Capital ships from the Republic and Imperial fleets have arrived in the skies of Coruscant and Dromund Kaas to provide logistical support for Galactic Starfighter pilots. Starfighter Hangar Consoles can be found on Corsucant and Dromund Kaas.
- Galactic Starfighter Subscriber Early Access is here! Starting today, all subscribers have early access to 12 vs 12, free flight, player vs player dogfighting. Players from level 1-55 will be able to pilot their very own starship and customize it to match their playstyle. With multiple ship roles, paint jobs, blaster, and engine colors, you have plenty of options to choose from. We’ll see you in space!
Galactic Starfighter
- Access the Galactic Starfighter Hangar Bay by clicking the Ship Icon on the in-game minimap.
- Players can queue solo or as a group for free-flight 12 v 12 PvP Battles in the first Galactic Starfighter gameplay type: Domination!
- During Domination, players fight to control multiple satellites. Points are awarded according to how many satellites each team controls, and the first team to reach 1000 points earns victory.
- Two Domination Maps!
- Lost Shipyards: A critical Imperial starship construction and repair yard hidden within an uncharted asteroid field has come under attack by Republic Starfighter forces, who are eager to cut off such a critical piece of the Imperial fleet’s support network. Naturally, the Empire has been quick to deploy their own Starfighter reinforcements to defend the shipyard from this enemy incursion.
- Kuat Mesas: A massive ore mining and shipping complex located in a high-altitude region of cliffs and mesas, the Kuat Minedrome is a natural target for Imperial forces looking to interrupt production at the Kuat Drive Yards. When the ground offensive is stalled by Republic defenders, both sides call in Starfighter support to break the stalemate and achieve ultimate victory.
- Highly customizable Starfighters available:
- The Scout – Fast, agile, and maneuverable. Scouts make up for their lack of armor and shielding with incredible elusiveness.
- The Strike Fighter – The backbone of any squadron. Strike Fighters are versatile, capable of both great offensive and defensive abilities. Very balanced Starfighters against both enemies and objectives.
- The Gunship – The first Galactic Starfighter support role. These long-range ships are perfect for softening up an objective’s defenses or taking out enemy Starfighters engaged with your allies.
- Spend earned Requisition to customize and upgrade Starfighters in the Hangar Bay.
- Full in-game playable tutorial! Learn the basics of Galactic Starfighter flight, combat, and objective capturing! The tutorial allows players to shed the constraints of battle, and teaches using a series of informative pop-ups during free flight. Players can access the tutorial by clicking on the "?" button near the top right of the Galactic Starfighter Hangar.
Sure would be nice if some of us could log in to even enjoy this update. There is a plethora of issues already. Right after the loading screen to character select screen the game freezes up and you have to do a hard reboot on your cpu. Even better, apparently this was a KNOWN issue on PTS and bioware chose to ignore it I guess.
FFS, I really want to enjoy this game, but some days...
I am perfectly happy with the way SWTOR does it, but thanks for your input.
Looking forward to this should be a blast.
LOL They actually added capital ships /grin
Dromund Kaas:
Sith Warrior - Story of Hate and Love
Imperial Agent - Rise of Cipher Nine
Imperial Agent - Hunt for the Eagle Part 1
[mod edit]
I subscribed a week ago so i could try it out. It is a terrible space ship combat, you cant stop, the ships are slow, the flying isnt even skills they use clickable icons, to do barrel rolls. They made it item based nonsense like the rest of the pvp in the game. It takes almost no skill, and is the worst flying a game could give you. They paved the paradise of swg and put up this garbage. They couldent even do the space ship combat right. Not to even mention since most of the people in the game dont like pvp, to make it all pvp is just a waste. Since the pvp in the game is item based level based garbage. It almost pay to win, minus you can buy the stuff, with in game credits. As for me back to bf4 for pvp, and ryzom for rpg/mmo. Where at least crafting is meaningful not every one makes the same garbage. The world is open, and the people under stand what a mmo is. As for plane fighting if you think this is fun, or good, you never played world war 2 online, SWG, battlefield vietnam, 2, and 4,among others.
You subbed a week ago to try GS?
What if i told you that GS early access went live just 30 mins ago for subs and that it was available on the PTS for testers only between November 15th-17th and November 22nd-24th.
