Great news! I prefer P2P. 15 € or 13 € a month is not that much, I don't mind paying for a entertainment service, that's what it is, after all. I don't like F2P, they're cheap. MMO's require a more constant development for years, that cost money, workers have to get payed, servers cost money... I don't mind the subscription.
F2P tend to focus more on making virtual objects and sell them that in game developing/virtual world polishing. Nowadays everyone feels that is entitled to everything for free. No one is, I'm sorry. Things cost money, we're talking about other people's work and effort to make a product, to provide a service. It's logical to pay for that.
My FFXIV ARR referral code for new EU accounts: 5JPF7ZQ3 Step into the amazing world of Eorzea! Use this reference code on a new account and we'll both get goodies for it!
I agree A sub based game is better than most of this F2p garbage out there right now. Bring back some old school vanilla feeling and you can take my money each month no problem what so ever!
6 months. Thats roughly how long it will take for Carbine to realize that they have made a huge mistake in their payment model and switch over to a free to play model. There is a reason that there are only a handful of subscription games left out there now.
Interesting and related comments from Jeremy Gaffney himself on MMFTW Episode 10 published February 9: (re Tera FTP transition comments at approximately 28 mins, if my link doesn't work properly).
Personally I'm happy about the P2P announcement. It suits my preference. But I can understand some of the cynicism and disappointment in some of the replies here. If Carbine and NCSoft have a fallback plan for FTP in 6 months, I won't be upset though. As long as the game I paid for in the interim is good.
Titan ? How can anyone hype something which you dont know anything about ? It could be Wow farmville for all you know. A huge sucess no doubt but borring.
loupokami I totally agree with you, I also played most of the games you mentioned. If you pay a small amount of money every month you're more vested in the game and if the game has great content it's even better
the steel shines red with enemy blood. It sings of victory, granted by the gods. And as they return bleeding but proud, the horizon burns and the song is ringing LOUD!
Well I was really looking forward to Wildstar but while I don't mind subscriptions, I am not going to pay a $59.99 upfront fee to try out a game I may or may not stick with long term.
I might try it out once buying the box gets to around $20 though.
I would advise this sort of thinking for any gaming purchase. Wait till the reviews are out, if you are not certain wait some more. Even a F2P MMO is going to be better if you give it a couple of months after launch to iron out any problems and then decide to play it.
Gaming fashion, peer pressure and gaming company hype make people play before launch, keep your heads on and wait!
Good. Glad it's p2p. Only half decent b2p game that was DEVELOPED as a b2p was gw2 and that really is a dull game. But at least had decent amount of content early doors. As for this game. I don't want another wow style game anyway, so it's not for me. But the sub cost model, I like that. Wow and eve is what I play now, the free games are not as good.. If you don't wanna buy it.... Don't buy it. Bye bye
I am entirely with Yaevindusk on this one - the greatest moral hazard is that the game will require a box price AND a subscription in its first year, then turn to either F2P (as SWTOR) or B2P (as The Secret World). Thus, anyone who joined at the beginning is screwed, as players joining a year later get the same for much less money.
Ok, you can argue that SWTOR wasn't that good, but The Secret World at least tried to do something innovative, like a modern setting and classless progression. If SWTOR indeed has enough subs, then it was a clear ploy to get more money at first to recover development costs, and then offer it for much less to maintain service. I admit this model is better for investors, but it is definitely worse for customers, so I'm going to pass on this one, for the first year at least.
One more thing - EVE is a successful subscription model. Correct me if I am wrong, but it doesn't require a box price, does it? Even though I don't particularly like subscription games, as I usually don't have that much time to play them, I would consider trying one if there wasn't a box price. I mean, it is unrealistic to expect you are going to get a good impression for an entire MMO from trying it only for a week ...
If the game is worth a subscription fee I'm on it 100%. But the "F2P" alternative of buying C.R.E.D.D. with in-game gold is just stupid. They just need to look at EVE-Online to know that their statement in which you can accumulate enough gold with the 30 days you get with box is flawed.. the prices will be made by players and of-course.. they will up it too high for any newbie to be able to get the gold.
