the same amount of activities, FF is not some anomaly in the genre I think your argument was very flawed by assuming this was something "special" in FF.
Don't get me wrong I like the game but I don't kid myself, Guild* are quests, hunting logs are achievements, grinding is well grinding, every game has dungeons, many games are using DEs now(and they don't come even close to GW2s events), hamlets don't exist. The main progression is through quests, crafting/gathering and dungeons like most mmos.
What are the "lots of ways to progress"? or when can I find that?
- Guildleves
- Guildhests
- Hunting Logs
- Grinding big mobs with friends (there are always higher level mobs around that you can party up to kill instead)
- Quests (they are limited in scope, and in the game only to tell the story of the universe, once you complete one its done for good)
- Dungeons
- FATEs (Which include a variety of things, like guild wars 2 heart quest system, but I feel it has a lot of potential, the FATE system is very detailed and there are a lot of interviews about it, what it can do, and examples of FATEs in the game, do a google and you'll be very informed)
- Hamlets (haven't been reintroduced but they are essentially attacking monster bases)
- Open world dungeons
Just off the top of my head.
GW2 has more than that and most modern mmos have at least the same amount of activities, FF is not some anomaly in the genre I think your argument was very flawed by assuming this was something "special" in FF.
Don't get me wrong I like the game but I don't kid myself, Guild* are quests, hunting logs are achievements, grinding is well grinding, every game has dungeons, many games are using DEs now(and they don't come even close to GW2s events), hamlets don't exist. The main progression is through quests, crafting/gathering and dungeons like most mmos.
Yeah, I even think that the hunting logs are more like the worst possible version of "kill 10 rats" quests. Maybe if the hunting logs had rare creatures or something it might be a pretty cool feature, but as they are, they are not very interesting.
It's a mixed bag. Compared to 1.0, ARR is polished and highly optimized. However, the gameplay is unbelievably generic. I will be very surprised if anyone coming from WoW, LotRO, EQ2, Aion, Tera, or Rift lasts more than a month or two with this game. ARR is well-done, but it's such a poster child for the "been there, done that" feeling that is currently plaguing the genre.
So you like the graphics, Character creation isn't finished (more options in phase 4), not sure what you wanted from combat ? It's simple sure..wasn't going to be action combat, but at least it's sped up.
I always find it a bit funny when someone asks, what level did you get to? Or, Oh the game doesn't even begin til you get to this level.
The game should be fun and engaging from level 1 for me.
I agree a game should be fun from level 1. I also understand people asking what level someone got to, especially when they are talking about complexity or depth.
I see people complain, barely any skills, not much depth, then reveal they got to level 10. Well ya, duh, not very complex yet. Need 15 for 2nd class, 30 for new job, things really open up. But very true, if game just doesn't grab you from the beginning, then not for you.
This is true for most MMOs too. Only a small amount of skills, abilities in eq, wow, daoc, etc, then a lot more as you level.
Also, sometimes people just play the wrong way. lol I know, kind of a silly statement, but I'll give an example from ARR. I started a character, did the opening orientation quest, got some perspective, went out and just started killing stuff to see if I liked it. leveled up quite a bit. Ended up mixing in the storyline quests after a while. Had a blast.
Tried another character. Decided to do all those little quests you see all over the place. I swear I spent over an hour, maybe 2 before I even saw combat. Bored me to tears. I think people are so trained from all the previous MMOs since WoW, must do quests, do every little quest, no other way. Then they do that and they're like, "this is crap!" They give up and say I got to level 5 and it sucked.
People might find it more engaging from level 1 if they mix it up a little, and not do exactly what they hate about all the other MMOs they quit, the menial tasks. Especially the beginning, since it is more of a tutorial, orientation.
Trying a few different classes and areas help too. Tried Marauder, and I absolutely hated that port area, ugh. If I started there and quit easily, would have washed my hands of this game. Forest area Gridiana or whatever it is called I really liked, and the desert area was good too.
Also some classes just don't do it for people. I usually like casters, but I didn't really like the one I tried. Probably would have been better if I leveled up more, especially to get the new job. The healer type one seemed a bit better, haven't tried yet. Other classes, I greatly enjoyed from the beginning.
Heh, damn, rambled on again.
Anyway, my point was, sometimes complaints about how boring a game is, is because of the lack of options a person has right away, when almost all games start out that way.
Hell, by the sounds of most people complaining they don't have 20 skills to use at level 1, what would they think of EQ? Some classes had autoattack only. Maybe kick lol. And if you were a hybrid, no spells until level 9!
Outdated to what? FFXIV combat is the same as combat from FF, same combat style to WOW, What combat is new? Neverwinter? Tera? Both action combat systems are for the birds. They should have been left in Single Player games where they belong. Most of the time in both games you are just clicking a shoot button like a FPS thats real fun right? Not!
