oh and how come no response to my comment in our conversation that showed ESO trending up on Xfire over the course of 30 days. More players and more time played today than one month ago. Whens the last time you seen that?
Actually, if the first two weeks of April had not yet scrolled off the chart, what you would have seen is an initial peak somewhere around the peak you now see, and then a rapid decline, then a slow decline (you can see how the oscillations up until about May 1 seemed to be trending ever so slowly downward).
But then in the first week of May it suddenly peaked again, dropped but held steady for a week, peaked, then dropped lower than before. Not sure what to make of that.... was there some global region that only started selling TESO in May?
Originally posted by nilden I'm very interested in seeing box sales, subscriptions, or any official sales numbers. I've been keeping an eye out and guess it would be all over this site if it was released like the 5 million registered for beta but not seeing anything yet. It's been over a month since release, what gives? Do you think they will ever release sales figures or did they do so bad that they never will?
You have obviously made up your mind as to the answer, what's the point of even asking the question?
My personal opinion on the game has nothing to do with official sales numbers.
As far as I know that vgchartz number could be off by more than double. Wouldn't the logical conclusion be that if they are not releasing the numbers they didn't hit something worth bragging about? I'm open to other explanations if you got any. Maybe they are just waiting for the console launch I don't know.
I'm pretty sure since they bragged about beta numbers they would have paraded 5 million if they had sold that much as well.
Excuse me for being interested in how much they sold and asking why we haven't seen official numbers. I would like official numbers way more than speculation.
No need to get defensive. The point is that since so many here have a bias about the game, there is little point to any "official" numbers as people will spin/distort the numbers given to support their opinion of the game.
This is why I don't listen to people who only throw numbers and statistics at you... like they even matter. Statistics are not evidence to anything, except what you want them to be evidence of. You guys have to actually put some thought into these statistics. If they don't seem to be adding up, or something about them seems fishy... then something about the argument is fishy. For instance:
Bill Burr has this comedy bit about how he won't go into the ocean. His buddies were trying to get him to go deep sea diving with them, and he won't go because he doesn't want to be attacked by a shark. So one of his friends decides to present his educated perspective to him by saying that statistically speaking, 90% of all shark attacks happen in shallow water, therefore it's safe to assume that going deep sea diving will not present a substantial risk of a shark attack.
Well, to most people... this would be enough to convince them. Because as we all know... statistics are evidence of facts that can't be refuted. But Bill Burr counters this education by saying something that uses statistics and actually makes sense:
"No $hit 90% of shark attacks happen in shallow water. That's where 90% of the people are."
At any rate, the only reason why I can see why anyone would be interested in knowing the sales numbers is that if the numbers are low... then they can feel good about predicting its failure because of whatever bull$hit they think they know about what makes a good MMO. "I told you guys months ago that this game would fail without an Auction House." or "I told you guys this game would go F2P."
Aren't armchair lawyers just the most precious things you've ever seen?
Why does it matter what the sales numbers are? Why are you even curious except to be able to rub it in someone's face? Why are you guys just peeing in your pants with anticipation in hopes that the game will fail hard? It's not like Zenimax went out of their way to gloat and claim they've made the best MMO ever conceived. In retrospect... they've been pretty modest about everything. It blows my mind how people will take stuff like this personally, and in some way, find validation for their life in it.
Maybe I want to see how far off XFire, VGChartz, Raptr, and whatever other third party unofficial numbers are? I bet they are all lower than the official numbers. Maybe I want to compare to other games and see how it stacks up? Maybe I'm just curious for the sake of being curious. Does it really matter to you why?
Obviously my life can only be validated once I get official numbers on ESO. /SARCASM
If you enjoy the game, fantastic. This entire insinuation that I'm going to post a thread having a party the second the numbers are released and in the meantime I'm just holding back bursting with glee is nothing more than projecting your absurdities. The game already failed me and beta testing was enough to know I was not going to purchase, not that my personal opinion matters. Maybe I'm interested in seeing how WELL it sold to everyone else? Maybe I'm interested in the impact the games reception will have on the Elder Scrolls franchise and MMOs in general?
That or I'm going to hand out SpongeBob party hats!!
(would be nice to see some official numbers tho)
"You CAN'T buy ships for RL money." - MaxBacon
"classification of games into MMOs is not by rational reasoning" - nariusseldon
Originally posted by nilden I'm very interested in seeing box sales, subscriptions, or any official sales numbers. I've been keeping an eye out and guess it would be all over this site if it was released like the 5 million registered for beta but not seeing anything yet. It's been over a month since release, what gives? Do you think they will ever release sales figures or did they do so bad that they never will?
