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I heard something on the radio that is leaving me baffled. It seems that there are those in the African American Community that feel Peter Jackson's "King Kong" is a racist metaphor about black men. This left me dumbfounded. For the life of me I cannot see any form of connection between a giant gorilla and African American men. So out of curiosity I did a web search on the topic and discovered several blogs on the matter. I was going to include a link to these sites but due to the exhorbant level of cuss words I decided against it.
So I guess go ahead and do a internet search on the subject and leave your personal opinions. I think this is just another example of people looking for something that just isnt there. Some people are motivated by the presence of Racial strife and tension so they'll go to all lengths to spark it's existence. It's a damn movie for crying out loud.
If people think that, then they REALLY read into it way too much.
Peter Jackson's King Kong is a childhood dream of his. Matter of fact, he started on this movie exactly when he finished LoTR...that's how long it took him.
He did EXACTLY like the classical movie of King Kong (not the 70's). I can see where they think that. Black man loves white woman. Society kills black man. But jeez...that is so far out there. That's what you call a group of people sitting around an oval table twiddling their thumbs with nothing to do.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
well with the exception of the southern poverty LAw center basically all the civil rights organizations not just for blacks have grown bored in my opinion.
and developed the ACLU syndrome where they in order to keep there name in the news they will object to the most ridiculous things just to keep prominence.
this is the same thing the reminanents of civil rights groups have a hard time to stop fighting in my opionion the only one still active on important thing is the southern povery Law Center and a few others.
by no means am i saying there is no more racism in the united states, i am simple saying it doesnt exist on the scale it did to require lots of national organizations working together, now it can basically be dealt with by local authorities and a couple of organizations.....
98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you''re one of the 2% who hasn''t, copy & paste this in your signature.
They should have made Kong an albino... .
*Notice: The views expressed in this post are solely those of the author... got sick of holding backspace.
ParaTrooper, That guy that used to mod the forums.
Maybe those dinosaurs were whites and they were saying that people thought kong (being black) was a threat to society.
All I know is King Kong ROCKED! It has to be one of the best movies this year.
Graphics are freaking amazing.
lol. Ironic...just read this tonight.
Notice the last quotation of paragraph 5.
Someone should be taking wisdom from Mr. Freeman.
Irony has it that the truth being, that black folk(or any folk) that think that this is a racial metaphor for black men, are in fact denigrating blacks. Last time I checked, making a correlation between black people and apes, saying they have some kind of resemblance, was usually taken as a HIGHLY offensive racial slur.
Rap stars seem to have really put into the seed of glorifying black people using offensive racial slurs against each other.
StarWars was racist. Anakin killed the sand people. C'mon...IT"S OBVIOUS the implications made there! pfft!
The human race seems to feel uncomfortable when they don't have anything to complain, or create friction over. Hence why baseless crap like this formulates.
"The greatest trick the devil played on humanity in the 20th century was convincing them that he didn't exist." (Paraphrasing) C.S. Lewis
"If a mother can kill her own child, what is left before I kill you and you kill me?" -Mother Teresa when talking about abortion after accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979
The problem with Racism is that talking about it just gets everyone angry and not talking about it doesn't do anything to change it. It just stays.
It's like a couple arguing over differences, if they try to make it that one or the other changes by screaming at them it's not going to work, just make the gap between the two larger.... and if they dont talk about their differences then they will always be unhappy with the current state...
I think what we have to do is EMBRACE Racism -> listen to this...
I say we EMBRACE Racism, accept the fact that EVERYONE is different, accept people for who they are, external and internal.... Love people for their differences and their quirks, I say just love every one despite them being a different shade than you. Love them if they are wearing a turban, or a parka, or a kimono, or a toga....
I think when we can say YES!!! people are DIFFERENT You are WHITE i am BLACK you are YELLOW I am RED when we can say this and love each other for it... then we have broken racism...
On a off topic note: I'm black and I was travelling on the greyhound bus and I found a mormon christian children's picture book telling about the bible. I had nothing else to do so i read through it. Now after a while started noticing something strange maybe you can notice where i'm going with this...
Adam was white, Eve was black
then Adam was black when he left eden.
Able was white, Cain was black
Noah was white, the people that didn't believe were black
Samson was white, Delilah was black
David was white, Goliath was black
In the depiction of the 10 commandments there was a picture of ->
------Black man stealing from a white woman and her kid
------Black man killing another black man
Jesus and the Desciples were white, Judas was black
The soldiers that put Jesus on the cross were black...