I'm throwing my money at SQUARE ENIX for FFXIV screw Wildstar.
I'm SHOCKED at the amount of people that would perfer F2P over a sub...for $15 you get the ENTIRE GAME !!
You dont have to pay for your
helmet show/not show
your last name visable
Special story quest
flavor gear
bag space
bank bag space
clearly P2W style enchants
Passes to PVP
Passes to Dungeons
Passes to Raid
Dyes for gear
items to change your gear to other looks
Need I go on? You people are INSANE!!!
It's an interesting point. I suspect most diehard F2P players will counter that they have no interesting in those things, which is perfectly reasonable.
Though, I would be curious to see that revenue numbers a month per user that are spent in the different payment models. Unfortunately, I don't think there's such a degree of transparency from the various companies.
super casual folks aside....
The fluff I can understand, but passes for major content? Which those passes are usually extremely limited. You're missing so much, and purchasing them is a rip off. Lets take TOR for example. Pay close to ten bucks or so, for a few days of play.... or.... Pay 15 and get everything for 30 days? Plus free points to spend.
The cheapest way to go is sub three months, get the free points, use them to unlock access fully for things you want, play free a month or so, rinse repeat. Yet more prefer to go piecemeal (like it's cheaper) If's confusing because it isn't. There's just too much you can't do. That would be fine in TOR if say every single level could be done through the class stories, there just isn't enough of that, and the game really deteriorates due to it.Too many filler quests in between, and not nearly enough distractions from it without paying extra. You're stuck essentially grinding fed-ex and kill quests, with long boring hikes in between. For someone extremely casual yeah I can get that being okay. Yet someone actually wanting bang for their buck?
Its not about cheap its about paying for the content you play and not the rest. You also get to try the game before you pay anything. I don't raid or PvP to much so I pay for the content I use and not the rest, if you play all content then sub its really simple. Those passes in TOR are about $1 per week with unlimited use, you can buy speeders in game, you get a ton of companions from just playing the story, there is only one in the shop and one in a special story area. Also like SOE, EA are relaxing those restrictions slowly PvP is going to be available for free soon coming in 2.4.
The obsession with f2p about being for us cheapskates, I'd say doesn't history mean anything to you guys paying for unfinished faulty product is something to champion? I think I'm more careful with my money and I have stacks of it sitting next to me. Wildstar is a no name IP how many players do you think will be interested in a cartoon space game that seems to resemble a game they've been playing for 8+ years oh! but its got funny trailers and is in Space and has a BFG.
Choose to be The Exiles or The Dominion and one of four epic paths (classes) to MMO glory, sounds like a f2p to me.
This doom and gloom thread was brought to you by Chin Up the new ultra high caffeine soft drink for gamers who just need that boost of happiness after a long forum session.
My bigger point is that "P2P" folks aren't really any more reliable than "F2P" folks so blaming them for the woes of the industry is ludicrous (that's what I responded to). Not only that, but I think there is a reasonable chunk of people that fit into both categories so there isn't really an "us" and a "them".
You seriously believe that a guaranteed $13-$15 a month from every single person playing your game is no more reliable than an unknown and highly variable amount of revenue generated by an unknown % of your current active player base?
So, if you had two people bringing you business, one who showed up and paid the same amount, every month, consistently, like clockwork... and another who maybe showed up and spent $10, maybe they spent $5.. maybe they didn't spend anything at all...
You'd consider both to be "equally reliable" to your income?
Somehow I find that extremely difficult to believe.
People on these forums (and elsewhere, to be fair) seem to consistently overlook a very important point... These developers are putting years of time, and millions of dollars (which they have to pay back) invested into these projects. They don't make the revenue model decision lightly. It's not a "coin toss", a game of rock, paper, scissors, or pulling a number from a hat.
You better believe they do their research. You better believe that when they're telling the investors/Publishers why they're choosing the revenue model, they have a very detailed and well-researched reason to back it up. It's an informed decision they're making. The self-serving opinions and cherry-picked arguments of armchair forum experts do not factor into that.
