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Bad Players/Elitists Can Ruin This Game For You - Endgame



  • k11keeperk11keeper Member UncommonPosts: 1,048
    Originally posted by tarof
    Originally posted by jdnyc
     I hate to say it, but blame WoW.  No really.  Popularizing AoE DPS, AoE heals and taunts that stick mobs to tanks like rubber cement have trivialized the trinity genre of MMOs.  Other games followed suit to it over the years because that's what is expected.  Many players don't realize what you're talking about because they have never had to watch their aggro really before.  While other DPS get off on challenging that tank for threat.  That one I'll never understand.

    This is actualy false. No other mmorpg player is more ready for ff14 then wow players. They are so used to cone/aoe and they know how to be on the move compared to any other mmorpg player.

    If you want to blame someone for ff14 failure most of the time it will not be wow players but ff11 players. Test this ingame and see the truth.

    Im a dungeon hore and ill admit this game have some pretty advanced dungeon tactic, it rival raid in smal scale party.


    Edit : i did not adress the agro issue so will do it here. Very few games adress this issue at all. So to blame it on wow is stupid and most older mmorpg player will see the issue.

    Yes you need to watch your agro but unless you have godly gear this is for the 1st mob only after that as tank i have no problem to let each dps take their own mob. This is not effective as it strain the healer rather then tank. But one thing i hate is trigger happy archer.

    There is something about that class since they have high damage without delay. I have met some excellent archer, but tbh it has the highest retard rate. It's mostly becouse they do not understand tank mechanic in this game. So im not to harsh, i can see this.

    But to blame it all on wow is stupid, they have agro meter in that game. Again they are the most qualified mmorpg player on the paper. Sure you do have retards, but so did we have in eq1 l2 and every game befor and after.

    as much as it pains me to admit this I have to agree. The dynamics of endgame fights in 14 are drastically different then ffxi. I have never played WoW endgame before but all I can say is that my FC members constantly reference the mechanics that are familiar to WoW players and players like myself have not seen them while solely playing xi off and on for the last ten years.

    Another major difference is the combat speed. To all my FC members who used to play WoW or tera or rift they talk about how slow the combat is. For me who played xi for years it is incredibly fast. Xi was an older MMO where you could talk and coordinate mid fight and adjust to changes easily without VoiP. In this game you must have VoiP there is no time to type. This game most moves are on a 2.5 second cool down and you use one whenever they are ready. In xi outside of cure more abilities and spells are on long cooldowns. Its basically chess vs speed chess. Similar but very different.

    Oh and you're spot on when concerning brds. I tried to explain this to a brd the other day but he did not understand. When Mobs use a move and the tank has to run out of range to avoid massive damage, he is not able to use moves to gain aggro while you as a ranged dps still are. If it is a fight where this tactic of the tank running away is frequent that is all the more time you have dpsing away and the tank not gaining aggro. So sometimes you need to scale it back a bit and not spam things in order for the tank to hold hate. It's not just gear or the tank sucking when it happens to brds 99% of the time. This problems tends not to be the case with melee damage because they too have to run out of range occasionally if the attacks are not frontal or conal.

  • GardavsshadeGardavsshade Member UncommonPosts: 907
    Originally posted by monochrome19

    The thing is...

    FFXIV is attracting a lot of novice mmo players. I cant tell you how many pugs I have been in and the tank didnt know wtf he was doing. I constantly stole agro and we wiped hundreds of times, so much so we couldnt beat the final boss within the time limit. Noobs WILL ruin this for you. I guarantee it.


    After a while I just let the tank die and let whoever was doing the most dps tank. It made it a lot easier.

    I'll say it again. Noobs will ruin this for you.

    But its still a good game.

    What can be expected? The roles of Tank doesn't work in newer MMOs the way they used to, or there is no Tank role at all.... no one writes up good guides on how to Tank or takes Players under their wing to teach them like we did many years ago... MMOs are marketed towards Customers that would NOT have naturally  looked for a MMO on their own .... Players mistreat each other, Players show a lack of even basic common courtesy towards one another (not all are rude but many are), which is counterproductive to encouraging Players to take on the Tank and Healer roles....

    What can anyone reasonably expect?

    The present state of how good or bad Tanks and Healers are now in MMOs is a situation that has been created by ourselves as well as the Devs and Marketers. Blaming the Players is like putting a bandaid over a gaping hole in a Submarine and expecting to get back up to periscope depth.

  • mayankingmayanking Member UncommonPosts: 162

    i don't really think there is a best fc on any server considering theres no pvp..

    Titan is a very easy fight and gear does not matter as a dps i completed it with a ghost costume as a dragoon Titan really depends on your connection once you realize its the same pattern and you can count in your head when each skill will be used. i haven't gotten to coil because i'm waiting for my friends to catch up before i decide to advance in the content but as long as these bosses use patterns anyone should beable to pass this stuff.

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