fair enough but im not dissing your payment model here . You are marketing the game as a cross between basically SWG and UO which I played both extensively for a long time along with both EQ and DAOC during those years also. My point being when I seen your videos and read your site before making a informed purchase I was like this will be great a game similiar to SWG etc but within minutes after doing the tutorials reading the AH prices and looking at guides I was instantly turned off and I loved the complex crafting system in SWG and hoping planet to planet to get the quality resources needed to make that awesome hand gun or armor. Hell my favorite crafting skill tree in SWG was architect. SWG crafting was simple compared to crafting in the repop. While I do not mind a steep learning curve in games I felt completely lost in yours and had to go and refer to third party guides online. I just wish you guys would stop focusing so much on community/guild crafting and allow the playerbase to actually focus on making their own things in game similar more to SWG and get rid of a few middle man steps etc.
Also on the topic of free to play you also have to take into account the reviews in the end you get as those will also drive players away from your game. Bad reviews (not basement dwellers rants) also will create rifts in your community and turn off potential players from even trying your game for themselves. I personally think if you just simplified crafting a bit (not even a lot) by making people have a bit more control over their own products instead of relying on a AH for parts or costs from other players I think your game would get a much better review in the end. Im all for sandbox games , my favorite game is 7 days to die and its in alpha still with already a million copies sold at 25 and 35 bucks each now thats success considering its like 5 or 6 guys who make it without a publisher. But look at those sort of sandboxes out there the gathering in itself is a meta game that compliments the crafting systems and leads to hours of fun vs tediousness. But if it doesnt change so be it its just a game that may not be for some of us as stated though I think you guys are missing a great chunk of players who actually want a great sandbox style crafting mmorpg.
You have made more than a few assumptions of your own, the great thing about my assumptions is that I'm not betting my bankroll on them.
Let's put something into perspective: 1/3rd of the Steam reviews are negative.
A little over 200 positive reviews from excited kids, many of whom have less than 5 hours game time when they write said review, most of which will burn out long before the game ever gets near launch.
Those X number of hardcores have been grinding in the game for quite some time and yet there is virtually nothing on the market for new players to buy/use and even though there will be a wipe before launch they are greedily hoarding all their crapola just like they will when you open the doors.
ALL of the weapons and armor are shells that require fittings to advance the player's DPS/defense and it requires a significant investment in diverse skill(s)/harvesting just to make a fitting and wait until the kiddies find out those precious fittings BREAK...
A recipe for rage quitting if I've ever heard one.
Developer "vision" has been the death of more than a few games that could have been good.
The proof will be in the pudding but the way it looks to me is The Repopulation will be just another half assed kickstarter game that flounders along for a while and and then dies in ignominy like so many others.
Here's the thing ThompsonSub, why are you still here? Posting at the end of every thread? There is a word for that. And try presenting the facts. It's closer to 1/4 than 1/3rd. And as we said, this game won't be for everyone. Of course the positives must be from confused kids, despite the game being more targeted at old school gamers, many of whom have hundreds of hours of play time. But your opinion must be correct, and those who disagree with it must be wrong or incapable of making such decisions.
If your trying to create your own fittings just for your personal use, then you aren't playing the game in the way it was designed to be played. Secondly, while the notion of items decaying may seem terrible to you, to another subset of players that's a very important feature. It prevents mudflation, and keeps demand for items in the economy, while also making death hurt a little. Seriously it's been said before. The game isn't for you. We get it. It will never be for you, we wouldn't ever cater to your playing style. Move on.
If your trying to create your own fittings just for your personal use, then you aren't playing the game in the way it was designed to be played.
Since there are virtually none on the market I guess the player is just supposed to fantasize about using them until your economy spring out of thin air.
Those hardcores with hundreds of hours of playtime aren't putting anything on the market.
Like I said, they are greedily hoarding their crap even though it's a CBT with a wipe coming.
Your game economy is already showing signs of how broken it will be.
Alright, well I'm done responding to you. I'm available to discuss things seriously with other people, but you're not worth the time as you obviously are: a) making outlandish claims, b) ignoring when they get rebuked, and c) just hoping to be fed...
