The common tactic is too simply wait until you'd usually log off, ie when you go to eat, sleep, shower and just get yourself killed and then leave your computer on.
Great system on paper but as more people get used to it the less of an impact it will actually have sadly.
Yeah I was thinking this as well. Just leave your computer on and go to bed and all the shit you have done just goes away.
Weak system. They should have added a fine system to it as well. Unless you pay the fine you would get some heavy penalties to stats/skills, crafting etc.
Now this.. this right here... is AWESOME!!! Once they balance the penalties for crimes it will really work well... I mean I have played games where you turned into ghost and had to run for minutes to find someone to resurrect you or you had skill penalties where you effectively were lower until you worked your way through that 'penalty'.... all GOOD ways of handling death... I think criminal activity in an OPEN game are a necessary evil, if you even want to call it that. I think though, that they should make it where they have to work off the penalty farming resources at set resource points and those resources go the either the city or parties injured or effected by said criminal. So whatever time it takes for that person to pay off that type of debt sooooo be it!!! AWWWWEEEESSSSSOOOOMMMMEEEEEE!!!!!
Good going and good luck!! I hope I get in alpha or beta to get a real good look see!!
in AA you have to clear rubbish)))))) But you got a limit of how many criminal points you can write off. Its a bit of a pain with my pvp. I was getting more then a 100 a day .
The common tactic is too simply wait until you'd usually log off, ie when you go to eat, sleep, shower and just get yourself killed and then leave your computer on.
Great system on paper but as more people get used to it the less of an impact it will actually have sadly.
Yeah I was thinking this as well. Just leave your computer on and go to bed and all the shit you have done just goes away.
Weak system. They should have added a fine system to it as well. Unless you pay the fine you would get some heavy penalties to stats/skills, crafting etc.
When you got killed by another faction you loose honor points, the one you use to buy some sweet pvp gear and runes. More you got more you loose when you die.
Originally posted by Adokas How does this even work? If you've done the crimes or such, do you have to be arrested/captured? And can you fight to avoid being jailed?
When you get killed by a player, you are sent to Court, with 5 Judges, which determine your faite.
The thing about sentence, 770 minutes - you must be ingame for it to tick off. If you log off the time stops, and resumes once you log in again.
When you are serving time, you can escape the jail, by digging your self out. But during Whole sentence periode, even if you escape, you can not use any skills or do crafting.
But you can play football in jail, with your inmates.
I actually laughed out loud at "Digging your self out" - Hahaha. That's great.
I beg to differ. This does not sound as a real deterrent but just an rp or fun game mechanic. People have multiple infractions it seems and others look forward to experiencing it. Griefing other players will be rampant it seems via killing/stealing. Any meaningful penalty would invovle game bans invovling weeks at a time or huge exp/gold fines.
As a PvE oriented player it seems griefing will be rampant.
From what i understand if a player continues to exhibit bad behavior and keeps goin to jail they will be barded from major cities and the like. Guards with kill that player on site if they atempt to enter cities. Meaning they will become outlaws. Now they could band together with other outlaws and atk cities and things like that. a true pirate life
I however dont know if this is still a feature of AA. If someone can confirm this i would appreciate it.
Sounds like the old UO system, it sucks it has taken so long for another MMO to do it.
Originally posted by laokoko "if you want to be a game designer, you should sell your house and fund your game. Since if you won't even fund your own game, no one will".
Originally posted by strawhat0981 I would so join a bounty hunter guild!
I would too but I like all purpose guild personally. I like the idea of handing out justice instead of being a major headache and pain in the behind like gankers are. They are like migraine headache or an annoying bug terrorizing you.
I love the idea of a Bounty Hunter system and look forward to trying it at level 40
Originally posted by flizzer LIke I said before, this is starting to sound like a griefing dream game. Griefers will love this mechanic! It gives the PvE players a feeling of safety and something being done. The penaly? Well, you can commit multiple offenses and maybe get hour or two downtime, or not. Hell commit hundreds of infractions and maybe a few more hours. This is a joke really. I am sure the griefing community will praise this mechanic. Unless you see outright character bans or week long game bans, of course this will be nothing but a cute mechanic.
