Originally posted by Roin Originally posted by Velcroy Originally posted by Kem0sabe For those of you who are about to play this game, look well at the above posters respons, see the 12 year old bastard child of howard stern that hasnt seen daylight in 2 weeks and thinks that playing a female elf in skimpy clothes is the next best thing to geting laid. People like these are going to be a big part of RF online from what i have seen in many of the replies here. Concering the "play beta noob, you dont know sh*t" responses, have you played the beta yet? if not, then to put it nicely "STFU" and then come make an informed opinion after you played. This is the same game that was Launched in Korea, and if you think that altering exp values is altering the game content, then your very wrong, Read the agreament between codemasters and the developer, they are not alowed to alter game design or content, they just publish and translate the patches, tweaking xp is about as much as they can do. The fact that this game has 6 diferent armor for each class depending on level is just a joke, if the game engine cant handle more variation in pvp, then its a very poor piece of coding indeed and is a good example of how the game will develop with such poor programing at its base. Well, my friend, you think you are very informed about the game, I don't think you are. Some of your points are valid though. I personally have never said that they are going to be making new content for the game. I realize the changes Codemasters can make are limited. But you aren't painting the whole picture. For one, there are still updates being put in place by the Korean Company (can't remember the name at this point). And there is no reason to suspect there won't be more substantial updates in the future because all of the updates thus far have made big changes. I do agree that if you don't like how the game plays now though, don't buy it, expecting it to change. We just differ on whether or not it is a fun game. Secondly, saying that the fanbase is all kids that don't know what is going on is extremely off-base. Considering there are maybe 50 or so people that actively check this forum, that is no indication of an entire age group. You should go to the Codemasters site and look at some of the discussions there. There is actually a very very mature audience for this game. A few more kids have been coming and posting in the last few weeks because they just found this game. But if you look at the core people that are interested in it, it is almost exclusively 17 or older. Your opinions have some substance to them, but paint a one-sided, narrow view. And it is clear that you think Korean games are $hit. That is just a personality preference. To assume that everyone should base their view of a game on YOUR likes and dislikes is crazy. I absolutely agree that this game is not for everyone. And although statements you have made are not entire false, they are not entirely true either. i.e. You can say FFXI is a game where you have to find 5 other people very close to your level, who don't often cooperate, and spend hours upon hours of playing and disagreeing with them to gain exp. And then once you finally get to a higher level, you have to spend tons of time farming just to afford some of the better gear. Blah blah blah, Point being, you can make anything sound horrible if you point out the negatives and none of the positives. If you are wondering about this game, just weigh the pros and cons for yourself. If there are more pros, you will probably enjoy it.
You basically said exactly why I won't give kemo's post any real attention. His obvious hatred for this game and korean MMO's in general. Makes it not even worth it to respond to his post. He's already made up his mind. He doesn't want to hear anyone stating anything different then what he feels is correct.
After reading just two of his post here. I'm honestly starting to doubt. If he's actually played RFO outside. Of one of those many horrible private servers for it. That keep popping up, and then closing just as quickly. Sorry kemo, but if you can't respect others opinions about the game. Then why exactly should we read your post? As for the comment about armor. Please do create a game. Give it as many armor types as you think it should have. Then put 100 to 200 people on screen, and see what happens.
EQ2 has one of the most robust and graphical engines out there. Even with some of the best equipment money can buy. Guess what? You still can't run it at it's full potential with more then 50 people on screen. You seem to think that system resources are infinite. If you ever took the time to understand how games were created. You'd understand that the number of models and texture variations are one of the first things taken into account when you create a game. Hence why the amount of armor models in consoles games is always limited (just look at FFXI). Because the amount of global resources available is limited, and can't all be spent on just shiny new armor textures/models. Even with PC's this is a huge factor as you also have to code the game. For people with less then stellar systems. You of course don't seem to understand that either.
I will try not to think to badly of you for putting your feet on your mouth concering the gfx issue, EQ2 a robust gfx engine? my friend, its a known fact in the mmorpg industry that EQ2 has one of the most unstable, under optimized, buggy engines ever created for an mmorpg. The devs have said more than once that creating a single piece of armor for the game takes several peeople months to do, so please dont quote EQ2 when trying to make a point about gfx.
Want to see insane armor variations with a very robust gfx engine, take a look at WoW, on maximum settings its not inferior to RF online visualy in any way, and still you have insane numbers of players each one with completly diferent armors fighting eachother. Take a look at anarchy online, great armor variation and great battles with lots of players on both sides, Noctum Wars.
