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This was from another Post I made, but to appease the people saying "You are just bashing RF" I shall List these outin a different topic for all to see... I have posted many flaws with the game so to appease you I shall list them here again... A) KSing: The game has a kill shot rule for quest credit. Since the spawn areas are so small there has been and will be rediculous complaints with kill stealing to the point that unless a GM is at every spawn point nothing can be done. Quest system: All quests in the game are kill X number of Y monster. Don't feed me the "This game is meant for PvP not PvE" as first of all you have to grind the first 25 to even be useful in PvP and secondly you can not lvl off PvP kill hence THERE MUST BE PVE. C) Leveling: This is an eastern MMO so grind is a big part of the game, and right now the xp gained is 3x that of the eastern versions of the game. If you have to grind the first 25 lvls of the game on over camped mobs due to so few spawn grounds, at least make it interesting. In RF you use potion after potion while grinding and constantly use you only 2 attacks over and over and over for the first 30 levels of the game... fun times... D) Crafting: The crafting system is pointless till you get to making 30+ items as there are no vendors for 30+ armor. No one wants to buy the gear or weapons you make till past lvl 30 as there is vendors for that and you can not make intense lvl gear. The advance ammo you craft cost so much more ingredients then the regular stuff that the prices you have to sell at are silly like 7K for 100 rounds. Also the failure rate for crafting seems almost 60-70% failure rate and each successful crafting gives very very minimal point boost. E) Character Custimization: There is next to none, so if you like an original character look elsewhere. F) Weapons catagories: The Weapons in games are stacked by lvls, so if you are use to a game where you pick your favorite weapon and stick with it through the game, then once again looks elsewhere. The weapons become about "Ok what's the highest DPS for this lvl" except for if you want a shield then it's "What's the highest one hand DPS". For dual weild weapons you don't really "Dual Weild" weapons it is just a certain type of weapon like "Sword Breakers" that place one in each hand. G) Chip Wars: The chip wars are the central battle in the game where you fight against the other races to take someone else's "chip" by destroying a ground station. I am an american and I can say in most american played games I have seen people don't have much of a skill for focused fire, so the battle becomes a tactless zerg fest. One race runs at another only for a save few to survive and maybe do 2% damage to a chip before the defeated race zergs back at them. This is the only real PvP besides a gank of high lvls killing lvl 20s in Sette desert, so I doubt it will carry the game for a long time. Also, since the servers are shared with all of north america and europe the times of these wars are poorly placed. H) Patch and Fixes: The game is made by CCR from Korea and CM has no rights to edit code in game except for localization. Even people that played the other version of the game say that the translation has been horrible and CM has done a poor job porting. People that played the Philippians version of the game had their IPs banned so they would be forces to play the CM version and most of the them are pissed. Any bugged issues right now have to be relayed through CCR for fixes then implimented by CM and if issues occur then they have to go back to CCR... making fix times for bugs pathetic. Patches for the game and new content added will be ridiculously delayed by this process. I) Economy: The money in this game is made by two sources mining and farming. Sounds normal right? Guesss again, the game is tailored so that you will have to AFK mine all night to keep up with potions if you want to level the next day. If you don't keep logged in 24/7 you are at a severe disadvantage. Don't want to mine? Sure, there is farming for you... but oh wait, after lvl 30 you get next to no loot fighting worthwhile mobs. Of course lvling 30+ you still have to potion spam costing you plenty of cash and the extra # of people farming low lvl mobs just puts more pressure on lower lvl people trying to complete their kill X number of Y mobs. J) Partying: Parties are many used while grinding ACE mobs or leveling up your points skills. Partying for quests is pointless as due to the killshot rule you have to fight within your group to get credit for you quest in pickup groups. If you are helping a friend complete their quest you have to attack the mob till it's close to death then everyone has to pull of the enemy so the one person can get the killshot... all while dodging kill stealers. K) Leveing Points in Healing) While there are no true healers in the game ther are buff that let you regen HP and SP faster. What do you have to do to level it? Cast it over and over and over and over till you fingers bleed. After lvl 3 of the spell the point % gain from the spell is absolutely rediculous and you pretty much have to spend scountless hours at the AFK miners casting it. If you like spamming skills 24/7 then this is a game for you. L) Current Bugs: There are many current bugs with the game that are way too long to list here, so for those check out the beta forums. CM will most likely not have them fixed by release at this rate as the beta isn't really a beta it's a stress test.
