Originally posted by Krimzin I noticed that there isn't the same gap between FFXIV and EQN now, that there was a couple weeks ago. FFXIV is going up and EQN is going down. I for one changed my hype from 10 to 4 after seeing the reveal.
Iv changed my hype from 10 -1. If i could have went lower i would have.
5. World regenerates ( make a tunnel and then it closes up magically blah lame )
6. Only 4 skills and 4 weapon skills . Dumbed down for console .
7. Red circles on ground , EQ1 didn't have red circles .. more dumbing down for dummies.
8. Damage to environment looks stupidly unrealistic ( see whirl wind or when boss dies )
9. Trees break like glass
10. No levels , no AA system , what is the point of game exactly without any form of true character development ?
5. Earthquake tunnel caves in a little slowly closes up any unmaintained tunnels over time.
8/9. Alpha build so would be very simplistic atm so could change both these.
10. There no lvls but u still need 2 unlock tiers of ur class along with all the other classes higher the tiers the more skill u get unclocked and armor u have axcess to or somthing along those line. Seems like different classes need 2 do different thing to lvl up tiers. So this is ur character development is lvling through the tiers.
I think once people get thier hands on this game a lot will change. First, the graphics are cartoony, but in a pixar style. We all know how attached people become to thos expressive and viscerally beautiful features. Second, the ability to modify landscape and build anything you want in the open world wont really hit home until we all inhabit the virtual world where its actually happening. Third, no one has experienced nced the combat and class system yet. With the AI tech they say they have , combat might be truly new and exciting. Fourth, no one has seem the crafting. I think this will be a very important factor. If they get craf ting ang player economy right, it will bring in a class of player that forms a base for the game. In the beginning of uo, crafters were really the most I.portant toons in the game. Maybe im just drunk posting though.
50% of the hype dropped when they showed the Kerran
50% of the hype dropped when they announced the combat would be like GW2 instead of EQ Trinity
Most players from EQ and EQ2 have already dropped this off their radar after those announcements. I assume people who love playing tanks or healers have dropped out too by now. And people who hated GW2.
The WOW-style shoulder pad armor and Tony the Tiger Kerran was a turn-off to many. It's like using Jar-Jar in your promos for your new Star Wars movie.
Unless you plan to have your Kerran's battle cry be "I feel Grrrrr-eeat!"
Originally posted by Krimzin I noticed that there isn't the same gap between FFXIV and EQN now, that there was a couple weeks ago. FFXIV is going up and EQN is going down. I for one changed my hype from 10 to 4 after seeing the reveal.
The hype before was hypothetical.
No game will ever have the hype that EQN had before the reveal, its just not that possible to please everyone, especially EQ players who want another hard game in this instant gratification society.
I changed mine from a 10 to an 8 I believe, only because the combat and class buffoonery. EQ Next still has more innovative features than every other MMO coming out in the next 2 years combined.
I think GW2 had higher hype or Camelot Unchained had higher hype.... don't be ignorant thinking that no game will ever have higher hype. "Titan" I GUARANTEE will blow EQN hype out the water.
Anyways this is typical. People speculate, get their hopes up, get all excited and get their keyboard sticky, and then the great reveal or actual testing is allowed and stuff roils downhill. Take Neverwitner, D&Ders talked Neverwinter up greatly and then a poll was done on the official forums and it was a close 50/50 saying Neverwinter isn't D&D.
EQN was kind of off my radar until the reveal, now it is my most anticipated MMO of all time.
The graphics are definately a selling feature. Cartoonish style graphics are slower to age and people with seasonal affective disorder of any level can handle these type of colorful graphics far better then washed out and dry graphics of "realistic" graphic games like sky rim. So I really am quite the opposite on this, and I think most people are opposite as well or just dont care, given the number of players WoW held for so long.
I really like most of the features announced at the reveal, and the ones I am skeptical of, I am willing wait and hear more. Hopefully they dont keep people waiting too long because they are going some pretty radical routes on the character systems in the game (no levels? ew to horizontal progression).
However the features I liked were everything else, and boy did they not dissapoint. The destructible world, the lasting effects your actions have, the reputation with everything in the world, the emergeant ai, yeah... that right there is enough to move the genre forward, people may not accept a new MMO without that stuff once EQN introduces people to it.
I just worry that its not coming until 2015 or 2016.
