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Reasons why NOT to play SWG.



  • WarsongWarsong Member Posts: 563

    Ya she's not as nice as me :P
    I tell her she is the devil....she is purty hawt tho ::::08::

    P.S. BTW doomy she heard me talking about a stalker earlier but that was that other der daeander (the stalker in the above post trying to do the math of the soul or some sh|t)....not that you care but sorry for the confusion, I dont believe you're stalking me I just disagree with you on points

  • LalunaLaluna Member Posts: 12

    Originally posted by daeandor
    Originally posted by Laluna 15 Bucks X 10 = 150 a month150 a month for 2 years ( that's 24 for your comprehension pleasure) = 3600 bucksJackass you think I don’t have the right to complain?
    Did we have fun those 2 years …YESDid we pay for a service used (ie. Server, power, CSR, etc etc ) = YESDid a portion of that money go into the investing of future SWG addons, perhaps other SONY games, as well as some research and development = YES
    Does it give me the right to tell SONY how to run their game and what direction they should take = unfortunately no.
    But I will tell you this you stalking jerk
    1. Warsong is my husband and a heterosexual ( so find your self another man to stalk)
    2. For 2 years of my time, the friends I have made, as well as the 3600 dollars we put in, sure as HELL GIVE ME THE DAMN RIGHT TO COMPLAIN ON WHATEVER PUBLIC FORUM I WANT and EXPRESS MY OPINION IF I WANT.
    Things are really beginning to add up for me now.

    what that 1+1= 2?

    Good job want a cookie?

    Chrissy The Pirate
    "Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.
    Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power."

  • LalunaLaluna Member Posts: 12

    Originally posted by Warsong
    Ya she's not as nice as me :P
    I tell her she is the devil....she is purty hawt tho ::::08::
    P.S. BTW doomy she heard me talking about a stalker earlier but that was that other der daeander (the stalker in the above post trying to do the math of the soul or some sh|t)....not that you care but sorry for the confusion, I dont believe you're stalking me I just disagree with you on points

    Yeah babe....I just feel that anyone who has to use personal attacks to get thier points across - not being able to bring up any VALID factual points- is worth slamming either way.

    They want personal? They GOT personal. Now they get to deal with me ::::27::

    Chrissy The Pirate
    "Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.
    Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power."

  • DoomsayerDoomsayer Member Posts: 344

    Originally posted by Laluna

    Originally posted by Warsong
    Ya she's not as nice as me :P
    I tell her she is the devil....she is purty hawt tho ::::08::

    P.S. BTW doomy she heard me talking about a stalker earlier but that was that other der daeander (the stalker in the above post trying to do the math of the soul or some sh|t)....not that you care but sorry for the confusion, I dont believe you're stalking me I just disagree with you on points

    Yeah babe....I just feel that anyone who has to use personal attacks to get thier points across - not being able to bring up any VALID factual points- is worth slamming either way.

    They want personal? They GOT personal. Now they get to deal with me ::::27::

    Sweety...look back at the thread, I didn't make it personal. I was replying to chronictron and your hubby attacked me. I couldn't care less about his marital position and from the attack you just made on me, I can see why he is so quick to anger.

    You were paying for 10 accounts. Well, I just won't go into that. I could never get so into any game as to own 10 accounts. Hell, I at max have only ever owned 2 accounts for any 1 game. Because to me, ALL mmorpgs are games. And thats it. If someone goes beyond that, prioritizes it higher than just a game, you are right. Its a free country, they have the right. But, by the very nature of MMORPGs, especially SWG, they change. And if you value something so highly as you did SWG, when you have no control over its future than you have set yourself up for the pain and are behaving like a fool. Thats not a personal attack. Its by definition foolish to do something like that.

    And SOE has the right to charge for their game even if they dont ever update a thing. People may or may not play, thats beside the point. But they never OWED you anything. You payed to PLAY. They chose the direction for the game. Your money paid did not mean they had to develop anything. Now it would be a massive waste to pay to play a game that wasnt planning on developing the game more, but no one said the direction would be something you agreed with.

    And your husband hinting that I sound like I work for SOE? Whatever. I have had plenty of issues with SOE in the past, and have spoken out more against them than for them. What they did in HOW they implemented the changes, to the vets, was pretty much BS. But similar things have happened in the past to other major releases, maybe not to that magnitude but essentially ending the game playability for people in those games. It happened to me several times. One was even an SOE game.