The graphics are good I will give the game that. I love the anime feel to the game and it has a lot of potential, but IN MY OPINION it will never become what anyone wishes it will be and it will flop hard. I hope this post fills the voids that anyone was feeling, have a nice day.
-BlueDagger Proclaimed Basher of Games |
... gamer forever |
... gamer forever
WE GET IT. YOU DONT LIKE THE GAME. FFS. Good god man you need to go outside or somthing. I hate alot of games but i dont sit in their forums and slam them over and over again. How many posts do you need to make about how much you dont like this game?? WE KNOW THERE ARE ISSUES WITH THE GAME. Those of us who LIKE the game admit that. We dont need you telling us over and over and over and over and over and over again. I'll just say it for you OK?
Before i get started at all i would like to congratulate you Bluedagger for being the first person to give reasons for why you dislike the game, most people just bitch and say its stupid, its a grindfest, and all this other stupid shit. The first thing i'd like to adress is this statment.
Originally posted by BlueDagger
If you have to grind the first 25 lvls of the game on over camped mobs due to so few spawn grounds, at least make it interesting.
First of all you can reach level 20 in 3-4 hours, and the first 3-4 hours of any mmorpg is grinding no matter what game your playing. So by the time you get into the rhythm of things and know how to play you can practicly partake in pvp and the rest of the game.
The next thing i'd like to address
The crafting system is pointless till you get to making 30+ items as there are no vendors for 30+ armor. No one wants to buy the gear or weapons you make till past lvl 30 as there is vendors for that and you can not make intense lvl gear.
I have yet to find a MMORPG where crafting isn't pointless till you are a decent level of it. If crafting was usefull at level 1-20 what would be the point in leveling it if newbs could craft all the high level gear? Crafting always requires time and effort to become any good at it or else it screws up the economy and is pointless if everyones running around making the rarest of items.
Another thing i would like to address.
Character Custimization: There is next to none, so if you like an original character look elsewhere.
Let me tell you something, if your going to have a huge scale pvp with around 500+ players fighting eachother at the same time, then you can't have 30 different character models without it lagging like crazy. This game does an incredible job of holding multiple players around eachother at the same time without lag.
The last thing i would like to address.
Current Bugs: There are many current bugs with the game that are way too long to list here, so for those check out the beta forums. CM will most likely not have them fixed by release at this rate as the beta isn't really a beta it's a stress test.
Yea it is a stress test, thats why there are so many bugs. All the problems are mainly loging in and out of the servers. This of course is due to the fact that so many people are playing this game (because so many people actually LIKE the game) so thats why there are bugs. The whole purpose of the stress test is to see how the servers handle all these players and how many servers are going to be needed. Thats the reason they are doing this before retail. So in conclusion you made some valid points of your OPINION but RFO is an awesome game and tons of people are playing it so if you don't like it go to another game and quit hangin aroudn these forums
... gamer forever
I think u (BlueDagger) made some very valid points there and the first piece of constructive criticism i've seen here, but i also have to agree Apocallypse' response. Hopefully ppl will be able to get a clearer picture of whether or not they wanna play it
Thank you for a very well writen defence of the game, it's good to see someoen can come up with points for people to read besides "The game is good" As for counter points...
The first 20 levels are NOT able to be reached in 3-4 hours unless you want to completely and utterly gimp you character. This is a points based game which means that you have to attack things near your level or slightly above in order to gain points to wear higher armor and weapons. The only way to fast XP in this agmae is grouping up with a full group of 8 and kiling ace mobs quickly, in which after about 4 lvls of doing so you need to go solo and grind points in your skills or you will , over time, screw you character.