You had no need to respond if your game is all you claim it to be.
The Repopulation should not even be seen by the public yet but you let that cat out of the bag so the buyers of your broken, ugly, grindfest mess have every right to speak out in regard to their feelings.
You had no need to respond if your game is all you claim it to be.
The Repopulation should not even be seen by the public yet but you let that cat out of the bag so the buyers of your broken, ugly, grindfest mess have every right to speak out in regard to their feelings.
Don't like it ?
This is only YOUR opinion on the matter. I personally like where they are going with it. I sure don't get why you even tested the game, since you seems to be against alot of the features that they've been very open with. For instance havin things break after a while. This is a great way to keep crafters usefull and have the economy live and kicking. Nothing should be unbreakable in a sandbox MMO. Go play themepark games if you want that.
I say to any1 that want a true sandbox MMO, that loved UO and SWG, who are OK with the game being rough around the edges, to test it. The game sure is worth it if you ask me.
And to Smith, I'm amazed you lasted this long responding to this guy. Shows that you have some dedication for sure. And keep up the good work. Most of us still believe in what your doing.
I like most of what I'm hearing about this game- Even the 'complaints' (to me...) sound like positives. Item decay? needed. It keeps inflation from going crazy and assures that crafters even at lower levels are producing needed items. Complex crafting? Love the idea.
In fact, most of what many people are complaining about are things I would like to see in games.
...Then I heard "F2P". I cannot do it. I abhor F2P. Especially in a game centered around complex crafting. Even the cosmetics should be crafted and not Ca$h $hop items. Its so sad the days of sub games are over.
Anyhow, I wish you guys luck. game sounds interesting. Just not my thing due to the payment model. Free games are too expensive for me. I would rather just pay $15-$30/month for all access to everything. I know i'm a minority and those days are behind us. I can still mourn.
Man I feel for you Repop guys having to sift through so much ignorance in a single thread.
I can't believe I've read numerous times in one post, that simply because you PREPURCHASED something (which mind you, doesn't yet exist as a finished product), regardless if its in an alpha test state, that developers should somehow be held to a higher standard even though it said ALPHA on what you purchased and it included warnings not to buy if you don't enjoy testing an unfinished product.
Thats the epitome of stupidity.
I disagree. They wanted to open their game up to the general public to ask for money before it's complete, then this is what comes with that. And people aren't wrong for criticizing it. It doesn't matter what people "need to realize" about the state of development. That argument would work if this was a free and open alpha, but it's not. If you want money, you need to provide a value. If someone doesn't feel they got that value, they have a right to express that.
Don't want to see doom and gloom? Don't try to sell your incomplete product. Their transparency is the disclaimer so people know what they are getting into, but it has nothing to do with their opinions about what they bought.
Do you realize how asinine what you just wrote is? No one said anything about criticism.. That is the whole point of Alpha as well as beta....
Dull is right it is purely stupidity that would drive a person to complain about an unfinished purchase being unfinished...Especially when they're told it is just that.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
The Repopulation is mostly centered, as I see it, around gathering, crafting, and the game economy --- and I love it. I picked up this game on the recent steam promotion and it's now the only game I am playing. I just cancelled the sub to the only other game I was playing.
Yes, it is alpha and there are a lot of bugs and issues with the game. Yeah, it's in alpha. It's in alpha. It's in alpha. It's in alpha.
I have been playing it for a week and I have already got my money's worth. Just to open up the crafting menu to make something like the MMO world famous copper bar is awesome. Hey, what attribute do I want the copper bar to have, perhaps stealth enhancement or armor penetration? What refining agent do I need to get that attribute? Where do I get that copper ore and that refining agent? What grades of ore and refining agent do I want to use? Yeah, that's the kind of considerations that must be made to craft a copper bar in this game. There are probably thousands of things to craft in this game and these kinds of considerations must be made when you craft each of them.