You want the real reason why they dont have a large variaton on armor models? limited development time and limited resources to work with, this is a game made by a small company with small funding, the most expensive thing to develop in a computer game is not the engine or the programming, its the creation of art resources and modeling.
By the way, i take a certain ofense to beeing called a hater of korean games in general, i loved playing L2 while i had fun in it, i loved to play L1, and i have noi doubt RF online would be a great game if it had quest content and an alternate way of character advancement, maybe they will add that content in the future, when that happens i will without a dbout try the game.
Keep in mind that these are personal opinions and that i am not trying to force them on anyone, it would be a boring world if we were all mindless drones that thought the same way, no?
Originally posted by Kem0sabe I dont dislike Korean mmorpg´s in general, take archlord for example, milions of lines of text and hundreds of quests. I just dislike the mindless grind games with no content besides killing other people. I understand that others may like that particular game style, but dont expect RF online to deviate from it, thats false hope. I didnt generalise about the kid issue, i was just shocked by the poster that i quoted, i think you would agree with me that people like those are something we can do well without in mmorpg´s. About the armor sets, i was not talking about armors with diferent stats, but about visual diference between armors, not just color variations, but actual model variations, if you count them here: Armors you will see what point im trying to make
I absolutely agree that MMO's can do without kids that revert to name calling and don't understand things like common courtesy, so point taken there. But look at the armors at that link again, in more detail. Starting at the level 27 group, there are different armor looks in each of those categories. Just look again, you will see what I am talking about. scroll down to the level 30 armor, then the level 33 or something, it is all different, though on the same page.
I guess I am arguing a stupid point, but I am right on this one. :-)
Anyway, thanks for the respectful reply. I at least appreciate that we don't have to resort to flaming each other, even if we have different views.
Originally posted by Kem0sabe I dont dislike Korean mmorpg´s in general, take archlord for example, milions of lines of text and hundreds of quests. I just dislike the mindless grind games with no content besides killing other people. I understand that others may like that particular game style, but dont expect RF online to deviate from it, thats false hope. I didnt generalise about the kid issue, i was just shocked by the poster that i quoted, i think you would agree with me that people like those are something we can do well without in mmorpg´s. About the armor sets, i was not talking about armors with diferent stats, but about visual diference between armors, not just color variations, but actual model variations, if you count them here: Armors you will see what point im trying to make
Err... I think you need to go and check that again..
I just went and checked it out and there are clearly more than 6 armor sets - just for one race. Did you go through each of the series? There are 3 series of armor, each broken down 4 or 5 level ranges. Some of them do repeat across more than one level range, but there are clearly more than 6 - in the Cora set alone.
Multiply that out across all three races and... yeah.. I think you made a point against yourself with that last post.
Cool link though.. I hadn't seen that :-).
"If you just step away for a sec you will clearly see all the pot holes in the road, and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
While it's often nice to have a limitless amount of variability in armor models, with our current technology this simply is not a good idea for a game focused on mass PvP.
For each new model/polygon on screen (armor, character, weapon, building, terrain, object, etc) the computer puts that into its video memory. In computer games, the video memory is often the easiest thing and first thing to get overloaded, which directly affects the game's performance (ie. lag, or really low resolutions and effect settings).
So, basically, the more unique models that you have onscreen, the slower the game will run. A balance needs to be found here and game engine designers/coders know this all too well.
WoW, for example has a ton of different armor models that anyone can wear, and as a result the mass raid PvP is very very laggy. Counter Strike, as another example, started out using many different player models. When they did their redesign for CS: Source, they brought it down to only two. The stated reason for this was to alleviate extra processing strain on each connected computer.
The key with these design choices is to allow for enough variety so that the world doesn't become stale and uniform. Aside from the characters themselves, this game be done greatly from environment models and building models.
For RF Online, with a potential 100+ (or possibly even 200+) players, I for one applaud the decision to limit the amount of armor choices. There is enough variety to allow for everyone to be different, but also vastly improve the overall performance of the game. I can't wait to try this one out!
I will try not to think to badly of you for putting your feet on your mouth concering the gfx issue, EQ2 a robust gfx engine? my friend, its a known fact in the mmorpg industry that EQ2 has one of the most unstable, under optimized, buggy engines ever created for an mmorpg. The devs have said more than once that creating a single piece of armor for the game takes several peeople months to do, so please dont quote EQ2 when trying to make a point about gfx.
Want to see insane armor variations with a very robust gfx engine, take a look at WoW, on maximum settings its not inferior to RF online visualy in any way, and still you have insane numbers of players each one with completly diferent armors fighting eachother. Take a look at anarchy online, great armor variation and great battles with lots of players on both sides, Noctum Wars.