Arch Age, at least on the Russian version, is exactly a griefers dream game. The jury system is prone to be paid off or even worse a large guild takes control of one of the shards and all their guildmates get off. It has the potential to offer little to no justice for the minority.
Jury system aside though once you hit around level 25+ you have to level in contested war zones. You get 2 hours of free time followed by around 8 hours of open pvp free all. Even better if you pick the wrong faction like I did you have to go to uneven contested territories at bad level bench marks. For example since you get off the safe zone rails around the upper 20's only one faction has to cross over to the enemy factions country to do level 30-40 quests. Well guess what happens when your the enemy faction in a 2 enemy to 1 friendly scenario? Even worse when you go back to your continent you only get about 6 levels then you have to head back to the enemy continent for end game quests to hit 50 and 50 farming.
The griefers don't even have to risk punishment for a large amount of their play time. Just like in every other open pvp game it has level 50s farming the level 20s for pvp points or just to be flat out spiteful. It came to the point that when I played I had to slow down my progression by almost double to quests through the zones. Greifing got so bad I had to adopt a kill on sight policy if I wanted to do anything. I don't like killing people without a reason but there I was forced to attack any and everything to try and grind out 1-2 mobs every 15 mins or so to get some kind of progress. By level 42 I had had enough. The leveling process had become toxic, stressful and with little to no systems in place to reduce the strains on my play time.
"Do not speak to me of fate!" ~ A fairy tale for the Demon Lord
Exiled that sounds awful. I am rethinking my decision now.Thanks for the post.
Just wanted to know which faction is the right choice to avoid what you encountered. You said you picked the wrong faction or is that a dynamic thing that changes with how the PvP battles go in the siege wars.
Exiled that sounds awful. I am rethinking my decision now.Thanks for the post.
Just wanted to know which faction is the right choice to avoid what you encountered. You said you picked the wrong faction or is that a dynamic thing that changes with how the PvP battles go in the siege wars.
I'm not sure what the name of the faction is since I was using an english patch to play. I believe their symbol was a scythe as they were very farmer oriented. I picked them because they had a shorter cooldown on recall cooldowns so it made traveling easier. I think it was an east continent faction.
Everything is pretty standard for the first 20 levels or so and level progress is very smooth then you get a mission to travel to the enemy continent. It takes a fairly expensive pass to get back home(money you probably won't have when you get there) as well as traveling back to continue leveling. The leveling slows down dramatically as the contested zones get bigger. You begin skipping all the quests text etc or reading anything while you try to blitz a zone at break neck speed so you can get some exp before the gank squads roll through. It's either gank people for the next 6-8 hours(pretty sure it was 8 it feels like all day) or get camped while you try to quest. You are forced to be senselessly violent to progress. As you go up in level the vicious cycle just continues as the new players who get ganked over and over decide the only thing to do is gank in return. By the time your in your 30s people are either killing each other or avoiding each other. In my experience outside of guilds it gets more and more antisocial as you are forced into an almost constant state of pvp just to get you basic 50 levels so you can finish your class.
Warzones don't discourage level 50s from farming level 20s either. Low levels are worth the same amount of kill credit for quests and rewards and there is no downside to just going on killing sprees during wartime. It was not uncommon to have level 50 glider parties drop down and just wipe people over and over for hours on end. Camping graveyards camping quest hubs, using high level CC abilities to play with people ( bubble and telekenisis over and over) until they get bored and kill you.
Lets not forget the best part. If you do pvp you get no exp or gold. All you get are kill points that you need large quantities of for equipment/upgrade crystals for gear that only slightly beats mid tier craft gear. So basically your stuck in a non progressive arena game with a 2 hour break.
Honestly this doesn't have to be the case if Trion trims back the open world pvp more. The game already has a lot of pvp systems available in north continent, open sea and unsafe trade routes. The constant war zones only stretch time it takes to complete content artificially as you are constantly being killed(or killing) and hindered to level.