The reason people (like myself) are excited to see a developer choose the Subscription model (and this is a consistent theme among them), is that they seek to earn that revenue by providing an on-going and content rich experience that will keep people playing and paying for months, or even years (ideally; if they do it well enough).
Because that's what a sub-based MMO has to do to be successful... Provide a long-term experience that keeps people entertained enough to stick around and renew their sub every 30 days. 30 days is a long time to keep players entertained and engaged in your game, especially with the locust-like tendencies of gamers these days to "burn through everything as fast as they can".
When I see a MMO is being developed as, or converted to a F2P model, it tells me that their focus is going to be on getting people to pay as much as they can, as early as they can and as often as they can. The portion of their resources and focus that would normally go toward building more gameplay content is decreased, with a large portion of it dedicated to creating new Cash Shop items. Cash Shops turn MMO gamers into Window Shoppers, with the possibility of enticing them into a purchase.
If you play a F2P MMO without ever spending a dime, then you are doing so against the intentions of the developers. Despite all their ads, hype and self-back-patting, "we're your friends!" PR spin BS, they're not in the business of "letting people play for free forever". They're in the business of letting people in the door for free in hopes that they can get them to spend money - potentially far more than a $15 sub, or even a box fee - over and over again.
This happens because people will tend to spend far more over time if the individual purchases "don't seem like much". It's an awesome insight to just how limited people's sense of value is. Tell them "you get access to the entire game for the flat fee of $15 a month" and they turn their nose up at it. Tell them they can get a stack of HP pots (which could be depleted in less than a day) for $3, and they think "great bargain!".
The entire game is designed (or revised) with this in mind.
The people saying "I don't have money to spend on a subscription, but I can afford to throw some money at a cash shop once in a while", I sense, are full of it. A monthly sub is 50 cents a day. Anyone with access to an internet connection can find a way to earn 50 cents a day. Yes, anyone.
Saying, "well, the games are never worth the subscription fee" is not an argument to make them F2P. It's an indication that you simply don't enjoy the game enough to pay for it - which is a concept that applies to absolutely any product, of any type, that you can find anywhere. If you see a decent looking shirt on a store rack and, upon seeing the price-tag, decide "oh, it's not worth that much"... you are doing exactly the same thing as you would be deciding a MMO isn't good enough, to you, to warrant a sub fee.
I've often thought of creating a blog wherein I would take on each of the common, and not so common, arguments people come up with against Subscriptions, take them apart and rip them to shreds. It wouldn't be difficult, as so many of them are, frankly, terrible. And I'd be addressing actual arguments made against it. I wouldn't be pulling the typical forum-logic nonsense of creating strawmen to tear down, or tossing out red herrings like there's no tomorrow, in lieu of tackling the actual issue.
The arguments and reasoning used to paint subs as "a bad, outdated concept" are typically poorly thought out, shallow, extremely transparent, and mostly self-serving. So, it wouldn't be hard to do. It would just require a lot of typing (because there's so many of them), and I don't know if it's worth the time to even get into. Given the "TL;DR", comprehension-challenged generation that largely inhabits internet forums these days, the articles' intended audience would probably never even read them. Sometimes, though, the idea is really tempting.
Ah well.. In the end, good on Wildstar on making a wise and solid choice in revenue model. If they can now support that model with a solid game that keeps people entertained month after month, and haven't fallen into the trap of feeling obligated to let people burn through all their content in less than a month "because short attention spans", they'll have a winner on their hands.
Originally posted by NoxiousBass No complaints here, the CREDD option is very clever, gives a diferent option to get play time AND kicking the gold spammers teeth in? Brilliant! I will be playing FFXIV for now (an excelent MMO) until I get to try Wildstar out for myself. When the time comes I have to choose one.
Many games have this, not exactly new.
And by many, you mean 2.
Also, where did he said that this is something new?
