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I came across this site ( ) that calculates the positivity and negativity of what's being said about it on the web.
Just type in Elder Scrolls Online and it will calculate the positivity and negativity of it, the percentage numbers seem accurate lol
"This may hurt a little, but it's something you'll get used to. Relax....."
10 billion flies can't be wrong
Pretty much any pre-release MMO returns negative results.
Post release MMOs including Ultima Online and Guild wars 2 still receive terrible ratings.
My theory is that this is largely driven by pre-release whining and the fact (yes fact) that the majority of MMO players are steaming bucks of walrus crap.
Teh intarweb is a prophet!?!?!?!?!?
Completely bogus site.
Put in Hitler or Osama Bin Laden, see what you get.
Well, it's what the internet thinks not what America thinks. I could see Osama getting very high reviews in places like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, Indonesia, ect.
There Is Always Hope!
starwars got negative 60%
star trek positive 55%
With results like that you may as well just ask the people here what they think..../rolleyes
Well to be fair, when you put in things like aids, you will get a positive rating because people care about it. There are more positive sites on aids and how a person can deal with it, then their are sites telling how bad aids sucks and you should want to die if you have aids.
See my point?
Same pretty much goes with the Holocaust. There is more positive writings about the Holocaust because it is a historical event in our history. It's a thing people like to learn about.
The issue with the site, is that there is no way to define how each subject is positive or negative. A great example of this would be to try apocalypse. I bet it has a positive rating because it's a very popular story line. Try Zombies as well. Non of those are positive things if they where to actually happen.
It's all about perspective.
I think that is pretty accurate actually. You would be wrong if you think the majority of people like Star Wars. There is no doubt that it is a popular series, but let me tell you. If 40% if the entire internet was to like Star Wars, that is a pretty massive number. that is very very popular still. Just because 60% of the internet has something negative to say, really doesn't make it any less popular. To be honest, I have met more people who couldn't care less about star wars and hate it, then I have met people who are fans.
Same goes with Star Trek. You have to remember .. these shows and movies ... are part of a niche. A very specific group. Remember there are over 7 billion people on this planet. If even 1% find something positive .. that is still pretty popular. After all that is still 70 million people.
The internet seems confused. Ask warcraft it says it hates it but put in World of Warcraft and it loves it.
Sure, because that makes sense . . .
You know what's fun about chaos? I do, but I won't tell.
Well ... ya it does make sense. Warcraft isn't the same as World of Warcraft as far as I am aware.
Your Mom
Negative- 10.2% -329k+ hits
Positive- 62.1% -2.000k+ hits
Indifferent- 27.6% - 890k+ hits
The internet is positive about your mom.
Bringer of Eternal Darkness and Despair, but also a Nutritious way to start your Morning.
Games Played: Too Many
Which indicates that the number of hits is far more informative about popularity than the positive and negative percentages as it does not seem to be able to accurately parse this information yet. As things like "That FFXIV video with Hitler in it is hilarious" (for the record that video is in fact hilarious) turns into +1 positive results for Hitler.
nuff said
Hitler has over 70% possitive, suck it jews.
(dont ban me,pls)
He's still less popular than shit: 83% positive.
In other news AIDS (66% positive) is more popular than aid (62% negative), and war (71% positive) is preferable to peace (44% positive). Also North Korea (68% positive) is better than justice (44% positive).
EDIT: A nuclear fallout would be 85% positive, and mass-murder 64% positive.
Monday (73% posivite) is more popular than weekend (52% positive).
Law is 69% negativive, but anarchy would be 93% positive.
Wildstar wins this one
Hah, knew it.
This is silly though