Originally posted by Margulis I'm still curious to see how it will turn out but the reveal definitely put the brakes on my excitement to a large degree.
So stoked about this game. I am not a fan of cartoony graphis but this is far FAR from WoW type graphics. Although cartoony, its extremely detailed, comparing this to WoW would be like comparing ed, edd, and eddy to Pixar
Originally posted by Krimzin I noticed that there isn't the same gap between FFXIV and EQN now, that there was a couple weeks ago. FFXIV is going up and EQN is going down. I for one changed my hype from 10 to 4 after seeing the reveal.
The hype before was hypothetical.
No game will ever have the hype that EQN had before the reveal, its just not that possible to please everyone, especially EQ players who want another hard game in this instant gratification society.
I changed mine from a 10 to an 8 I believe, only because the combat and class buffoonery. EQ Next still has more innovative features than every other MMO coming out in the next 2 years combined.
Not to detract from your statement.....but in reality we still don't know how hard the game is - it's just a guess that it will be easy; for all we know it could be D3 on Inferno )
We don't know death penalties yet - we don't know how difficult it will be to obtain all the classes/skills - heck, they did say the game is tracking all of our actions - maybe we are responsible for how hard or difficult it is .
Really - just being devil's advocate - I'm putting my money on casual. But there are still a lot of details to be revealed which will determine the game's ultimate difficulty.
In part, this is what confuses me about some of the hardliners asking for EQAgain instead of EQNext - all they know is that the graphics and combat system are different than they imagined - there is sooooo much more to come before drawing any conclusions.
the reveal killed the very modest expectations I had for EQN.
Heres a gaming using middleware as the groundbreaking features, that placed so much emphasis on nonfactor gimmick features like SOEmote that the graphic style was specifically crafted to accommodate it much to the determent of the fanbases' reaction.
Voxel-based destructibility is a novelty and for a game that centered its' off-putting class system on AI, which wasn't demonstrable at the reveal, coupled with a combat-style from a game which did poorly as a result. Sandbox means freedom, not literally being able to dig up sand.
So, after outsourcing the content to the playerbase, and utilizing middleware for the meat of the game, all they had left was the Everquest IP, world, and lore, which they summarily eviscerated for the sake of simplification of content and market-research i.e. 1 starting zone, 1 elf race, smart ogres.
the reveal killed the very modest expectations I had for EQN.
Heres a gaming using middleware as the groundbreaking features, that placed so much emphasis on nonfactor gimmick features like SOEmote that the graphic style was specifically crafted to accommodate it much to the determent of the fanbases' reaction.
Voxel-based destructibility is a novelty and for a game that centered its' off-putting class system on AI, which wasn't demonstrable at the reveal, coupled with a combat-style from a game which did poorly as a result. Sandbox means freedom, not literally being able to dig up sand.
So, after outsourcing the content to the playerbase, and utilizing middleware for the meat of the game, all they had left was the Everquest IP, world, and lore, which they summarily eviscerated for the sake of simplification of content and market-research i.e. 1 starting zone, 1 elf race, smart ogres.
the reveal killed the very modest expectations I had for EQN.
Heres a gaming using middleware as the groundbreaking features, that placed so much emphasis on nonfactor gimmick features like SOEmote that the graphic style was specifically crafted to accommodate it much to the determent of the fanbases' reaction.
Voxel-based destructibility is a novelty and for a game that centered its' off-putting class system on AI, which wasn't demonstrable at the reveal, coupled with a combat-style from a game which did poorly as a result. Sandbox means freedom, not literally being able to dig up sand.
So, after outsourcing the content to the playerbase, and utilizing middleware for the meat of the game, all they had left was the Everquest IP, world, and lore, which they summarily eviscerated for the sake of simplification of content and market-research i.e. 1 starting zone, 1 elf race, smart ogres.
Originally posted by Krimzin I noticed that there isn't the same gap between FFXIV and EQN now, that there was a couple weeks ago. FFXIV is going up and EQN is going down. I for one changed my hype from 10 to 4 after seeing the reveal.
Or it could be that EQN's reveal is done, and its clear its no where near even Beta testing...
and FFXIV is coming out in what..two and a half weeks ?
Such a troll..
Not to mention the "hype" level for games is a bunch of crap anyway on this site, but that said..EQN still has 8.6..so..not sure what you're talking about. (not like it was ever at a 9 or anything )
the reveal killed the very modest expectations I had for EQN.