"Do not speak to me of fate!" ~ A fairy tale for the Demon Lord
Not trying to criticize or anything but wouldn't the smart thing to do be to log off during the 8 hour stint. Is there a timer that appears to tell you when it is safe to quest in that area then you log off and come back again when it is safe ?
To make it more manageable I would just log on really early in the morning when I could. That's besides the point though. How is it good design to only have 2 hours of free time to level. I happen to have a lot of free time on my hands I can't imagine compared to people who have to work 2 jobs. They are going to more often then not be constantly stuck in open war time. Crafting/ resource exp is very low and is locked behind labor points. To progress you have to quest and that questing is locked behind at least 16+ hours of open pvp during prime time hours. I don't think many people imagine only being able to play for a short while and then log off for 8 hours. That or stay up odd hours of the night to try and eek out a vanilla leveling experience. Those are terrible solutions.
"Do not speak to me of fate!" ~ A fairy tale for the Demon Lord
I came here hoping for something that made sense, and by the end of the last page, it makes no sense.
Questing and non-punishment pvp don't go together. Gankers need to get punished. There needs to be risk and reward that are proportional to the advantage or disadvantage that player will have attacking another player.
I do not think you can punish paying customers they will leave so meaningful imprisonment will not happen. However you can quest for 2 hours which is a reasonable time so that the game can have both aspects pf PvE and PvP coexist in one game and for the population to thrive. You cannot curtail the PvP too much even though I myself will probably avoid it I can see how the game will become lifeless if you dial it back.
It's punishment for about 2 hours of non war time or killing people of your own faction / stealing. Stealing is honestly messed up to begin with when you think of all the time people put into their gardens. It honestly smacked me in the face the first time until I got a grasp of it. You start out with around the 8 hour period of war then two hours of truce and then another long 8 hours of war. Each war zone is on a timer so sections rotate but it's not like you can go to other zones to level. You can't access the higher level quests and the mobs are to tough to kill evenif you could. So rotating timers would only matter if you were trying to grab resources, while leveling your stuck in your zone and there is no point leaving.
"Do not speak to me of fate!" ~ A fairy tale for the Demon Lord
Stealing kinda bums me out because I will put a lot of effort into growing things and if it gets stolen that would upset me more than me dying in a war zone. That is something I am still trying to convince myself is okay but probably will be the straw that breaks this camel's back.
Stealing kinda bums me out because I will put a lot of effort into growing things and if it gets stolen that would upset me more than me dying in a war zone. That is something I am still trying to convince myself is okay but probably will be the straw that breaks this camel's back.
Is there no way to protect yourself from theft ?
You can only steal unprotected plants and livestock, you get a scarecrow early on that lets you claim a small plot for farming and it is protected from theft. So safe farming is in the game.
As of right now, ArcheAge's criminal and justice system is interesting to say the least. Simply because your imprisonment is determined by the 5 Jury members who vote on whether you are guilty of the charges against you. So, for the guy in the OP who had 770 minutes of jail time, I was there for this trial by the way. He actually had 409 counts of criminal activity, which is actually quite a bit. I'm not sure if those were all just stealing or if he murdered people too. Point is, you do bad things, you can end up sitting in jail for a long time. Yes, you can break out, but you still can't do anything, no combat, no crafting, nothing but talk.
Right now, I'm sitting at 210 criminal points all from stealing unprotected crops and trees. While it's a crime to steal crops, most people will do it because stealing doesn't bring as harsh a punishment as murder. Of course, you won't pay any consequences if you managed to never get killed by another players. So, if you think you are invincible than maybe being a pirate is where you should be.
I do like this system though as it puts players in the seat of justice. The thing is, there is literally tons of stuff to do in this game, that it literally blows my mind. Not since SWG have a seen a game so player interactive.
1) Wars / Conflicted Zones with varying states of disruption which is constantly changing.
2) Questing that seems to flow smoothly ( Still hub based to some degree )
3) Resource gathering / Crafting which hasn't been this complex since SWG and Eve Online came out.
4) Labor points determine how often you can perform gathering and crafting skills. Which adds strategy to crafting.
