Originally posted by cyress8 I think you guys hit one of sharypals nerves pretty hard I feel nothing but anger in every post and we all know, denial breds anger.
Ahhh, the old "he's angry" post. I'm having a great time playing SWG. The only people that are angry are the same people who insist on coming on here and playing Nostradamus. I've never been happier. I love laughing at you losers.
Move on!
PS: Just FYI Cyress, I didn't start with the insults! My original post in this thread was polite and respectful. I just answered insults with insults.
Originally posted by Sharkypal Originally posted by cyress8 I think you guys hit one of sharypals nerves pretty hard I feel nothing but anger in every post and we all know, denial breds anger. Ahhh, the old "he's angry" post. I'm having a great time playing SWG. The only people that are angry are the same people who insist on coming on here and playing Nostradamus. I've never been happier. I love laughing at you losers. Move on! S PS: Just FYI Cyress, I didn't start with the insults! My original post in this thread was polite and respectful. I just answered insults with insults.
Yep, it definatly was polite. However, you could have just not insulted anyone back and stayed polite, people read more into what you say when being polite. Also, didnt you say you were going to play the game and check here in a couple months.
Originally posted by cyress8 I think you guys hit one of sharypals nerves pretty hard I feel nothing but anger in every post and we all know, denial breds anger.
Ahhh, the old "he's angry" post. I'm having a great time playing SWG. The only people that are angry are the same people who insist on coming on here and playing Nostradamus. I've never been happier. I love laughing at you losers. Move on! S PS: Just FYI Cyress, I didn't start with the insults! My original post in this thread was polite and respectful. I just answered insults with insults.
Yep, it definatly was polite. However, you could have just not insulted anyone back and stayed polite, people read more into what you say when being polite. Also, didnt you say you were going to play the game and check here in a couple months.
I give as good as I get mate. People here should learn manners. Im not going to sit back and be insulted. As much as I am playing and ALT-Tabbing between here and the game. If you don't like SWG, why are you here? Funny how you are still pointing the finger at me when you have already conceded the point that I did not start this!
It is sad, but true, this is how it ends. I can go drag up old post from AC2 and you'll see the exact things being said by players in denial about AC2 failing and going under. They literally made themselves believe that all was well and that the servers were swarming with all these new players and that the game was doing great.
OK...OK...don't believe me, then try this on for size.
"But see _____ theres no point in debating with you or the others, you guys are set in your thoughts and think this game is dead and gone and should go by the waste side, just cause its not tailerd ESACTLY to how u feel a game should be. To alot of others like myself we see a work in progress that has came along way and will contuinly grow and get better now. population has increadsed as of late and daily is increasing. Whether or not it gets to the point anohter server will open, nobody nows it may it may not. To me no biggie either way, as long as the server that are going stay full and at this point i see that happenig. But hey debate away, im not personally attacking or name calling anybody so yeah do or say what ya gotta bro. " - Apoc 7769 - AC2 boards 6/26/05
Turbine announced that they were shutting down AC2 for good on 8/25/05. Now remember the post you read it said that the populations on the servers had increased and that they continue to increase daily(lies of course) and read where the poster wrote that the game was a work in progress and continued to get better - more self denial about a game that was not improving in the areas that mattered and that was just as broke as it ever was since it had been launched. Like I said...I have seen the kind of statements being made by people like Skarkypal time and time again...it really is deja vu.
Originally posted by Teala It is sad, but true, this is how it ends. I can go drag up old post from AC2 and you'll see the exact things being said by players in denial about AC2 failing and going under. They literally made themselves believe that all was well and that the servers were swarming with all these new players and that the game was doing great. OK...OK...don't believe me, then try this on for size. "But see _____ theres no point in debating with you or the others, you guys are set in your thoughts and think this game is dead and gone and should go by the waste side, just cause its not tailerd ESACTLY to how u feel a game should be. To alot of others like myself we see a work in progress that has came along way and will contuinly grow and get better now. population has increadsed as of late and daily is increasing. Whether or not it gets to the point anohter server will open, nobody nows it may it may not. To me no biggie either way, as long as the server that are going stay full and at this point i see that happenig. But hey debate away, im not personally attacking or name calling anybody so yeah do or say what ya gotta bro. " - Apoc 7769 - AC2 boards 6/26/05 Turbine announced that they were shutting down AC2 for good on 8/25/05. Now remember the post you read it said that the populations on the servers had increased and that they continue to increase daily(lies of course) and read where the poster wrote that the game was a work in progress and continued to get better - more self denial about a game that was not improving in the areas that mattered and that was just as broke as it ever was since it had been launched. Like I said...I have seen the kind of statements being made by people like Skarkypal time and time again...it really is deja vu.
