I think I have mentioned these points in other threads but I was interested to see what other people thought. I have played WS to early 30's, and I like a lot about it. I really like everything cosmetic, I love the housing, the artstyle, the outfits etc. I like the world. But yet, as much as I want to like it there are certain aspects holding me back from playing further, and I am not necessarily talking about bots and bugs because they can be fixed.
The aspects of the game that are turning me off are as follows: -
- Dated and tedious quests, 99% of which seem to be kill or gather. The pathing between quests is poor, and Carbine need to realise that offering 100's of the same thing does not = choice. Some dynamic quests or zone events or something would have lifted the tedium.
- The aoe telegraphing results in a clusterfuck in pvp. Yes you can bait and switch but that really is the only tactic.
- The aoe telegraphing results in the most tedious rotation in pve... damage, damage, interrupt, damage, damage, interrupt. In addition, different shapes on the ground does not varied combat make; dodging out of a triangle makes a fight no more interesting than dodging out of an oblate spheroid.
- The risk/ reward in dungeons means you are effectively penalised for playing them. There are too few of them and they serve too narrow a level range.
I think they are the main issues that are preventing me playing through my 30's onto cap. Anyway, please share your thoughts/ experiences.
EDIT: by quests I mean tasks, story, zone, challenges... a rose by any other name smells as sweet... or not on this occasion.
imo your spot on..i have 3 toons around 25+ and havent loged in this week..the whole game has become more of a TASK than having fun thats kinda unheard of for theamparks
as for pvp its utter crap atm with the bots that auto-run and do nothing or moochers that couldnt care less if they win or not n just there for quick xp
the grafix were not bad at the start n thought i could look past it but the cartoony look is always a turn off for me in mmorpgs
i dont think ima resubb
I think the best thing they could do currently would be to create world events (Kind of like GW2 Heart things).
Heck, they don't need to be even innovative or new, but it would make leveling a lot better. Out of anything I think leveling in general is the biggest issue. However I do believe there are players who enjoy this sort of grind.
This is really my only big complaint. Combat feels fine though I will agree it makes battleground PvP pretty crazy. It works very well in arena though and I think it would work great in bigger maps so players are more spread out. For PvE it turn into a "Move or Die" sort of thing and not the slow move either, you really have to be on top of things in VET dungeons.
Overall, I really enjoy it. The process to get there? Not so much.
I will play through the bad to get to amazing though.
I wouldn't say that I agree with your assessment, but everyone is naturally going to feel differently about these things and I can respect that.
I find the quests to be actually really good. The main story and zone quests are well thought out and interesting. You seem to be referring to the tasks, which are optional and, yes, somewhat tedious. I do them, as I am a bit of a completionist, but people have reported leveling just fine without them. In all honesty, I am out-leveling a lot of the content due to doing all of the tasks in a zone.
As for the AoE telegraphs, I agree it can be chaotic in large scale, but I'm starting to get used to it and adjusting. It looked really messy at first, but like anything new, I think I just needed time to learn this system.
In dungeons I find the clarity of boss telegraphs to make a fight look simpler than it is. You can see what they boss is doing, but actually executing the complex dance required can be very tricky. Of course, interrupting is crucially important in this game, and I think the difficulty many people are experiencing right now comes down to not being used to this. I had to install the interrupter mod to really take charge of it.
I agree the dungeon rewards need some tweaking, but I'll give them some time to hammer that out. I do feel that the leveling dungeons are there for little more than practice so you can actually compete in the veteran content which is quite important. I was quite surprised that the level 20 dungeon was actually very hard, and feels like a 5 man raid more than a dungeon. This can be off putting to those not used to challenge.
If you want to truly test this game you have to stick with one class. I know a lot of people can't stand thinking like that (took me a while to get used to it) but if you don't you will literally never see endgame.
Even at endgame there is simply too much to do for one character to even think of rolling an alt. Extra ability points/AMP's, attunement quests and just plain gearing in general. The process of things to do at endgame is insane but really fun.
This game was truly meant to be played only at max and I can see why so many are passing it off.
I think that is a strong statement, but I think they hit the wrong time. In immediate post vanilla wow years it might have had a sizable audience, but with the general trend of mmo players getting older (and having less free time), I think they hit the wrong market at the wrong time. I can only ever see it being very niche in its current state.
I think you might under-estimate the drive and available time of the mmo players at large
I'm not really stating there isn't anything fun to do at low levels, but it is far between. I suppose if someone were to actually craft, do their path, quests/tasks and dungeons. Then things would be varied enough to actually get through it all without feeling that "grind".
However living in a world full of people that want instant gratification, most will just try to sprint to max, get bored from the insane quest grind and probably leave.
Elite: Dangerous - Space Exploration & Trading.
Here are my thoughts:
It's a decent game for what it is. Better, IMO, than the other drabble and unpolished turds that were released this year. Still looking forward to Star Citizen and Elite: Dangerous though now more than ever. I think WS is going to be the final chapter in my themepark MMO gaming. An end of an era for me though I'm ready to embrace the renewed era of space combat sims which is my first true love!
"If I offended you, you needed it" -Corey Taylor
I loved the game when I first bought it. I loved the graphics, the polish, the additional aspects like housing etc. I'm now L27 and am unsubbing/quitting.
I just can't bring myself to go through those quests any longer. They are the most tedious type of quests I've ever seen in an MMO. WoW and other themeparks at least make an effort to dress it up, but in Wildstar, it's 99% kill 10-15 of x and it is so repetitive with only 2 dungeons (I hate pvp).
I also find that I die a lot more during the quests as there are mobs everywhere. I guess I just don't have the enthusiam to keep logging in to face loads of quests in my log knowing exactly what I'll be doing for each hour of play time.