You have obviously made up your mind as to the answer, what's the point of even asking the question?
My personal opinion on the game has nothing to do with official sales numbers.
As far as I know that vgchartz number could be off by more than double. Wouldn't the logical conclusion be that if they are not releasing the numbers they didn't hit something worth bragging about? I'm open to other explanations if you got any. Maybe they are just waiting for the console launch I don't know.
I'm pretty sure since they bragged about beta numbers they would have paraded 5 million if they had sold that much as well.
Excuse me for being interested in how much they sold and asking why we haven't seen official numbers. I would like official numbers way more than speculation.
No need to get defensive. The point is that since so many here have a bias about the game, there is little point to any "official" numbers as people will spin/distort the numbers given to support their opinion of the game.
This is why I don't listen to people who only throw numbers and statistics at you... like they even matter. Statistics are not evidence to anything, except what you want them to be evidence of. You guys have to actually put some thought into these statistics. If they don't seem to be adding up, or something about them seems fishy... then something about the argument is fishy. For instance:
Bill Burr has this comedy bit about how he won't go into the ocean. His buddies were trying to get him to go deep sea diving with them, and he won't go because he doesn't want to be attacked by a shark. So one of his friends decides to present his educated perspective to him by saying that statistically speaking, 90% of all shark attacks happen in shallow water, therefore it's safe to assume that going deep sea diving will not present a substantial risk of a shark attack.
Well, to most people... this would be enough to convince them. Because as we all know... statistics are evidence of facts that can't be refuted. But Bill Burr counters this education by saying something that uses statistics and actually makes sense:
"No $hit 90% of shark attacks happen in shallow water. That's where 90% of the people are."
At any rate, the only reason why I can see why anyone would be interested in knowing the sales numbers is that if the numbers are low... then they can feel good about predicting its failure because of whatever bull$hit they think they know about what makes a good MMO. "I told you guys months ago that this game would fail without an Auction House." or "I told you guys this game would go F2P."
Aren't armchair lawyers just the most precious things you've ever seen?
Why does it matter what the sales numbers are? Why are you even curious except to be able to rub it in someone's face? Why are you guys just peeing in your pants with anticipation in hopes that the game will fail hard? It's not like Zenimax went out of their way to gloat and claim they've made the best MMO ever conceived. In retrospect... they've been pretty modest about everything. It blows my mind how people will take stuff like this personally, and in some way, find validation for their life in it.
Maybe I want to see how far off XFire, VGChartz, Raptr, and whatever other third party unofficial numbers are? I bet they are all lower than the official numbers. Maybe I want to compare to other games and see how it stacks up? Maybe I'm just curious for the sake of being curious. Does it really matter to you why?
Obviously my life can only be validated once I get official numbers on ESO. /SARCASM
If you enjoy the game, fantastic. This entire insinuation that I'm going to post a thread having a party the second the numbers are released and in the meantime I'm just holding back bursting with glee is nothing more than projecting your absurdities. The game already failed me and beta testing was enough to know I was not going to purchase, not that my personal opinion matters. Maybe I'm interested in seeing how WELL it sold to everyone else? Maybe I'm interested in the impact the games reception will have on the Elder Scrolls franchise and MMOs in general?
That or I'm going to hand out SpongeBob party hats!!
I am going to disagree here. I think it's the opposite. Players are looking for reasons to love these games when they come out. The problem is, they can't find any.
Just the idea of Elder Scrolls Online should attract millions. That concept should not generate hate in and of itself. So why is reality different? Do you think people just decided to hate on Elder Scrolls because it's a new MMO? No, the game simply fails, both as an ES title, and an MMORPG.
People have hated it from day 1, because it wasn't "modded Skyrim." Go back through some of the older threads here, from when it was first announced. You'll see some cautious optimism, but it's mostly people logging in to complain about a game they haven't played. There's also the toxic F2P crowd, who used the standard "I'll try it when it goes F2P in 6 months" as some weird passive-aggressive insult.
So yeah, sorry. The game received(s) a ton of hate because it wasn't a F2P sandbox, which is what a lot of people wanted. Nevermind the fact that they have tons of other F2P sandbox games to choose from coming out (Arceage, Black Desert, etc); no, they just had to focus fire TESO on -- I don't know -- principle or something
TESO isn't really unique here. These forums used to be nothing but an outlet to bash on WoW, and extol the virtues of the next WoW-killer (Vanguard, Rift, Conan, etc).
Maybe it's because MMO's have been focusing too much on PvP, so they've attracted the people looking for conflict and trash talking. There's a real sports-team-fanboi thing going on with the industry. I'm surprised I haven't seen sigs with Calvin pissing on a TESO logo or something.
