Originally posted by chronictron Wow i leave for a few days and a cool post like this is posted..good responses and good points proven all around.
I agree although This thread is not "working as intended" LOL Its seemes I have "patched it and patched it" and still the people hate it. Don't worry about it Bugz. You did the right thing and the people who do the right things are never popular. You should just be happy with the peace of mind doing the right thing brings you and leave the wolves in here to tear at each other.
hmmm... After reading the first post I would like to think that maybe he/she is trying to get the SWG vets upset. From the tone of things the vets from SWG aren't happy and having apologized to the folks at SOE for "screwing up the game" this person has just fueled the flames of a much angry and "yes I'll say it" ENRAGED SWG veteran populace. Then again he/she might be sincere if so then hats off to ya couse it takes an admirable person to apologize for something she/he might have said in spite.
Now having said that and also having skimmed though the other 100+ posts on this thread...
A little background about myself and mmorpgs.... played EQOA,FFXI for the console and planetside for the computer so I have some mmo experience.
I've been thinking on just why SOE or whoever is in charge of SWG would change the game as it is currently. I have no experience whatsoever with SWG though the person at the game store, people on teamspeak, friends of mine have played it often and all feel betrayed about what has happened with the changes and how now the game is like a kids game rather than a game that acually takes teamwork and thought to make it playable and enjoyable. WHY FOR GOODNESS SAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... why is SOE ruining the game for vets...... lets go over the reasons.... well the ones that are realisitc who knows it might be aliens
Yes thats right $$$$$, dollars, dinero, mula, etc. The folks at SOE find it more profitable for impatient kids to play SWG than calculating adults.
Well it seems totally logical to try and spicifically target kids and its nothing new personally I think theres alot more of em out there than vets so SOE is just taking the next step in MAKING MORE MONEY FOR THEMSELVES. I would guess/surmise that for every 1 veteran SWG player with 10 accounts theres 20 other kids that would pick the game up if it were easier to play and needed less thinking on their part. Remember Starwars Episode I u know the one with jar-jar in it MY GOODNESS that wasnt marketed to kids right????
Yes thats right bugs, glitches, exploits, errors, etc. The folks at SOE think that by making the game more easier to play and simpler to play there would be alot less errors in it.
Well im not much of a software engineer but maybe SOE figures that it might be easier on the game engine and servers if the game was created more simplisticly. Than again from what I've read in the new york times article and in other forums that this really doesnt matter but who knows maybe some of u kind folks might give me an idea about if this games changes might make it less buggy.
Yes thats right layoffs, corporate restructuring, the 2 week notice, personnel reshifting, etc. The folks at SOE have new management and they have different ideas on the game and how it will better suit the public.
I think that in my reading I have read that the game was given over to new people from SOE/la. Maybe thats why the game changed the way it did. With new management comes new perspectives on how the game will be marketed, changed, updated, etc. If thats the case and SWG was given over to other people to change/review. Then it would make sence why the changes were so JAWDROPPINGLY HUGE . Perhaps the new management didnt consider the long term reprecussions of changing an MMO this way nor did they take into consideration basic buisness practice. JACK WELSH made a book called winning and in it he stated that "a satisfied customer is a REPEAT CUSTOMER" and its true. You can make commercials and advertise the heck out of something and get some... response/customers. But in order to get repeat customers you must SATISFY THEM. I just cant wait to see just how many people from SWG leaves.
Well I've given my idea's to you folks out there sorry if I got a little off topic but this thread seems to be getting that way anyhow I hope I get some constructive response from this from the original poster so I can get a better feel for if he/she is truely sincere in his apology. tyvm for reading
Is there an MMO that out there that isn't affected by Xao Ping Wang and their money grubbing macro bots?
You read the post and I suppose like EVERYONE darn near else, you skipped the part where I say "Your preaching to the CHOIR spelled C-H-O-I-R here people lol "?
You really wanna know what kind of post I would put up in complaint? NO I assure you , you dont, and nor do you need to read the type of crap I feel about the NGE and what it did to the playerbase and my gaming repeatedly in this forum or anywhere else. You think I care who I piss off with this post?No I dont.. Upsetting people wasnt the original purpose it was a sincere apology for MY behavior, it may be just that very soon if people dont learn how to read and comprehend. I dunno how many damn times I have to say these things in here but this for sure will be the last time.