Thats all fine and good but the circumstances are nowhere near the same. You are making a very bad comparison. Like I said, SWG will make it through 2006. I won't make any predictions beyond that.
PS : No offense Teala, but I have seen your naysaying "the world is gonna end" BS before. So we'll just call it even on that score!
I know what I'm gonna say isn't going to be believed by most but I'll say it anyway. From what I've seen on Chilastra, the populations hasn't really dwindled by that much. What has changed are the names of the people there, I'm seeing alot of names I've never seen before along with some of the usuals.
Yesterday in Theed we had a close to 20 vs 20 PvP battle, and on the Imp side at least, we were adding some role-playing to it as well (re-grouping in one of the guild halls near the Palace, someone acting that they were recieving a Holo from Darth Vader, etc). Mustafar was pretty packed with people doing quests and even hanging out in the Cantina there chatting and watching/listening to entertainers. Mos Eisley is getting busier by the day, the amount of people there now far exceeds the /who list. But what do I know, I'm *only* actively playing the game and this is only one server (a server that has yet to have Recommended next to it on the server list may I add)
Yeah, maybe the same thing was said about AC2, but AC2 never had companies as big as SOE & LA and behind it.
Originally posted by Elnator WOW This ship is sinking faster than I thought it would.
They seem to just want to make all the wrong choices, I give up on them at this point honestly. I am not convinced about CS being gone in-game yet though.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Originally posted by Gravez You should post some screenshots of all the people you're seeing everywhere.
That would be kind of hard for him to do.... considering they are all imaginary people. Maybe even ghost?
Not sure what Sharky is smoking, but I sure as hell hope he's sharing.
First off, I am not going to waste my time trying to prove anything to you or anyone else.
Secondly, if you think there is no one else playing and I am making all this up, I invite you to join the Infinity server, start a new character and just hang around on Tatooine (Thats where I am questing at present).
Like I've said previously, you can HATE HATE HATE away. The game you knew is GONE! Get over it because it isn't coming back. SWG will not be dead in 2 months. No matter how much you wish it, no matter how much you hope it. It WILL NOT happen. So move the F**K on already.
I can't believe there aren't other games you people are interested in. Are you just going to swan around here endlessly whining about how ripped off you feel? Thats pretty sad if thats your plan for the future! Find something else to play and have some fun!
Originally posted by Sharkypal I hate to point this out, but if they are canning the game, why bother with the NGE? Why bother with ToOW? There is no point whatsoever. All you naysayers go on and on about how the game is dead but yet there is all kinds of maintenance going on etc. CSR support is not down because the game is dead. It's down because the game is in such a severe state of transformation and until they get the thing fully over to the NGE, I suspect there is not much the CSR's can do. The logic behind the imminent shutdown of SWG is very flawed. Riddle me this please! SOE had a happy (well as happy as they were going to be) player base of about 250K. That is well above the profit line in MMO terms. So what you naysayers are telling me is that they dumped that entire group and implemented massive changes so they could shut the game down? That isn't making a lot of sense to me. What makes perfect sense to me is that they are moving the game away from slow, boring and only rewarding for those who spend their lives playing. They are opening the game up to the mass market. A group that SWG was basically inaccessible to up until now. How you people think that this will fail and kill the game I really don't understand? You may not like it and I can totally relate to that. It is by no means perfect. It is however mass market "friendly" and also carries the SW name. SOE has received bad press and many cancellations but if you think for a second this was not anticipated, expose another vein! They knew the reaction to the CU was bad and could ONLY have drawn the conclusion that the reaction to the NGE would be worse. All those who go on and on about the imminent SWG2, drink some more! It may materialize but since it is more than likely no more than a paper project at present you can expect to wait AT LEAST 2 years and very probably more. I know some of you would like nothing more to see SWG tank because you feel betrayed and ripped off. I sympathize! It isnt going to happen! All the conclusions you are drawing are wrong. It is definitely going through a hard time, a time of drastic change, but the actions of SOE do not indicate a shutdown. Will there be server consolidation? Possibly. Will there be job cuts at SOE? Maybe! Will the game be dead in 2006? No, not a chance. Nothing points to that at all. As far as Torres avoiding that interview, I understand that perfectly. This is not the right time for him to take an interview. SOE know they will get creamed now. They will wait until the NGE dust has settled. All the whiners and moaners will no longer be able to post on the SWG forums when their subs run out. They will move on when they realise there collective whining will accomplish nothing. I know, I used to be one of the whiners. Just use some deductive reasoning and you will come to the right conclusions. Did they screw the vets? Oh hell yes they did! That, most of you got right. The reasons they did it are what you all have wrong! It wasn't to close the game down. It was to generate more interest. And that it will do! S
For the same reason they released an expansion without telling anyone they were going to revamp the game a week afterwards. For the same reason that in such expansion they advertise smuggling, CH-Enhancements and then remove them.