You missed my point. I said the "idea" of an ES MMO. That is when someone 1st hears there will be one before they start reading or hearing about how it will be designed. That 1st "spark" of an idea, when a person hears that it's going to be done and they think of what's possible. Then they hear about what's going to be reality. The "hate" didn't happen until it became clear that this game was going to be "DAOCNext" with borrowed lore.
Really? Really? Have you played the game? Cyrodiil is nice but it's more like a mini-game tacked on at the end. The bulk of the games content, experience points, skill points, and celebrity voice acting clearly went into the 300+ hour solo quest grinder PvE experience.
I am not talking about what they actually made.
I am talking about WAAAAAAYYYYYYYY back in the early stages of this game's development and 1st public announcements of what it was going to be.
oh and how come no response to my comment in our conversation that showed ESO trending up on Xfire over the course of 30 days. More players and more time played today than one month ago. Whens the last time you seen that?
Actually, if the first two weeks of April had not yet scrolled off the chart, what you would have seen is an initial peak somewhere around the peak you now see, and then a rapid decline, then a slow decline (you can see how the oscillations up until about May 1 seemed to be trending ever so slowly downward).
But then in the first week of May it suddenly peaked again, dropped but held steady for a week, peaked, then dropped lower than before. Not sure what to make of that.... was there some global region that only started selling TESO in May?
If you are going to try and use XFire you have to track the number of players not the number of hours - which is what the graph shows. Average hours played can be useful as well.
Anyway combine high initial sales with the fact that hours played for any new and shiny game is always higher at launch and what you get is an initial high peak followed by a decline several days after launch. Remember though that there will (usually) be new purchasers after the initial launch - which is why average hours played is useful going forward.
And as to why it would go up in May there was indeed a global event: May Day (on a Monday most places). So 2nd-5th was a holiday weekend - people off school / college / work. Not in the US though. Same with the Easter weekend - Friday to Monday is a holiday most places. Again not in the US (which has MLK, Memorial, Thanksgiving etc.).
The Xfire numbers are / have been low however - and a low sample size will increase an already large margin of error (for whatever conclusion you might wish to draw).
oh and how come no response to my comment in our conversation that showed ESO trending up on Xfire over the course of 30 days. More players and more time played today than one month ago. Whens the last time you seen that?
Actually, if the first two weeks of April had not yet scrolled off the chart, what you would have seen is an initial peak somewhere around the peak you now see, and then a rapid decline, then a slow decline (you can see how the oscillations up until about May 1 seemed to be trending ever so slowly downward).
But then in the first week of May it suddenly peaked again, dropped but held steady for a week, peaked, then dropped lower than before. Not sure what to make of that.... was there some global region that only started selling TESO in May?
could be a result of less maintenance/service downtime and improvements to progression halting bugs. Xfire is a relatively small sample size....so this could be the issue.
oh and how come no response to my comment in our conversation that showed ESO trending up on Xfire over the course of 30 days. More players and more time played today than one month ago. Whens the last time you seen that?
Actually, if the first two weeks of April had not yet scrolled off the chart, what you would have seen is an initial peak somewhere around the peak you now see, and then a rapid decline, then a slow decline (you can see how the oscillations up until about May 1 seemed to be trending ever so slowly downward).
But then in the first week of May it suddenly peaked again, dropped but held steady for a week, peaked, then dropped lower than before. Not sure what to make of that.... was there some global region that only started selling TESO in May?
If you are going to try and use XFire you have to track the number of players not the number of hours - which is what the graph shows. Average hours played can be useful as well.
Anyway combine high initial sales with the fact that hours played for any new and shiny game is always higher at launch and what you get is an initial high peak followed by a decline several days after launch. Remember though that there will (usually) be new purchasers after the initial launch - which is why average hours played is useful going forward.
And as to why it would go up in May there was indeed a global event: May Day (on a Monday most places). So 2nd-5th was a holiday weekend - people off school / college / work. Not in the US though. Same with the Easter weekend - Friday to Monday is a holiday most places. Again not in the US (which has MLK, Memorial, Thanksgiving etc.).
The Xfire numbers are / have been low however - and a low sample size will increase an already large margin of error (for whatever conclusion you might wish to draw).
So ESO trending up on Xfire over the course of 30 days is due to May Day? You guys are too much lmao.
Here's the graph again. It's unheard of to see an MMORPG do this.
oh and how come no response to my comment in our conversation that showed ESO trending up on Xfire over the course of 30 days. More players and more time played today than one month ago. Whens the last time you seen that?