If you mostly like the crafting aspect of MMOs, you may like this game. If you like MMO crafting but maybe from a casual approach, you probably will not like this game. Crafting in this game is complex and difficult. Again, it's in alpha. I get a lot of screen freezes, crashes, graphics glitches, and other issues while playing but I punch through the problems and am thoroughly enjoying exploring the crafting in this game.
Oh, that's right, it's only supposed to appeal to a niche market. (LOL)
And as far as "rough around the edges" goes it's a mess, everything from the amateur UI, the 2002 graphics, the horrible, but hilarious, character animations, the awful combat, the twisted nightmare of it's crafting system and it's non existent, soon to materialize, "economy"...
Clean it up, make game systems accessible to the player, improve combat, improve graphics and it has a chance to be a successful game.
As it sits it is an ambitious idea but it is destined to be forgotten soon because it's horrid implementation will not appeal to anyone beyond the current, few, backers that feel they have an investment.
More than a few developers have tried the Ol' "this is the game me and my friends want" and we can look around and see how many of those still exist...
I like most of what I'm hearing about this game- Even the 'complaints' (to me...) sound like positives. Item decay? needed. It keeps inflation from going crazy and assures that crafters even at lower levels are producing needed items. Complex crafting? Love the idea.
Even the most basic item is very complex to craft, so complex players that have been grinding in the game for months aren't even selling the basic stuff needed to advance characters. (a very tiny amount of very low level stuff is available)
So you save your pennies to buy this expensive item because you certainly can't craft it yourself and then it wears out and you are too broke to replace the items and there is no way you can make them.
Sounds like a blast.
Crafting complexity is not the issue it is the forced dependency on other players, players that don't want you to be strong because the game is 2/3 PVP, and subsequently aren't selling anything good so you can't compete with them.
(my biggest issue with the crafting is how poorly it is outlined to the player, how hard to use the in game DB is, and how it is forcing people to use external web sites to get basic information)
The game is in a closed alpha state that is going to be wiped and the players are still hoarding.
Is that situation going to be better on release ?
Clans will craft for themselves exclusively and new players will either have to choose from the over priced pittance available on the market, join a clan that can help them advance or uninstall.
I'll wager the vast majority will uninstall because the game is super unfriendly to new players.
If they can survive on the few they've got hooked, more power to them.
This thread is a joke, I don't see these people going to EA, Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo's site boycotting they stop selling pre-orders of games almost a year in advance...
At least people who funded Repop are playing the game. Instead people choose to troll the small companies hoping to prove something.
fair enough but im not dissing your payment model here . You are marketing the game as a cross between basically SWG and UO which I played both extensively for a long time along with both EQ and DAOC during those years also. My point being when I seen your videos and read your site before making a informed purchase I was like this will be great a game similiar to SWG etc but within minutes after doing the tutorials reading the AH prices and looking at guides I was instantly turned off and I loved the complex crafting system in SWG and hoping planet to planet to get the quality resources needed to make that awesome hand gun or armor. Hell my favorite crafting skill tree in SWG was architect. SWG crafting was simple compared to crafting in the repop. While I do not mind a steep learning curve in games I felt completely lost in yours and had to go and refer to third party guides online. I just wish you guys would stop focusing so much on community/guild crafting and allow the playerbase to actually focus on making their own things in game similar more to SWG and get rid of a few middle man steps etc.
Also on the topic of free to play you also have to take into account the reviews in the end you get as those will also drive players away from your game. Bad reviews (not basement dwellers rants) also will create rifts in your community and turn off potential players from even trying your game for themselves. I personally think if you just simplified crafting a bit (not even a lot) by making people have a bit more control over their own products instead of relying on a AH for parts or costs from other players I think your game would get a much better review in the end. Im all for sandbox games , my favorite game is 7 days to die and its in alpha still with already a million copies sold at 25 and 35 bucks each now thats success considering its like 5 or 6 guys who make it without a publisher. But look at those sort of sandboxes out there the gathering in itself is a meta game that compliments the crafting systems and leads to hours of fun vs tediousness. But if it doesnt change so be it its just a game that may not be for some of us as stated though I think you guys are missing a great chunk of players who actually want a great sandbox style crafting mmorpg.