    As far as my genetalia, I can rest assure you that they are indeed hairy. Have been for many years, but I thank you for your concern. I haven't lived with my parents in 12 years, I am married to a lovely woman, and I have my own residence.


    Everything born must die. All that is, will come to ruin. This is the essence of Doom. So sayeth the Doomsayer.

  • DoomsayerDoomsayer Member Posts: 344

    double post.


    Everything born must die. All that is, will come to ruin. This is the essence of Doom. So sayeth the Doomsayer.

  • DoomsayerDoomsayer Member Posts: 344

    Originally posted by Warsong

    Originally posted by Doomsayer

    If you pay to play, and you don't like the direction of the game, or the actions of the company, or both....then quit.
    Ahh yes and yet one more person trying to issue commands telling people what to do, negative son ‘that dog just wont hunt’ or here try this on. If you read the thread and don’t like the direction of the thread or the statement/opinions, or both….then don’t reply.
    It was a suggestion not a command. And pretty much common sense.

    Don't whine about it. Its the same with every game I have ever payed to play. I never left the game because I was happy with it. You want to right bad reviews, spread the word. Good, go ahead. But mostly what you are doing is whining. There is a difference.
    If there is a difference then you obviously cant tell what it is because what are you doing now?....ya same frekin thing, some people really cant help being a little daft huh?
    What? Did you really just say, " I am rubber, you are glue. Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you." Cause thats what it looks like.

    Okay, this is just stupid. I have never "taken it up the rear" from anyone. Including SOE. Its your OPINION that the game is now bad.
    Sure is my opinion
    And I have always respected that, please extend the curteousy to others if its not too much trouble. I am asking...not COMMANDING.

    I like the game. I thought playing the game PRE-NGE was stupid.
    /golfclap, good for you
    Thanks I appreciate it.
    But I didn't belittle anyone for doing it.
    Its relative in case you couldn’t tell
    I never even visited any SWG forums until I restarted playing post NGE. Thusly never commented on it. So I never would have belittled someone for playing it pre-nge, I just wouldnt have cared.

    I pay SOE to entertain me with SWG. I am entertained playing it. So I continue to pay. If that changes I won't pay. How is that "taking it up the rear"?
    I paid to play an MMORPG for 2.5 years and that goes with a certain thing in mind, MMOs are made and played with two MAIN (not all but main) things in mind.
    1. playing with other people as to create and develop a community.

    Eh...debatable. I have seen many MMORPGs that didnt take this into consideration, unfortunatly.

    2. Developing your character and having that progress saved.
    Now with that said I can safely say that SOE literally destroyed both those in SWG for tens of thousands of players, many of them spending the better part of 3 years working on those two main issues. I can easily go enjoy BF2 but there I’m not paying 15 bucks a month and I’m not getting the depth either.
    Ergo the difference and the reason so many people are very displeased at this point. And if all we had was people with your kind of outlook then we would never progress in the development of any game (much less anything else) and companies would get away with all kinds of piss poor management because they would be content with being fed sh|t all the time OR yes , taking it up the rear.

    Your voice is your money, imho. I wouldn't pay for a stagnant game. And I don't think many others would. So companies couldn't rely on that. As for bad management, I put up with it until it encroaches on my gameplay, then I leave. Which many vets have, I am just on the otherside of that spectrum.

    As for the class changes, yeah, thats rough in a 2+ year old game, but in their development, if something that drastic was needed, I think their middle ground was a decent call. Even essentially allowing vets to be both a combat class and their trade class post nge.

    With every post you sound more moronic.
    With every post you sound like you work for SOE/LA or some sort of idiot

    I work for SOE? In the words of "Da Jesus" from the Big Lebowski, "That's laughable, man." So I must be an idiot. But whos the bigger idiot? The original idiot, or the idiot that argues with him? Ahha! And which of us was indeed, the first idiot.

    More like a child crying over his spilled milk. Yours is the only opinion that is fact, and everyone else is a mindless, spineless victim of anal rape. Yeah, that MUST be the case.
    No where do I force my opinion on people or state my opinions as facts. You just reaching out for something that isn’t there to try and reinforce you opinion and failing at it although I’m sure you can fool a few of the real morons out there with your tripe.