Actually, if the first two weeks of April had not yet scrolled off the chart, what you would have seen is an initial peak somewhere around the peak you now see, and then a rapid decline, then a slow decline (you can see how the oscillations up until about May 1 seemed to be trending ever so slowly downward).
But then in the first week of May it suddenly peaked again, dropped but held steady for a week, peaked, then dropped lower than before. Not sure what to make of that.... was there some global region that only started selling TESO in May?
If you are going to try and use XFire you have to track the number of players not the number of hours - which is what the graph shows. Average hours played can be useful as well.
Anyway combine high initial sales with the fact that hours played for any new and shiny game is always higher at launch and what you get is an initial high peak followed by a decline several days after launch. Remember though that there will (usually) be new purchasers after the initial launch - which is why average hours played is useful going forward.
And as to why it would go up in May there was indeed a global event: May Day (on a Monday most places). So 2nd-5th was a holiday weekend - people off school / college / work. Not in the US though. Same with the Easter weekend - Friday to Monday is a holiday most places. Again not in the US (which has MLK, Memorial, Thanksgiving etc.).
The Xfire numbers are / have been low however - and a low sample size will increase an already large margin of error (for whatever conclusion you might wish to draw).
So ESO trending up on Xfire over the course of 30 days is due to May Day? You guys are too much lmao.
Here's the graph again. It's unheard of to see an MMORPG do this.
ESO is not even in the top 10. Something tells me it won't ever really make it there either. However, like someone else pointed out, xfire is a pretty small sample size so that can be plus or minus in either direction.
Before any other fan posts here saying xfire/raptr doesn't count and why are "haters" bringing it up, just know that it was a fan that brought this info to the discussion in this thread.
oh and how come no response to my comment in our conversation that showed ESO trending up on Xfire over the course of 30 days. More players and more time played today than one month ago. Whens the last time you seen that?
Actually, if the first two weeks of April had not yet scrolled off the chart, what you would have seen is an initial peak somewhere around the peak you now see, and then a rapid decline, then a slow decline (you can see how the oscillations up until about May 1 seemed to be trending ever so slowly downward).
But then in the first week of May it suddenly peaked again, dropped but held steady for a week, peaked, then dropped lower than before. Not sure what to make of that.... was there some global region that only started selling TESO in May?
If you are going to try and use XFire you have to track the number of players not the number of hours - which is what the graph shows. Average hours played can be useful as well.
Anyway combine high initial sales with the fact that hours played for any new and shiny game is always higher at launch and what you get is an initial high peak followed by a decline several days after launch. Remember though that there will (usually) be new purchasers after the initial launch - which is why average hours played is useful going forward.
And as to why it would go up in May there was indeed a global event: May Day (on a Monday most places). So 2nd-5th was a holiday weekend - people off school / college / work. Not in the US though. Same with the Easter weekend - Friday to Monday is a holiday most places. Again not in the US (which has MLK, Memorial, Thanksgiving etc.).
The Xfire numbers are / have been low however - and a low sample size will increase an already large margin of error (for whatever conclusion you might wish to draw).
So ESO trending up on Xfire over the course of 30 days is due to May Day? You guys are too much lmao.
Here's the graph again. It's unheard of to see an MMORPG do this.
So unprecedented you get the same peak with CoD 2! does that mean there has been a big surge in CoD2 sales ...... or maybe its down to the fact that the graphs show hours played not players. And weekends and holidays have a big impact on hours played. On all the games. As does the newness of a game of course. And sure you will probably have had some extra TESO sales as a result of the retail price reduction but the XFire users playing TESO is very small, very, very small .... .. too small to draw conclusions we can stand behind. Don't go there.
How small? Currently - about 240. I have seen some 260s, 270s and even a high of c. 300 around Easter. How do these numbers compare? Well when SWTOR launched the number of players peaked at just under 12,000.
That's players not hours played. 40 to 50 times higher than TESO. Should I use that to suggest TESO has sold 50k or less? Are you? Absolutely not. Less than SWTOR - seems reasonable, 12,000 being much greater than 240 or even 300. But beyond that ... not a place you want to go.
Originally posted by nilden I'm very interested in seeing box sales, subscriptions, or any official sales numbers. I've been keeping an eye out and guess it would be all over this site if it was released like the 5 million registered for beta but not seeing anything yet. It's been over a month since release, what gives? Do you think they will ever release sales figures or did they do so bad that they never will?
Based on what I am personally seeing and hearing- I imagine they sold a ton of boxes. Perhaps close to recouping most of the dev cost. A very large portion of my friends purchased this game and a very small portion are still subbed at the current moment.