I've had my fill of Sub based games.. No way to justify the monthly profit IMO.. The cost of hardware and maintenance isn't even $5 a month anymore.. The other $10 a pretty much cash cow profit.. Sure some games like WoW allocate a few bucks each month towards added content patch here and there, but the rest is just price gauging.. Blizzard has been laughing all the way to the bank for years, but not off my dime I won't support that greed..
Originally posted by GeezerGamer Wild Star is an NCSOFT publication. Just makes me wonder how profitable GW2's B2P model really is for them to abandon it.
What makes you think GW2 is being abandoned when the game is about to be released in China? Lets not make stuff up ok?
He didn't say GW2 was being abandoned by NCSoft......holy jesus.....
“We’re not watching the competition too closely at all, really.” Why? “Because business model does have an impact, but in general good games do well. And we know what we have is good and worth that value. But more importantly, the elder game needs to be there, all the content needs to be there, the features list needs to be full. If we have those things, and we do, we’ll be fine.”
That quote makes me think they might actually get it. I will be paying close attention to this game now even though I didn't care for the leaked footage.
I disagree. The fact that they are ignoring the competition, and in the same breath they are going to make a product that's better than the AAA F2P/B2P games out there shows, pure ignorance/ arrogance.
“We’re not watching the competition too closely at all, really.” Why? “Because business model does have an impact, but in general good games do well. And we know what we have is good and worth that value. But more importantly, the elder game needs to be there, all the content needs to be there, the features list needs to be full. If we have those things, and we do, we’ll be fine.”
That quote makes me think they might actually get it. I will be paying close attention to this game now even though I didn't care for the leaked footage.
I disagree. The fact that they are ignoring the competition, and in the same breath they are going to make a product that's better than the AAA F2P/B2P games out there shows, pure ignorance/ arrogance.
To be fair, the same games they are "ignoring", are the same ones who flopped because they were missing the feature list he claims Wildstar has.
I agree 100% with if the game is good and has all the features and content gamers expect, it will survive as P2P. Im willing to bet if SWTOR launched with a combat log and a freaking /roll command (yes, it didnt have a /roll command at launch), it would have performed better...
The only thing now is, lets see if his game lives up to the promised content and features.
I will definitely be trying this game out then! It will be nice trying a game out and actually playing with players that have interest in the game and not the freeloaders. I always hated the limitations those 3 formats brings and believe me, I rather being paying a monthly sub instead of random dollar here and a dollar there in my mmorpg games.
I am so sick to death with all these F2P, B2P and P2P store mechanics and communities that these formats bring. Hate all you want on the subscription system, I hope they stick with it and wish the game a success.
Sorry to disappoint you, but it wont be a success. And calling people who want to save money and play free mmos names is childish. Grow up.
I just call as I see it, but apparently you took it personal for some reason and welcome to the forum.
Sounds so awesome, I agree with the dev completely. I love sub module, because I feel like I am getting to play a full game. Free to play feels like I only get a demo of the game, and have to chunk out large amounts of cash to get the juicy bits. Even if games like league of legends, witch many people agree dose free to play pretty well, had a sub module that gave all game content, I would totally be in.
Originally posted by Rydeson I've had my fill of Sub based games.. No way to justify the monthly profit IMO.. The cost of hardware and maintenance isn't even $5 a month anymore.. The other $10 a pretty much cash cow profit.. Sure some games like WoW allocate a few bucks each month towards added content patch here and there, but the rest is just price gauging.. Blizzard has been laughing all the way to the bank for years, but not off my dime I won't support that greed..
Do you not go out to movies or purchase them on DVD/Blu-ray? If you do, you're supporting the "greed" of the movie industry and the highly paid actors.
Do you not listen to or purchase songs? if you do, you're supporting the "greed" of the recording labels and highly paid musicians.
Do you not shop on Amazon? If you do, you're supporting the "greed" and predatory pricing practices of a large entertainment and product distributor and the highly paid executives.
Do you not eat fast food? If you do, you're supporting the "greed" of the franchise system and the highly paid executives.
Do you not use credit or debit cards? If you do, you're supporting the "greed" of the banking system and absurdly highly paid bankers.