You have made more than a few assumptions of your own, the great thing about my assumptions is that I'm not betting my bankroll on them.
Let's put something into perspective: 1/3rd of the Steam reviews are negative.
A little over 200 positive reviews from excited kids, many of whom have less than 5 hours game time when they write said review, most of which will burn out long before the game ever gets near launch.
Those X number of hardcores have been grinding in the game for quite some time and yet there is virtually nothing on the market for new players to buy/use and even though there will be a wipe before launch they are greedily hoarding all their crapola just like they will when you open the doors.
ALL of the weapons and armor are shells that require fittings to advance the player's DPS/defense and it requires a significant investment in diverse skill(s)/harvesting just to make a fitting and wait until the kiddies find out those precious fittings BREAK...
A recipe for rage quitting if I've ever heard one.
Developer "vision" has been the death of more than a few games that could have been good.
The proof will be in the pudding but the way it looks to me is The Repopulation will be just another half assed kickstarter game that flounders along for a while and and then dies in ignominy like so many others.
Here's the thing ThompsonSub, why are you still here? Posting at the end of every thread? There is a word for that. And try presenting the facts. It's closer to 1/4 than 1/3rd. And as we said, this game won't be for everyone. Of course the positives must be from confused kids, despite the game being more targeted at old school gamers, many of whom have hundreds of hours of play time. But your opinion must be correct, and those who disagree with it must be wrong or incapable of making such decisions.
If your trying to create your own fittings just for your personal use, then you aren't playing the game in the way it was designed to be played. Secondly, while the notion of items decaying may seem terrible to you, to another subset of players that's a very important feature. It prevents mudflation, and keeps demand for items in the economy, while also making death hurt a little. Seriously it's been said before. The game isn't for you. We get it. It will never be for you, we wouldn't ever cater to your playing style. Move on.
https://www.therepopulation.com - Sci Fi Sandbox.
No thanks.
I think I will stay right here and keep warning people what a broken, ugly, kludged together mess you are trying to sell them.
Since there are virtually none on the market I guess the player is just supposed to fantasize about using them until your economy spring out of thin air.
Those hardcores with hundreds of hours of playtime aren't putting anything on the market.
Like I said, they are greedily hoarding their crap even though it's a CBT with a wipe coming.
Your game economy is already showing signs of how broken it will be.
And that is only one problem...
https://www.therepopulation.com - Sci Fi Sandbox.
Your fear is showing.
You had no need to respond if your game is all you claim it to be.
The Repopulation should not even be seen by the public yet but you let that cat out of the bag so the buyers of your broken, ugly, grindfest mess have every right to speak out in regard to their feelings.
Don't like it ?
This is only YOUR opinion on the matter. I personally like where they are going with it. I sure don't get why you even tested the game, since you seems to be against alot of the features that they've been very open with. For instance havin things break after a while. This is a great way to keep crafters usefull and have the economy live and kicking. Nothing should be unbreakable in a sandbox MMO. Go play themepark games if you want that.
I say to any1 that want a true sandbox MMO, that loved UO and SWG, who are OK with the game being rough around the edges, to test it. The game sure is worth it if you ask me.
And to Smith, I'm amazed you lasted this long responding to this guy. Shows that you have some dedication for sure. And keep up the good work. Most of us still believe in what your doing.
I like most of what I'm hearing about this game- Even the 'complaints' (to me...) sound like positives. Item decay? needed. It keeps inflation from going crazy and assures that crafters even at lower levels are producing needed items. Complex crafting? Love the idea.
In fact, most of what many people are complaining about are things I would like to see in games.
...Then I heard "F2P". I cannot do it. I abhor F2P. Especially in a game centered around complex crafting. Even the cosmetics should be crafted and not Ca$h $hop items. Its so sad the days of sub games are over.
Anyhow, I wish you guys luck. game sounds interesting. Just not my thing due to the payment model. Free games are too expensive for me. I would rather just pay $15-$30/month for all access to everything. I know i'm a minority and those days are behind us. I can still mourn.