Probably 80% of the people who replied to this topic seemingly forgot that I too was SWG player and I too feel alot like them. And are only sore because I wont continue trashing someone right along with them and probably feel I have jumped sides. The fact is Im just effin done with it.All of it.
However, it's healthy to vent your frustration and anger out somehow and not internalize it. I don't want ppl to lose their jobs either, but if the game does not fare well with the majority of the players who support the game, then they will eventually lose their jobs anyway due to the game making the revenue for SOE to pay them.
Originally posted by bugzonlsd Ok fine keep it goin whatever lol :P
Well, look at it this way, even way before launch many of us were on the forums supporting this game.
Then for 2 years we put time and effort into our characters which in and of itself is a good enough reason for asking SOE and LucasArts to apologize. They totally wiped out all our work without a care to what we felt. We lost a lot and that doesn't even include the money so many spent on resources, weapons, CAs etc
Call me whatever you want but when I put all that into building a character it hurts when all that is gone. I was not rich, didn't have the uber weapons or armor etc so that's not my issue. I had goals I was working towards profession wise and that was taken from me. You ever start a project and get so close to finishing it, then have it taken away from you? It hurts!
The RP aspect is gone, for all intents and purposes, the jerky movements characters make since the NGE is just jacked up.
Originally posted by bugzonlsd Ok fine keep it goin whatever lol :P
Well, look at it this way, even way before launch many of us were on the forums supporting this game.
Then for 2 years we put time and effort into our characters which in and of itself is a good enough reason for asking SOE and LucasArts to apologize. They totally wiped out all our work without a care to what we felt. We lost a lot and that doesn't even include the money so many spent on resources, weapons, CAs etc
Call me whatever you want but when I put all that into building a character it hurts when all that is gone. I was not rich, didn't have the uber weapons or armor etc so that's not my issue. I had goals I was working towards profession wise and that was taken from me. You ever start a project and get so close to finishing it, then have it taken away from you? It hurts!
The RP aspect is gone, for all intents and purposes, the jerky movements characters make since the NGE is just jacked up.
Yep you and everyone else who posts in here I didnt call you anything btw. It seems the guy from g4 and the guy everyone thought wasnt white Mr. Torres there sure did though, maybe you should write them a letter...
I just tryed to post 2 messages, one after the other, and it will not post, whats going on??
OK for the third time im going to try to post this, feels like im being sabotaged
OK first off
To all the people that fight for the vets like myself. Thanks! Honestly.
Im not going to point my finger to any one group or persone/s. SoE and SWG have made a great game that WAS awsome, BUT it went to hell in a hand basket. the reasone everyone knows and im not going into detale. But first i would like to buy a beer to everyone that has joined and helped to the cause but ill save a shot for Darkon and Teala. I understand why they did it. For more gamers, if that means more money in mind or to have more people enjoy the game i dont know. But the facked is it will never change back, no matter what. I have given up on SWG. Perhaps it will change a bit to our side but never agion to the way it was or the idea of how we wanted it to. Im not going to say WHY FIX IT IF ITS NOT BROKEN, im not going to say O GOD WHY, im just going to say sorry. You have lost many gamers, vets, and who knows perhaps you might get a few more players but i doubt as many to the way it was, or could have been. I just hope other develepers will learn from this great tragety and know that it is us, the gamers, the consumer that makes the company, not the other way around.
To Anotalye, i understand what you are saying, but the thing is that SoE does have a voice, SWG is useing SoEs' name, there for im shur that all major changes that are made have to be seen by a rep. if not at least informed in some way to SoE. If SoE is the father then SWG is the mother and i have been disouned.
This game used to be cool, and one of the Best MMO's out there.
However, in the past few months, Sony Online Entertainment has completely scraped the original game coding and rewritten it from scratch.
There used to be 30+ professions to play, and players used to be able to mix them and be hybrids.
Now there are only 9 professions, and players are stuck in their jobs... You wanna be a Smuggler, great your a smuggler, only there is no smuggling existent in the game... and you can't play your favorite Stars Wars musical instrument anymore in the Cantina's... as a side job.
The Combat System in the game has been overhauled at least twice in the last few months, the original system completely scraped and re-coded from scratch.
All these changes to the game are forced upon the players by SOE, and the players have to download them from SOE's servers to make sure their installed version is up to date with SOE's version.
Some of the downloads take hours, some even days for Dial Up users. I have to burn all the downloaded updates into a CD or DVD for a friend of mine, and mail them to her because she gets them quicker that way.. because her Dial Up takes 36+ hours to download the biggest updates, and she can only let the download run for a few hours a day.