Crafting, you point has a lot of validity except I have never seen a crafting system that you material are worthless to the player base till you can craft 30+ level stuff in a 50 level capped game. Even WoW did a better job then taht and their crafting is really gimped.
Character Custiomization, this is true customization vs. lag is a big issue, but they deserve little credit. Custimization vs. Mass player count lag has ALWAYS been an issue, and saying that just because a game limits individuality to reduce lag is great, is like saying a game is great because the graphics suck to improve computer preformance.
The bugs issue, the devs have said nothing about any of the 101 bugs that have been pointed out except for purple ranged weapons bug the "is currently being fixed" after nearly a month in beta. The point of a beta is for severe issue to be address, patched, and patches tested. So far there has been maybe two patches through the whole "beta" and these were to address translation issues that should have been fixed before beta even started.
As for the personal attacks saying that I should go elsewhere, the forum community is based off the principle of debate hense what we are doing. The only way a developer of the game gets issues fix for a game is with pressure applied, if the problem lookslike it is going to hit them in the pocket book, they make fixes. Codemasters, IN MY OPINION, is pushing the pre-orders for beta, so that rather when the game hits shelves and reviews are put out about it giving bad press, they can cash in before hand by locking people in pre-order commitments. If it was truely supposed to be a stress test then the would have labels it as such, but the term BETA is now used as marketing because it gives the feeling of exclusiveness.
Thank you once again for the wonderful counter points, and try to keep things on a none personal level by debating sololy the game
... gamer forever
First of all you can reach level 20 in 3-4 hours, and the first 3-4 hours of any mmorpg is grinding no matter what game your playing. So by the time you get into the rhythm of things and know how to play you can practicly partake in pvp and the rest of the game.
I have found it takes longer than that to hit 20, and it will be much longer for the first time players. Throw in keeping your skills all maxed and it slows down greatly. I can't count the number of time already that I have seen higher level players hogging the mobs in lower level areas to work up their skills.
I have yet to find a MMORPG where crafting isn't pointless till you are a decent level of it.
Ever play DAoC? The crafting is a real bore, but even lower level crafting has it's uses. Crafted items are better than store bought, and lower level crafters can create lower level potions if that is their crafting choice. Just because there are other games where crafting sucks doesn't mean it is a good excuse for a "new" game coming out to have sucky crafting too.
Let me tell you something, if your going to have a huge scale pvp with around 500+ players fighting eachother at the same time, then you can't have 30 different character models without it lagging like crazy. This game does an incredible job of holding multiple players around eachother at the same time without lag.
DAoC does a fairly good job at large scale RvR, but let's say they still don't want to go that far. Why do all the face choice have to look so similar? Why not give the same number of facial choices, but have them be more distinctive? Why not add hair color as an option? No new model needed there, just a color that won't effect performance. Same thing with skin tone. And they really could nix the newbie clothes choices since they really don't matter after the first few levels. They could also add the option for armor dyes so even though everyone is wearing one of a few armor sets at any given level, they could still look distinctive without causing any extra lag.
not true, its the same exp rate. some people keep saying its 3x but that doesn't make it true. its the same.
other than that, i can see your points(though i dont feel the same way)
the game is too difficult for you, might i suggest reopening your WoW account?
"the game is too difficult for you, might i suggest reopening your WoW account?"
That's the problem, it isn't difficult at all. Using an autoattack on a mob while spamming heal pots & using a special ever 6 seconds isn't difficult. You are even locked in place during the combat animation. There are just no combat options... at least spiritualists have a little more variety but even that gets tedious fast. Level 30 is easy to reach, even while raising PTs. Gah... Puzzle Pirates is leaps and bounds more difficult and complex.
Seriously, anyone wanting challenging gameplay steer very clear of RF. It's easy to the point of being digital valium. The only thing that will keep you awake is the constant spamming of ignorant kiddie l33t spam, l33t d00ds insulting new players that ask questions and people talking about their bodily functions. I had more fun stopping and just answering player questions than actually playing the game.