I think you will hear alot more on this (Sales numbers) close to the console release- Its going to be HUGE. It will probably be a staple on nearly everyones Xbawx and PS4. Thats when the bragging will more likely start- To crate more hype . Then (if not shortly before) I would reckon it goes F2P. Then you will get more numbers.
10 Billion served?
0.36 million is not even 1 million lmao . its 360,000 ... global . more people play yatzy on face book . the reboot of devil may cry every one hated that capcom didn't even make sold more copies
People actually really liked DMC after they played it.
Originally posted by MsPtibiscuit "10 millions of subscribed players."
Oh, crap... has Knotwood returned with a new account name?
Do you even Math ?
How about 780 out of 800 on my math GRE's years ago... one of multiple degrees I hold.
I've also been at every level of managment in very large companies, so I know "just a bit" about business. Bad products do not end up with a large subscription base.
So, kid aka Knotwood the second, do you do anything other than hype?
Originally posted by Oph8 Judging by the huge cut in their hunt valley service center 1 month after the game was released I will say the sub numbers aren't great.
I wouldn't use that as a benchmark here. ZOS was pretty upfront with something like 80% of support tickets being related to gold sellers and bots. If they truly have put a dent in those issues -- something the players have commented on that they have -- then it would make sense to lower support staff.
oh and how come no response to my comment in our conversation that showed ESO trending up on Xfire over the course of 30 days. More players and more time played today than one month ago. Whens the last time you seen that?
Actually, if the first two weeks of April had not yet scrolled off the chart, what you would have seen is an initial peak somewhere around the peak you now see, and then a rapid decline, then a slow decline (you can see how the oscillations up until about May 1 seemed to be trending ever so slowly downward).
But then in the first week of May it suddenly peaked again, dropped but held steady for a week, peaked, then dropped lower than before. Not sure what to make of that.... was there some global region that only started selling TESO in May?
If you are going to try and use XFire you have to track the number of players not the number of hours - which is what the graph shows. Average hours played can be useful as well.
Anyway combine high initial sales with the fact that hours played for any new and shiny game is always higher at launch and what you get is an initial high peak followed by a decline several days after launch. Remember though that there will (usually) be new purchasers after the initial launch - which is why average hours played is useful going forward.
And as to why it would go up in May there was indeed a global event: May Day (on a Monday most places). So 2nd-5th was a holiday weekend - people off school / college / work. Not in the US though. Same with the Easter weekend - Friday to Monday is a holiday most places. Again not in the US (which has MLK, Memorial, Thanksgiving etc.).
The Xfire numbers are / have been low however - and a low sample size will increase an already large margin of error (for whatever conclusion you might wish to draw).
So ESO trending up on Xfire over the course of 30 days is due to May Day? You guys are too much lmao.
Here's the graph again. It's unheard of to see an MMORPG do this.
oh and how come no response to my comment in our conversation that showed ESO trending up on Xfire over the course of 30 days. More players and more time played today than one month ago. Whens the last time you seen that?
Actually, if the first two weeks of April had not yet scrolled off the chart, what you would have seen is an initial peak somewhere around the peak you now see, and then a rapid decline, then a slow decline (you can see how the oscillations up until about May 1 seemed to be trending ever so slowly downward).
But then in the first week of May it suddenly peaked again, dropped but held steady for a week, peaked, then dropped lower than before. Not sure what to make of that.... was there some global region that only started selling TESO in May?
If you are going to try and use XFire you have to track the number of players not the number of hours - which is what the graph shows. Average hours played can be useful as well.
Anyway combine high initial sales with the fact that hours played for any new and shiny game is always higher at launch and what you get is an initial high peak followed by a decline several days after launch. Remember though that there will (usually) be new purchasers after the initial launch - which is why average hours played is useful going forward.
And as to why it would go up in May there was indeed a global event: May Day (on a Monday most places). So 2nd-5th was a holiday weekend - people off school / college / work. Not in the US though. Same with the Easter weekend - Friday to Monday is a holiday most places. Again not in the US (which has MLK, Memorial, Thanksgiving etc.).
The Xfire numbers are / have been low however - and a low sample size will increase an already large margin of error (for whatever conclusion you might wish to draw).
So ESO trending up on Xfire over the course of 30 days is due to May Day? You guys are too much lmao.
Here's the graph again. It's unheard of to see an MMORPG do this.
oh and how come no response to my comment in our conversation that showed ESO trending up on Xfire over the course of 30 days. More players and more time played today than one month ago. Whens the last time you seen that?