The game, at the present time... November 21st, 2005... the Game sucks. SOE keeps promising changes to make things better, but they're either not coming fast enough for the players... or they just never come out with the cxhange at all... Smuggler's have been waiting 2 years now for the "promised" ability to be able to Smuggle in the game... Players are cancelling their accounts left and right.
SOE, on the day of their latest, and largest recode of the game... two weeks ago, Fired their Community Correspondent (Tiggs, a very popular person with the players) who is their voice between us the Players.. and them... because they didn't like what she was telling them what we were saying about the changes.
The game is supposed to be set in the timeperiod between the first two, Original Movies... Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, and Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back...
Yet LucasArts is producing the Expansions for this game and they keep pushing in Episode II and III content... instead of content designed for the correct time line. Not only that, the new Clone Wars Content... is far better then the current timeline content... which supposed to be 20 years more advanced.
Jedi's... You wanna play a Jedi... this should be called, Star Wars: KOTOR Online. The Jedi Population is out of control and it was SOE's biggest mistake to allow players to become Jedi's... They should have left that as a rarity in the game, only had a few NPC Jedi's like Luke Skywalker in the game, as novelties for offering special Quests...
But no... they wanted to let players be Jedi's as a selling point.
How many Jedi did you see charging across the Hoth Battle Field with Luke, to take down the Imperial Walkers?
In Star Wars: Galaxies... there will be several hundred of them out there on Hoth... if SOE and LucasArts ever gets around to adding Hoth.
They're too busy adding Episode II and III content like the planets Kashyyyk and Mustafar... speaking of which, if you're a Jedi then you can go to Mustafar and help save Obi Wan Kenobi's ghost; whose "lost his way" ... how lame is that?
Now, they can't remove the Jedi from the game like they should.. because they hyped up being Jedi so much that "everyone and their mother" has one, or has played one... and would cry, bitch and comlain if SOE removed them.
SOE is "claiming" all these changes are making the game feel more "Star Wars" like... however within the last two weeks they have destroyed the in-game player economy, destroyed the orininal 30 Player Professions and redesigned 9 new ones... removed the ability to play a Hybrid Profession.. and turned the game into a massive online FPS that seems like it is based off of the KOTOR Timeline, instead of the Timeline it is supposed to be based off of... and ruined the combat system.
Do not buy this game.
If you want to play a Star Wars game, go play one of the Console Games like Star Wars: KOTOR series... or the new BattleFront series.
At present, this is probably one of the worst Star Wars Games ever made now.
It is all thanks to mismanagement and bad design ideas at SOE and LucasArts... who both seem to think they can use this game to completely rewrite all of Star Wars history.
Maybe, someday in the future they'll get smart and fix this game... but for now... George Lucas ought to be ashamed of this game, it is an embarrassement to the Star Wars Universe.
"SOE, on the day of their latest, and largest recode of the game... two weeks ago, Fired their Community Correspondent (Tiggs, a very popular person with the players) who is their voice between us the Players.. and them... because they didn't like what she was telling them what we were saying about the changes."
Now who again was it who said what we say doesn't effect real people with real jobs? Tiggs didnt deserve the shaft but got it just like us. I recall Tiggs working her ass off for that company, coming in at all hours of the night and day and staying in chat trying to answer questions to all who were curious, upset, pissed and so on. Im not saying the result is our fault , Im saying what we say does have an impact, surely you can't deny this. BTW for Tiggs good luck lady I read a blog on how things are going lately for you I think it was... I know you'll do great wherever you go and any company would be lucky to have you. Oh yea.. you cant say the T word in the swg forums, but here ya can so!!!! ... TIGGS...TIGGS....TIGGS...TIGGS...TIGGS...TIGGS! You rock
Whew buddy, talk about BEING CONSTRUCTIVE and trying get your opinion noticed without posting in an untasteful manner. PWND on CBS BABY!!! YEAAAAA! /cheer
Originally posted by Niram What U said is true, like you and MANY OTHERS i knew her and she helped me out A LOT!!! she is awsome and i dont think she will have problems getting another awsome job, BTW awsome read bugzonlsd, thanks, Well i guess im going back to EQ II, see you all later
Sorry, but I find it very hard to belive a 24 year old male would use the word awsome so much.