You want the real reason why they dont have a large variaton on armor models? limited development time and limited resources to work with, this is a game made by a small company with small funding, the most expensive thing to develop in a computer game is not the engine or the programming, its the creation of art resources and modeling.
By the way, i take a certain ofense to beeing called a hater of korean games in general, i loved playing L2 while i had fun in it, i loved to play L1, and i have noi doubt RF online would be a great game if it had quest content and an alternate way of character advancement, maybe they will add that content in the future, when that happens i will without a dbout try the game.
Keep in mind that these are personal opinions and that i am not trying to force them on anyone, it would be a boring world if we were all mindless drones that thought the same way, no?
You are honestly saying WoW has a great deal of variation in armor at high levels??? Uh, I dunno, been playing Battlegrounds for quite a while now and basically, every class on each side looks the same, meaning, every Orc Warrior looks like every OTHER Orc Warrior and so on.
I'm not trying to enter the discussion about RF Online here. I think the game has potential, but that reamins to be seen, and I for myself don't put so much weight on Armor variation to be honest. BUT, if you want variation in armor models, maybe you should look at other games. WoW does have a good deal of variation compared to, let's say FFXI, but apart from that, it's really limited, especially since the game forces you to use the ONE (i.e Tier 1 or preferably 2, or maybe PvP Set) armor set, and nothing else is going to do you any good. (For whichm by the way, you spend hours upon hours of running through one of three dungeons, farming mobs like crazy. So much for grinding. )
Anyway, no bad feelings intended. But if you're looking for variation, I dunno, maybe better go to a different game. DAoC has more variation, at least you can color your armor individually.
ahh come on guys, i couldn't read all of that, my eyes hurt me, it's a game, please, a game, again, it's a GAME.
if you say WoW is cool and RF sucks, ok fine, go play wow and stop bothing RFO players, please i beg you, this goes for everyone who plays anything, you have your opinions, express them about the game(s) but PLEASE stop insulting other people because they play a different game than you.
Originally posted by ob1sr ahh come on guys, i couldn't read all of that, my eyes hurt me, it's a game, please, a game, again, it's a GAME. if you say WoW is cool and RF sucks, ok fine, go play wow and stop bothing RFO players, please i beg you, this goes for everyone who plays anything, you have your opinions, express them about the game(s) but PLEASE stop insulting other people because they play a different game than you.
Here here! That was a great post. I can't believe how many people argue and get personal over things like armor model variation and the country of origin of a MMOG. If it aint your cup of tea then don't play it, let others know how you feel, fine, BUT theres absolutley no need to get personal over these issues...
why people come on a forum for a game to bitch about a grind when its an mmo just baffles me... people who havent went through a harsh grind should just so they have the right to talk shit about one... i dont think rf is a harsh grind, A harsh grind is SWG in the PRE CU, CU and then the even gayer NGE, thats grinding, like most of the people on here ive beta's alot of games, guild wars, warcrap , shadowbane, linage 2, and the list goes on, i am very excited for this game just for the the effort they're trying to put in the pvp. but as for grinding goes its probably not going to be as bad as all the haters out there think.
so wait a second, if people are whining about the grinding in this game, then what the heck, ALL of the mmorpgs have grinding in them, examples:
WoW : Quest grind ( the worst ever in my personal opinion), PVE grind ( you have to spend 3 months of stright playing to get your epic gear after reaching 60, also depends if you're so lucky ), gold grind ( ooooh the farmers ), also if you don't want to do quests you can normally grind to lvl up ( this works only for rogues,mages and probably warriors )
Daoc : to lvl up, it's a grind fest, the only time you need to do quests is at lvl 46 or 47, so collect a good amout of quests, do them, turn them all over then TADA, you're 50, so basicly, grinding.
COH : more grind, just do missions and missions and more missions, grind more, MORE.
planetside : can't realy say it's a MMOrpg, it's more like a FPSorpg, but it's all about grinding for PVP
EQ : there's no need to comment here is there ? but frankly i didn't play the game, but ppl say it's the worst to grind in, lvling up takes forever. i don't know, it's just what i heared and read.