You sure love to masquerade your opinion as fact (which funnily enough, is what you accused me of, even thought I made it clear that they were my opinions). And yes, by the current trend (leaning toward action style combat) of upcoming MMORPGs, I think it's safe to say that traditional combat system like FF XIV is outdated.
My opinion is that active dodge is just a gimmick to say that the combat is "action oriented". What's the major difference if you have to hold a key to get out of the aoe or double tap it? The biggest thing about FFXIV that I have seen is decent player interaction which is missing from many of the action based games that you mentioned. I feel useful running around healing up people in FATE that are almost dead and saving the wipe. I don't have to be a altaholic since I can try every job with one char. Crafting minigame is still deeper than most MMOs themepark or otherwise. I also like that they brought the advanced class system from FFXI into this game which I always thought was one of the best systems around. The game is pretty much what people were asking for the first time. You may not like it but the general consensus is that it is a good game and has been one of the top sellers on my gaming sites like greenmangaming since release was announced. Another thing that people forget is that this also a console release which will only make the numbers grow. MMO's that you can play on consoles are rare. I think the guy did an awesome job considering what 1.0 was like. I hope that Renkai is added later for more complexity. As far as beta goes this has been one of the best games I have tested in years and I don't have to spend 100 bucks in the cash shop to be competitive.
Present: Current offerings are low quality or soloable
Past:AoC, DCUO, FFXI,FFXIV 1.0 and ARR,WoW,Fallen Earth, Tabula Rasa, TSW, SWTOR, Rift, Aion, WAR, Darkfall, STO, CoH/CoV, GW2, Diaspora, EQ2, DDO, and a bunch of forgettable ftp games
Everyone has their Perception as to what GOOD combat is to them. Some like Action, Some like Action w/some tabbing, some like Tab-targeting, some like turned based, etc etc. These mechanics do NOT make a game bad. is the Frame or foundation that does. The fun/enjoyable factor that appeals to that person will go for that type of game. I did not like teras combat, but some do, is tera's combat bad? just because I did not like it?
Combos = tab 1,2,3 its called a rotation that you repeat over and over again 1000000 times and its in every single game.
Resource management is in every single game.
Steeping out of red circles is in every game.
Sorry but this is just not going to convince people that the combat is advanced or interesting.
I never claimed it was a brand new innovated system.
I said it was fun and its a lot like the other new mmo's when it comes to combat mechanics.
I even said "much like other newer games" in my post.
Exactly, its the same old combat everyone has seen a million times before. Which is why they are bored of it.
I completely understand what you are saying, I just personally really like the old school RPG feeling games.
I honestly wasn't a huge fan of TERA's combat after a while, I got to max level, and I enjoyed it, but I honestly prefer tab target and more old school RPG elements.
I AM glad there are action RPG online games coming out, I will play them and enjoy them, this is just not one of them. Which to be honest, for a final fantasy online game, I'm kinda happy about that.
Except there are many people that could care less about the combat, as long as it's functional. No matter how innovative combat is in any MMO, after doing it over and over, it gets old. It's all about the content, what other things the game has to offer, if that's not there, no matter how good the combat is, noone is going to play it.
It also has the added second on the global cooldown so it ends up being even slower than the combat we have seen a million times before. To me it gives off a clunky feel but I can understand why it might be appealing for those that want to sit back and relax while playing. Some people say that it makes it more like Final Fantasy, but I don't get that at all.
Actually, I honestly wouldn't mind if they made the combat turn based and gave everyone 10 seconds to pick their option and the enemy and the players all executed in an order according to their speed or whatever. It would be pretty cool to see someone do a system like that and Final Fantasy would have been the perfect IP for it.
Played for 20 minutes...everything you say is invalid.
I understand that people might not like the combat, I think that a lot of people will though. This is an online RPG with very traditional RPG elements mixed in with a lot of new age mechanics too.
I don't like a lot of games that try to reinvent the wheel, I think neverwinter, while fun, has very simplistic combat. I enjoy the game, I have a Control Wizard at 60, I've done a lot of the dungeons at max level, and I think that FFXIV has a better mix of old and new ideas in it. Again, this is just my opinion.
I really like the types of content FFXIV has to offer, and there are a lot of things they are planning on adding back in or adding in for the first time that is really quite interesting.
Aww so much hate for a simple Final Fantasy mmo.
We get it, you dont like it
There is the door !!!
Just walk trough it !!!
Your not forced to play this beta / or buy the game and pay a sub !!!
Wait for Wildstar / EQN / A new wow expansion !!! or another free to play mmo !!!
Let us old fashioned mmo players enjoy the "traditional story driven tab target mmo"
Realy awesome people get so upset for a game they "dont even going to play"
/alt tab back to FF ARR !!!
I don't know much about this game as I am just actively reading threads about the newer MMOs coming out. However, since I played Gw2 I'll give a little insight of what I know.