Don't worry about it Bugz. You did the right thing and the people who do the right things are never popular. You should just be happy with the peace of mind doing the right thing brings you and leave the wolves in here to tear at each other.
hmmm... After reading the first post I would like to think that maybe he/she is trying to get the SWG vets upset. From the tone of things the vets from SWG aren't happy and having apologized to the folks at SOE for "screwing up the game" this person has just fueled the flames of a much angry and "yes I'll say it" ENRAGED SWG veteran populace. Then again he/she might be sincere if so then hats off to ya couse it takes an admirable person to apologize for something she/he might have said in spite.
Now having said that and also having skimmed though the other 100+ posts on this thread...
A little background about myself and mmorpgs.... played EQOA,FFXI for the console and planetside for the computer so I have some mmo experience.
I've been thinking on just why SOE or whoever is in charge of SWG would change the game as it is currently. I have no experience whatsoever with SWG though the person at the game store, people on teamspeak, friends of mine have played it often and all feel betrayed about what has happened with the changes and how now the game is like a kids game rather than a game that acually takes teamwork and thought to make it playable and enjoyable. WHY FOR GOODNESS SAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... why is SOE ruining the game for vets...... lets go over the reasons.... well the ones that are realisitc who knows it might be aliens
reason #1 - the $$$$$ effect
Yes thats right $$$$$, dollars, dinero, mula, etc. The folks at SOE find it more profitable for impatient kids to play SWG than calculating adults.
Well it seems totally logical to try and spicifically target kids and its nothing new personally I think theres alot more of em out there than vets so SOE is just taking the next step in MAKING MORE MONEY FOR THEMSELVES. I would guess/surmise that for every 1 veteran SWG player with 10 accounts theres 20 other kids that would pick the game up if it were easier to play and needed less thinking on their part. Remember Starwars Episode I u know the one with jar-jar in it MY GOODNESS that wasnt marketed to kids right????
reason #2 - the bug effect
Yes thats right bugs, glitches, exploits, errors, etc. The folks at SOE think that by making the game more easier to play and simpler to play there would be alot less errors in it.
Well im not much of a software engineer but maybe SOE figures that it might be easier on the game engine and servers if the game was created more simplisticly. Than again from what I've read in the new york times article and in other forums that this really doesnt matter but who knows maybe some of u kind folks might give me an idea about if this games changes might make it less buggy.
reason #3 - the layoff effect
Yes thats right layoffs, corporate restructuring, the 2 week notice, personnel reshifting, etc. The folks at SOE have new management and they have different ideas on the game and how it will better suit the public.
I think that in my reading I have read that the game was given over to new people from SOE/la. Maybe thats why the game changed the way it did. With new management comes new perspectives on how the game will be marketed, changed, updated, etc. If thats the case and SWG was given over to other people to change/review. Then it would make sence why the changes were so JAWDROPPINGLY HUGE . Perhaps the new management didnt consider the long term reprecussions of changing an MMO this way nor did they take into consideration basic buisness practice. JACK WELSH made a book called winning and in it he stated that "a satisfied customer is a REPEAT CUSTOMER" and its true. You can make commercials and advertise the heck out of something and get some... response/customers. But in order to get repeat customers you must SATISFY THEM. I just cant wait to see just how many people from SWG leaves.
Well I've given my idea's to you folks out there sorry if I got a little off topic but this thread seems to be getting that way anyhow I hope I get some constructive response from this from the original poster so I can get a better feel for if he/she is truely sincere in his apology. tyvm for reading
Is there an MMO that out there that isn't affected by Xao Ping Wang and their money grubbing macro bots?
Just say no to ingame money/mob farming.... the site says it all
You read the post and I suppose like EVERYONE darn near else, you skipped the part where I say "Your preaching to the CHOIR spelled C-H-O-I-R here people lol "?
You really wanna know what kind of post I would put up in complaint? NO I assure you , you dont, and nor do you need to read the type of crap I feel about the NGE and what it did to the playerbase and my gaming repeatedly in this forum or anywhere else. You think I care who I piss off with this post?No I dont..
Upsetting people wasnt the original purpose it was a sincere apology for MY behavior, it may be just that very soon if people dont learn how to read and comprehend. I dunno how many damn times I have to say these things in here but this for sure will be the last time.
Probably 80% of the people who replied to this topic seemingly forgot that I too was SWG player and I too feel alot like them. And are only sore because I wont continue trashing someone right along with them and probably feel I have jumped sides. The fact is Im just effin done with it.All of it.