Actually, if the first two weeks of April had not yet scrolled off the chart, what you would have seen is an initial peak somewhere around the peak you now see, and then a rapid decline, then a slow decline (you can see how the oscillations up until about May 1 seemed to be trending ever so slowly downward).
But then in the first week of May it suddenly peaked again, dropped but held steady for a week, peaked, then dropped lower than before. Not sure what to make of that.... was there some global region that only started selling TESO in May?
If you are going to try and use XFire you have to track the number of players not the number of hours - which is what the graph shows. Average hours played can be useful as well.
Anyway combine high initial sales with the fact that hours played for any new and shiny game is always higher at launch and what you get is an initial high peak followed by a decline several days after launch. Remember though that there will (usually) be new purchasers after the initial launch - which is why average hours played is useful going forward.
And as to why it would go up in May there was indeed a global event: May Day (on a Monday most places). So 2nd-5th was a holiday weekend - people off school / college / work. Not in the US though. Same with the Easter weekend - Friday to Monday is a holiday most places. Again not in the US (which has MLK, Memorial, Thanksgiving etc.).
The Xfire numbers are / have been low however - and a low sample size will increase an already large margin of error (for whatever conclusion you might wish to draw).
So ESO trending up on Xfire over the course of 30 days is due to May Day? You guys are too much lmao.
Here's the graph again. It's unheard of to see an MMORPG do this.
You failed to mention ESO has 1/3 of players GW2 has after almost 2 years.
And it would be really cool to compare SWTOR/GW2/ESO launch numbers from XFire. It would be really cool shower for people that want to use it as a proof of how succesful ESO is.
Originally posted by Oph8 Judging by the huge cut in their hunt valley service center 1 month after the game was released I will say the sub numbers aren't great.
I wouldn't use that as a benchmark here. ZOS was pretty upfront with something like 80% of support tickets being related to gold sellers and bots. If they truly have put a dent in those issues -- something the players have commented on that they have -- then it would make sense to lower support staff.
ZOS was also upfront about letting Tier 0's go before the Tier 1's 3 or 6 months after launch. They don't even have half of their support staff now. They even spent money on neural testing for the game and went off the numbers and graphs only appease the CEO. Paul Sage was super excited over those numbers and graphs... It was neat to watch but it was all BS in the end.
Oops sorry for the rant. But yeah, how is ZOS going to combat something without the proper tools?
oh and how come no response to my comment in our conversation that showed ESO trending up on Xfire over the course of 30 days. More players and more time played today than one month ago. Whens the last time you seen that?
Actually, if the first two weeks of April had not yet scrolled off the chart, what you would have seen is an initial peak somewhere around the peak you now see, and then a rapid decline, then a slow decline (you can see how the oscillations up until about May 1 seemed to be trending ever so slowly downward).
But then in the first week of May it suddenly peaked again, dropped but held steady for a week, peaked, then dropped lower than before. Not sure what to make of that.... was there some global region that only started selling TESO in May?
If you are going to try and use XFire you have to track the number of players not the number of hours - which is what the graph shows. Average hours played can be useful as well.
Anyway combine high initial sales with the fact that hours played for any new and shiny game is always higher at launch and what you get is an initial high peak followed by a decline several days after launch. Remember though that there will (usually) be new purchasers after the initial launch - which is why average hours played is useful going forward.
And as to why it would go up in May there was indeed a global event: May Day (on a Monday most places). So 2nd-5th was a holiday weekend - people off school / college / work. Not in the US though. Same with the Easter weekend - Friday to Monday is a holiday most places. Again not in the US (which has MLK, Memorial, Thanksgiving etc.).
The Xfire numbers are / have been low however - and a low sample size will increase an already large margin of error (for whatever conclusion you might wish to draw).
So ESO trending up on Xfire over the course of 30 days is due to May Day? You guys are too much lmao.
Here's the graph again. It's unheard of to see an MMORPG do this.
Yeah you cant use Xfire to get a good idea here. In searching you find they don't use it anymore now its "steam, teamspeak and skype, raptr (Xfire people also part of this)" Out of 25 friends from the top of my head not one use Xfire.
You know they will come out with some number thats not even close that will add in all the gold sellers and bots. Bots .. on there forums the 1st two pages had 16 posts alone about bots.
Hopefully they get enough to keep the going along time.
Side note: Haters.. so far I have only read one post where the word HATE was used about a mmo. When you give people the only option is to love or hate.... you should not even post. Your so closed minded you only see black or white. You then use this to back up your version of your reality.
oh and how come no response to my comment in our conversation that showed ESO trending up on Xfire over the course of 30 days. More players and more time played today than one month ago. Whens the last time you seen that?