People put in hard work with the expectation that they will be compensated for their effort. An endeavor in the entertainment industry, particularly a large one, is very risky and there is the potential that not even the initial investment is recovered. Also, all of the money invested in development has an opportunity cost of the income it could have generated by being invested in other endeavors. There is nothing greedy about wanting to create something that people love AND wanting to be well compensated for it. If you still believe it's greedy to want to be compensated for your work, I certainly hope you never complain about not making enough money. Probably shouldn't ever ask for a raise either, as that would be "greedy".
Great news! I prefer P2P. 15 € or 13 € a month is not that much, I don't mind paying for a entertainment service, that's what it is, after all. I don't like F2P, they're cheap. MMO's require a more constant development for years, that cost money, workers have to get payed, servers cost money... I don't mind the subscription.
F2P tend to focus more on making virtual objects and sell them that in game developing/virtual world polishing. Nowadays everyone feels that is entitled to everything for free. No one is, I'm sorry. Things cost money, we're talking about other people's work and effort to make a product, to provide a service. It's logical to pay for that.
My FFXIV ARR referral code for new EU accounts: 5JPF7ZQ3
Step into the amazing world of Eorzea! Use this reference code on a new account and we'll both get goodies for it!
Interesting and related comments from Jeremy Gaffney himself on MMFTW Episode 10 published February 9: (re Tera FTP transition comments at approximately 28 mins, if my link doesn't work properly).
Personally I'm happy about the P2P announcement. It suits my preference. But I can understand some of the cynicism and disappointment in some of the replies here. If Carbine and NCSoft have a fallback plan for FTP in 6 months, I won't be upset though. As long as the game I paid for in the interim is good.
Ha, I totally did not expect them to go this route.
I'm very happy to hear they are going with a sub.
Though I'm a bit cautious on their C.R.E.D.D. system.
Yet it is very encouraging to hear that there won't be any cash shop.
the steel shines red with enemy blood. It sings of victory, granted by the gods. And as they return bleeding but proud, the horizon burns and the song is ringing LOUD!
I would advise this sort of thinking for any gaming purchase. Wait till the reviews are out, if you are not certain wait some more. Even a F2P MMO is going to be better if you give it a couple of months after launch to iron out any problems and then decide to play it.
Gaming fashion, peer pressure and gaming company hype make people play before launch, keep your heads on and wait!
Ive never seen this many comments on a news story here on MMORPG.
Great work imo for the Wildstar team! I love the idea of the F2P model.
J-Hun Lookin to Creep Yall!
I have to say though, $60 box price and a premium rate sub does seem rather grasping. Perhaps CCP have spoiled me.
I hope NCsoft aren't planning to charge for expansions also
Give me liberty or give me lasers
I am entirely with Yaevindusk on this one - the greatest moral hazard is that the game will require a box price AND a subscription in its first year, then turn to either F2P (as SWTOR) or B2P (as The Secret World). Thus, anyone who joined at the beginning is screwed, as players joining a year later get the same for much less money.
Ok, you can argue that SWTOR wasn't that good, but The Secret World at least tried to do something innovative, like a modern setting and classless progression. If SWTOR indeed has enough subs, then it was a clear ploy to get more money at first to recover development costs, and then offer it for much less to maintain service. I admit this model is better for investors, but it is definitely worse for customers, so I'm going to pass on this one, for the first year at least.
One more thing - EVE is a successful subscription model. Correct me if I am wrong, but it doesn't require a box price, does it? Even though I don't particularly like subscription games, as I usually don't have that much time to play them, I would consider trying one if there wasn't a box price. I mean, it is unrealistic to expect you are going to get a good impression for an entire MMO from trying it only for a week ...
Full box price and a sub fee?
Good luck with that.
If the game is worth a subscription fee I'm on it 100%. But the "F2P" alternative of buying C.R.E.D.D. with in-game gold is just stupid. They just need to look at EVE-Online to know that their statement in which you can accumulate enough gold with the 30 days you get with box is flawed.. the prices will be made by players and of-course.. they will up it too high for any newbie to be able to get the gold.