However, it's healthy to vent your frustration and anger out somehow and not internalize it. I don't want ppl to lose their jobs either, but if the game does not fare well with the majority of the players who support the game, then they will eventually lose their jobs anyway due to the game making the revenue for SOE to pay them.
Eve-Online, EQ2, DnL, SWG (Dead), Guild Wars, Anarchy Online, EQ, DAoC, Planet Side, WoW, LOTR, Tabula Rasa.
Well, look at it this way, even way before launch many of us were on the forums supporting this game.
Then for 2 years we put time and effort into our characters which in and of itself is a good enough reason for asking SOE and LucasArts to apologize. They totally wiped out all our work without a care to what we felt. We lost a lot and that doesn't even include the money so many spent on resources, weapons, CAs etc
Call me whatever you want but when I put all that into building a character it hurts when all that is gone. I was not rich, didn't have the uber weapons or armor etc so that's not my issue. I had goals I was working towards profession wise and that was taken from me. You ever start a project and get so close to finishing it, then have it taken away from you? It hurts!
The RP aspect is gone, for all intents and purposes, the jerky movements characters make since the NGE is just jacked up.
Well, look at it this way, even way before launch many of us were on the forums supporting this game.
Then for 2 years we put time and effort into our characters which in and of itself is a good enough reason for asking SOE and LucasArts to apologize. They totally wiped out all our work without a care to what we felt. We lost a lot and that doesn't even include the money so many spent on resources, weapons, CAs etc
Call me whatever you want but when I put all that into building a character it hurts when all that is gone. I was not rich, didn't have the uber weapons or armor etc so that's not my issue. I had goals I was working towards profession wise and that was taken from me. You ever start a project and get so close to finishing it, then have it taken away from you? It hurts!
The RP aspect is gone, for all intents and purposes, the jerky movements characters make since the NGE is just jacked up.
Yep you and everyone else who posts in here I didnt call you anything btw. It seems the guy from g4 and the guy everyone thought wasnt white Mr. Torres there sure did though, maybe you should write them a letter...
I just tryed to post 2 messages, one after the other, and it will not post, whats going on??
OK for the third time im going to try to post this, feels like im being sabotaged
OK first off
To all the people that fight for the vets like myself. Thanks! Honestly.
Im not going to point my finger to any one group or persone/s. SoE and SWG have made a great game that WAS awsome, BUT it went to hell in a hand basket. the reasone everyone knows and im not going into detale. But first i would like to buy a beer to everyone that has joined and helped to the cause but ill save a shot for Darkon and Teala. I understand why they did it. For more gamers, if that means more money in mind or to have more people enjoy the game i dont know. But the facked is it will never change back, no matter what. I have given up on SWG. Perhaps it will change a bit to our side but never agion to the way it was or the idea of how we wanted it to. Im not going to say WHY FIX IT IF ITS NOT BROKEN, im not going to say O GOD WHY, im just going to say sorry. You have lost many gamers, vets, and who knows perhaps you might get a few more players but i doubt as many to the way it was, or could have been. I just hope other develepers will learn from this great tragety and know that it is us, the gamers, the consumer that makes the company, not the other way around.
To Anotalye, i understand what you are saying, but the thing is that SoE does have a voice, SWG is useing SoEs' name, there for im shur that all major changes that are made have to be seen by a rep. if not at least informed in some way to SoE. If SoE is the father then SWG is the mother and i have been disouned.
i seen this, wanted to shar it with you all,
SOE Has Re-Written the Game, Worst Star Wars game now!, November 21, 2005
This game used to be cool, and one of the Best MMO's out there.
However, in the past few months, Sony Online Entertainment has completely scraped the original game coding and rewritten it from scratch.
There used to be 30+ professions to play, and players used to be able to mix them and be hybrids.
Now there are only 9 professions, and players are stuck in their jobs... You wanna be a Smuggler, great your a smuggler, only there is no smuggling existent in the game... and you can't play your favorite Stars Wars musical instrument anymore in the Cantina's... as a side job.
The Combat System in the game has been overhauled at least twice in the last few months, the original system completely scraped and re-coded from scratch.
All these changes to the game are forced upon the players by SOE, and the players have to download them from SOE's servers to make sure their installed version is up to date with SOE's version.
Some of the downloads take hours, some even days for Dial Up users. I have to burn all the downloaded updates into a CD or DVD for a friend of mine, and mail them to her because she gets them quicker that way.. because her Dial Up takes 36+ hours to download the biggest updates, and she can only let the download run for a few hours a day.