Heres a gaming using middleware as the groundbreaking features, that placed so much emphasis on nonfactor gimmick features like SOEmote that the graphic style was specifically crafted to accommodate it much to the determent of the fanbases' reaction.
Voxel-based destructibility is a novelty and for a game that centered its' off-putting class system on AI, which wasn't demonstrable at the reveal, coupled with a combat-style from a game which did poorly as a result. Sandbox means freedom, not literally being able to dig up sand.
So, after outsourcing the content to the playerbase, and utilizing middleware for the meat of the game, all they had left was the Everquest IP, world, and lore, which they summarily eviscerated for the sake of simplification of content and market-research i.e. 1 starting zone, 1 elf race, smart ogres.
I love that you have so much more knowledge about a game not even in Alpha than everyone else +1 for creativity
Originally posted by Krimzin I noticed that there isn't the same gap between FFXIV and EQN now, that there was a couple weeks ago. FFXIV is going up and EQN is going down. I for one changed my hype from 10 to 4 after seeing the reveal.
The hype before was hypothetical.
No game will ever have the hype that EQN had before the reveal, its just not that possible to please everyone, especially EQ players who want another hard game in this instant gratification society.
I changed mine from a 10 to an 8 I believe, only because the combat and class buffoonery. EQ Next still has more innovative features than every other MMO coming out in the next 2 years combined.
Not to detract from your statement.....but in reality we still don't know how hard the game is - it's just a guess that it will be easy; for all we know it could be D3 on Inferno )
We don't know death penalties yet - we don't know how difficult it will be to obtain all the classes/skills - heck, they did say the game is tracking all of our actions - maybe we are responsible for how hard or difficult it is .
Really - just being devil's advocate - I'm putting my money on casual. But there are still a lot of details to be revealed which will determine the game's ultimate difficulty.
In part, this is what confuses me about some of the hardliners asking for EQAgain instead of EQNext - all they know is that the graphics and combat system are different than they imagined - there is sooooo much more to come before drawing any conclusions.
I anticipate the game will be somewhat frustrating. There will be some need to encourage Cash Shop use.
I love how some people automatically condemn a game that is far from finished, and they have yet to try. There are things I do like about Eqnext, and things I don't like, same with all games. I think the "cartoony" graphics are a bonus. I really don't see why so many people will hate on those type of graphics like that is what makes or breaks a game. As long as the graphics aren't a total eyesore, gameplay is my primary concern. I will reserve judgement for when I can actually try the game.
Originally posted by magickal32 I love how some people automatically condemn a game that is far from finished, and they have yet to try. There are things I do like about Eqnext, and things I don't like, same with all games. I think the "cartoony" graphics are a bonus. I really don't see why so many people will hate on those type of graphics like that is what makes or breaks a game. As long as the graphics aren't a total eyesore, gameplay is my primary concern. I will reserve judgement for when I can actually try the game.
This is kind of the point..no one has any idea how the game actually plays. It's all rampant speculation, and SOE needs to jump on it. They're aware of the comparisons to GW2 combat and have tried to stress while there are similarities it's not the same. That's kind of what its being condemned for most of all.
I changed my hype from 10 to 5 .
Reason is simple .
1. It's another cartoon .
2. No trinity
3. Class system is horrible
4. Not a real sandbox game
5. World regenerates ( make a tunnel and then it closes up magically blah lame )
6. Only 4 skills and 4 weapon skills . Dumbed down for console .
7. Red circles on ground , EQ1 didn't have red circles .. more dumbing down for dummies.
8. Damage to environment looks stupidly unrealistic ( see whirl wind or when boss dies )
9. Trees break like glass
10. No levels , no AA system , what is the point of game exactly without any form of true character development ?
Iv changed my hype from 10 -1. If i could have went lower i would have.
5. Earthquake tunnel caves in a little slowly closes up any unmaintained tunnels over time.
8/9. Alpha build so would be very simplistic atm so could change both these.
10. There no lvls but u still need 2 unlock tiers of ur class along with all the other classes higher the tiers the more skill u get unclocked and armor u have axcess to or somthing along those line. Seems like different classes need 2 do different thing to lvl up tiers. So this is ur character development is lvling through the tiers.