I'm throwing my money at SQUARE ENIX for FFXIV screw Wildstar.
Its not about cheap its about paying for the content you play and not the rest. You also get to try the game before you pay anything. I don't raid or PvP to much so I pay for the content I use and not the rest, if you play all content then sub its really simple. Those passes in TOR are about $1 per week with unlimited use, you can buy speeders in game, you get a ton of companions from just playing the story, there is only one in the shop and one in a special story area. Also like SOE, EA are relaxing those restrictions slowly PvP is going to be available for free soon coming in 2.4.
The obsession with f2p about being for us cheapskates, I'd say doesn't history mean anything to you guys paying for unfinished faulty product is something to champion? I think I'm more careful with my money and I have stacks of it sitting next to me. Wildstar is a no name IP how many players do you think will be interested in a cartoon space game that seems to resemble a game they've been playing for 8+ years oh! but its got funny trailers and is in Space and has a BFG.
Choose to be The Exiles or The Dominion and one of four epic paths (classes) to MMO glory, sounds like a f2p to me.
This doom and gloom thread was brought to you by Chin Up the new ultra high caffeine soft drink for gamers who just need that boost of happiness after a long forum session.
Meh.. really disappointed!
Guess I'll just wait for it to go F2P, but probably will have lost interest by that time or something newer and cooler will be out.
You seriously believe that a guaranteed $13-$15 a month from every single person playing your game is no more reliable than an unknown and highly variable amount of revenue generated by an unknown % of your current active player base?
So, if you had two people bringing you business, one who showed up and paid the same amount, every month, consistently, like clockwork... and another who maybe showed up and spent $10, maybe they spent $5.. maybe they didn't spend anything at all...
You'd consider both to be "equally reliable" to your income?
Somehow I find that extremely difficult to believe.
People on these forums (and elsewhere, to be fair) seem to consistently overlook a very important point... These developers are putting years of time, and millions of dollars (which they have to pay back) invested into these projects. They don't make the revenue model decision lightly. It's not a "coin toss", a game of rock, paper, scissors, or pulling a number from a hat.
You better believe they do their research. You better believe that when they're telling the investors/Publishers why they're choosing the revenue model, they have a very detailed and well-researched reason to back it up. It's an informed decision they're making. The self-serving opinions and cherry-picked arguments of armchair forum experts do not factor into that.
The reason people (like myself) are excited to see a developer choose the Subscription model (and this is a consistent theme among them), is that they seek to earn that revenue by providing an on-going and content rich experience that will keep people playing and paying for months, or even years (ideally; if they do it well enough).
Because that's what a sub-based MMO has to do to be successful... Provide a long-term experience that keeps people entertained enough to stick around and renew their sub every 30 days. 30 days is a long time to keep players entertained and engaged in your game, especially with the locust-like tendencies of gamers these days to "burn through everything as fast as they can".
When I see a MMO is being developed as, or converted to a F2P model, it tells me that their focus is going to be on getting people to pay as much as they can, as early as they can and as often as they can. The portion of their resources and focus that would normally go toward building more gameplay content is decreased, with a large portion of it dedicated to creating new Cash Shop items. Cash Shops turn MMO gamers into Window Shoppers, with the possibility of enticing them into a purchase.
If you play a F2P MMO without ever spending a dime, then you are doing so against the intentions of the developers. Despite all their ads, hype and self-back-patting, "we're your friends!" PR spin BS, they're not in the business of "letting people play for free forever". They're in the business of letting people in the door for free in hopes that they can get them to spend money - potentially far more than a $15 sub, or even a box fee - over and over again.
This happens because people will tend to spend far more over time if the individual purchases "don't seem like much". It's an awesome insight to just how limited people's sense of value is. Tell them "you get access to the entire game for the flat fee of $15 a month" and they turn their nose up at it. Tell them they can get a stack of HP pots (which could be depleted in less than a day) for $3, and they think "great bargain!".
The entire game is designed (or revised) with this in mind.