The game, at the present time... November 21st, 2005... the Game sucks. SOE keeps promising changes to make things better, but they're either not coming fast enough for the players... or they just never come out with the cxhange at all... Smuggler's have been waiting 2 years now for the "promised" ability to be able to Smuggle in the game... Players are cancelling their accounts left and right.
SOE, on the day of their latest, and largest recode of the game... two weeks ago, Fired their Community Correspondent (Tiggs, a very popular person with the players) who is their voice between us the Players.. and them... because they didn't like what she was telling them what we were saying about the changes.
The game is supposed to be set in the timeperiod between the first two, Original Movies... Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, and Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back...
Yet LucasArts is producing the Expansions for this game and they keep pushing in Episode II and III content... instead of content designed for the correct time line. Not only that, the new Clone Wars Content... is far better then the current timeline content... which supposed to be 20 years more advanced.
Jedi's... You wanna play a Jedi... this should be called, Star Wars: KOTOR Online. The Jedi Population is out of control and it was SOE's biggest mistake to allow players to become Jedi's... They should have left that as a rarity in the game, only had a few NPC Jedi's like Luke Skywalker in the game, as novelties for offering special Quests...
But no... they wanted to let players be Jedi's as a selling point.
How many Jedi did you see charging across the Hoth Battle Field with Luke, to take down the Imperial Walkers?
In Star Wars: Galaxies... there will be several hundred of them out there on Hoth... if SOE and LucasArts ever gets around to adding Hoth.
They're too busy adding Episode II and III content like the planets Kashyyyk and Mustafar... speaking of which, if you're a Jedi then you can go to Mustafar and help save Obi Wan Kenobi's ghost; whose "lost his way" ... how lame is that?
Now, they can't remove the Jedi from the game like they should.. because they hyped up being Jedi so much that "everyone and their mother" has one, or has played one... and would cry, bitch and comlain if SOE removed them.
SOE is "claiming" all these changes are making the game feel more "Star Wars" like... however within the last two weeks they have destroyed the in-game player economy, destroyed the orininal 30 Player Professions and redesigned 9 new ones... removed the ability to play a Hybrid Profession.. and turned the game into a massive online FPS that seems like it is based off of the KOTOR Timeline, instead of the Timeline it is supposed to be based off of... and ruined the combat system.
Do not buy this game.
If you want to play a Star Wars game, go play one of the Console Games like Star Wars: KOTOR series... or the new BattleFront series.
At present, this is probably one of the worst Star Wars Games ever made now.
It is all thanks to mismanagement and bad design ideas at SOE and LucasArts... who both seem to think they can use this game to completely rewrite all of Star Wars history.
Maybe, someday in the future they'll get smart and fix this game... but for now... George Lucas ought to be ashamed of this game, it is an embarrassement to the Star Wars Universe.
what do you think?
Originaly posted by Niram
"SOE, on the day of their latest, and largest recode of the game... two weeks ago, Fired their Community Correspondent (Tiggs, a very popular person with the players) who is their voice between us the Players.. and them... because they didn't like what she was telling them what we were saying about the changes."
Now who again was it who said what we say doesn't effect real people with real jobs? Tiggs didnt deserve the shaft but got it just like us. I recall Tiggs working her ass off for that company, coming in at all hours of the night and day and staying in chat trying to answer questions to all who were curious, upset, pissed and so on. Im not saying the result is our fault , Im saying what we say does have an impact, surely you can't deny this. BTW for Tiggs good luck lady I read a blog on how things are going lately for you I think it was... I know you'll do great wherever you go and any company would be lucky to have you. Oh yea.. you cant say the T word in the swg forums, but here ya can so!!!! ... TIGGS...TIGGS....TIGGS...TIGGS...TIGGS...TIGGS! You rock
Nice job people LOL
Whew buddy, talk about BEING CONSTRUCTIVE and trying get your opinion noticed without posting in an untasteful manner. PWND on CBS BABY!!! YEAAAAA! /cheer
What U said is true, like you and MANY OTHERS i knew her and she helped me out A LOT!!!
she is awsome and i dont think she will have problems getting another awsome job, BTW awsome read bugzonlsd,
Well i guess im going back to EQ II, see you all later
Ebe ------ SWG -- ShadowFire -- Closed
Ann ----- SWG -- ShadowFire -- Closed
Zoo'xu -- SWG -- ShadowFire -- Closed
NGE Refugee.