Now usually I'm not one to see these things... but as I was turning through the pages it just felt wierd until I realized what I was seeing... AS SOON as i figured it out... i just cracked up laughing... I was like that is soo sad, that while maybe not intentional, that this image was kinda protrayed... and that was a children's book.
What's your Wu Name?
Donovan --> Wu Name = Violent Knight
Methane47 --> Wu Name = Thunderous Leader
"Some people call me the walking plank, 'cuz any where you go... Death is right behind you.."
Until you cancel your subscription, you are only helping to continue the cycle of mediocrity.
That is just ridiculous. What's next, removing the gorillas from the zoo because they think it invokes the thought of slavery and involuntary servitude? Get a life people. Racsim still exists in this country because idiots like these.
You forgot to mention that Anakin was in a black suit and when it his mask was taken off the world found out he was a white man! Must mean that George Lucas was racist and was trying to send the message that in every black man, there is a redeemed white man!
See how stupid things get when you read too far into things? Just enjoy the damned movie!
Just some idiots that want media attention. If they really think it's racist they would have turned againt the classic movie, wich this one is a remake off. But if they did that they wouldn't get much media attention, since the classic is too old. That they turn against the new one "proves" that they are after the attention rather than something else, atleast for me.
He doesn't have black people in the main roles in his latest movies. I don't know about his earlier ones. But that is because there are no black main roles in lotr and not in King Kong either. He had to be true to the books and the classic. But almost all stunt people/Orc/Sauron in Lotr are local people. Not white people.
I saw the movie last night (i can kinda tell that some of you didn't....or your not giving enough information). King Kong is a good movie. Now something like this did come to thought when there was no blacks in New York but there was on the island. That does make me feel it's kinda segregated in a way. Wasn't there black in New York around that time?
Now, to get a little technical about it. If I'm correct the Skull Island was somewhere in asia? Indonesia? I don't know... let's skip that.
Well in order to boil this down, you would have to do some research (timeline, city, area, etc). Ignorant arguments won't work with this debate.
Oh yeah, Phoenix, I feel ya, but wasn't the classics and books was in the age where there was alot of racism around? LOL I got to research that too...I just got home, I don't want too.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
Don't forget being a DC superhero too (A 2 1/2 to 3 star movie). There is Samuel L. Jackson and many more great black actors.
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
No, this whole "He had to be true to the books" argument is flawed big time... All of these movies in question are adaptations, not an actual retelling of the story word for word as in the books... Jackson has to come up with 'filler' and creatively present movies outside of the realm of what exists cover to cover in the books... So why not make Boromir and the descendants of Rohan a darker skinned race? Hell, you could even make the dwarves black if you wanted too... Fantasy allows for such deviations, becuase it is purely a fantasy driven world, and the minute details of skin color mean nothing in a fairy tale world... I might even be a little more convinced now that Riki disclosed that there aren't any black people in King Kong either... NY in the 1930's had beacoup black people, granted most were in Harlem or the Bronx, still, plenty of black people to be found... Regardless, I am super stoked to see this filck, I predict it to be one of the best movies of all time, plus Naomi Watts makes me get down to my knees and thank god that I am a man...
On a different note, Brian DePalma, who has done some fantastic movies, has also been labeled a racist too (and may have even admitted it himself, can't remember)... Remember 'The Untouchables'? Not one black person to be found, yet it is set in Chicago during the prohibition era... In fact, AMC does their TV DVD specials where they have the comments at the bottom of the screen, and this was noted that black people were questionably absent in almost all of DePalma's flicks... Same goes for Jackson...
I wish Razorback would confirm that New Zealanders and Australians harbor greater racism than most developed countries... He of all people would know... RAZOR!!! WHERE YOU AT FOO?!?!?!?!?!?
I am in no way ignorant to believe racism doesnt exist, but I do believe certain ideas do get blown out of proportion. You take King Kong as one example, 95% (random number obviously used to prove a point) over movie goer's are going to see a big-ass gorilla and the verbal minority of 5% is going to see a rascist metaphor. Once latched onto, this will be used as a tool increase their names in the media spotlight.
To show a current example of this in the US, head of the Philadelphia area NAACP has recently spoken out by writing an article (which he published in his own paper)against Donovan McNabb of the Philadelphia Eagles football team. His article basically stated that Donovan was basically a sell out because he did soup comercials (called a sell-out for this?? Making money?) AND the best reason, he was no longer "keeping it real" as a black quarterback because he doesnt run as much as he used to. So here is a case where a seemingly influencial black community leader is calling out another successful black community figure. People will do anything to get their name in lights. Oh and the national leader of the NAACP issued an apology statement and repremanded the Phili leader.