SOE knows what you like... You don't! And don't forget... I am forcing you to read this!
Originally posted by Sharkypal I hate to point this out, but if they are canning the game, why bother with the NGE? Why bother with ToOW? There is no point whatsoever. All you naysayers go on and on about how the game is dead but yet there is all kinds of maintenance going on etc. CSR support is not down because the game is dead. It's down because the game is in such a severe state of transformation and until they get the thing fully over to the NGE, I suspect there is not much the CSR's can do. The logic behind the imminent shutdown of SWG is very flawed. Riddle me this please! SOE had a happy (well as happy as they were going to be) player base of about 250K. That is well above the profit line in MMO terms. So what you naysayers are telling me is that they dumped that entire group and implemented massive changes so they could shut the game down? That isn't making a lot of sense to me. What makes perfect sense to me is that they are moving the game away from slow, boring and only rewarding for those who spend their lives playing. They are opening the game up to the mass market. A group that SWG was basically inaccessible to up until now. How you people think that this will fail and kill the game I really don't understand? You may not like it and I can totally relate to that. It is by no means perfect. It is however mass market "friendly" and also carries the SW name. SOE has received bad press and many cancellations but if you think for a second this was not anticipated, expose another vein! They knew the reaction to the CU was bad and could ONLY have drawn the conclusion that the reaction to the NGE would be worse. All those who go on and on about the imminent SWG2, drink some more! It may materialize but since it is more than likely no more than a paper project at present you can expect to wait AT LEAST 2 years and very probably more. I know some of you would like nothing more to see SWG tank because you feel betrayed and ripped off. I sympathize! It isnt going to happen! All the conclusions you are drawing are wrong. It is definitely going through a hard time, a time of drastic change, but the actions of SOE do not indicate a shutdown. Will there be server consolidation? Possibly. Will there be job cuts at SOE? Maybe! Will the game be dead in 2006? No, not a chance. Nothing points to that at all. As far as Torres avoiding that interview, I understand that perfectly. This is not the right time for him to take an interview. SOE know they will get creamed now. They will wait until the NGE dust has settled. All the whiners and moaners will no longer be able to post on the SWG forums when their subs run out. They will move on when they realise there collective whining will accomplish nothing. I know, I used to be one of the whiners. Just use some deductive reasoning and you will come to the right conclusions. Did they screw the vets? Oh hell yes they did! That, most of you got right. The reasons they did it are what you all have wrong! It wasn't to close the game down. It was to generate more interest. And that it will do! S
For the same reason they released an expansion without telling anyone they were going to revamp the game a week afterwards. For the same reason that in such expansion they advertise smuggling, CH-Enhancements and then remove them.
Sharky seems to be avoiding the pbvious to fit his own views. Why doesn't he comment on the server loads screen? Has he even seen it? The fact that there are 10 or 20 people in Theed at one time does not constitute a "busy server" when before the CU you could have 50 people in just one cantina!
SOE knows what you like... You don't! And don't forget... I am forcing you to read this!