5) Trade runs which earn you rewards to purchase a house or even a castle among a ton of other things.
6) Own your own farm, starting with a 9x9 plot with a scarecrow to start growing your initial crops and trees.
7) Mounts as early as level 10 which usually takes about 1-2 hours to reach and armor for mounts.
8) Combat pets by level 15 and your first pet is actually a level 30 fox which is handy for combat.
9) Criminal activity such as stealing unprotected crops or forests. This means people planted outside of their designated farmland and in the wild where anyone can grab it. Usually because the amount of resources needed for certain quests or tasks makes people impatient and greedy. However, other players are constantly on the lookout for your hidden cache of goods.
10) Sailing and owning your boat, ranging from a starting rowboat to a giant galleon or merchant ship. Fully capable of firing cannons and harpoons. Not to mention you can go diving for treasure lost by the casualties of war at sea.
I could go on and on, but really, the game is fundamentally complex. The detail of what you can do as a player actually gives each person a feeling of worth which so many MMO's fail to do. Oh, by the way, yes you an put that fish you just caught in a fish tank for your house. Seriously, I can't think of anything this game doesn't have that anyone has ever asked for in an MMO.
I'm told the graphics are really dated but even if this is still sounds nice. I do like up to date visuals but this sounds like it compensates for that quite a bit. It'd be nice if you also had royalty owned lands where you could get infractions for poaching or eating from the King's pheasant flock or from a Duke's prized apple trees....and the like. or do they have this?
Stealing kinda bums me out because I will put a lot of effort into growing things and if it gets stolen that would upset me more than me dying in a war zone. That is something I am still trying to convince myself is okay but probably will be the straw that breaks this camel's back.
Is there no way to protect yourself from theft ?
You can only steal unprotected plants and livestock, you get a scarecrow early on that lets you claim a small plot for farming and it is protected from theft. So safe farming is in the game.
I think the game looks nice look at this vid I would not call that dated at all.
If you compare it to something like TERA or ESO yea the graphics aren't the best but it would be unplayable if they looked super good. The enviroment is constantly changing with houses being placed, trees etc Along with the massive amount of people pvping there is so much taking place and being rendered.
But look where graphics have gotten both of those games lol.
As of right now, ArcheAge's criminal and justice system is interesting to say the least. Simply because your imprisonment is determined by the 5 Jury members who vote on whether you are guilty of the charges against you. So, for the guy in the OP who had 770 minutes of jail time, I was there for this trial by the way. He actually had 409 counts of criminal activity, which is actually quite a bit. I'm not sure if those were all just stealing or if he murdered people too. Point is, you do bad things, you can end up sitting in jail for a long time. Yes, you can break out, but you still can't do anything, no combat, no crafting, nothing but talk.
Right now, I'm sitting at 210 criminal points all from stealing unprotected crops and trees. While it's a crime to steal crops, most people will do it because stealing doesn't bring as harsh a punishment as murder. Of course, you won't pay any consequences if you managed to never get killed by another players. So, if you think you are invincible than maybe being a pirate is where you should be.
I do like this system though as it puts players in the seat of justice. The thing is, there is literally tons of stuff to do in this game, that it literally blows my mind. Not since SWG have a seen a game so player interactive.
1) Wars / Conflicted Zones with varying states of disruption which is constantly changing.
2) Questing that seems to flow smoothly ( Still hub based to some degree )
3) Resource gathering / Crafting which hasn't been this complex since SWG and Eve Online came out.
4) Labor points determine how often you can perform gathering and crafting skills. Which adds strategy to crafting.
5) Trade runs which earn you rewards to purchase a house or even a castle among a ton of other things.
6) Own your own farm, starting with a 9x9 plot with a scarecrow to start growing your initial crops and trees.
7) Mounts as early as level 10 which usually takes about 1-2 hours to reach and armor for mounts.
8) Combat pets by level 15 and your first pet is actually a level 30 fox which is handy for combat.
9) Criminal activity such as stealing unprotected crops or forests. This means people planted outside of their designated farmland and in the wild where anyone can grab it. Usually because the amount of resources needed for certain quests or tasks makes people impatient and greedy. However, other players are constantly on the lookout for your hidden cache of goods.