EVE online : this game has many different grinding types, mission grinding ( fun with others ), mining grind ( also fun with others, specially if you have many large mining barges which extracts ore like crazy ), then you have complex grinding ( not all the time you can enter a complex and find it fully spawned but there are alot of complexes-dungeons- ), pirate hunting grind ( for both NPC and player pirates, although player pirates can be realy tough to grind because you need to go and find them, using a locator agent ), so many to write about EVE grinding types, it never gets boring.
this goes for many other games, wherever you go, whichever game you play, you'll always grind, but it's different from game to game, in daoc grinding is the easiest thing you can imagine, in wow it's quest grinding, then items grinding, then PVP grinding, it's all about grinding alright, so stop whining about alot of grinding because you are grinding these forums with your pathetic grinding posts.
if you don't want to grind go play a single player game.
btw -KaI- i'm not talking about you but i'm talking about the grind haters you mentioned.
You people have a obsession over Lineage II, that is the main problem here.
Now you can't see a nice graphics games withouht saying it is a idiotic clone of L2, it is like people saying Flyff is a clone of ROSE.
Seriously, this is comments from ignorants, since when L2 has mech and cyborg class?
Oh wait, no! the Cora tribe looks so much like light elves, damn they stole L2 graphics! suckers!!!
Hahah guys, please, stop being so obsessed over a game, and learn to try other games and create opinions for each game and not comparasions between games.
I haven't played RF, but I have to say the game looks really interesting, repetitive? maybe.. I mean.. all mmorpgs will have the monster killing feature, slow leveling and items gathering, with time they might end up adding more things to counter balance the annoying monster killing, and all other things that turn a game boring after playing it for long, just give them time.
>> You guys better get used to see "L2 graphics" in other games, they didn't copyright the elves race or anything right? and according to mythology elves are meant to look like that, light skin, thin body, tall, and blonde or light hair color. So, any future game that has elves class and uses a unreal engine 2, or any engine capable of creating such graphics, then the graphics might end up looking similar to L2 ones, doesn't mean they are clones.
Technically you can say anything is a 'grind'. However, it boils down to a matter of the grind being fun or not. Like it or not, the reason why WoW was such a huge success is that it was fun to level up. True, the quests were masking the grind, but it gave you a purpose. And that's the key thing here. Having a purpose and a reason to go out and grind on the various mobs in the world pretty much revolutionalized the mmorpg design. The downfall of WoW has been that it's too easy to max out and then the true grind shows up. Instance grinding (doing the same instance over and over in the hopes of getting the armor that you want) and, even worse, Faction Grinding are what make the end game of WoW no fun. (whoever designed Faction Grinding should be shot)
Basically, there will always be a 'grind' in a mmo, but there's a difference from randomly going out to kill monsters and having a reason and a story (no matter how lame or epic) to do so. Because of the success of WoW (5 million copies sold is something to take notice of), I'm sure that you will see most (if not all) of the future MMOs having a robust, easy to use, and fun questing design/story.
Its not just the elf modles that make this game resemble L2 lvling up feels exactly the same as in L2. Sure there are more quests but they add no depth and its just killing the next series of mobs that you was gonna grind on anyways. Ill give a example of how grinding is not "fun", you start out in base to get from the base to next area theres a winding path that you have to follow and wow all the mobs are all lined up along the path according to lvl. Anouther way this is simular to L2 is the pvp instead of fighting for castles you fight for chips. This is how it works every 8 hr theres a chip war to see who controles the mines so everyone groops up from each side and zergs the outher teams chip thats about it most pvp is mass pvp and is more of a zerg and has little to do with skill. Now theres alot of ways that L2 and RF differ but as far as lvling and pvp goes they feel almost exactley the same.
Now for armors the problem here is that all the armors 1-50 look almost exactley the same unlike wow where armors very every few lvls.RF keeps almost the exact same style and just change colors on them.
This isnt ment to flame RF in any way im just offering my views as iv played 2 betas of it. RF weapon and armor upgradeing system is the most interesting one iv seen. But in its courrent state i just cant recomend and whould hate to see people waist money for a preorder on a game that i dont belive they care for and should wait for a open beta to try first.
to fresh eyes, this game might look hot, but from my own experience in the mmorpg scene, this seems to be a lineage2 clone.....also getting tired of the "Carrot on a Stick" pre-order-get into beta early shit....wtf.
like in any medium or business....make a good product and the people will dig it...also never judge a book by it's cover^^
Finaly some opinions from people who have played the beta, confirming what i posted before.
Seriously, i feel sorry for all those that wanted a good scifi mmorpg experience, now that you had the chance to try the game for yourselfs in beta and witness Budget Bin Lineage 2 in space without the pvp sieges, i want to see how many still cling to the idea that this is a "good" mmorpg to waste 50$ on the box and then 15$ a month playing.