Originally posted by Obraik I know what I'm gonna say isn't going to be believed by most but I'll say it anyway. From what I've seen on Chilastra, the populations hasn't really dwindled by that much. What has changed are the names of the people there, I'm seeing alot of names I've never seen before along with some of the usuals. Yesterday in Theed we had a close to 20 vs 20 PvP battle, and on the Imp side at least, we were adding some role-playing to it as well (re-grouping in one of the guild halls near the Palace, someone acting that they were recieving a Holo from Darth Vader, etc). Mustafar was pretty packed with people doing quests and even hanging out in the Cantina there chatting and watching/listening to entertainers. Mos Eisley is getting busier by the day, the amount of people there now far exceeds the /who list. But what do I know, I'm *only* actively playing the game and this is only one server (a server that has yet to have Recommended next to it on the server list may I add) Yeah, maybe the same thing was said about AC2, but AC2 never had companies as big as SOE & LA and behind it.
Obra: There may be new names And the newbie areas may seem crowded because that's all there are is newbies.
But the server loads don't lie. Where once there were 5-10 medium, 6 or so heavy and 2 extremely heavy servers they are all very light, light and only a couple at medium.
That's over a 50% drop in playerbase. Whether you wish to believe it or not the game has lost MASSIVE ammounts of players. It's FAR worse than the CU. It's FAR worse than the XP NERF. They've lost, by my best estimate, probably HALF, if not more, of the user base.
That is a bad thing. Now, I am not ready to say SWG is dead. But it is surely not a good sign. Now, I posted in another thread what I think the corporate decision was and why they did things the way they did.
If they can keep enough hanger's on through december and their box shelves in December are high enough the Christmas present rush may save the game. I don't think it's likely but it's certainly possible.
IF those two factors occur then a 3rd damn well better or SOE and LA are screwed: They need to get the CL30+ content in before the christmas kids hit CL30.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online. Sig image Pending Still in: A couple Betas
Originally posted by Shayde A friend got this response from a CSR ticket... ----------------------------------------------- Thank you for contacting Galaxies In-Game Support. There will be no CSR's available for in-game support until further notice, thank you for your patience in this matter. If you have a pressing issue please post in the Tech Support section of the official forums. ------------------------------------------------- That, and the /petition command no longer works. Wonder what that means. I personally think it is a bad sign, but you know me.
Also.. on an unrelated yet related note. They just un-lifebanned the most notorious scammer and credit duper on our server. Guess they'll take anyone's money now.
When did this happen? I have submitted at least 2 tickets since the NGE and I was responded to within 24 hours each time, and by 2 different CSRs. This was about 2 weeks ago, I think.
"For one who seeks what he cannot obtain suffers torture; one who has what is not desirable is cheated; and one who does not seek what is worth seeking is diseased." - Augustine of Hippo
Originally posted by Blkcat Originally posted by Wepps You don't need in-game support in a console game.
Also dont need in-game support when there is next to no one in-game.
Come on.. who wouldn't play a game where the CSR to Player ratio was 2:1?
Shayde - SWG (dead) Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me. I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too. 09f911029d74e35bd84156c5635688c0
Originally posted by Sharkypal I hate to point this out, but if they are canning the game, why bother with the NGE? Why bother with ToOW? There is no point whatsoever. All you naysayers go on and on about how the game is dead but yet there is all kinds of maintenance going on etc. CSR support is not down because the game is dead. It's down because the game is in such a severe state of transformation and until they get the thing fully over to the NGE, I suspect there is not much the CSR's can do. The logic behind the imminent shutdown of SWG is very flawed. Riddle me this please! SOE had a happy (well as happy as they were going to be) player base of about 250K. That is well above the profit line in MMO terms. So what you naysayers are telling me is that they dumped that entire group and implemented massive changes so they could shut the game down? That isn't making a lot of sense to me. What makes perfect sense to me is that they are moving the game away from slow, boring and only rewarding for those who spend their lives playing. They are opening the game up to the mass market. A group that SWG was basically inaccessible to up until now. How you people think that this will fail and kill the game I really don't understand? You may not like it and I can totally relate to that. It is by no means perfect. It is however mass market "friendly" and also carries the SW name. SOE has received bad press and many cancellations but if you think