Heals and dodge are all important so no need to go over those skills much.
Mesmer 80 - Great sword - Rotation = Basic attack, 2nd skill that bounces and creates clone, 3rd skill that creates phantom, repeat basic attack until the CDs were off.
The rest were pretty situational: 5 push back, 4 boon remover, reflective zone (I used this quite often even if not a ranged mob because I could combo off myself and cause confusion), stealth for when in danger or removing threat, condition remover (for party or myself), and the ultimate (Rarely ever used except when bosses were low HP, or when one or two party members were down since it allowed me to rez faster.)
Clone destroyer abilities I only used when the mob I was hitting was almost dead.
Warrior 40 - Sword and Shield - Rotation = Basic *repeat* then the warrior ability to do many bleeds and immobilize enemies for a short time.
Situational: Shield bash (daze powerful mob attacks), Block (block powerful mob attacks), Lunge (gap closer), Hamstring (slowing down running away mobs). All signets were basically passive, except signet of rage, which was on use 24/7 for constant fury buff (ultimate skill).
Engineer 80 - Bomb kit, Grenade kit, rifle - Rotation based on situation. Grenade kit you spammed when you were at range. Bomb kits rotation when you had a few mobs at melee = Smoke bomb (AOE blind), Fire bomb (AOE burn), Poison bomb (I think. AOE poison), Daze bomb (AOE daze), and glue bomb (AOE immobilize). Rifle was only used for single target net shot to stop a boss from moving for awhile. Ultimate for when I need to stun and quickly heal up.
From what I see the game seems like it starts out like WoW. I only seen a bit of gameplay from a healing class but from 1-10 was cure, and stone. Like in WoW as my hunter all I used for those levels were steady shot, arcane shot. Warrior = heroic strike, victory rush. Mage = frost fire bolt, fire blast. I enjoyed WoW, so judging the combat from low level gameplay seems silly because it is basically what WoW is like. Until more high level stuff is achieved and shown we won't be able to be capable of judging how the combat is like. If you don't like WoW combat, then you just don't like the combat style and would like a more active one like Gw2.
Also I found Gw2 you didn't use much skills to achieve victory (I didn't play explorer mode dungeons, however). It was easy to solo bosses as my Eng and Mesmer throughout the game (expect the bosses that transformed you into little creatures). Also from regular dungeons I only found the difficulty was in how chaotic the battles were. Even if you had some sort of plan it may fail and you would have to quickly think of a new one to create order in the battle field. Compared to WoW in which there was already an order structure (trinity), and the difficulty was found in people executing their roles properly (At least in Cata heroics).
they dont listen to the players? to the forum (not this one of course)
why v1 was so bad?
they did improvement thanks to community
and sorry to burst your bubble but SE has a big hope for FFXIV if it fails then its over bye bye FF XIV
Providing this was first MMO i ever played. Or second. Maybe I would like it and have suggestions on how to improve it.
But I played every MMO that came past 2004.
So I played this MMO allready 30-40 times in different packages.
For me and people like me, there is no chance for this - hence no suggestion on how to improve it.
same here, grew up with ragnarok beta. FF14 has the worst combat mechanic ive ever seen. I understand that shared cool-down timer on all skills makes it time-based combat like in old ff-series, but somone has to explain to me, why 3 different skills do ALL EXACTLY THE SAME DMG!!??? so the new 3 different skills do also the same dmg, wich in fact didnt matter wich skill i spam, since they all used same cooldown and same dmg.
Worst combat system ever. And no ive played from ff2 to ff13 ALL FF-series! even tactics and some other raritys. I guess Squaresoft died with the merge to square-enix.
The complexity and interaction of the combat systems of games like WoW/Rift and now FFXIV comes from coordinated party play.
FFXIV reminds me so very much (thus far) of Vanilla/BC WoW.
Time will tell if that is a good thing or not.
GW2 has more than that and most modern mmos have at least the same amount of activities, FF is not some anomaly in the genre I think your argument was very flawed by assuming this was something "special" in FF.
Don't get me wrong I like the game but I don't kid myself, Guild* are quests, hunting logs are achievements, grinding is well grinding, every game has dungeons, many games are using DEs now(and they don't come even close to GW2s events), hamlets don't exist. The main progression is through quests, crafting/gathering and dungeons like most mmos.
Yeah, I even think that the hunting logs are more like the worst possible version of "kill 10 rats" quests. Maybe if the hunting logs had rare creatures or something it might be a pretty cool feature, but as they are, they are not very interesting.
I'm starting to think people played a different game than I did. "Combat isn't everything - it's all about content"
What content? Those generic kill 10 rats / pick up 10 items / move quest item from A to B quests?
Hell even Scarlet Blade came up with more reasonable reasons to kill mobs than this game.