    Heh..hehhe...didn't I say something earlier about rubber and glue?

    And all your ranting and raging is making the world a better place? Get over yourself. Nothing SOE does or you do to SOE for good or ill will ever even come close to making the world a better or worse place.
    Its people like me who don’t sit back and let people and or companies walk all over them are indeed what makes the world a better place. Get a clue.

    Yeah, only effective way I have truly seen to stand up to a faceless corporation is with your money. Which you have done, I don't see much point in going past that.

    Get some perspective you self centered ego maniac. Its a friggin game.
    I have plenty of perspective and everyone knows it’s a game you friggin DER, care to tell us again?

    Sure. Dude....its a game. Cause I still don't think you get it.

    You aren't helping feed any starving people
    I have

    I should have clarified. I meant on a massive scale. Not donating a couple bucks to the local charity.

    or cure any diseases
    trying to cure idiocy has been a problem these days

    It will always be incurable.

    or bring about any kind of world peace.
    How would you know?

    Cause we don't have world peace. I mean, we are at war here in America, people dieing in hostile countries everywhere. Genocide, mass mutilations, etc.

    Grow up and get a clue. Its a game, get over it.

    It’s a forum retard grow up, get over it, get a clue yaddi yadda LMAO god some people just cant get it I guess

    You are the pot calling the kettle black.


    Apparently you and your wife got so into this game on just not a normal level. I just can't even concieve of being that involved in one. So I can imagine that you must be insanely frustrated and betrayed by SOE.  I can't say I feel your pain. But I do sympathize.


    Everything born must die. All that is, will come to ruin. This is the essence of Doom. So sayeth the Doomsayer.

  • WarsongWarsong Member Posts: 563

    Originally posted by Doomsayer
    Originally posted by Laluna Originally posted by WarsongYa she's not as nice as me :PI tell her she is the devil....she is purty hawt tho P.S. BTW doomy she heard me talking about a stalker earlier but that was that other der daeander (the stalker in the above post trying to do the math of the soul or some sh|t)....not that you care but sorry for the confusion, I dont believe you're stalking me I just disagree with you on pointsYeah babe....I just feel that anyone who has to use personal attacks to get thier points across - not being able to bring up any VALID factual points- is worth slamming either way.
    They want personal? They GOT personal. Now they get to deal with me
    Sweety...look back at the thread, I didn't make it personal. I couldn't care less about his marital position and from the attack you just made on me, I can see why he is so quick to anger.
    You were paying for 10 accounts. Well, I just won't go into that. I could never get so into any game as to own 10 accounts. Hell, I at max have only ever owned 2 accounts for any 1 game. Because to me, ALL mmorpgs are games. And thats it. If someone goes beyond that, prioritizes it higher than just a game, you are right. Its a free country, they have the right. But, by the very nature of MMORPGs, especially SWG, they change. And if you value something so highly as you did SWG, when you have no control over its future than you have set yourself up for the pain and are behaving like a fool. Thats not a personal attack. Its by definition foolish to do something like that.
    And SOE has the righ to charge for their game even if they dont ever update a thing. People may or may not play, thats beside the point. But they never OWED you anything. You payed to PLAY. They chose the direction for the game. Your money paid did not mean they had to develop anything. Now it would be a massive waste to pay to play a game that wasnt planning on developing the game more, but no one said the direction would be something you agreed with.
    And your husband hinting that I sound like I work for SOE? Whatever. I have had plenty of issues with SOE in the past, and have spoken out more against them than for them. What they did in HOW they implemented the changes, to the vets, was pretty much BS. But similar things have happened in the past to other major releases, maybe not to that magnitude but essentially ending the game playability for people in those games. It happened to me several times. One was even an SOE game.
    As far as my genetalia, I can rest assure you that they are indeed hairy. Have been for many years, but I thank you for your concern. I haven't lived with my parents in 12 years, I am married to a lovely woman, and I have my own residence.

    Who said I was quick to anger? LOL nothing on these forums or any other has ever made me angry so where are you coming up with that statement? Or are you just assuming? I already know the answer…just a point, like these others here.