for a second this was not anticipated, expose another vein! They knew the reaction to the CU was bad and could ONLY have drawn the conclusion that the reaction to the NGE would be worse. All those who go on and on about the imminent SWG2, drink some more! It may materialize but since it is more than likely no more than a paper project at present you can expect to wait AT LEAST 2 years and very probably more. I know some of you would like nothing more to see SWG tank because you feel betrayed and ripped off. I sympathize! It isnt going to happen! All the conclusions you are drawing are wrong. It is definitely going through a hard time, a time of drastic change, but the actions of SOE do not indicate a shutdown. Will there be server consolidation? Possibly. Will there be job cuts at SOE? Maybe! Will the game be dead in 2006? No, not a chance. Nothing points to that at all. As far as Torres avoiding that interview, I understand that perfectly. This is not the right time for him to take an interview. SOE know they will get creamed now. They will wait until the NGE dust has settled. All the whiners and moaners will no longer be able to post on the SWG forums when their subs run out. They will move on when they realise there collective whining will accomplish nothing. I know, I used to be one of the whiners. Just use some deductive reasoning and you will come to the right conclusions. Did they screw the vets? Oh hell yes they did! That, most of you got right. The reasons they did it are what you all have wrong! It wasn't to close the game down. It was to generate more interest. And that it will do! S
For the same reason they released an expansion without telling anyone they were going to revamp the game a week afterwards. For the same reason that in such expansion they advertise smuggling, CH-Enhancements and then remove them.
Sharky seems to be avoiding the pbvious to fit his own views. Why doesn't he comment on the server loads screen? Has he even seen it? The fact that there are 10 or 20 people in Theed at one time does not constitute a "busy server" when before the CU you could have 50 people in just one cantina!
Yes and you seem to be oblivious to the fact that people are playing and enjoying SWG. All this despite the fact that you and others here are not! I have an idea! GO AWAY and play something else. Nothing you say or do will change the facts.
You have little or no business sense Dunc! SOE care about $$$! They DON'T care about you. SOE go where the cash is. The cash is not in a niche game that requires about 6 - 20 months to become a Jedi. The changes will prove successful to some degree. The game will not die and you can moan, whine and naysay till hell freezes over. The old, boring and elitest SWG is gone (Thank the maker). The new SWG may need some work, but I have never had so much fun.
Originally posted by Sharkypal Yes and you seem to be oblivious to the fact that people are playing and enjoying SWG. All this despite the fact that you and others here are not! I have an idea! GO AWAY and play something else. Nothing you say or do will change the facts. You have little or no business sense Dunc! They care about $$$! They DON'T care about you. They go where the cash is. The cash is not in a niche game that requires about 6 -20 months to become a Jedi. The changes will prove successful to some degree, the game will not die and you can moan, whine and naysay till he'll freezes over. The old, boring and elitest SWG is gone (Thank the maker). The new SWG may need some work, but I have never had so much fun. S PS : GET OVER IT and YOURSELVES!
2.5 - 3 professions in 3 weeks is elitist???
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Originally posted by Sharkypal Yes and you seem to be oblivious to the fact that people are playing and enjoying SWG. All this despite the fact that you and others here are not! I have an idea! GO AWAY and play something else. Nothing you say or do will change the facts. You have little or no business sense Dunc! They care about $$$! They DON'T care about you. They go where the cash is. The cash is not in a niche game that requires about 6 -20 months to become a Jedi. The changes will prove successful to some degree, the game will not die and you can moan, whine and naysay till he'll freezes over. The old, boring and elitest SWG is gone (Thank the maker). The new SWG may need some work, but I have never had so much fun. S PS : GET OVER IT and YOURSELVES!
2.5 - 3 professions in 3 weeks is elitist???
I specified a profession. THE profession that interests the majority of people who are interested in SWG and the profession which most interests potential customers of the NGE. Lets stick to what I say and not the words you try to put in my mouth.
Sharky seems to be avoiding the pbvious to fit his own views. Why doesn't he comment on the server loads screen? Has he even seen it? The fact that there are 10 or 20 people in Theed at one time does not constitute a "busy server" when before the CU you could have 50 people in just one cantina!
Yes and you seem to be oblivious to the fact that people are playing and enjoying SWG. All this despite the fact that you and others here are not! I have an idea! GO AWAY and play something else. Nothing you say or do will change the facts.