If you seriously think RFO is a clone of L2 you guys are seriously delusional, how can you say PT system is a clone of L2 skill system. How can you say siege that only appens every 2 weeks for only a few hours be a clone of chipwars that happens every 8 hours an rewards an entire race instead of only one clan. Did you guy compare the look of the Males cora to the Males Elf of L2??? Ok where the clone of Accritians in L2? Where are the auctions houses in L2? Say is there any Race Vs Race Vs Race in L2??? Right I think going red and getting karma and dropping equipment in L2 the same than getting CP in RFO. Oh maybe the class change quest are clones also, the 48 hours quest fest in L2 to change class the same than in RFO. Or maybe automining to make cash is also the same than having a bot farm in L2 right?
Clone as in the same game style, but i guess thats too fine a point for you to understand, yes?
Take RF online, and compare it to Lineage 2, same level progression, with killing mobs for hours upon hours to level up in Lineage 2, in RF online? you do the same, but instead its to level the few skills your class has. Why didnt RF online permit advancement trough quests or other story content? instead on relying on the same L2 system.
Take the "elves" in both games, they look very similar in art style, dont they? could RFonline has used a more original representation of their races? instead of giant robots and elves in space? again, they took the easy road and "borowed" from existing art styles.
Take the poor man´s "battle grounds" in RF online, have you tried them? let me tell you how it works... zerg and kill everyone thats not part of your team, no intricate objectives, no alternate types of gameplay, no strategy involved, is that better or worse than the multiple gamestyples in WoW´s battlegrounds, or lineage 2´s massive sieges?
Hmm, structured class advancement, isnt that exactly how lineage 2´s class advancement work? why didnt RF online a diferent class system than L2? instead, its almost an exact copy.
Ok in that case if we go with this definition of the word clone for video games we could say that every damn MMO in existance are clones right....
In the computer and video game industry, a clone is a game which is very similar to a previous popular game. Some genres are founded by such archetypical games that all subsequent similar games are thought of as derivatives. For example, there was a time when all side-scrolling shooters were called Galaga-clones.
The term is sometimes derogatory, implying a lack of originality, but clones can be anything from a pure "ripoff", to a legitimate derivative or improvement on the original, or even a homage to it. Sonic the Hedgehog capitalised on the popularity of the Mario franchise, but it was hotly debated as to whether it was a ripoff or a natural evolution of the platform genre. See Console wars.
In the 1980s, making a clone of a game was not illegal, providing no outright copyright violation or trademark infringement was involved, but as the gaming market grew, large developers felt the need and ability to sue the developers of clones which were too similar to originals [1]. These look and feel lawsuits, such as Apple v. Microsoft, are not common, but remain an option for developers who feel their franchises are at risk.
Well than lets all call MMOs clones because basicaly there is no true original no more today.
For RF Online, with a potential 100+ (or possibly even 200+) players, I for one applaud the decision to limit the amount of armor choices. There is enough variety to allow for everyone to be different, but also vastly improve the overall performance of the game. I can't wait to try this one out!
You basically said exactly why I won't give kemo's post any real attention. His obvious hatred for this game and korean MMO's in general. Makes it not even worth it to respond to his post. He's already made up his mind. He doesn't want to hear anyone stating anything different then what he feels is correct.
After reading just two of his post here. I'm honestly starting to doubt. If he's actually played RFO outside. Of one of those many horrible private servers for it. That keep popping up, and then closing just as quickly. Sorry kemo, but if you can't respect others opinions about the game. Then why exactly should we read your post? As for the comment about armor. Please do create a game. Give it as many armor types as you think it should have. Then put 100 to 200 people on screen, and see what happens.
EQ2 has one of the most robust and graphical engines out there. Even with some of the best equipment money can buy. Guess what? You still can't run it at it's full potential with more then 50 people on screen. You seem to think that system resources are infinite. If you ever took the time to understand how games were created. You'd understand that the number of models and texture variations are one of the first things taken into account when you create a game. Hence why the amount of armor models in consoles games is always limited (just look at FFXI). Because the amount of global resources available is limited, and can't all be spent on just shiny new armor textures/models. Even with PC's this is a huge factor as you also have to code the game. For people with less then stellar systems. You of course don't seem to understand that either.
I will try not to think to badly of you for putting your feet on your mouth concering the gfx issue, EQ2 a robust gfx engine? my friend, its a known fact in the mmorpg industry that EQ2 has one of the most unstable, under optimized, buggy engines ever created for an mmorpg. The devs have said more than once that creating a single piece of armor for the game takes several peeople months to do, so please dont quote EQ2 when trying to make a point about gfx.
