I caused the Kyrios/Naima crash, sorry, please read Trion
<blockquote restore="" "=""> Hi guys,
first, sorry for my english, its not my main language.
second, sorry for all the trouble caused yesterday and today (yes, i caused the crashes)
third, i work as software analyst, so i can understand a bit technically why the server crashed.
Naima yesterday when i arrived home (about 8pm ~my timezone)
today when i arrived home (8pm again), then it crashed again about 10pm.
i was "scared" about that being possible, because it was not on purpose (seriously).
but then i just tried it in Kyrios (yes it worked, and crashed, sorry!)
i am posting this as anonymous using a "secure" Tor network to avoid being wrongly understood by Trion (and being banned) or everybody else, cause i am really enjoying this game.
i know Trion has a support mail, but probably they don't will read it in time.
so i decided to created a fake account/e-mail and get visibility on forums.
I want this bug fixed, if it got in wrong hands, you know people will abuse using it
Trion, please enter in contact so i can explain how to do it:
Seriously, i have no purpose to make this again, i just want to make sure it will not happen again by other players.
I would be really mad if i lose some packs/terrain/etc because of someone doing this.
Trion, please enter in contact (and don't get it wrong, please!).
Players, help this message reach Trion support.
Thank you, and sorry again.
Umm considering all negative publicity AA has received since launching Auroria it doesn't really need another problem to try and sort out...
You're so extremely fishy Kano... Why'd you have to make a new account on the AA forums to post this same thing? http://forums.archeagegame.com/showthread.php?114483-I-caused-the-Kyrios-Naima-crash-sorry-please-read-Trion&p=1096821&viewfull=1#post1096821
Makes me wonder: Are you working freelance or are there actually companies out there taking jobs praising or bashing mmo's? You've certainly done your fair share of bashing other games in the past, and your praise for AA reaches unreal levels
I'm 37 years old with degrees in law and political science and I cannot bring servers down. Either I've wasted most of my life or there is a problem.
Its probably meant that the steps required are easy.
Ive never seen a button that simply says click here for malicious attack. Then you would have cats doing the attacks by mistake.
The cat overlords need an evil messiah to give their apostle claws the power they deserve.
Im also guessing that getting the instructions or program involves getting a computer infected. So a lot of formatting or an extra pc.
Write bad things that are done to you in sand, but write the good things that happen to you on a piece of marble
What you've described is social marketing. And yes it happens on this site too.
So that's a business in itself these days?
What do you mean "these days?" http://www.marketing-schools.org/types-of-marketing/stealth-marketing.html
“Microtransactions? In a single player role-playing game? Are you nuts?”
I wonder how the part of the internet that discusses Kano's business looks... Does the competition hire other people again to bash or hype themselves up, or do they do it themselves? :P
Do you hire other Kano's to advertise for yourself Kano, or how does it work?
An awesome game...
....but buried in the shit of mismanagement, greed, hacks, cheats, bots, bugs, and some poor design.
Really, sad.
This, I check email every morning and read the AA forum for pure comedy.
What you do is create a shell corporation that owns both sides of the market, you bash the one side and everyone buys the other side, then flip and do the opposite. In the end, you get 100% of the sales, only the consumers think they've made a choice to support one product over another.
More importantly, how can we join too and it has dental or not? I am ready for hire. I can be an excellent troll or can write in a calmly manner. I am ready to work %25 less of the usual fee. Reach me companies.
Stages of a new mmo: 1) It's just beta. It still has plenty of time before release. 2) It just launched. Give it time. WoW wasn't built in a day. 3) We don't need you anyway. 4) F2P announced. 5)Huge influx of players. 6) Look how much has changed. 7) Cash shop is the only thing developed lately. 8) It has been a long journey and we thank everyone who was part of it. Shutting down in 3 months. (Courtesy of Robokapp.)
^^^true that.
Yep. I have never gone from enjoying a game to despising it in such a short time. It took years for Mythic to destroy Daoc and Warhammer (yes Warhammer had a bad launch but it was great after they fixed it up)....Trion took barely months to destroy this game.
For all the fanboys about to come in and defend Trion, YES THEY destroyed it with their decisions based on Auroria launch as well as the cash shop. They did not take orders from XL on when/how to release certain content. Their cash shop exploits have been absurd. I understand it is a business, but everything they do screams cashgrab.
Not just AA but also rift defiance and trove are all the best games ever according to him which makes it crystal clear who he works for. Forums now days are propaganda of devs to sell the quick cash grab garbage available to us.
Really? Defiance was outright terrible.
Yea, um... normally I try to avoid Tin-Foil hats but when a person tries to downplay something as major as SERVERS BEING BROUGHT DOWN BY HACKERS.... that Tin-Foil hat might actually be made of authentic materials, not just tin. At that point, the fact that DMKano has always been a staunch Trion supporter while bashing all non-Trion games makes that possibility all the more likely...
I've never thought of him like that. Just someone who extremely (strangely?)Loyal to a developer. That post makes me wonder a little I do admit though.
The similarity just jumped out at me when I read that and all sorts of spidersenses started tingling :P
It must be annoying to be getting paid to defend such shitty games.
Even still, beats working at McDonald's I guess!
Don't say that until you've actually done it. I'm sure these social marketers need to write a lot on multiple forums on a basis. I'm sure they need to report their post counts to their managers as well. (Not speaking from experience, I have a different type of job), but until you've worn the hat, a lot of jobs sound really great.
I'm not suggesting anyone in particular with this, but I always find it strange when someone is able to rack up a seemingly high amount of posts in a short time span.