Originally posted by hadz Jodo I have read the Vanguard website FAQ (I haven't delved into the forums because frankly from the FAQ it sounded EXACTLY like a HUNDRED other games that are in production at the moment), to be fair they aren't revealing some of their "next-generation" (sounds awfully trekky) features, but of the features they have revealed, and even from many of the FAQ statements, it sounds like they're redoing the classic EQ but "making it better" (ie better graphics, technology, etc). Actually they've let one of their beta testers (who is also their lawyer) free from the NDA. He's give pretty detailed examples of how play works. I would highly reccomend reading that. As for the core systems they've ALL been done! For instance, the crafting/dip/fighting thing sounds exactly like D&Ls (and that is supposedly coming out first...haha...if it ever comes out) and that is about the only difference to normal MMOs that I could notice in the FAQ. (EDIT: And EQ2 even has the crafting and fighting levels differentiated too, so really it's not that different even to EQ2, just one added axis, ie Diplomacy, to advance the character in levels) So you're saying ALL crafting is the same? Star Wars Galaxies plays just like WoW's? Of course not. Vanguard's will to a lot different also. Harvesting and Crafting are as intricate as combat. Groups are required to harvest the best, most challenging resources. I don't know of another game that has done that for crafting. There is also a GREAT thread about crafting. The dev in charge of it answers TONS of questions. I'm sorry, but until Vanguard is finished and out there, it's got the same chance of being good (and popular) as DDO (as you said), so I wouldn't go touting it as the be all and end all (just as I'm not saying DDO is perfect...I mentioned a big flaw that I see in DDO some posts ago). And remember, just because you don't like something (I mean you played a toon to lvl 7 out of 10, so you've nearly played the whole game after all, you couldn't have hated it that much) doesn't mean that others don't. Let's pretend, for instance, that I was in some sort of stress test of DDO, and let's also pretend that everyone I played with said how great it was, then I wouldn't think that it's doomed to mass failure. If you look back in this thread, I state that I think people will find DDO fun, and I think it will be somewhat successful (I don't believe it will be as successful as I initally thought. The amount of negativity on the Beta Forum is simply unheard of. There are very few people defending the game), but I state the devs most definately DID NOT capture the D&D feel. The only reason I got so high, is I like to beta test. I like to fill out bug reports and suggestion reports. I like when I go back a few weeks later and my suggestion was taken or the bug I reproted was fixed (obviously more people than just me would have reported it or suggested it for it to get changed. And about EQ2 doing breakable dungeons, and blah blah etc...how'd they do that, I ask you??? Yes, yes it was INSTANCING! And good on EQ2 for being inventive and breaking the mould. But honestly the EQ2 breakable dungeons are far different from what is required to do the true D&D rogue class, with its trap detection, disarming & lock-picking (not to mention stealth and hiding...which can be done without instancing for sure, but not as well). How do you know? Like I've said before, just because WE can't think of a way to make them better without instancing, doesn't mean someone else hasn't. I'd also like to throw in that I think you're going to be really disapointed with traps and "dungeon solving" in this game. Anyway, I hope they keep improving DDO and make it a game that a large number will enjoy. Of course there's not much hope that they'll pull (for more than a month or so at any rate) the DIEHARD PnP D&D fans, nor the HARDCORE MMO fans as both camps tend to have their heads so far up their butts about what THEIR type of game is that I doubt they'll ever be convinced. Thankfully I like to keep an open mind about upcoming games. (So I'll probably be trying out Vanguard too when it comes out, my previous comment notwithstanding, I'm pretty sure it will hit the shelves...MS backing is certainly the best thing about Vanguard at the moment IMHO...and that's not saying a whole lot I suppose). I really would reccomend you hit the Vanguard boards pretty hard. I think you'll be pleased by what you see, and I'm not even talking about the game play. Just the way the Devs talk, the way they SEEM to be running the company. IF they stick by all their promises, this will be a company I'd be proud to support.