Want to see insane armor variations with a very robust gfx engine, take a look at WoW, on maximum settings its not inferior to RF online visualy in any way, and still you have insane numbers of players each one with completly diferent armors fighting eachother. Take a look at anarchy online, great armor variation and great battles with lots of players on both sides, Noctum Wars.
You want the real reason why they dont have a large variaton on armor models? limited development time and limited resources to work with, this is a game made by a small company with small funding, the most expensive thing to develop in a computer game is not the engine or the programming, its the creation of art resources and modeling.
By the way, i take a certain ofense to beeing called a hater of korean games in general, i loved playing L2 while i had fun in it, i loved to play L1, and i have noi doubt RF online would be a great game if it had quest content and an alternate way of character advancement, maybe they will add that content in the future, when that happens i will without a dbout try the game.
Keep in mind that these are personal opinions and that i am not trying to force them on anyone, it would be a boring world if we were all mindless drones that thought the same way, no?
All ur Mountain Dew is belong to me.
I absolutely agree that MMO's can do without kids that revert to name calling and don't understand things like common courtesy, so point taken there. But look at the armors at that link again, in more detail. Starting at the level 27 group, there are different armor looks in each of those categories. Just look again, you will see what I am talking about. scroll down to the level 30 armor, then the level 33 or something, it is all different, though on the same page.
I guess I am arguing a stupid point, but I am right on this one. :-)
Anyway, thanks for the respectful reply. I at least appreciate that we don't have to resort to flaming each other, even if we have different views.
Err... I think you need to go and check that again..
I just went and checked it out and there are clearly more than 6 armor sets - just for one race. Did you go through each of the series? There are 3 series of armor, each broken down 4 or 5 level ranges. Some of them do repeat across more than one level range, but there are clearly more than 6 - in the Cora set alone.
Multiply that out across all three races and... yeah.. I think you made a point against yourself with that last post.
Cool link though.. I hadn't seen that :-).
and the cash shop selling asphalt..." - Mimzel on F2P/Cash Shops
While it's often nice to have a limitless amount of variability in armor models, with our current technology this simply is not a good idea for a game focused on mass PvP.
For each new model/polygon on screen (armor, character, weapon, building, terrain, object, etc) the computer puts that into its video memory. In computer games, the video memory is often the easiest thing and first thing to get overloaded, which directly affects the game's performance (ie. lag, or really low resolutions and effect settings).
So, basically, the more unique models that you have onscreen, the slower the game will run. A balance needs to be found here and game engine designers/coders know this all too well.
WoW, for example has a ton of different armor models that anyone can wear, and as a result the mass raid PvP is very very laggy. Counter Strike, as another example, started out using many different player models. When they did their redesign for CS: Source, they brought it down to only two. The stated reason for this was to alleviate extra processing strain on each connected computer.
The key with these design choices is to allow for enough variety so that the world doesn't become stale and uniform. Aside from the characters themselves, this game be done greatly from environment models and building models.
For RF Online, with a potential 100+ (or possibly even 200+) players, I for one applaud the decision to limit the amount of armor choices. There is enough variety to allow for everyone to be different, but also vastly improve the overall performance of the game. I can't wait to try this one out!
I totally feel the same way about RF
All i can say is the game in its courrent state is very shallow not enough depth. If you like to zerg and grind this game is for you though.
You are honestly saying WoW has a great deal of variation in armor at high levels??? Uh, I dunno, been playing Battlegrounds for quite a while now and basically, every class on each side looks the same, meaning, every Orc Warrior looks like every OTHER Orc Warrior and so on.
I'm not trying to enter the discussion about RF Online here. I think the game has potential, but that reamins to be seen, and I for myself don't put so much weight on Armor variation to be honest. BUT, if you want variation in armor models, maybe you should look at other games. WoW does have a good deal of variation compared to, let's say FFXI, but apart from that, it's really limited, especially since the game forces you to use the ONE (i.e Tier 1 or preferably 2, or maybe PvP Set) armor set, and nothing else is going to do you any good. (For whichm by the way, you spend hours upon hours of running through one of three dungeons, farming mobs like crazy. So much for grinding. )
Anyway, no bad feelings intended. But if you're looking for variation, I dunno, maybe better go to a different game. DAoC has more variation, at least you can color your armor individually.
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Final Fantasy 7
ahh come on guys, i couldn't read all of that, my eyes hurt me, it's a game, please, a game, again, it's a GAME.
if you say WoW is cool and RF sucks, ok fine, go play wow and stop bothing RFO players, please i beg you, this goes for everyone who plays anything, you have your opinions, express them about the game(s) but PLEASE stop insulting other people because they play a different game than you.