    1. If you let a business lie, scam or deceive you or think its ok for them to do that to other customers then by definition its “someone who is willing to take it up the rear, or be content to let it happen to others” , it was a relative expression it was not an attack on you personally so ya you did make it personal with derogatory statements and character bashing in you reply to me, which I then replied in like.
    2. Are you saying that by definition if someone who purchases over 2 accounts its no longer a game priority wise, doesn’t make sense…then why wouldn’t you set the defined priority level at just one account? More reaching to make a point or what?
    3. The consumer always has some control over a products future, not knowing that by definition would be foolish sir.
    4. You right SOE has the right to change the game, they also will have the privilege of the repercussions of any changes , like the ones you see today. Loss of sales and customers and bad reviews and reports.
    5. I don’t believe she nor I have ever claimed they OWED us anything.

  • DoomsayerDoomsayer Member Posts: 344

    Originally posted by Warsong


    Who said I was quick to anger? LOL nothing on these forums or any other has ever made me angry so where are you coming up with that statement? Or are you just assuming? I already know the answer…just a point, like these others here.

    I said you are quick to anger. Cause you attacked me with no provocation.

    1. If you let a business lie, scam or deceive you or think its ok for them to do that to other customers then by definition its “someone who is willing to take it up the rear, or be content to let it happen to others” , it was a relative expression it was not an attack on you personally so ya you did make it personal with derogatory statements and character bashing in you reply to me, which I then replied in like.

    This is your opinion. And when someone speaks to me the way you did, and says I take it up the rear...literaly or attacking me. So I see it as you striking first., I guess its all about point of view. Which is funny, because that was a big philosophical question in Star Wars.

    All companies lie, all companies decieve. Too think else is to think foolishly. If/when it directly effects me, I make my statement with the loss of my patronage.

    2. Are you saying that by definition if someone who purchases over 2 accounts its no longer a game priority wise, doesn’t make sense…then why wouldn’t you set the defined priority level at just one account? More reaching to make a point or what?

    I didn't say that over 2 accounts. But 10? I am not saying you got WAY too involved in the game as an absolute, but just my opinion, it seems excessive. Even though I know originally it was 1 character per server. Them going to 2 characters per server is in part what drew me back in.

    2 accounts because some games require mules because of lack of inventory/bank space, or may require a bot for other reasons. (Healing, PvP buffs etc). The only time I had two accounts was because one was for my roomate at the time.

    3. The consumer always has some control over a products future, not knowing that by definition would be foolish sir.

    You are right. Your control is with your money. Believe anything else, that they are listening to you..and you are assuming you have contol. Which is not true.

    4. You right SOE has the right to change the game, they also will have the privilege of the repercussions of any changes , like the ones you see today. Loss of sales and customers and bad reviews and reports.

    Damn straight. And I am with you. But there are other things going on that I don't think are ok. Like attacking people who like the game, making every thread a bash, people in game spamming crap at the tops of their lungs, etc. I am not saying you personally are doing this, but it is happening and its getting old.

    5. I don’t believe she nor I have ever claimed they OWED us anything.

    Well that was my impression from what she wrote.

    Anyway, I am done. I don't feel like talking about this anymore. Say what you will, but I am completely bored with this.


    Everything born must die. All that is, will come to ruin. This is the essence of Doom. So sayeth the Doomsayer.

  • WarsongWarsong Member Posts: 563

    [quote]Originally posted by Doomsayer

    Originally posted by Warsong

    Originally posted by Doomsayer

    It was a suggestion not a command. And pretty much common sense.

    If that were so then were was the part that goes “I suggest” or “let me make a suggestion” because its common sense to do so maybe…ya think?

    What? Did you really just say, " I am rubber, you are glue. Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you." Cause thats what it looks like.

    weak, dismissed as weak tripe

    Its your OPINION that the game is now bad. .
    Sure is my opinion
    And I have always respected that, please extend the curteousy to others if its not too much trouble. I am asking...not COMMANDING.

    Always have, are you indicating I haven’t respected others opinions? If so please quote it.

    Your voice is your money, imho. I wouldn't pay for a stagnant game. And I don't think many others would. So companies couldn't rely on that. As for bad management, I put up with it until it encroaches on my gameplay, then I leave. Which many vets have, I am just on the otherside of that spectrum.