10) Sailing and owning your boat, ranging from a starting rowboat to a giant galleon or merchant ship. Fully capable of firing cannons and harpoons. Not to mention you can go diving for treasure lost by the casualties of war at sea.
I could go on and on, but really, the game is fundamentally complex. The detail of what you can do as a player actually gives each person a feeling of worth which so many MMO's fail to do. Oh, by the way, yes you an put that fish you just caught in a fish tank for your house. Seriously, I can't think of anything this game doesn't have that anyone has ever asked for in an MMO.
I'm told the graphics are really dated but even if this is still sounds nice. I do like up to date visuals but this sounds like it compensates for that quite a bit. It'd be nice if you also had royalty owned lands where you could get infractions for poaching or eating from the King's pheasant flock or from a Duke's prized apple trees....and the like. or do they have this?
Yeah I was thinking this as well. Just leave your computer on and go to bed and all the shit you have done just goes away.
Weak system. They should have added a fine system to it as well. Unless you pay the fine you would get some heavy penalties to stats/skills, crafting etc.
My gaming blog
in AA you have to clear rubbish)))))) But you got a limit of how many criminal points you can write off. Its a bit of a pain with my pvp. I was getting more then a 100 a day .
<a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a><div style="font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:11px;"><p>Sign by Danasoft - <a href="">For Backgrounds and Layouts</a></p></div>
When you got killed by another faction you loose honor points, the one you use to buy some sweet pvp gear and runes. More you got more you loose when you die.
<a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a><div style="font-family:arial,sans-serif;font-size:11px;"><p>Sign by Danasoft - <a href="">For Backgrounds and Layouts</a></p></div>
I actually laughed out loud at "Digging your self out" - Hahaha. That's great.
I would definitely escape.
Sounds like the old UO system, it sucks it has taken so long for another MMO to do it.
Originally posted by laokoko
"if you want to be a game designer, you should sell your house and fund your game. Since if you won't even fund your own game, no one will".
I would too but I like all purpose guild personally. I like the idea of handing out justice instead of being a major headache and pain in the behind like gankers are. They are like migraine headache or an annoying bug terrorizing you.
I love the idea of a Bounty Hunter system and look forward to trying it at level 40
Arch Age, at least on the Russian version, is exactly a griefers dream game. The jury system is prone to be paid off or even worse a large guild takes control of one of the shards and all their guildmates get off. It has the potential to offer little to no justice for the minority.
Jury system aside though once you hit around level 25+ you have to level in contested war zones. You get 2 hours of free time followed by around 8 hours of open pvp free all. Even better if you pick the wrong faction like I did you have to go to uneven contested territories at bad level bench marks. For example since you get off the safe zone rails around the upper 20's only one faction has to cross over to the enemy factions country to do level 30-40 quests. Well guess what happens when your the enemy faction in a 2 enemy to 1 friendly scenario? Even worse when you go back to your continent you only get about 6 levels then you have to head back to the enemy continent for end game quests to hit 50 and 50 farming.
The griefers don't even have to risk punishment for a large amount of their play time. Just like in every other open pvp game it has level 50s farming the level 20s for pvp points or just to be flat out spiteful. It came to the point that when I played I had to slow down my progression by almost double to quests through the zones. Greifing got so bad I had to adopt a kill on sight policy if I wanted to do anything. I don't like killing people without a reason but there I was forced to attack any and everything to try and grind out 1-2 mobs every 15 mins or so to get some kind of progress. By level 42 I had had enough. The leveling process had become toxic, stressful and with little to no systems in place to reduce the strains on my play time.
"Do not speak to me of fate!" ~ A fairy tale for the Demon Lord
Exiled that sounds awful. I am rethinking my decision now.Thanks for the post.
Just wanted to know which faction is the right choice to avoid what you encountered. You said you picked the wrong faction or is that a dynamic thing that changes with how the PvP battles go in the siege wars.