Actually, if the first two weeks of April had not yet scrolled off the chart, what you would have seen is an initial peak somewhere around the peak you now see, and then a rapid decline, then a slow decline (you can see how the oscillations up until about May 1 seemed to be trending ever so slowly downward).
But then in the first week of May it suddenly peaked again, dropped but held steady for a week, peaked, then dropped lower than before. Not sure what to make of that.... was there some global region that only started selling TESO in May?
If you are going to try and use XFire you have to track the number of players not the number of hours - which is what the graph shows. Average hours played can be useful as well.
Anyway combine high initial sales with the fact that hours played for any new and shiny game is always higher at launch and what you get is an initial high peak followed by a decline several days after launch. Remember though that there will (usually) be new purchasers after the initial launch - which is why average hours played is useful going forward.
And as to why it would go up in May there was indeed a global event: May Day (on a Monday most places). So 2nd-5th was a holiday weekend - people off school / college / work. Not in the US though. Same with the Easter weekend - Friday to Monday is a holiday most places. Again not in the US (which has MLK, Memorial, Thanksgiving etc.).
The Xfire numbers are / have been low however - and a low sample size will increase an already large margin of error (for whatever conclusion you might wish to draw).
So ESO trending up on Xfire over the course of 30 days is due to May Day? You guys are too much lmao.
Here's the graph again. It's unheard of to see an MMORPG do this.
Your product is selling spot on or above and you release those nummbers
Your product is not selling or meeting expectations you keep the silence
Unless you wait and see your mmo is growing each day and week and want to give a number that beats anything we seen before. Like selling 10 millions of boxes !!!!
For me ESO was a bigger letdown then SWTOR....... Another themepark another IP molested to be abused as mmo.
I actually went back to SWTOR a couple of days ago to check it out again, after leaving in the game's second month. They sure corrected some issues that were bothering me long ago
As for ESO, I kind of lost interest in it... It was ok, I was playing on a daily basis, and then one day I just didn't feel the need to login again. Still don't as a matter of fact.
Actually, if the first two weeks of April had not yet scrolled off the chart, what you would have seen is an initial peak somewhere around the peak you now see, and then a rapid decline, then a slow decline (you can see how the oscillations up until about May 1 seemed to be trending ever so slowly downward).
But then in the first week of May it suddenly peaked again, dropped but held steady for a week, peaked, then dropped lower than before. Not sure what to make of that.... was there some global region that only started selling TESO in May?
Maybe I want to see how far off XFire, VGChartz, Raptr, and whatever other third party unofficial numbers are? I bet they are all lower than the official numbers. Maybe I want to compare to other games and see how it stacks up? Maybe I'm just curious for the sake of being curious. Does it really matter to you why?
Obviously my life can only be validated once I get official numbers on ESO. /SARCASM
If you enjoy the game, fantastic. This entire insinuation that I'm going to post a thread having a party the second the numbers are released and in the meantime I'm just holding back bursting with glee is nothing more than projecting your absurdities. The game already failed me and beta testing was enough to know I was not going to purchase, not that my personal opinion matters. Maybe I'm interested in seeing how WELL it sold to everyone else? Maybe I'm interested in the impact the games reception will have on the Elder Scrolls franchise and MMOs in general?
That or I'm going to hand out SpongeBob party hats!!
(would be nice to see some official numbers tho)
"classification of games into MMOs is not by rational reasoning" - nariusseldon
Love Minecraft. And check out my Youtube channel OhCanadaGamer
Try a MUD today at http://www.mudconnect.com/Maybe you do have a sincere curiosity...
But I'm betting you don't.
I am not talking about what they actually made.
I am talking about WAAAAAAYYYYYYYY back in the early stages of this game's development and 1st public announcements of what it was going to be.
A ZOS press release this morning acknowledges that they have sold at least one copy of the game!
However, less than 20% of that one copy has subscribed...
If you are going to try and use XFire you have to track the number of players not the number of hours - which is what the graph shows. Average hours played can be useful as well.
Anyway combine high initial sales with the fact that hours played for any new and shiny game is always higher at launch and what you get is an initial high peak followed by a decline several days after launch. Remember though that there will (usually) be new purchasers after the initial launch - which is why average hours played is useful going forward.
And as to why it would go up in May there was indeed a global event: May Day (on a Monday most places). So 2nd-5th was a holiday weekend - people off school / college / work. Not in the US though. Same with the Easter weekend - Friday to Monday is a holiday most places. Again not in the US (which has MLK, Memorial, Thanksgiving etc.).