So, please go on about how you are a veteran in GS.
And the barrel roll with the key is just a insta dodge mechanic with a cooldown. You can do manual barrel rolls without any problems. Of course, to know this, you need to actually play the game.
I just did 3 battles in a row, and its some the most heart pounding PVP iv ever experianced in an MMO. Like i said before, i can see this being the sole reason some folks play this game moving forward.
...he could have subbed a week ago to get early access. He could have also tried it on the PTS.
In any case, he did make some oddly specific feedback above the generic "its terrible" so its quite possible he's telling the truth.
I didnt say i was a veteran. I played it for 10 mins, and found i didnt like it. You cant do a barrel roll. How the ship commands dont work like that. You cant roll the ship, you can go up and down, left and right. You cant go backwards, or stop.
Ship stops by pressing X, can be boosted by diverting power to engines or by pressing the spacebar for temporary boost.
Let me know when you see a Jet go in reverse in real life.
To do a barrel roll, keep the mouse centered and press A/D. The ship will turn about the longitudinal axis in a helical pattern.
The quick-skill is also not a barrel roll just an FYI. It's an almost instant 180 turn by braking the ship the and drifting to change the direction and then boosting to take the turn.
And all of Maka's issues have been shot down. GJ.
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Very nice, thank you muchly
I did 4 missions after changing all the keybinds to fit my xpadder setup on my joypad. At least i can use the same xpadder setup as the ground game one . I am a great pilot it seems but i need practice in killing , hit a lot of players though. It's a very good change to the PVE ground game that's for sure.
PSO 4 years , EQOA 4 months , PSU 7 years , SWTOR launch ongoing , PSO2 SEA launch ongoing , Destiny 360 launch ongoing.
"SWG was not fun. Let it go buddy." quote from iiNoSkillzii 10/18/13
The original propoganda pixie dust villain :[]
fyi: Harriers can go backwards; the F-35 can/will be able to go backwards as well - not quickly but the ability is there.
In space with no air resistance and no gravity to worry about no reason why they shouldn't - scouts in particular. Maybe EA will introduce a cash shop modification! To go with the inevitable ship colours and let us not forget engine colours as well.
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
I logged in quickly before work this morning. Played 3 games, won 2 and lost 1. Got a few kills and finished top 5 for kills in all 3 maps. Really good fun. Moderating your speed really helps, not as much as cutting to 1/3 speed in XvT or XWA for those in the know, but still its a lot better than trying to do a turn and flying at full speed. L2P people! Could tell those pilots who knew about throttle versus those that didn't. Also funny dogfighting near structures and seeing people panic then subsequently smash into a station or an asteroid.
The customisation is going to take a lot of research and trial/error but it will definitely extend the life of the game. For people bagging this update because 'pvp is broken in swtor' ... you obviously haven't tried it cos it's completely different to the ground game.
Currently Playing: World of Warcraft
Another failure on biowares head.
controls are overly sluggish, the combat is far from fun and there's still no pve system or an open world space system that allows for exploring like swg gave us. and being that the team at bioware isn't all that big i dont think we'll see any more of this mess anytime soon. really bioware once again dropped the ball and forgot everything that made space great in swg.
From my understanding, they aren't going after the same gameplay, which has been sorely repeated. Granted, you are allowed your own opinion about the combat level of fun. Just realize they were not going for an open world exploration space sim exactly like swg. I haven't tried this expansion yet myself, but calling them out for not being like swg is an error in itself.
I see a pattern with SWTOR and that is their original vision of "instant action", queue up and fight.
In that scheme Galactic Starfighter fits very well, it´s a surprisingly fun minigame and much better than the old railshooter minigame.
BUT GSF is still a minigame. Don´t expect open space or exploration or anything actually "extending" the game world.
Basically they added two warzones which take place in space and there is a time limit.
At this point I don´t expect they will ever add something immersive like actually flying around with your own spaceship. Not going to happen.
I'm still amazed that people want to see a game like SWTOR (themepark) and try to fit a space sandbox game like EVE Online / X-series onto it.
It is just /Facepalm material.
Gdemami -
Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
SOE didn´t have such a close minded stubborn way of pattern thinking