You have little or no business sense Dunc! SOE care about $$$! They DON'T care about you. SOE go where the cash is. The cash is not in a niche game that requires about 6 - 20 months to become a Jedi. The changes will prove successful to some degree. The game will not die and you can moan, whine and naysay till hell freezes over. The old, boring and elitest SWG is gone (Thank the maker). The new SWG may need some work, but I have never had so much fun.
I got another idea... Since I don't play that crap anymore and you do, why don't you go away! Go play the game so much instead of hangin' around here countering every post. I seem to recall you said you were going to do that a few pages ago.
SOE knows what you like... You don't! And don't forget... I am forcing you to read this!
Originally posted by Sharkypal I hate to point this out, but if they are canning the game, why bother with the NGE? Why bother with ToOW? There is no point whatsoever. All you naysayers go on and on about how the game is dead but yet there is all kinds of maintenance going on etc. CSR support is not down because the game is dead. It's down because the game is in such a severe state of transformation and until they get the thing fully over to the NGE, I suspect there is not much the CSR's can do. The logic behind the imminent shutdown of SWG is very flawed. Riddle me this please! SOE had a happy (well as happy as they were going to be) player base of about 250K. That is well above the profit line in MMO terms. So what you naysayers are telling me is that they dumped that entire group and implemented massive changes so they could shut the game down? That isn't making a lot of sense to me. What makes perfect sense to me is that they are moving the game away from slow, boring and only rewarding for those who spend their lives playing. They are opening the game up to the mass market. A group that SWG was basically inaccessible to up until now. How you people think that this will fail and kill the game I really don't understand? You may not like it and I can totally relate to that. It is by no means perfect. It is however mass market "friendly" and also carries the SW name. SOE has received bad press and many cancellations but if you think for a second this was not anticipated, expose another vein! They knew the reaction to the CU was bad and could ONLY have drawn the conclusion that the reaction to the NGE would be worse. All those who go on and on about the imminent SWG2, drink some more! It may materialize but since it is more than likely no more than a paper project at present you can expect to wait AT LEAST 2 years and very probably more. I know some of you would like nothing more to see SWG tank because you feel betrayed and ripped off. I sympathize! It isnt going to happen! All the conclusions you are drawing are wrong. It is definitely going through a hard time, a time of drastic change, but the actions of SOE do not indicate a shutdown. Will there be server consolidation? Possibly. Will there be job cuts at SOE? Maybe! Will the game be dead in 2006? No, not a chance. Nothing points to that at all. As far as Torres avoiding that interview, I understand that perfectly. This is not the right time for him to take an interview. SOE know they will get creamed now. They will wait until the NGE dust has settled. All the whiners and moaners will no longer be able to post on the SWG forums when their subs run out. They will move on when they realise there collective whining will accomplish nothing. I know, I used to be one of the whiners. Just use some deductive reasoning and you will come to the right conclusions. Did they screw the vets? Oh hell yes they did! That, most of you got right. The reasons they did it are what you all have wrong! It wasn't to close the game down. It was to generate more interest. And that it will do! S
dude you're an idiot...obviously you have never played the NGE it's a ridiculous farce, the movement, camera views, UI are so pathetic it's actually funny to see ( as long as you played pre-cu so you know how good the UI was to compare it with ).
Originally posted by Sharkypal Originally posted by FadeusOriginally posted by SharkypalYes and you seem to be oblivious to the fact that people are playing and enjoying SWG. All this despite the fact that you and others here are not! I have an idea! GO AWAY and play something else. Nothing you say or do will change the facts. You have little or no business sense Dunc! They care about $$$! They DON'T care about you. They go where the cash is. The cash is not in a niche game that requires about 6 -20 months to become a Jedi. The changes will prove successful to some degree, the game will not die and you can moan, whine and naysay till he'll freezes over. The old, boring and elitest SWG is gone (Thank the maker). The new SWG may need some work, but I have never had so much fun.SPS : GET OVER IT and YOURSELVES! 2.5 - 3 professions in 3 weeks is elitist?? I specified a profession. THE profession that interests the majority of people who are interested in SWG and the profession which most interests potential customers of the NGE. Lets stick to what I say and not the words you try to put in my mouth. Cheers S
AH! You wanted a glow stick but didn't wanna invest time into it. NOW I get it.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
I give as good as I get mate. People here should learn manners. Im not going to sit back and be insulted. As much as I am playing and ALT-Tabbing between here and the game. If you don't like SWG, why are you here? Funny how you are still pointing the finger at me when you have already conceded the point that I did not start this!