The Xfire numbers are / have been low however - and a low sample size will increase an already large margin of error (for whatever conclusion you might wish to draw).
could be a result of less maintenance/service downtime and improvements to progression halting bugs. Xfire is a relatively small sample size....so this could be the issue.
See above but yes things like servers been down initially and then up more is also a factor.
So ESO trending up on Xfire over the course of 30 days is due to May Day? You guys are too much lmao.
Here's the graph again. It's unheard of to see an MMORPG do this.
ESO is not even in the top 10. Something tells me it won't ever really make it there either. However, like someone else pointed out, xfire is a pretty small sample size so that can be plus or minus in either direction.
Before any other fan posts here saying xfire/raptr doesn't count and why are "haters" bringing it up, just know that it was a fan that brought this info to the discussion in this thread.
"If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor
So unprecedented you get the same peak with CoD 2! does that mean there has been a big surge in CoD2 sales ...... or maybe its down to the fact that the graphs show hours played not players. And weekends and holidays have a big impact on hours played. On all the games. As does the newness of a game of course. And sure you will probably have had some extra TESO sales as a result of the retail price reduction but the XFire users playing TESO is very small, very, very small .... .. too small to draw conclusions we can stand behind. Don't go there.
How small? Currently - about 240. I have seen some 260s, 270s and even a high of c. 300 around Easter. How do these numbers compare? Well when SWTOR launched the number of players peaked at just under 12,000.
That's players not hours played. 40 to 50 times higher than TESO. Should I use that to suggest TESO has sold 50k or less? Are you? Absolutely not. Less than SWTOR - seems reasonable, 12,000 being much greater than 240 or even 300. But beyond that ... not a place you want to go.
People actually really liked DMC after they played it.
I agree, shallow and pedantic.
"Everything is mine and your woman too"
I wouldn't use that as a benchmark here. ZOS was pretty upfront with something like 80% of support tickets being related to gold sellers and bots. If they truly have put a dent in those issues -- something the players have commented on that they have -- then it would make sense to lower support staff.
You make me like charity
I recall GW2 trending up and down in it's early months before it's (X-Fire) population stabilized.
Actually GW2 Xfire numbers fell faster than Swtor's the first month.
Here you go http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/post/5326794#5326794
You failed to mention ESO has 1/3 of players GW2 has after almost 2 years.
And it would be really cool to compare SWTOR/GW2/ESO launch numbers from XFire. It would be really cool shower for people that want to use it as a proof of how succesful ESO is.
ZOS was also upfront about letting Tier 0's go before the Tier 1's 3 or 6 months after launch. They don't even have half of their support staff now. They even spent money on neural testing for the game and went off the numbers and graphs only appease the CEO. Paul Sage was super excited over those numbers and graphs... It was neat to watch but it was all BS in the end.
Oops sorry for the rant. But yeah, how is ZOS going to combat something without the proper tools?
"Everything is mine and your woman too"
Holy shit, both SWTOR and GW2 had 9k players after 1st month and ESO has like 250.
AND both SWTOR and GW2 had 40k hours played while ESO has like 1250.
AND we know that SWTOR and GW2 had similar sales around 2 million.
Thanks for the numbers
You may now include THIS in your "unofficial sales number"
Yeah you cant use Xfire to get a good idea here. In searching you find they don't use it anymore now its "steam, teamspeak and skype, raptr (Xfire people also part of this)" Out of 25 friends from the top of my head not one use Xfire.
You know they will come out with some number thats not even close that will add in all the gold sellers and bots. Bots .. on there forums the 1st two pages had 16 posts alone about bots.
Hopefully they get enough to keep the going along time.
Side note: Haters.. so far I have only read one post where the word HATE was used about a mmo. When you give people the only option is to love or hate.... you should not even post. Your so closed minded you only see black or white. You then use this to back up your version of your reality.
As I said, I recall seeing a lot of numbers jumping in GW2 over weekend periods and those were by 20,000. not 800.
Its realy simple people.....
Your product is selling spot on or above and you release those nummbers
Your product is not selling or meeting expectations you keep the silence
Unless you wait and see your mmo is growing each day and week and want to give a number that beats anything we seen before.
Like selling 10 millions of boxes !!!!
For me ESO was a bigger letdown then SWTOR.......
Another themepark another IP molested to be abused as mmo.
I actually went back to SWTOR a couple of days ago to check it out again, after leaving in the game's second month. They sure corrected some issues that were bothering me long ago
As for ESO, I kind of lost interest in it... It was ok, I was playing on a daily basis, and then one day I just didn't feel the need to login again. Still don't as a matter of fact.
"This may hurt a little, but it's something you'll get used to. Relax....."