Sometimes I think you all would be satisfied with a virtual sweatshop simulator. Then you can grind and grind all you like because the ability to withstand hours of tedium makes you l33t. Many of us consider WoW to be MMORPG training wheels. If that is the truth than RF is a three legged crib missing one of it's side rails and spattered with feces.
not true, its the same exp rate. some people keep saying its 3x but that doesn't make it true. its the same.
other than that, i can see your points(though i dont feel the same way)
the game is too difficult for you, might i suggest reopening your WoW account?
Who said anything about the game being too difficult? Not I, in fact parties take no skill at all as the mob will stay aggroed on the melee character no matter how much the rangers are being the piss out of it.
As for the WoW referance I capped 3 60s and left it a while back. I went to FFXI where there is a grind, but the PvE is good and parties take skill and teamwork.
... gamer forever
I never knew so much truth could be captured with one analogy.
Someone put this silly defective game out of its misery.
actually scratch that..
It is too much fun watching people defend this train wreck, because they have already pre-ordered it (plan ahead much?) and/or cancelled their accounts to all other MMO's.
Keep polishing the brass on the Titanic, it is actually quite noble. Impressive even.
We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started... and know the place for the first time.
-T.S. Eliot
Which FF Character Are You?
Currently Playing: WoW, Guild Wars, DDO
Have Played: FFXI, EVE, CoH/CoV, Linage2, LotRO: Alpha - Open Beta
Awaiting: WAR, WAR40K
NON-MMO Playing: Jade Empire
i heard a lot of guys saying "maybe its too hard for you" ...
please someone explain WHAT PART of rf online is anywhere complicated whatsoever ?
anyway, i said i before , youll see the reral downfall of this game once it gets released, and you have 10 times the people at same spot hunting mobs ... (gl killing anything and gl with the ksing)
btw the 3x exp is a fact. curtesy of codemasters own website , go find it, im too lazy...
I never knew so much truth could be captured with one analogy.
Someone put this silly defective game out of its misery.
actually scratch that..
It is too much fun watching people defend this train wreck, because they have already pre-ordered it (plan ahead much?) and/or cancelled their accounts to all other MMO's.
Keep polishing the brass on the Titanic, it is actually quite noble. Impressive even.
You may not like it, but why try to put people down who do, people like different things and thats just the way it is. Me i like grinding, i like pot spamming, i hate questing. You are obviously after somthing different and that is ok, but why do people have to try and put other people down for likeing a game ?
Oh and btw i havnt pre-ordered it, but i might do, because i enjoy the game.
"once upon a midnight dreary, while i porn surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of 'hot xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, "give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404."
your obviously not the target group for this game. Its a pvp game. Most pvp oriented games (where pvp is the main draw) don't revolve around content but the end game pvp. Now games like wow, that's not pvp, that's just crap. You can't even call what WoW has pvp, its a joke.
Most hardcore PvP'ers don't like content, they want a quick grind to PvP level and to get out on it. Short but sweet kill quests are perfect, cut the fluff get me to the pvp. Now if your not a PvP person, or a "I like WoW pvp." then this game isn't for you, your a carebear and go play a game that has no pvp and we will all be happy.
Point is a lot of what you say might be true, but alot of the people who play it for pvp don't care. Its just the quickest way to get to the true game, pvp. Its not about cap level, its not about what items you collect, its just about battling other players for the thrill of battling other players.
Over all this game has really no lag for me, it is a grind but there are ways around it. It is a point based game to raise your skills, but they are really not as hard as some say to raise. players who take lower level mobs to raise skills like shield pt, are actually taking the long way around it. Your pt for shield will raise very slowly, less then a full point where as if you go to higher level mobs then you you'll raise by more and max it fairely quickly.