One of my favorite stretches I have recently heard is why is black history month in February? Is it because it is the shortest month of the yeat with 28 days or 29 days every four years. So even the month celebrating blacks is seen as racist.
I wish people would just except eachother for what we are, human beings. I really hope one day we get to that point. Because if not, and Star Wars or StarTrek having showed me anything, there will be no Mexicans in the future and two to four black people. A sad future indeed.
In the words of Bill and Ted..."Be excellent to one another"
"It is easier to be cruel than wise. The road to wisdom is long and difficult... so most people just turn out to be assholes" Feng (Christopher Walken)
Then why are you and alot of other people bitching about it?
Geez...It's no wonder there's racism. Everything people make out to be Black Vs White, even if it isn't there.
Who really gives a crap if there isn't enough minority actors in the movie?
Wait, I know. We all know some "minority"(I hate the differentiation people make) actors like Samuel L. Jackson or Morgan Freeeman are so impovershed and their bank statement may say they are worth below 40,000,000.
I wish I was only so downtrodden.
The most racism I see in the news, or everday life isn't from such mindsets as the KKK. It's from organizations like the ACLU, or the NAACP. That act like if they didn't make sure that everday someone saw a colorline, they'd go out of business. So if their isn't blatant racism anymore; lets politicise and make racist matters out of executing heartless bastards that murdered at least 4 people in cold blood; or that giant apes is a representation of racism in america.
We need a third world war. There isn't any real serious matters for people to bitch about, so they're resorting to the most absurd BS on this planet. And it's starting to grate my nerves.
"Fear not death; for the sooner we die, the longer shall we be immortal."
I am 100% sure this lil rumor was fabricated by somone who wasn't black. Now this being America more than likely some ignorant hillbille had drove past yelling racial slurs about the movie and what have you, but trust me none can compare a three-story tall CGI animal to..well..anyone. Being black myself I damn sure fail to see the controversy in the movie. I am not planning on seeing the movie though because kingkong to me personaly was always a snore, heck you already know he gonna die in the end.
^ spoiler alert!
Then why are you and alot of other people bitching about it?
Geez...It's no wonder there's racism. Everything people make out to be Black Vs White, even if it isn't there.
Who really gives a crap if there isn't enough minority actors in the movie?
Wait, I know. We all know some "minority"(I hate the differentiation people make) actors like Samuel L. Jackson or Morgan Freeeman are so impovershed and their bank statement may say they are worth below 40,000,000.
I wish I was only so downtrodden.
The most racism I see in the news, or everday life isn't from such mindsets as the KKK. It's from organizations like the ACLU, or the NAACP. That act like if they didn't make sure that everday someone saw a colorline, they'd go out of business. So if their isn't blatant racism anymore; lets politicise and make racist matters out of executing heartless bastards that murdered at least 4 people in cold blood; or that giant apes is a representation of racism in america.
We need a third world war. There isn't any real serious matters for people to bitch about, so they're resorting to the most absurd BS on this planet. And it's starting to grate my nerves.
I wouldn't classify myself as "bitching" about this, it is an intersting topic though... I am more or less giving my observations on what is presented to me, thats it... I love Jackson's flicks, but when you start talking about the representation of all types of peoples in movies, Jackson's movies fail in this respect... Like it or not, we are heading towards globalization at a blistering pace... Seems like you are the one getting worked up here... "We need a third world war"? You must be some anarchist horomone filled teenager... We seriously do not need WWIII... I think you are in the minority here with that perspective...
Edit: IMDB link
I am 100% sure this lil rumor was fabricated by somone who wasn't black. Now this being America more than likely some ignorant hillbille had drove past yelling racial slurs about the movie and what have you, but trust me none can compare a three-story tall CGI animal to..well..anyone. Being black myself I damn sure fail to see the controversy in the movie. I am not planning on seeing the movie though because kingkong to me personaly was always a snore, heck you already know he gonna die in the end.
^ spoiler alert!
Before you say you're 100% sure of anything maybe you should take the time and research the subject matter. Go ahead and do an internet search on the keywords "King Kong Racist". The authors of two sites that I saw were very outspoken about their Black ethnicity. The first site I visited was a blog called "Angry Black B*tch". It had a comments section where even more people voiced their feelings about the movie. Out of the first 20 comments I saw only one person opposed the notion that the movie was racist. No Hillbillies there. Go ahead and do a search. It only takes minutes.
Now I'm not saying this is opinion is shared by the African American community in general. I'm sure it's just an extreme minority. I was just hoping that we could get someone from this minority group to explain their radical racist notion about this movie.