    Yes your voice CAN be money, your time CAN be money and it CAN always be someone else’s LACK of money. Yep just leaving something is ok I guess but if everyone did that then it would be pretty hard to improve anything at all as no one would ever know why people leave something such as a football game, a car dealership, a restaurant or a hospital. I’ll stick to my side of the spectrum

    And which of us was indeed, the first idiot.

    Yeah, only effective way I have truly seen to stand up to a faceless corporation is with your money. Which you have done, I don't see much point in going past that.

    I don’t expect you would from your disposition but fortunate for the consumer there are a few other ways to stand up and go past that.

    It’s a forum retard grow up, get over it, get a clue yaddi yadda LMAO god some people just cant get it I guess
    You are the pot calling the kettle black.
    Actually that was you remember “it’s a game, get over it” that was your initial statement foo

    [color=yellow] Apparently you and your wife got so into this game on just not a normal level. I just can't even concieve of being that involved in one. So I can imagine that you must be insanely frustrated and betrayed by SOE. I can't say I feel your pain. But I do sympathize.[/b] [/color]

    So now your gonna try and tell people what normal and what’s not just from your (I’m guessing, limited) conceivability’s? That’s to say conforming to normality limits ones self and if we all did that than its vanilla for the house me thinks.
    I can tell you that I feel betrayed of course but insanely frustrated…no, merely a voice like many others and theirs no real pain just the will to not settle for the mediocre.

  • WarsongWarsong Member Posts: 563

    Originally posted by Doomsayer
    Originally posted by Warsong
    I said you are quick to anger. Cause you attacked me with no provocation.
    Not true but sure whatever, o ya aren’t you the guy who posted a thread then flamed people telling you not the flame you? LMAO This is your opinion. And when someone speaks to me the way you did, and says I take it up the rear...literaly or attacking me. So I see it as you striking first., I guess its all about point of view. Which is funny, because that was a big philosophical question in Star Wars.
    More bla bla circle jerk gibberish from youAll companies lie, all companies decieve. Too think else is to think foolishly. If/when it directly effects me, I make my statement with the loss of my patronage.
    Good for you again, loss of patronage is good but not letting a company know why does no one any good and actually is harmful in its own ways.I didn't say that over 2 accounts. But 10? I am not saying you got WAY too involved in the game as an absolute, but just my opinion, it seems excessive. Even though I know originally it was 1 character per server. Them going to 2 characters per server is in part what drew me back in.
    2 accounts because some games require mules because of lack of inventory/bank space, or may require a bot for other reasons. (Healing, PvP buffs etc). The only time I had two accounts was because one was for my roomate at the time.
    Yes 10 accounts for 3 people that live in this house and that is on the low end for people who run guilds, create cities and economies that put the MMO in MMO pretty much at least were SWG was/is concernedYou are right. Your control is with your money. Believe anything else, that they are listening to you..and you are assuming you have contol. Which is not true.
    LOL, ya they don’t listen alright (please)…..I guess the PR overtime duty SOE/LA has been putting in lately was just for fun where they actually come out and state that its having an effect
    Damn straight. And I am with you. But there are other things going on that I don't think are ok. Like attacking people who like the game, making every thread a bash, people in game spamming crap at the tops of their lungs, etc. I am not saying you personally are doing this, but it is happening and its getting old.
    Funny this thread was created by me because of someone (like yourself) who kindof reminds me of you, Kefkah, and here is his suggestion. Originally posted by kefkah
    Well, again here is a short take of this thread and the current state of things as I see it:
    1. Wepps started this thread to tell the community of the updates that SOE is putting out for the game. I am quite sure that he didn't post it to convince us disgruntled vets of any SWG era to come back. The thread would be targetted to those who are not concerned about SOE's past actions nor how the game was once played. These people are either playing or are sitting on the fence about playing.
    Our negative feedback which is well documented on this forum as well as many others really serves no purpose in this thread but in fact makes us look like a pack of wolves. Those who would read this article probably have already read our thoughts and know each poster's viewpoints and if they continue to read it - then they could really care less.
    2. I suggest that we should try a different approach to this forum. Say if someone has a positive topic based on posting information then we leave that thread alone. Let those who would read it do so in their current mindset and leave it at that.
    However, if we want to take said information and break it down piece by piece for its faults - we the detractors of said game and information should start our own thread. Flame wars and derailing will be reduced and the readers will know exactly what they are getting themselves into. I know that I tend to read the top 5 threads no matter what and so our opinion will not be overlooked especially if the title states our purpose say like - Here is What Is Wrong With Publish 2.XXX.
    In the end, everyone gets what they want to say, and our forum will be the better for it. Don't get me wrong - I am all about pointing out the flaws of a person's statement but in the end every single thread in this forum is starting to bleed together and look like pink tighty whities. A mix of repetitive opinions and personal feuds.
    Not a tree hugger or a peace bringer - just think that this is starting to become like hearing the Alaskan weather forecast from both sides.
    And now here we are again, see Kefkah…sounds good in theory but as soon as I posted this thread it started being dogged by the other sideof this coin and here we are again both sides bickering on and on, passion is great huh?Anyway, I am done. I don't feel like talking about this anymore. Say what you will, but I am completely bored with this.