Do you realize how asinine what you just wrote is? No one said anything about criticism.. That is the whole point of Alpha as well as beta....
Dull is right it is purely stupidity that would drive a person to complain about an unfinished purchase being unfinished...Especially when they're told it is just that.
For every minute you are angry , you lose 60 seconds of happiness."-Emerson
The Repopulation is mostly centered, as I see it, around gathering, crafting, and the game economy --- and I love it. I picked up this game on the recent steam promotion and it's now the only game I am playing. I just cancelled the sub to the only other game I was playing.
Yes, it is alpha and there are a lot of bugs and issues with the game. Yeah, it's in alpha. It's in alpha. It's in alpha. It's in alpha.
I have been playing it for a week and I have already got my money's worth. Just to open up the crafting menu to make something like the MMO world famous copper bar is awesome. Hey, what attribute do I want the copper bar to have, perhaps stealth enhancement or armor penetration? What refining agent do I need to get that attribute? Where do I get that copper ore and that refining agent? What grades of ore and refining agent do I want to use? Yeah, that's the kind of considerations that must be made to craft a copper bar in this game. There are probably thousands of things to craft in this game and these kinds of considerations must be made when you craft each of them.
If you mostly like the crafting aspect of MMOs, you may like this game. If you like MMO crafting but maybe from a casual approach, you probably will not like this game. Crafting in this game is complex and difficult. Again, it's in alpha. I get a lot of screen freezes, crashes, graphics glitches, and other issues while playing but I punch through the problems and am thoroughly enjoying exploring the crafting in this game.
Here's to the success of The Repopulation. : )
"most of us still believe"
Good luck making that into a successful product.
Oh, that's right, it's only supposed to appeal to a niche market. (LOL)
And as far as "rough around the edges" goes it's a mess, everything from the amateur UI, the 2002 graphics, the horrible, but hilarious, character animations, the awful combat, the twisted nightmare of it's crafting system and it's non existent, soon to materialize, "economy"...
Clean it up, make game systems accessible to the player, improve combat, improve graphics and it has a chance to be a successful game.
As it sits it is an ambitious idea but it is destined to be forgotten soon because it's horrid implementation will not appeal to anyone beyond the current, few, backers that feel they have an investment.
More than a few developers have tried the Ol' "this is the game me and my friends want" and we can look around and see how many of those still exist...
Even the most basic item is very complex to craft, so complex players that have been grinding in the game for months aren't even selling the basic stuff needed to advance characters. (a very tiny amount of very low level stuff is available)
So you save your pennies to buy this expensive item because you certainly can't craft it yourself and then it wears out and you are too broke to replace the items and there is no way you can make them.
Sounds like a blast.
Crafting complexity is not the issue it is the forced dependency on other players, players that don't want you to be strong because the game is 2/3 PVP, and subsequently aren't selling anything good so you can't compete with them.
(my biggest issue with the crafting is how poorly it is outlined to the player, how hard to use the in game DB is, and how it is forcing people to use external web sites to get basic information)
The game is in a closed alpha state that is going to be wiped and the players are still hoarding.
Is that situation going to be better on release ?
Clans will craft for themselves exclusively and new players will either have to choose from the over priced pittance available on the market, join a clan that can help them advance or uninstall.
I'll wager the vast majority will uninstall because the game is super unfriendly to new players.
If they can survive on the few they've got hooked, more power to them.
This is the first game I ever invested in.I liked the ideas for the game and hope it succeeds.
The other game I'm even more excited about.......CAMELOT UNCHAINED.I hope to become a founder for that game.
HAHA !!!
Casuals have zero chance in The Repopulation, maybe they can just putter around but progress will be minimal.
But hey, it's not made for them so they can screw off.
This thread is a joke, I don't see these people going to EA, Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo's site boycotting they stop selling pre-orders of games almost a year in advance...
At least people who funded Repop are playing the game. Instead people choose to troll the small companies hoping to prove something.