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Yesterday’s announcement of the formation of ArtCraft and a new game with new approach to MMORPG design should have people talking by now. We were lucky enough to go right to the source and spend some time with founders Todd Coleman and Gordon Walton talking about their philosophy on MMOs, their new project, and all that we have experienced over the last decade of online gaming. If you have not seen the site or read their manifesto, please do so. Here is what Gordon and Todd had to say about their new project, and what we can expect when it’s unveiled in the coming weeks.
Read more of Garrett Fuller's Artcraft Aims to Fix Where MMOs Went Wrong.
Well considering the site is called play2crush, I am going to go with a spiritual successor to Shadowbane.
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Nope, they're redefining combat, so it'll probably be quadinity? Oooo, sowwy, did I just blow your mind?!?
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It was mentioned in the first article on with the original announcement that they were working on a new project.
As to this project, as excited as I am, I would strongly suggest not getting too hyped people. We all know where that leads...
lets see what Cpt. Kirk has to say about it.
- Albert Einstein
This line: "I want to play a GAME, against PLAYERS where my actions, my decisions and my SKILL will determine if I win or lose." Makes me concerned the game is going to be a non-gear/level/character progression game.
And I don't like that.
Also, they said GAME, not WORLD.
What worries me is they sure wanted to mention MOBA's for some reason.I cannot stand Moba's i think they are a super cheap form of gaming with little control over the game. I also don't like any form of messy game play that takes place all over the place.
I could go into a long skeptical conversation as to why i don't have a lot of faith,but that is unfair until we know more.
For the record W101 for example was a solid design top about level 50,they obviously did not spend the effort into designing the game for longevity.
Reason i don't like action combat is because it involves moving around,so MESSY game play,i prefer the old school static group with CONTROL.Movement is a single player fps idea and it works great in that aspect,i know i have been playing the best fps of all time UT99 for 15 years.
Lots of ideas sound great on paper ,lucky i have actually witnessed the mall and have seen what actually works for everyone.
They also seemed set on talking about penalty.I for one thought the shard run idea was dumb,there are better ways to incorporate risk and penalty and reward.Also imo i feel there should be a large xp penalty,there should not be this false level rating if you never have any penalty for dying.It is basically like telling a thief they will never go to jail,well then of course there is nothing to fear.
I would go so far as to say if a player dies 2x within an hour,they lose an entire level.
This also only matters if the game is not another simple linear questing game.These guys are telling us it is not aside from the mention of Moba's then i would assume it either has no levels or is a killing for xp rather than chasing yellow markers around all game.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
"The industry has lost its way, we are going to do things differently."
Gee, how often does this get said in different and various ways...
Vangard, AoC, Warhammer, Darkfall, TSW, Tera, GW2, Wildstar, EQNext, and every crowd-funded game out there.
All die, so die well.
As much as it pains to me to agree with you (down with the establishment!!! just kidding), i couldnt agree more.
I think one of the biggest problems with mmo's is the lack of defined, useful rolls. There is something to be said for having a purpose, and choosing that purpose. I like to know i'm the best at something, even if its just that one particular thing. I'm tired of this one size fits all BS that has been rammed into every single (themepark style) MMO thats been made the last 10 years.
"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
I guess that's where the line is drawn between "doing something different" and "doing it well".
Ideas are cheap. Execution is what matters, and is where so many others fall short.
Also, the jury is still out on EQNext.
Further, each of those games did attract their own fan-base, many of whom still play to this day. Because a game isn't appealing to "you" does not mean it's somehow failed. In the case of those that have gone offline, well, they didn't do well enough for those counting the $$$ at the top - the same people who likely had a hand in them not doing that well in the first place. And anyway, as they say in the info for this game, it's about appealing to an audience who is looking for what you're offering - not trying to "appeal to everyone".
Now, the thing that struck me first was the URL: ''. If I'm not mistaken, that was the web address for the original Shadowbane, as well as part of its slogan. "I don't play to bake bread. I play to crush".
That did get me a bit excited, because Shadowbane was a very cool concept which was, unfortunately.. not executed that well. Being as harsh a game as it was also didn't help. The character development was incredibly deep in SB as well. Though I hadn't gotten far into it before it closed down, I really enjoyed SB. The bleak, hostile world.. the open-world (beyond the starting area), high-stakes PvP, the dymamics of player interaction, etc.
Now I don't know how close they plan to get to SB's style (if at all), but it did have many very good ideas that I would personally love to see implemented into a newer game.
Will definitely keep an eye on this one.
Definitely. It's going to be interesting.
Haha yup the speech is the same, and this one is even more vague than ever before. Alot of talk about not being like this and that game, but hardly anything about how. Camelot Unchained for example are much more specific in their promises. So were Vanguard, and I think the lesson is that good intentions and promises is a start, but you never know anything for real, till the first hands on experience in a progressed state such as late alpha or beta.
Did they really understand what kind of game YOU are looking for? UO and EQ are (were) both vastly different from (todays) WoW, but UO and EQ were appealing to very different player types.
Oh and yeah look at the site name play2crush and add their background, isn't hat a strong indicator to the direction.. conflict driven with a strong pvp base, hardly new and different
"I am my connectome"
The concept may be hardly different, but the final design is what will matter. No more F2P sandbox though, that hasn't worked. Lets hope they stay true to their word. It looks pretty Game of Thrones style to me which, the concept of PvP and base PvP is pretty similar. Political guild/clan factors too maybe?
You're a 100% correct, they -ALL- say this in 1 form or another, it's like p.r.-b.s 101! We've all been burned before, until I -SEE- something truly new and good I aint buyin it! (and certainly not "pre"-ordering!)
Yep, seems like the thing they got hung up on is the gear based treadmill type of game play which they want to replace with some skill based system. Sounds fine to me but I dont think that is where the genre has chiefly went wrong; It is with going from creating persistent virtual worlds to semi-persistent amusement parks.
MMOs should be about living in a world, not playing the hero in a game.
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Signed, i'm very interested and i hope this will be a true ffa full loot sandbox similar to UO and Shadowbane, where there will be true skills (anction combat), no levels, territory control and alignment system.
Hope they deliver.
Sort of sounds like that and they seemed set on talking about penalty,so it really makes me think a pvp oriented game with a MOBA type setting that has a weak penalty system.Personally until they tell us something concrete to go on,there is nothing to go on but guess work.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Oh look, here's something we've never heard before
Better re-read the article, both your concerns are addressed.
How did you miss this?
"And before we go any further, yes the game will be a persistent world MMORPG"
They also said that they don't care if you don't like what they are doing, they are not making a game for everyone. So basically they don't care, at all, if you don't like it.
While the talk sound epic , but it don't sound good.
at lest to me.
I believe MMO went wrong when it went away from massively part which focus on persistent world to quests hubs (singleplayer) and instances gear treadmill (multiplayer).
Make good game is hard , but make good MMO is harder . It not simple make bunch of quests and instances then call it MMO.
They maybe good games ,
but as MMO , they are no good , all of them lost the traits of MMO .
With what ArtCraft aims to , they can't "fix where MMOs when wrong" , because what they aims are wrong in first place .