    I will take that as “you lose” Doomsayer, since we know that’s what you really mean. BTW if you need counseling now talk to Daeander, he can see into the spirit world.

  • duncan_922duncan_922 Member Posts: 1,670

    Warsong...  I think I'm in love with your wife!  image

    I wish my wife would at least let me have more than 2 accounts, let alone play any MMO with me!  I had to apply for a CC in secret that I have the bill arrive at work so she doesn't know!


    SOE knows what you like... You don't!
    And don't forget... I am forcing you to read this!

  • daeandordaeandor Member UncommonPosts: 2,695

    Originally posted by Warsong

    I will take that as “you lose” Doomsayer, since we know that’s what you really mean. BTW if you need counseling now talk to Daeander, he can see into the spirit world.

    Things are adding up even more for me now.  I will let you in on a little secret Warsong, realizing you have a problem is the first step to recovery.  Hopefully you will seek professional help sometime soon.
  • daeandordaeandor Member UncommonPosts: 2,695

    Originally posted by Laluna

    Yeah babe....I just feel that anyone who has to use personal attacks to get thier points across - not being able to bring up any VALID factual points- is worth slamming either way.

    They want personal? They GOT personal. Now they get to deal with me ::::27::

    Have you ever read any of your "husband's" posts?
  • WarsongWarsong Member Posts: 563

    Originally posted by daeandor
    Originally posted by Warsong I will take that as “you lose” Doomsayer, since we know that’s what you really mean. BTW if you need counseling now talk to Daeander, he can see into the spirit world. Things are adding up even more for me now. I will let you in on a little secret Warsong, realizing you have a problem is the first step to recovery. Hopefully you will seek professional help sometime soon.

    WOW, thx Bill W. I'm all better now!......please go save an egg or something.

  • anarchyartanarchyart Member Posts: 5,378
    Ok guys let's try and keep it civil or I'm going to have to lock this thread.image

  • WarsongWarsong Member Posts: 563

    Originally posted by duncan_922
    Warsong... I think I'm in love with your wife! image
    I wish my wife would at least let me have more than 2 accounts, let alone play any MMO with me! I had to apply for a CC in secret that I have the bill arrive at work so she doesn't know!

    Ya she's great , she is also a badass 3D animator so she loves this stuff. FYI we met in SWG , we were both leaders of large guilds that we merged and a little later we met in RL and have been together ever since.
    It was actually going to be planned in game at one time to have the Emp marry our toons for fun. This other couple we know that ran the largest Imp guild on the server who also set up having Vader at one of our in game Imp alliance meetings that was held in Theeds theatre was going to set it up but we didn't follow through as 2005 has just been a steady trend of people losing intrest in playing the game due to the CU.

  • duncan_922duncan_922 Member Posts: 1,670

    Originally posted by Warsong

    Originally posted by duncan_922
    Warsong... I think I'm in love with your wife! image
    I wish my wife would at least let me have more than 2 accounts, let alone play any MMO with me! I had to apply for a CC in secret that I have the bill arrive at work so she doesn't know!