It is sad, but true, this is how it ends. I can go drag up old post from AC2 and you'll see the exact things being said by players in denial about AC2 failing and going under. They literally made themselves believe that all was well and that the servers were swarming with all these new players and that the game was doing great.
OK...OK...don't believe me, then try this on for size.
"But see _____ theres no point in debating with you or the others, you guys are set in your thoughts and think this game is dead and gone and should go by the waste side, just cause its not tailerd ESACTLY to how u feel a game should be. To alot of others like myself we see a work in progress that has came along way and will contuinly grow and get better now. population has increadsed as of late and daily is increasing. Whether or not it gets to the point anohter server will open, nobody nows it may it may not. To me no biggie either way, as long as the server that are going stay full and at this point i see that happenig. But hey debate away, im not personally attacking or name calling anybody so yeah do or say what ya gotta bro. " - Apoc 7769 - AC2 boards 6/26/05
Turbine announced that they were shutting down AC2 for good on 8/25/05. Now remember the post you read it said that the populations on the servers had increased and that they continue to increase daily(lies of course) and read where the poster wrote that the game was a work in progress and continued to get better - more self denial about a game that was not improving in the areas that mattered and that was just as broke as it ever was since it had been launched. Like I said...I have seen the kind of statements being made by people like Skarkypal time and time again...it really is deja vu.
I know what I'm gonna say isn't going to be believed by most but I'll say it anyway. From what I've seen on Chilastra, the populations hasn't really dwindled by that much. What has changed are the names of the people there, I'm seeing alot of names I've never seen before along with some of the usuals.
Yesterday in Theed we had a close to 20 vs 20 PvP battle, and on the Imp side at least, we were adding some role-playing to it as well (re-grouping in one of the guild halls near the Palace, someone acting that they were recieving a Holo from Darth Vader, etc). Mustafar was pretty packed with people doing quests and even hanging out in the Cantina there chatting and watching/listening to entertainers. Mos Eisley is getting busier by the day, the amount of people there now far exceeds the /who list. But what do I know, I'm *only* actively playing the game and this is only one server (a server that has yet to have Recommended next to it on the server list may I add)
Yeah, maybe the same thing was said about AC2, but AC2 never had companies as big as SOE & LA and behind it.
Oh, and here's proof that CSR's are still working in game:
That would be kind of hard for him to do.... considering they are all imaginary people. Maybe even ghost?
Not sure what Sharky is smoking, but I sure as hell hope he's sharing.
In War - Victory.
In Peace - Vigilance.
In Death - Sacrifice.
They seem to just want to make all the wrong choices, I give up on them at this point honestly. I am not convinced about CS being gone in-game yet though.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
That would be kind of hard for him to do.... considering they are all imaginary people. Maybe even ghost?
Not sure what Sharky is smoking, but I sure as hell hope he's sharing.
First off, I am not going to waste my time trying to prove anything to you or anyone else.
Secondly, if you think there is no one else playing and I am making all this up, I invite you to join the Infinity server, start a new character and just hang around on Tatooine (Thats where I am questing at present).
Like I've said previously, you can HATE HATE HATE away. The game you knew is GONE! Get over it because it isn't coming back. SWG will not be dead in 2 months. No matter how much you wish it, no matter how much you hope it. It WILL NOT happen. So move the F**K on already.
I can't believe there aren't other games you people are interested in. Are you just going to swan around here endlessly whining about how ripped off you feel? Thats pretty sad if thats your plan for the future! Find something else to play and have some fun!
SOE knows what you like... You don't!
And don't forget... I am forcing you to read this!
Sharky seems to be avoiding the pbvious to fit his own views. Why doesn't he comment on the server loads screen? Has he even seen it? The fact that there are 10 or 20 people in Theed at one time does not constitute a "busy server" when before the CU you could have 50 people in just one cantina!
SOE knows what you like... You don't!
And don't forget... I am forcing you to read this!
