"The Star Citizen team has released the next video in a series called "The Next Great Ship". "
This is the first sentence of the above article. It is incorrect.
The video released was the Fourth Episode of the series titled "The Next Great Starship": Which is the video series related specifically to the Fan-Created-Ship contest that CiG is conducting, as previously stated. Because the contest is transitioning from the First Round to the Second Round, this week's episode could be labeled as a "filler episode" and as filler during the episode they showed off the new CiG created Mustang.
MMORPG.com failed to report this properly and their Post is misleading and poorly worded. Something that helps no one and only serves to mislead the readers of their website.
"The Star Citizen team has released the next video in a series called "The Next Great Ship". "
This is the first sentence of the above article. It is incorrect.
The video released was the Fourth Episode of the series titled "The Next Great Starship": Which is the video series related specifically to the Fan-Created-Ship contest that CiG is conducting, as previously stated. Because the contest is transitioning from the First Round to the Second Round, this week's episode could be labeled as a "filler episode" and as filler during the episode they showed off the new CiG created Mustang.
MMORPG.com failed to report this properly and their Post is misleading and poorly worded. Something that helps no one and only serves to mislead the readers of their website.
Ok I get it, you're anal about the misuse of Ship instead of Starship. Check. But saying the post was misleading? Misleading who exactly? The ship was revealed IN the video.....the video labeled The Next Great Starship on the official site no less.....
And that's exactly what the author reported....sans the use of Ship without Star.....lol
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
Do the people here not realize that there are different people who do different things in game development? The people doing the models are probably not the same people who are designing the missions or coding. As others have said above, its normal for a game this young in development to not really have anything "showy" except models and maybe physics engine stuff.
Those people who claim that CIG is only working on new starships to sell to the backers are wrong: at least every two weeks they also post concept art of new planets and locations and lore on their website. However this doesn't get as much attention, because it isn't as 'cool' as a new ship design... That's why you might get the wrong impression. Also, last couple of months there haven't been any new ship design reveals, the mustang is the first after they closed LTI sales...
You know what would be nicer than a cool looking ship model, Chris? A UNIVERSE TO FLY IT AROUND IN.
Privateer got by just fine with four ship types, and still holds up very well. You've got what, a couple dozen? Enough with the damn ships already, get to work on the rest of the farking game.
Sheesh, I haven't even contributed any money yet and I'm frustrated with how slow they're moving. At this rate Elite: Dangerous and No Man's Sky will have released sequels by the time SC is ready for closed beta.
Well, those of us that have actually contributed money would like them to take their time and get it right. Personally, if they have to add another year on to get it awesome, I'm all for that.
You know what would be nicer than a cool looking ship model, Chris? A UNIVERSE TO FLY IT AROUND IN.
Privateer got by just fine with four ship types, and still holds up very well. You've got what, a couple dozen? Enough with the damn ships already, get to work on the rest of the farking game.
Sheesh, I haven't even contributed any money yet and I'm frustrated with how slow they're moving. At this rate Elite: Dangerous and No Man's Sky will have released sequels by the time SC is ready for closed beta.
Well, those of us that have actually contributed money would like them to take their time and get it right. Personally, if they have to add another year on to get it awesome, I'm all for that.
Good, I am sure you will get that wish.
I am thinking more than a year (with many purchasable ships coming your way- No wait on the cash shop...) then the game will release and be defended by the white knights who have 'contributed' the money, feel vested and thus will go on a campaign telling everyone how this is the greatest game ever... Then the truth will slowly set in...
-That would be my prediction. Seems to be the new trend in KS MMOS.
The next few years are going to be very interesting here on the forums with the mountain of KS MMOS that are slated to release...I predict release dates pushed backed, bugs and glitches galore and barely playable released products.
Hope I am mistaken-
Hell, its win/win for me- I either get some great free forum entertainment as the nerd rage starts OR someone else pays to develop a game (the publisher keeps all the profit at no risk to themselves or their LLC) and if its good, I can play . If not- I get a free laugh.