I'm not sure what the name of the faction is since I was using an english patch to play. I believe their symbol was a scythe as they were very farmer oriented. I picked them because they had a shorter cooldown on recall cooldowns so it made traveling easier. I think it was an east continent faction.
Everything is pretty standard for the first 20 levels or so and level progress is very smooth then you get a mission to travel to the enemy continent. It takes a fairly expensive pass to get back home(money you probably won't have when you get there) as well as traveling back to continue leveling. The leveling slows down dramatically as the contested zones get bigger. You begin skipping all the quests text etc or reading anything while you try to blitz a zone at break neck speed so you can get some exp before the gank squads roll through. It's either gank people for the next 6-8 hours(pretty sure it was 8 it feels like all day) or get camped while you try to quest. You are forced to be senselessly violent to progress. As you go up in level the vicious cycle just continues as the new players who get ganked over and over decide the only thing to do is gank in return. By the time your in your 30s people are either killing each other or avoiding each other. In my experience outside of guilds it gets more and more antisocial as you are forced into an almost constant state of pvp just to get you basic 50 levels so you can finish your class.
Warzones don't discourage level 50s from farming level 20s either. Low levels are worth the same amount of kill credit for quests and rewards and there is no downside to just going on killing sprees during wartime. It was not uncommon to have level 50 glider parties drop down and just wipe people over and over for hours on end. Camping graveyards camping quest hubs, using high level CC abilities to play with people ( bubble and telekenisis over and over) until they get bored and kill you.
Lets not forget the best part. If you do pvp you get no exp or gold. All you get are kill points that you need large quantities of for equipment/upgrade crystals for gear that only slightly beats mid tier craft gear. So basically your stuck in a non progressive arena game with a 2 hour break.
Honestly this doesn't have to be the case if Trion trims back the open world pvp more. The game already has a lot of pvp systems available in north continent, open sea and unsafe trade routes. The constant war zones only stretch time it takes to complete content artificially as you are constantly being killed(or killing) and hindered to level.
"Do not speak to me of fate!" ~ A fairy tale for the Demon Lord
To make it more manageable I would just log on really early in the morning when I could. That's besides the point though. How is it good design to only have 2 hours of free time to level. I happen to have a lot of free time on my hands I can't imagine compared to people who have to work 2 jobs. They are going to more often then not be constantly stuck in open war time. Crafting/ resource exp is very low and is locked behind labor points. To progress you have to quest and that questing is locked behind at least 16+ hours of open pvp during prime time hours. I don't think many people imagine only being able to play for a short while and then log off for 8 hours. That or stay up odd hours of the night to try and eek out a vanilla leveling experience. Those are terrible solutions.
"Do not speak to me of fate!" ~ A fairy tale for the Demon Lord
I came here hoping for something that made sense, and by the end of the last page, it makes no sense.
Questing and non-punishment pvp don't go together. Gankers need to get punished. There needs to be risk and reward that are proportional to the advantage or disadvantage that player will have attacking another player.
"Do not speak to me of fate!" ~ A fairy tale for the Demon Lord
Stealing kinda bums me out because I will put a lot of effort into growing things and if it gets stolen that would upset me more than me dying in a war zone. That is something I am still trying to convince myself is okay but probably will be the straw that breaks this camel's back.
Is there no way to protect yourself from theft ?
You can only steal unprotected plants and livestock, you get a scarecrow early on that lets you claim a small plot for farming and it is protected from theft. So safe farming is in the game.
I'm told the graphics are really dated but even if this is still sounds nice. I do like up to date visuals but this sounds like it compensates for that quite a bit. It'd be nice if you also had royalty owned lands where you could get infractions for poaching or eating from the King's pheasant flock or from a Duke's prized apple trees....and the like. or do they have this?
Very nice thank you.
I think the game looks nice look at this vid I would not call that dated at all.
If you compare it to something like TERA or ESO yea the graphics aren't the best but it would be unplayable if they looked super good. The enviroment is constantly changing with houses being placed, trees etc Along with the massive amount of people pvping there is so much taking place and being rendered.
But look where graphics have gotten both of those games lol.
Dated? I beg to disagree with those people.