There may be new names
And the newbie areas may seem crowded because that's all there are is newbies.
But the server loads don't lie. Where once there were 5-10 medium, 6 or so heavy and 2 extremely heavy servers they are all very light, light and only a couple at medium.
That's over a 50% drop in playerbase. Whether you wish to believe it or not the game has lost MASSIVE ammounts of players. It's FAR worse than the CU. It's FAR worse than the XP NERF. They've lost, by my best estimate, probably HALF, if not more, of the user base.
That is a bad thing. Now, I am not ready to say SWG is dead. But it is surely not a good sign. Now, I posted in another thread what I think the corporate decision was and why they did things the way they did.
If they can keep enough hanger's on through december and their box shelves in December are high enough the Christmas present rush may save the game. I don't think it's likely but it's certainly possible.
IF those two factors occur then a 3rd damn well better or SOE and LA are screwed:
They need to get the CL30+ content in before the christmas kids hit CL30.
Currently Playing: Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Sig image Pending
Still in: A couple Betas
Playerbase Solutions
You don't need in-game support in a console game.
"For one who seeks what he cannot obtain suffers torture; one who has what is not desirable is cheated; and one who does not seek what is worth seeking is diseased." - Augustine of Hippo
Also dont need in-game support when there is next to no one in-game.
Also dont need in-game support when there is next to no one in-game.
Come on.. who wouldn't play a game where the CSR to Player ratio was 2:1?
Shayde - SWG (dead)
Proud member of the Cabal.
It sounds great, so great in fact, I pitty those who canceled - Some deluded SWG fanboi who pities me.
I don't like it when you say things. - A Vanguard fan who does too.
"Your fleet is lost, and your friends on the forest moon will not survive."
That bout sums it all up
Sharky seems to be avoiding the pbvious to fit his own views. Why doesn't he comment on the server loads screen? Has he even seen it? The fact that there are 10 or 20 people in Theed at one time does not constitute a "busy server" when before the CU you could have 50 people in just one cantina!
Yes and you seem to be oblivious to the fact that people are playing and enjoying SWG. All this despite the fact that you and others here are not! I have an idea! GO AWAY and play something else. Nothing you say or do will change the facts.
You have little or no business sense Dunc! SOE care about $$$! They DON'T care about you. SOE go where the cash is. The cash is not in a niche game that requires about 6 - 20 months to become a Jedi. The changes will prove successful to some degree. The game will not die and you can moan, whine and naysay till hell freezes over. The old, boring and elitest SWG is gone (Thank the maker). The new SWG may need some work, but I have never had so much fun.
2.5 - 3 professions in 3 weeks is elitist???
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
2.5 - 3 professions in 3 weeks is elitist???
I specified a profession. THE profession that interests the majority of people who are interested in SWG and the profession which most interests potential customers of the NGE. Lets stick to what I say and not the words you try to put in my mouth.
Sharky seems to be avoiding the pbvious to fit his own views. Why doesn't he comment on the server loads screen? Has he even seen it? The fact that there are 10 or 20 people in Theed at one time does not constitute a "busy server" when before the CU you could have 50 people in just one cantina!
Yes and you seem to be oblivious to the fact that people are playing and enjoying SWG. All this despite the fact that you and others here are not! I have an idea! GO AWAY and play something else. Nothing you say or do will change the facts.
You have little or no business sense Dunc! SOE care about $$$! They DON'T care about you. SOE go where the cash is. The cash is not in a niche game that requires about 6 - 20 months to become a Jedi. The changes will prove successful to some degree. The game will not die and you can moan, whine and naysay till hell freezes over. The old, boring and elitest SWG is gone (Thank the maker). The new SWG may need some work, but I have never had so much fun.
I got another idea... Since I don't play that crap anymore and you do, why don't you go away! Go play the game so much instead of hangin' around here countering every post. I seem to recall you said you were going to do that a few pages ago.
SOE knows what you like... You don't!
And don't forget... I am forcing you to read this!
AH! You wanted a glow stick but didn't wanna invest time into it. NOW I get it.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
I have played, pre NGE, pre CU, and pre launch. I am having plenty of fun in NGE SWG.
It is a shame how people that say they don't even play the game anymore come down on anyone saying they actually like the game and are still playing.
Playerbase Solutions