EDIT- I really never thought I would see this day- Hell, I thought it would end at DLC and P2W micros... I thought people had had enough.
I was wrong.
I wonder whats coming next?No...No, I dont even want to know...
You know what would be nicer than a cool looking ship model, Chris? A UNIVERSE TO FLY IT AROUND IN.
Privateer got by just fine with four ship types, and still holds up very well. You've got what, a couple dozen? Enough with the damn ships already, get to work on the rest of the farking game.
Sooo, you obviously don't know how games are made...
Having one guy doing ships doesn't mean the rest of the game isn't being worked on.
It was stated, that the game will come 2015. There has nothing changed yet.
Im glad, that the people, who contributed to the game are still positiv and not mimimi like you... I think you have no idea how long it takes to develop a game. Its the good will of the developer to contribute the hanger module on that early stage, dogfight module shall come later this year.
Also thats no coin grabber, you can switch your bought stuff. You will be credited at there store and you are able to buy new stuff.
"The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar Authored 139 missions in VendettaOnline and 6 tracks in Distance
"The Star Citizen team has released the next video in a series called "The Next Great Ship". "
This is the first sentence of the above article. It is incorrect.
The video released was the Fourth Episode of the series titled "The Next Great Starship": Which is the video series related specifically to the Fan-Created-Ship contest that CiG is conducting, as previously stated. Because the contest is transitioning from the First Round to the Second Round, this week's episode could be labeled as a "filler episode" and as filler during the episode they showed off the new CiG created Mustang.
MMORPG.com failed to report this properly and their Post is misleading and poorly worded. Something that helps no one and only serves to mislead the readers of their website.
Ok I get it, you're anal about the misuse of Ship instead of Starship. Check. But saying the post was misleading? Misleading who exactly? The ship was revealed IN the video.....the video labeled The Next Great Starship on the official site no less.....
And that's exactly what the author reported....sans the use of Ship without Star.....lol
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
Well, those of us that have actually contributed money would like them to take their time and get it right. Personally, if they have to add another year on to get it awesome, I'm all for that.
Good, I am sure you will get that wish.
I am thinking more than a year (with many purchasable ships coming your way- No wait on the cash shop...) then the game will release and be defended by the white knights who have 'contributed' the money, feel vested and thus will go on a campaign telling everyone how this is the greatest game ever... Then the truth will slowly set in...
-That would be my prediction. Seems to be the new trend in KS MMOS.
The next few years are going to be very interesting here on the forums with the mountain of KS MMOS that are slated to release...I predict release dates pushed backed, bugs and glitches galore and barely playable released products.
Hope I am mistaken-
Hell, its win/win for me- I either get some great free forum entertainment as the nerd rage starts OR someone else pays to develop a game (the publisher keeps all the profit at no risk to themselves or their LLC) and if its good, I can play . If not- I get a free laugh.
EDIT- I really never thought I would see this day- Hell, I thought it would end at DLC and P2W micros... I thought people had had enough.
I was wrong.
I wonder whats coming next?No...No, I dont even want to know...
Sooo, you obviously don't know how games are made...
Having one guy doing ships doesn't mean the rest of the game isn't being worked on.
It was stated, that the game will come 2015. There has nothing changed yet.
Im glad, that the people, who contributed to the game are still positiv and not mimimi like you... I think you have no idea how long it takes to develop a game. Its the good will of the developer to contribute the hanger module on that early stage, dogfight module shall come later this year.
Also thats no coin grabber, you can switch your bought stuff. You will be credited at there store and you are able to buy new stuff.
My thoughts exactly.
By the way, some nice changes happening in Vendetta Online.
"The simple is the seal of the true and beauty is the splendor of truth" -Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
Authored 139 missions in Vendetta Online and 6 tracks in Distance