It does have pot spam, and that's tuff for the wow fans and like minded to accept thinking its cheating the gameplay but its the way the game play was made. There really isn't any healer class or any other way to heal so its a decent system and pots don't cost that much.
yes there is the afk mining for money, but then again at least you can make money. I remember in Wow trying to come up with the mount money at 40 and at 60, there really is no known decent way to make money with little effort. this game there is, and the game was built around it so it isn't taking out the economy by doing it, in fact it can help it. Making money that's sanctioned while afk is not a bad thing. and there are some pretty safe ways to do it.
If your not pvp oriented, or seeking pvp as a main source of entertainment in a game then this game really isn't for you.
I have written this in another comment to this game, so sorry for anybody reading this twice.
I think the conflict this game arises is the definition of MMORPG. I am disappointed of the game, because I got the impression (from previews, advertisements etc) that this gets an mmoRPG not a kind of MMOactiongame. Just answer me: where are the RPG-elements? Isn't it true that RF Online has more in common with Counterstrike than with any MMORPG? Almost all RPGs have balancing issues in PvP, because of their complexity. Removing every diversity between players (through their skill system, the minimal class system, the equipment etc...) makes this easier, but strip the game down to a kind of MMOActionGame with a very limited set of abilities and tactical possibilities. Removing quests and almost every other aspect of a RPG leads to a game that is a kind of action shooter - perhaps little bit slower - with a pointless "I have to work to be able to shoot other players instead of monsters".
It is hard to balance PvP in an MMORPG - DAOC and AO are very successful in combining both (in my point of view): a real complex RPG with massive PvP - yeah its difficult, but who said it is easy to make a really good game?
It sounds like you really dont like these points too - why just dont let them away? There might be moments I would like to play a fast PvP game too, away from crouching with an automatic weapon through small tunnels sniping the oppisite team. I know it might be controversial, but I throw this as a question into the room:
Perhaps they just declared RF Online as a MMORPG to get the monthly fee - although it is normal to get this additional money with MMORPGs, it is not for example with shooters. I know there are major differences - especially the permanent server, perhaps a game like Diablo II (much more complexer -> ActionRPG) is a better comparison. A monthly fee wouldn't be accepted as if they declare it as a MMORPG or am I wrong? I bet development and server administration (compare especially GM work) is much more expensive in any complex MMORPG than in RF Online.
[edited to remove misspellings - excuse any remaing, English isnt my first language]
Actually I really don't mind the aspects of the game. I played WoW and had multiple 60's but I am a PvP person, I still like shadowbane and measure every game too it. Hands down best PvP system in the game IMO. DAoC could be close second but I prefer SB.
The mining while a downside for many players actually draws me. Its a simple way to make money that you don't have to sit at your pc for many mindless hours. In wow, you need cash you either buy it (which is more wide spread then most think) or you go out and grind mobs for drops and gold for mindless hours. The only deference between the grind in this and in wow is what your grinding for. In this I grind to level. In wow you grind for everything.
I don't care much for the "RPG" element of games, and vastly the majority of players are not RPG'ers. Take a look at the RPG servers to other servers in WoW to prove my point. I hate the quests in WoW and don't read them, don't know anyone who does. I'm not in it for the story, I don't care. Action of RvRvR is the best. Organised group communicating through Vent, or TS, and leading focused fire to over come opponents through multiple means. finding ways to come up with new strategies based on limits given to you in the game. Its nice. I like SB because you can build a city, a nation and develop strategies and enemies that you can just attack and destroy there city. I only don't go back to sb cause its incredibly hard to get back into guilds after you've been gone for so long.
This game lines up with a more pvp focused game. It might be close to more fps style of action but in truth mmorpg is not a term that refers only to roll playing games anymore as most hardcore FP'ers assume. ITs an overall industry term that basically means an online play for fee genre of game. Like it or not, there really isn't any other widley accepted terms. MMOFPS type games like planetside still are refered to MMORPG's even though they lack all RPG elements. ITs just the current state of gaming. But in truth there is an RP element to RF, its called PvP. The main reason PvP junkies like PvP is because its not stagnent repeatable content that gets old after the 3rd quest like that type. Its always a new expereience where you go out and kill x mobs for x items repacakged with different names is just not RP even to me. This game doesn't really make misconceptions about what the content is, its PvP, it focuses on being good on one thing rather then being poor on multiple things (like wow).