Maybe im just drunk posting though.
That's because it not only is unlike anything known as EQ, it's also unlike anything known as an MMORPG. FF14 still is.
50% of the hype dropped when they showed the Kerran
50% of the hype dropped when they announced the combat would be like GW2 instead of EQ Trinity
Most players from EQ and EQ2 have already dropped this off their radar after those announcements. I assume people who love playing tanks or healers have dropped out too by now. And people who hated GW2.
I think GW2 had higher hype or Camelot Unchained had higher hype.... don't be ignorant thinking that no game will ever have higher hype. "Titan" I GUARANTEE will blow EQN hype out the water.
Anyways this is typical. People speculate, get their hopes up, get all excited and get their keyboard sticky, and then the great reveal or actual testing is allowed and stuff roils downhill. Take Neverwitner, D&Ders talked Neverwinter up greatly and then a poll was done on the official forums and it was a close 50/50 saying Neverwinter isn't D&D.
EQN was kind of off my radar until the reveal, now it is my most anticipated MMO of all time.
The graphics are definately a selling feature. Cartoonish style graphics are slower to age and people with seasonal affective disorder of any level can handle these type of colorful graphics far better then washed out and dry graphics of "realistic" graphic games like sky rim. So I really am quite the opposite on this, and I think most people are opposite as well or just dont care, given the number of players WoW held for so long.
I really like most of the features announced at the reveal, and the ones I am skeptical of, I am willing wait and hear more. Hopefully they dont keep people waiting too long because they are going some pretty radical routes on the character systems in the game (no levels? ew to horizontal progression).
However the features I liked were everything else, and boy did they not dissapoint. The destructible world, the lasting effects your actions have, the reputation with everything in the world, the emergeant ai, yeah... that right there is enough to move the genre forward, people may not accept a new MMO without that stuff once EQN introduces people to it.
I just worry that its not coming until 2015 or 2016.
It's SOE. How do you think it will turn out?
As if the hype really matters, judging by most users on the forums, such as the OP.
If you lowered your "hype" for the reveal, I'd like to imagine what you were expecting. Wait, on second hand, I don't.
Not to detract from your statement.....but in reality we still don't know how hard the game is - it's just a guess that it will be easy; for all we know it could be D3 on Inferno )
We don't know death penalties yet - we don't know how difficult it will be to obtain all the classes/skills - heck, they did say the game is tracking all of our actions - maybe we are responsible for how hard or difficult it is .
Really - just being devil's advocate - I'm putting my money on casual. But there are still a lot of details to be revealed which will determine the game's ultimate difficulty.
In part, this is what confuses me about some of the hardliners asking for EQAgain instead of EQNext - all they know is that the graphics and combat system are different than they imagined - there is sooooo much more to come before drawing any conclusions.
the reveal killed the very modest expectations I had for EQN.
Heres a gaming using middleware as the groundbreaking features, that placed so much emphasis on nonfactor gimmick features like SOEmote that the graphic style was specifically crafted to accommodate it much to the determent of the fanbases' reaction.
Voxel-based destructibility is a novelty and for a game that centered its' off-putting class system on AI, which wasn't demonstrable at the reveal, coupled with a combat-style from a game which did poorly as a result. Sandbox means freedom, not literally being able to dig up sand.
So, after outsourcing the content to the playerbase, and utilizing middleware for the meat of the game, all they had left was the Everquest IP, world, and lore, which they summarily eviscerated for the sake of simplification of content and market-research i.e. 1 starting zone, 1 elf race, smart ogres.
+1 hilarious digging sand comment..but sadly true.
Or it could be that EQN's reveal is done, and its clear its no where near even Beta testing...
and FFXIV is coming out in what..two and a half weeks ?
Such a troll..
Not to mention the "hype" level for games is a bunch of crap anyway on this site, but that said..EQN still has 8.6..so..not sure what you're talking about. (not like it was ever at a 9 or anything )
I love that you have so much more knowledge about a game not even in Alpha than everyone else +1 for creativity
I anticipate the game will be somewhat frustrating. There will be some need to encourage Cash Shop use.
This is kind of the point..no one has any idea how the game actually plays. It's all rampant speculation, and SOE needs to jump on it. They're aware of the comparisons to GW2 combat and have tried to stress while there are similarities it's not the same. That's kind of what its being condemned for most of all.