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I am taking at least two weeks off work for release. Maybe an extra week if pre-orders come with early release.
Kids have Spring break about the same time. Looks like a family affair for the release.
Anyone else have plans?
@PigglesworthTWR on Twitter
Pigglesworth @,,,, &
Malcontent @ &
I am popping popcorn, the special kind with an actual movie theater rip off popper and authentic butter and salt flavorings, and then I am lining up forum watching time for the flame fest. I may have some marshmallows ready. You know those great big giant ones of differing colors.
Then, I'll play some skyrim and if I am in the mood maybe a little GW2 WVW. Then check the forum and toast one with a little coconut. Rinse and repeat.
I'll be playing the game when I can while this guy gets the diabeetus.
I am taking time off work, so that when the game doesn't launch on this day, or does with 20+ hours of downtime a day because of server problems for a week or more, I will have lots of free time to make posts making fun of all the people who took vacation for the release of an MMO.
It's like you people never learn?
Enjoy your hatred while I enjoy the game.
@PigglesworthTWR on Twitter
Pigglesworth @,,,, &
Malcontent @ &
Sounds like you made this thread for the express purpose of inciting said hatred.
Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!
really? because what i read was a thread about release plans, strange.
to be honest, you don't have to try and make a thread that incites hate on these forums, they all end up that way regardless.
back on topic, i personally don't take time off to play video games lol
can't wait to play it when it releases though, after work or on my day of of course.
hopefully this game will keep me occupied for a few months at least.
that is a good point. however, i am not sure TESO will have as much of an issue due to the "megaserver" tech.
sure there will likely still be technical issues but at least you won't have queues and overcrowding, but we will see.
You are sure putting alot of faith in this Mega Server Tech. Since this is the first time its being tried.
[mod edit]
Bringer of Eternal Darkness and Despair, but also a Nutritious way to start your Morning.
Games Played: Too Many
There Is Always Hope!
Who cares? He didn't ask who doesn't have plans.
There Is Always Hope!
Wish I could afford to take time off, but alas... I am not normally the type to do so even if money allowed, but I would be tempted to make an exception for ESO. Matt Firor and co knew how to launch a smooth mmo (in relation to absolute disaster, that is, which is the norm) and I am really looking forward to the new game smell.
I absolutely love the honeymoon phase in a new mmorpg Maybe I will take a couple days off after all.
1. it's not a console game, it's a PC > console port...better get used to it now that both major consoles are PCs in a box.
2. Are consoles evil? I play MMOs... I have an Xbox 360 and a PS3 (as an aside...want to buy them? )... I don't see the problem.
3. Are you a gamer or just a PC groupie?
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
The only person I can think of that would actually consider anything posted in this thread so far as bitter or hate filled would be a viral marketer looking to hype an upcoming release or perhaps a fan boy too in love to see the fallacy of posting this sort of hype thread four months out when no one else can be expected to be reasonably excited. If you really think people are jaded here onsite, then you would be partially right and the overabundance of overly hyped sucky game releases in recent years is more to blame than anything. We been living on pruno rather than wine man. PRUNO...
i am not putting any faith in it, it may have technical issues but one thing we know for a fact is it won't have server queues or overcrowding. that is why they have that "megaserver" tech to begin with.
unless they are flat out lying that is.
There have been numerous mmo's that have utilized a form megaserver technology. Bumps are always going to be expected in an mmo launch since very few mmo's have a completely smooth launch. That being said, most modern mmo's have launched with very little down time and have managed the crowds well. Based on prior experience I don't foresee this game being very different.
At this point we know they will be having an 'open' beta (whatever their interpretation of that may be) so I would base my judgement more on how that goes rather than on opinions from restricted/limited beta experiences.
MMO Vet since AOL Neverwinter Nights circa 1992. My MMO beat up your MMO. =S
I have played a few MMOs ported to consoles and one MMO made for consoles ported to the PC. I have yet to play one that worked well. The UI ends up being really bad. Controls end up being much better on one then the other. DCU was the MMO that made me swear I would never play another MMO that tried to shoot for PC and console releases. But I did end up playing FF14 anyways and loved it to death but same thing there. The UI team is divided and with the console being much more challenging problem that the PC side was mostly ignored. FF14's PC UI was by far one of the worst UI I have played with. The rest of the game made me push past that but reguardless a lot of PC gamers do not see this kind of move as a good thing.
Fascinating! Time well spent LOL, thanks for sharing!
If I were you I might schedule the time off work starting a few days after release just to avoid wasted days off. There will be issues no matter what.
Other than that have fun and enjoy your time off playing ESO
Maybe - maybe not.
One approach - from an Intel or IBM presentation I read a few years back - was to assign servers to a geographical area. The size of the area being flexed up or down depending on the load. So if people congregate in an area, for a battle say, some of the "area" is passed off to the server handling the adjacent area - which may in turn have to pass on area etc. The total number of servers in the array is scaled depending on the concurrent population. As people leave the game servers can be removed (so no server transfers); as more people join servers can be added.
Load balancing is the key obviously and this basic approach - or variations on it - certainly power some of the F2P games out there.
Whether Zenimaxhave gone down this path, or done what you suggest, or some combination .... no idea.
Suffur raises a pretty good point. ESO will have the same problems as all MMOs before it, and probably worse since Zenimax is new to MMOs and Elder Scrolls is a popular franchise. Servers will be down for most of the first 2 weeks. Wait 2 weeks then take your holidays, the servers should be stable by then.