The early novelty has gone and the tedium of quest repetition has set in and I'm barely half way to 50. Haven't got the will to carry on so unless they can come up with something different to do to level (the two dungeons are pointless - little xp, lots of death and no reward to make it worthwhile), then I guess I shan't be back any time soon, which is a pity as I so wanted to like this game.
Up until level 25 ish, I did ALL tasks, all Path missions I came over. I got very bored. I then started to ignore most of the TASKs and my experience and level of fun has gone up. There is no real need to do any of the tedious tasks. I only do them if I can get an item upgrade from them.
I believe I have 100% or close to the 3 first zones. This left me with a feeling of being burnt out, so I just stopped doing all the tasks. If you have played like me, try this.
I tried this as well. I can't say it helped a lot. Sure.. that burned-out feeling doesn't come as quickly as by doing all quests, tasks and challenges at once. But the main problem stays. The quest design is horrible and I can just remember about 2-3 NPCs who had some kind of personality (for example the Lopp clan wedding in Whitevale was neat). 95% are just "kill 20 of these and kill 50 of that"-quests with nearly no background story at all. I mean.. come on.. this genre is called (MMO) R P G. It feels like a fancy slot machine. Jump, kill, jump, kill, kill, kill. Push your 3-8 buttons. Rinse and repeat. I can't believe they developed this game over 9 years and this is the best they could come up with. The sheer amount of these tedious grind quest is obnoxious. The worst zone for me was that jungle level Wilderrun. Was there some kind of overall story arc or was it just a stupid slaughterhouse-fest with killing over 9000 different species one by one? Seriously.. I can't remember.
The game has it strenghts.. sure. But if you're not interested in hardcore raiding I can't see it as a good long time investment. Housing is fun but I didn't like the predetermined places for the kits. Every instanced housing plot is arranged the same way. Crafting is okey but not that good. PVP is a mess.. nothing more.. nothing less. Nevertheless I like Carbine for their attitude and their different approach to the genre. Humorous games are the best! Maybe I'm gonna take a second look on WildStar in a couple of months if there's nothing else to play. It has potential.. we will see what they're gonna do with it.
Elite: Dangerous - Space Exploration & Trading.
I'd say you're pretty much spot on. outside of housing and the level of customization i really don't see what the hype is all about.An even the housing needs some work,seen way better more free form housing in older games. Just seems like another we want to relive WoW's past kinda games.
That's my biggest issue with so many mmorpgs anymore everyone is playing follow the leader with WoW,i'm really just about to the point of playing sandbox games only or just go back to focusing on single player rpgs.happy for the people having a good time in WS but damn man this genre really needs to start moving forward not in circles for years at a time.
I think MANY gamer's without even realizing it are finally realizing why a quest only game is just not FUN.
I have never been able to match the fun of grouping and camping mobs,not in any mmorpg.There is something about socializing and making friends when in a long group,yes even if you had to wait an hour to get in a group.You meet more people that way,actually a LOT more than soloing quests.
Also in a group setting and IF the game is very challenging at all levels and versus ALL mobs,you feel like every player in the group is important for survival and continued success,it just seems to put more value on your player than the yellow marker over some npc's head.
I have played so many of these games that i know for fact the FUN factor will never return "for me" unless it is a full out grouping game.I say this knowing full well that a new skin,new world feel only last a short time,then the game itself needs to take a hold of your attention.
Yes i know games that drive your xp through quests are faster and take no effort to get started but i must repeat that the game needs to be FUN,the speed factor imo can never replace the socializing fun factor.
Also a quest driven game puts ALL the emphasis on that yellow/orange marker by the NPC and almost nothing on your player as any and all players can complete those quests easily.However in a group com,bat setting your player could never survive solo,it just gives the whole family feel and player importance to the game.
IMO mmorpg developers and prolly because of Wow have missed the whole point of both MMO and the RP aspect of a mmorpg.This is not a knock on WS but a knock on every game that tries to do the exact same thing.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Well, here is my thoughts on Wildstar. I have been playing it off and on since beta. I tried four the toons on beta. When they, (*^&% Carbine) released the game I had bought the deluxe version. I played it and leveled one character to 36. I did not play it everyday. Five days ago I go to log on and I'm banned, account closed. First, I'm an older player and I have no need to cheat. I play for my entertainment. Second, I closed another sub, to sub to Wildstar. Third, this is the first time I have ever been banned. Ever means at lease since Ultima online, (1997). Anyway, I have sent them four tickets and have not hear anything but a crap automated reply. So, now I will try to get my money back but I feel it will do no good.
So to those planning to buy Wildstar be careful you may end up in a sinking boat. As far as i'm concerned Jeremy Gaffney & carbine can get off their high horse and *& *(& $#%^.
I have seen a lot of complaints about the support or lack thereof. A mistaken ban should be resolved in 24-48 hours.
You deserve a cookie (with extra cream for red part) *hands over the cookie* Enjoy!
Yup, it should have been a lobby game, cut the crap (up to endgame) and make better at what you did good. But i guess they already had lot of the world built when they chaged their mind and went for loby game instead. But unfortunately low quality of anything but instances is noticable, especially open world stuff.
i see many people saying this..
but i think your missing the point un like most sandboxes that dont have tons of quests theamparks thrive on them and what makes it fun in some cases and your suggesting that you skip the quests and just what? grind mobs?
if thats the case then no thx..ill just go play Asian theampark mmo and bump n grind till my fingers fall off
the more n more i think about it i have a funny feeling WS will come out with buyable xp potions when their cash shop gets to rolling around but thats just a wild assumption
xp potions? Pfff, thats old news, just look at the competition, insta lvl50 potions is the way to go (since this game is wannabe WoW 1,75)
Buy at your own risk!