    Ya she's great , she is also a badass 3D animator so she loves this stuff. FYI we met in SWG , we were both leaders of large guilds that we merged and a little later we met in RL and have been together ever since.
    It was actually going to be planned in game at one time to have the Emp marry our toons for fun. This other couple we know that ran the largest Imp guild on the server who also set up having Vader at one of our in game Imp alliance meetings that was held in Theeds theatre was going to set it up but we didn't follow through as 2005 has just been a steady trend of people losing intrest in playing the game due to the CU.

    That would've been kick ass! 

    I met my wife of 3 years through ICQ...   Damn ICQ! hehehe   J/K

    SOE knows what you like... You don't!
    And don't forget... I am forcing you to read this!

  • kefkahkefkah Member UncommonPosts: 832

    Someone invoke my name?

    Actually, I have followed this thread since you created after our discussion. Been elsewhere though making other points and as a matter of keeping to my word - I stayed out of this. And in the greatness of all things of forum, it managed to prove me wrong and right. You were right when you said that naysayers on either side would keep posting and derail. Your first post was thought out and made your case. Then the debate came into play. Passion is good only if directed in an even and civil manner.

    Here is where I was right, after a few pages, people on both sides started taking pot shots. The word "You" (debate no no) tends to be the match to the fire and next thing you know - its a flame fest that seemingly has brought in friends and family for what has turned into basically a lesson on how people cannot keep to the subject of the thread. Quite frankly, I am surprised it hasn't been locked yet.

    Oh, and it also proved me right on another point - you posted your points and it has remained one of the top threads in the forum. Go into SWG forum and there is sits begging to be read. Your message is getting acrossed and it keeps you from repeating it elsewhere. Though should the personal comments continue or even the return fire against such stay status quo - your message will be lost in a thread that is locked and can't be bumped.  Passion again is a good thing when you direct it and keep your thoughts to topic and in a civil manner. All of us could stand to learn from this little experiment.

  • DoomsayerDoomsayer Member Posts: 344

    Originally posted by daeandor

    Originally posted by Warsong

    I will take that as “you lose” Doomsayer, since we know that’s what you really mean. BTW if you need counseling now talk to Daeander, he can see into the spirit world.

    Things are adding up even more for me now.  I will let you in on a little secret Warsong, realizing you have a problem is the first step to recovery.  Hopefully you will seek professional help sometime soon.

    Yeah, after awhile I realized he lives in his own little world with his wife. It never occurred to him that I quit responding because I went to bed. That it was 4 AM CST, and I had worked nine hours earlier that day. It HAD to be cause I "lost". Whatever. I wonder what he won? How long will he keep checking his mail box for his prize?

    There comes a point, where its just not worth talking to people like that. Because he can't ever see any other position than his own. So I figured I would take the high road. Not to be a martyr or anything, frankly it was just easier on me. I don't have the time or desire to deal with people like that, and luckily, because this is a forum, I don't have to.


    Everything born must die. All that is, will come to ruin. This is the essence of Doom. So sayeth the Doomsayer.

  • daeandordaeandor Member UncommonPosts: 2,695

    Kefkah, this thread has not been on topic since the first 2-3 posts.  Warsong and his "wife" made it their own personal warground.  It would have dropped off the front of the swg general discussion page if someone hadn't resurrected it from page 2 a day or so ago.  So now it is here, getting more posts, so to quote our now famous "married couple", "bring it on."  I'll post here until it is locked, our posts deleted, and warsong, his "wife", and I are banned.

    Happy New Year!

  • JodokaiJodokai Member Posts: 1,621

    Originally posted by daeandor
    Things are really beginning to add up for me now

    Amen borther. A match made in heavean if I ever saw one...Which one do you think get's to use the brain tonight?
  • daeandordaeandor Member UncommonPosts: 2,695

    Originally posted by Laluna

    what that 1+1= 2?
    Good job want a cookie?

    I was thinking more along the lines of "birds of a feather..."
  • StraddenStradden Managing EditorMember CommonPosts: 6,696
    ok, I'm going to lock this thread that started out pretty bad and just bcame a big, giant flame-fest. Please remember to keep your comments out of the realm of the personal. Personal attacks are not accepted or tolerated at, and these flame wars aren't any good to anyone.

    Jon Wood
    Managing Editor

This discussion has been closed.