Wait until they fully drop the NDA and read some quest descriptions to see for yourself.
Personally I am unbelievable disappointed in Yoshi since I had faith in him.
Now I'm only expecting a note of sepuku in one of his future letters.
It's a mixed bag. Compared to 1.0, ARR is polished and highly optimized. However, the gameplay is unbelievably generic. I will be very surprised if anyone coming from WoW, LotRO, EQ2, Aion, Tera, or Rift lasts more than a month or two with this game. ARR is well-done, but it's such a poster child for the "been there, done that" feeling that is currently plaguing the genre.
I always find it a bit funny when someone asks, what level did you get to? Or, Oh the game doesn't even begin til you get to this level.
The game should be fun and engaging from level 1 for me.
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
So you like the graphics, Character creation isn't finished (more options in phase 4), not sure what you wanted from combat ? It's simple sure..wasn't going to be action combat, but at least it's sped up.
I just don't really see the point in the post..
I agree a game should be fun from level 1. I also understand people asking what level someone got to, especially when they are talking about complexity or depth.
I see people complain, barely any skills, not much depth, then reveal they got to level 10. Well ya, duh, not very complex yet. Need 15 for 2nd class, 30 for new job, things really open up. But very true, if game just doesn't grab you from the beginning, then not for you.
This is true for most MMOs too. Only a small amount of skills, abilities in eq, wow, daoc, etc, then a lot more as you level.
Also, sometimes people just play the wrong way. lol I know, kind of a silly statement, but I'll give an example from ARR. I started a character, did the opening orientation quest, got some perspective, went out and just started killing stuff to see if I liked it. leveled up quite a bit. Ended up mixing in the storyline quests after a while. Had a blast.
Tried another character. Decided to do all those little quests you see all over the place. I swear I spent over an hour, maybe 2 before I even saw combat. Bored me to tears. I think people are so trained from all the previous MMOs since WoW, must do quests, do every little quest, no other way. Then they do that and they're like, "this is crap!" They give up and say I got to level 5 and it sucked.
People might find it more engaging from level 1 if they mix it up a little, and not do exactly what they hate about all the other MMOs they quit, the menial tasks. Especially the beginning, since it is more of a tutorial, orientation.
Trying a few different classes and areas help too. Tried Marauder, and I absolutely hated that port area, ugh. If I started there and quit easily, would have washed my hands of this game. Forest area Gridiana or whatever it is called I really liked, and the desert area was good too.
Also some classes just don't do it for people. I usually like casters, but I didn't really like the one I tried. Probably would have been better if I leveled up more, especially to get the new job. The healer type one seemed a bit better, haven't tried yet. Other classes, I greatly enjoyed from the beginning.
Heh, damn, rambled on again.
Anyway, my point was, sometimes complaints about how boring a game is, is because of the lack of options a person has right away, when almost all games start out that way.
Hell, by the sounds of most people complaining they don't have 20 skills to use at level 1, what would they think of EQ? Some classes had autoattack only. Maybe kick lol. And if you were a hybrid, no spells until level 9!
My opinion is that active dodge is just a gimmick to say that the combat is "action oriented". What's the major difference if you have to hold a key to get out of the aoe or double tap it? The biggest thing about FFXIV that I have seen is decent player interaction which is missing from many of the action based games that you mentioned. I feel useful running around healing up people in FATE that are almost dead and saving the wipe. I don't have to be a altaholic since I can try every job with one char. Crafting minigame is still deeper than most MMOs themepark or otherwise. I also like that they brought the advanced class system from FFXI into this game which I always thought was one of the best systems around. The game is pretty much what people were asking for the first time. You may not like it but the general consensus is that it is a good game and has been one of the top sellers on my gaming sites like greenmangaming since release was announced. Another thing that people forget is that this also a console release which will only make the numbers grow. MMO's that you can play on consoles are rare. I think the guy did an awesome job considering what 1.0 was like. I hope that Renkai is added later for more complexity. As far as beta goes this has been one of the best games I have tested in years and I don't have to spend 100 bucks in the cash shop to be competitive.
Current PC Build
Present: Current offerings are low quality or soloable
Past:AoC, DCUO, FFXI,FFXIV 1.0 and ARR,WoW,Fallen Earth, Tabula Rasa, TSW, SWTOR, Rift, Aion, WAR, Darkfall, STO, CoH/CoV, GW2, Diaspora, EQ2, DDO, and a bunch of forgettable ftp games
Rinse and Repeat
Everyone has their Perception as to what GOOD combat is to them. Some like Action, Some like Action w/some tabbing, some like Tab-targeting, some like turned based, etc etc. These mechanics do NOT make a game bad. is the Frame or foundation that does. The fun/enjoyable factor that appeals to that person will go for that type of game. I did not like teras combat, but some do, is tera's combat bad? just because I did not like it?