Here here! That was a great post. I can't believe how many people argue and get personal over things like armor model variation and the country of origin of a MMOG. If it aint your cup of tea then don't play it, let others know how you feel, fine, BUT theres absolutley no need to get personal over these issues...
so wait a second, if people are whining about the grinding in this game, then what the heck, ALL of the mmorpgs have grinding in them, examples:
WoW : Quest grind ( the worst ever in my personal opinion), PVE grind ( you have to spend 3 months of stright playing to get your epic gear after reaching 60, also depends if you're so lucky ), gold grind ( ooooh the farmers ), also if you don't want to do quests you can normally grind to lvl up ( this works only for rogues,mages and probably warriors )
Daoc : to lvl up, it's a grind fest, the only time you need to do quests is at lvl 46 or 47, so collect a good amout of quests, do them, turn them all over then TADA, you're 50, so basicly, grinding.
COH : more grind, just do missions and missions and more missions, grind more, MORE.
planetside : can't realy say it's a MMOrpg, it's more like a FPSorpg, but it's all about grinding for PVP
EQ : there's no need to comment here is there ? but frankly i didn't play the game, but ppl say it's the worst to grind in, lvling up takes forever. i don't know, it's just what i heared and read.
EVE online : this game has many different grinding types, mission grinding ( fun with others ), mining grind ( also fun with others, specially if you have many large mining barges which extracts ore like crazy ), then you have complex grinding ( not all the time you can enter a complex and find it fully spawned but there are alot of complexes-dungeons- ), pirate hunting grind ( for both NPC and player pirates, although player pirates can be realy tough to grind because you need to go and find them, using a locator agent ), so many to write about EVE grinding types, it never gets boring.
this goes for many other games, wherever you go, whichever game you play, you'll always grind, but it's different from game to game, in daoc grinding is the easiest thing you can imagine, in wow it's quest grinding, then items grinding, then PVP grinding, it's all about grinding alright, so stop whining about alot of grinding because you are grinding these forums with your pathetic grinding posts.
if you don't want to grind go play a single player game.
btw -KaI- i'm not talking about you but i'm talking about the grind haters you mentioned.
You people have a obsession over Lineage II, that is the main problem here.
Now you can't see a nice graphics games withouht saying it is a idiotic clone of L2, it is like people saying Flyff is a clone of ROSE.
Seriously, this is comments from ignorants, since when L2 has mech and cyborg class?
Oh wait, no! the Cora tribe looks so much like light elves, damn they stole L2 graphics! suckers!!!
Hahah guys, please, stop being so obsessed over a game, and learn to try other games and create opinions for each game and not comparasions between games.
I haven't played RF, but I have to say the game looks really interesting, repetitive? maybe.. I mean.. all mmorpgs will have the monster killing feature, slow leveling and items gathering, with time they might end up adding more things to counter balance the annoying monster killing, and all other things that turn a game boring after playing it for long, just give them time.
>> You guys better get used to see "L2 graphics" in other games, they didn't copyright the elves race or anything right? and according to mythology elves are meant to look like that, light skin, thin body, tall, and blonde or light hair color. So, any future game that has elves class and uses a unreal engine 2, or any engine capable of creating such graphics, then the graphics might end up looking similar to L2 ones, doesn't mean they are clones.
Technically you can say anything is a 'grind'. However, it boils down to a matter of the grind being fun or not. Like it or not, the reason why WoW was such a huge success is that it was fun to level up. True, the quests were masking the grind, but it gave you a purpose. And that's the key thing here. Having a purpose and a reason to go out and grind on the various mobs in the world pretty much revolutionalized the mmorpg design. The downfall of WoW has been that it's too easy to max out and then the true grind shows up. Instance grinding (doing the same instance over and over in the hopes of getting the armor that you want) and, even worse, Faction Grinding are what make the end game of WoW no fun. (whoever designed Faction Grinding should be shot)
Basically, there will always be a 'grind' in a mmo, but there's a difference from randomly going out to kill monsters and having a reason and a story (no matter how lame or epic) to do so. Because of the success of WoW (5 million copies sold is something to take notice of), I'm sure that you will see most (if not all) of the future MMOs having a robust, easy to use, and fun questing design/story.