They may not have planned to release to America, but they are doing it now. And how hard would it be for them to add hair and skin color options along with some more distinctive facial options? Of course, I ask this question knowing that they can't even seem to add well typed English to the game. I don't think it is a bad game (still undecided on buying it for now), but I do think it could be much better if they would just put a little bit of time and effort into tweaking it for an American audience.
I feel like this is similar to a democrat vs. republican debate. Both sides already have their minds made, up, and they are just trying to convince the other to agree.
I personally really like the game. It doesn't have a lot of fluff, but there is a lot of room for expansion, if it ever comes to that. It's great for guilds to have fun raiding mob bosses, or taking on guilds from other races. The game has a lot of potential, its just that they don't feed everything to you on a spoon like some other MMO's. You have to find some of the stuff out for yourself.
For instance, I initially thought that the world was very small. Then I had a quest where I had to find a specific kind of "Meat Clod". Anyway, I basically traversed the entire world trying to find it, and I finally did. Encountering an awesome pit boss that destroyed me in the process. For those that say it takes no far are you into the game? I admit that it is relatively shallow at the beginning. But if you have an attention span past that of a toddler, there is a lot to enjoy.
I personally love the economy so far. You can make a ton of money, but there are plenty of money sinks as well, so it seems to even out.
Anyway, read the OP's post again. This time, look how he expands on each of his topics. Every time he mentions a positive, it is an after thought. Every time he mentions a negligible downside, it is expanded on for a paragraph. Those some of his points are accurate, they are almost entirely founded on opinion, and not fact. Though labeling them like he does, seems to make it seem like he thinks they are facts.
Different strokes for different folks. I love the game, plenty of others love the game. Obviously some people think it is awesome.
One other thing. I agree that it would be cool to have more custimization. And I'm not entirely computer-savvy, so I don't understand lag and all that. But that being said...
I run Chip Wars flawlessly on my system. It looks incredible to have about 100 different characters all on your screen at maximum drawing distance, and be able to see every move that they make. I've never had that kind of quality in a MMO before. So if the lack of customization is a big reason for that, I don't mind much at all.
Why put PvE in a game if it is pointless. At least Guild Wars gave you a story to play out with different types of quests. I you just want a game based in mostly PvP then we should of been able to fight since lvl 1 and gain xp and items in the PvP. Not have to try to kill some monsters and get any because everybody else is trying to the same thing. When I get to the PvP part I will judge that, but as of now PvE is pointless, and not worth any time. I had more fun grinding in FFXI.
Which FF Character Are You?
Currently Playing: WoW, Guild Wars, DDO
Have Played: FFXI, EVE, CoH/CoV, Linage2, LotRO: Alpha - Open Beta
Awaiting: WAR, WAR40K
NON-MMO Playing: Jade Empire
I never knew so much truth could be captured with one analogy.
Someone put this silly defective game out of its misery.
actually scratch that..
It is too much fun watching people defend this train wreck, because they have already pre-ordered it (plan ahead much?) and/or cancelled their accounts to all other MMO's.
Keep polishing the brass on the Titanic, it is actually quite noble. Impressive even.
You may not like it, but why try to put people down who do, people like different things and thats just the way it is. Me i like grinding, i like pot spamming, i hate questing. You are obviously after somthing different and that is ok, but why do people have to try and put other people down for likeing a game ?
Oh and btw i havnt pre-ordered it, but i might do, because i enjoy the game.
The reason you might get slagged is that buying a load of pots and spamming them is not remotely skillful. Most people enjoy playing games that involve a degree of skill.
Caveat Emptor
i think you are confussing pvp with fragging.
Caveat Emptor