The people saying "I don't have money to spend on a subscription, but I can afford to throw some money at a cash shop once in a while", I sense, are full of it. A monthly sub is 50 cents a day. Anyone with access to an internet connection can find a way to earn 50 cents a day. Yes, anyone.
Saying, "well, the games are never worth the subscription fee" is not an argument to make them F2P. It's an indication that you simply don't enjoy the game enough to pay for it - which is a concept that applies to absolutely any product, of any type, that you can find anywhere. If you see a decent looking shirt on a store rack and, upon seeing the price-tag, decide "oh, it's not worth that much"... you are doing exactly the same thing as you would be deciding a MMO isn't good enough, to you, to warrant a sub fee.
I've often thought of creating a blog wherein I would take on each of the common, and not so common, arguments people come up with against Subscriptions, take them apart and rip them to shreds. It wouldn't be difficult, as so many of them are, frankly, terrible. And I'd be addressing actual arguments made against it. I wouldn't be pulling the typical forum-logic nonsense of creating strawmen to tear down, or tossing out red herrings like there's no tomorrow, in lieu of tackling the actual issue.
The arguments and reasoning used to paint subs as "a bad, outdated concept" are typically poorly thought out, shallow, extremely transparent, and mostly self-serving. So, it wouldn't be hard to do. It would just require a lot of typing (because there's so many of them), and I don't know if it's worth the time to even get into. Given the "TL;DR", comprehension-challenged generation that largely inhabits internet forums these days, the articles' intended audience would probably never even read them. Sometimes, though, the idea is really tempting.
Ah well.. In the end, good on Wildstar on making a wise and solid choice in revenue model. If they can now support that model with a solid game that keeps people entertained month after month, and haven't fallen into the trap of feeling obligated to let people burn through all their content in less than a month "because short attention spans", they'll have a winner on their hands.
You're forgetting SOE games
He didn't say GW2 was being abandoned by NCSoft......holy jesus.....
[quote]Avarix writes:
“We’re not watching the competition too closely at all, really.” Why? “Because business model does have an impact, but in general good games do well. And we know what we have is good and worth that value. But more importantly, the elder game needs to be there, all the content needs to be there, the features list needs to be full. If we have those things, and we do, we’ll be fine.”
That quote makes me think they might actually get it. I will be paying close attention to this game now even though I didn't care for the leaked footage.
I disagree. The fact that they are ignoring the competition, and in the same breath they are going to make a product that's better than the AAA F2P/B2P games out there shows, pure ignorance/ arrogance.
To be fair, the same games they are "ignoring", are the same ones who flopped because they were missing the feature list he claims Wildstar has.
I agree 100% with if the game is good and has all the features and content gamers expect, it will survive as P2P. Im willing to bet if SWTOR launched with a combat log and a freaking /roll command (yes, it didnt have a /roll command at launch), it would have performed better...
The only thing now is, lets see if his game lives up to the promised content and features.
I just call as I see it, but apparently you took it personal for some reason and welcome to the forum.
Do you not go out to movies or purchase them on DVD/Blu-ray? If you do, you're supporting the "greed" of the movie industry and the highly paid actors.
Do you not listen to or purchase songs? if you do, you're supporting the "greed" of the recording labels and highly paid musicians.
Do you not shop on Amazon? If you do, you're supporting the "greed" and predatory pricing practices of a large entertainment and product distributor and the highly paid executives.
Do you not eat fast food? If you do, you're supporting the "greed" of the franchise system and the highly paid executives.
Do you not use credit or debit cards? If you do, you're supporting the "greed" of the banking system and absurdly highly paid bankers.
People put in hard work with the expectation that they will be compensated for their effort. An endeavor in the entertainment industry, particularly a large one, is very risky and there is the potential that not even the initial investment is recovered. Also, all of the money invested in development has an opportunity cost of the income it could have generated by being invested in other endeavors. There is nothing greedy about wanting to create something that people love AND wanting to be well compensated for it. If you still believe it's greedy to want to be compensated for your work, I certainly hope you never complain about not making enough money. Probably shouldn't ever ask for a raise either, as that would be "greedy".