Its not just the elf modles that make this game resemble L2 lvling up feels exactly the same as in L2. Sure there are more quests but they add no depth and its just killing the next series of mobs that you was gonna grind on anyways. Ill give a example of how grinding is not "fun", you start out in base to get from the base to next area theres a winding path that you have to follow and wow all the mobs are all lined up along the path according to lvl. Anouther way this is simular to L2 is the pvp instead of fighting for castles you fight for chips. This is how it works every 8 hr theres a chip war to see who controles the mines so everyone groops up from each side and zergs the outher teams chip thats about it most pvp is mass pvp and is more of a zerg and has little to do with skill. Now theres alot of ways that L2 and RF differ but as far as lvling and pvp goes they feel almost exactley the same.
Now for armors the problem here is that all the armors 1-50 look almost exactley the same unlike wow where armors very every few lvls.RF keeps almost the exact same style and just change colors on them.
This isnt ment to flame RF in any way im just offering my views as iv played 2 betas of it. RF weapon and armor upgradeing system is the most interesting one iv seen. But in its courrent state i just cant recomend and whould hate to see people waist money for a preorder on a game that i dont belive they care for and should wait for a open beta to try first.
to fresh eyes, this game might look hot, but from my own experience in the mmorpg scene, this seems to be a lineage2 clone.....also getting tired of the "Carrot on a Stick" pre-order-get into beta early shit....wtf.
like in any medium or business....make a good product and the people will dig it...also never judge a book by it's cover^^
Finaly some opinions from people who have played the beta, confirming what i posted before.
Seriously, i feel sorry for all those that wanted a good scifi mmorpg experience, now that you had the chance to try the game for yourselfs in beta and witness Budget Bin Lineage 2 in space without the pvp sieges, i want to see how many still cling to the idea that this is a "good" mmorpg to waste 50$ on the box and then 15$ a month playing.
All ur Mountain Dew is belong to me.
If you seriously think RFO is a clone of L2 you guys are seriously delusional, how can you say PT system is a clone of L2 skill system. How can you say siege that only appens every 2 weeks for only a few hours be a clone of chipwars that happens every 8 hours an rewards an entire race instead of only one clan. Did you guy compare the look of the Males cora to the Males Elf of L2??? Ok where the clone of Accritians in L2? Where are the auctions houses in L2? Say is there any Race Vs Race Vs Race in L2??? Right I think going red and getting karma and dropping equipment in L2 the same than getting CP in RFO. Oh maybe the class change quest are clones also, the 48 hours quest fest in L2 to change class the same than in RFO. Or maybe automining to make cash is also the same than having a bot farm in L2 right?
Yup I can see the resemblance now *sight*
Clone as in the same game style, but i guess thats too fine a point for you to understand, yes?
Take RF online, and compare it to Lineage 2, same level progression, with killing mobs for hours upon hours to level up in Lineage 2, in RF online? you do the same, but instead its to level the few skills your class has. Why didnt RF online permit advancement trough quests or other story content? instead on relying on the same L2 system.
Take the "elves" in both games, they look very similar in art style, dont they? could RFonline has used a more original representation of their races? instead of giant robots and elves in space? again, they took the easy road and "borowed" from existing art styles.
Take the poor man´s "battle grounds" in RF online, have you tried them? let me tell you how it works... zerg and kill everyone thats not part of your team, no intricate objectives, no alternate types of gameplay, no strategy involved, is that better or worse than the multiple gamestyples in WoW´s battlegrounds, or lineage 2´s massive sieges?
Hmm, structured class advancement, isnt that exactly how lineage 2´s class advancement work? why didnt RF online a diferent class system than L2? instead, its almost an exact copy.
All ur Mountain Dew is belong to me.
Ok in that case if we go with this definition of the word clone for video games we could say that every damn MMO in existance are clones right....
In the computer and video game industry, a clone is a game which is very similar to a previous popular game. Some genres are founded by such archetypical games that all subsequent similar games are thought of as derivatives. For example, there was a time when all side-scrolling shooters were called Galaga-clones.
The term is sometimes derogatory, implying a lack of originality, but clones can be anything from a pure "ripoff", to a legitimate derivative or improvement on the original, or even a homage to it. Sonic the Hedgehog capitalised on the popularity of the Mario franchise, but it was hotly debated as to whether it was a ripoff or a natural evolution of the platform genre. See Console wars.
In the 1980s, making a clone of a game was not illegal, providing no outright copyright violation or trademark infringement was involved, but as the gaming market grew, large developers felt the need and ability to sue the developers of clones which were too similar to originals [1]. These look and feel lawsuits, such as Apple v. Microsoft, are not common, but remain an option for developers who feel their franchises are at risk.
Well than lets all call MMOs clones because basicaly there is no true original no more today.
In short, In mother russia less is more!