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The Skyforge team has taken to the official blog to lay out some of the underlying philosophy behind the game's monetization. Of most particular note is the inclusion of weekly caps on certain progression "currency" that should allay fears that characters can "buy their way" up to level cap. In addition, while players can accelerate their progress, they gain no advantage over others of a similar level.
Real world currency can be spent to boost progression gains, but there are limits to the most significant 'currencies' as outlined below:
I dont normally do this, but did you even read it?
You get a cap of how much advancement you can have per week, you can pay to make you get TO the cap faster but you can not ever exceed the cap.
Additionally, any of the cap you have left over will roll over for a while before being lost.
So, Player A and Player B both have a cap of 60 Power for the week
Player A pays a few quid to double his speed Player B doesnt.
Player A hits the Cap in 20 hours and then can not go any further, Player B hits it in 40 and can not go any further.
Player C uses up 40 of his cap, and so next week has a cap of 80 where as A and B have 60 after two weeks if they all cap, they are still all at 120 power.
So where and what are you Paying to Win? Its a dodgey mechanic, I hate time gating but calling it pay to win is very uninformed.
Sarcasm, right? That seems like it, but I dunno, the page itself is kinda confusing.
Assuming I'm reading this right, a pay-to-win player can still pay to progress above and beyond what others who don't pay can do, but the amount that he'll progress above and beyond those who don't pay has its own weekly cap, not to be confused with the weekly cap on normal gameplay resources (the two being two different caps).
Is that right?
That's the equivalent of a race where during the first 10 seconds, someone can pay for a 10 meter head start, then 10 seconds later, pay for an additional 10 meter teleportation blast, etc, every 10 seconds, in addition to the normal "10 meters per 10 seconds" run that both participants are capped at.
Or am I reading this wrong? But itwould fit the definition of "putting a cap on HOW MUCH someone can pay to win", I assume.
Of course, their argument is that with the tiering system, a non-payer would never run into those more-powerful pay-to-win players in the first place. I wonder if that'll be the case (how will the system handle cases where there's just... one whale, for example?). Although if it isn't, it'll hurt their chances of getting more whales too cause part of the "fun" of being a whale is usually ROFLstomping all the non-payers, rather than getting into fights with whales of equal calibur.
Best I can make of it seems like: Pay to not grind.
So I would guess a lot depends on how painful the grind is, but then again if the grind isn't fun why would I want to play the game at all?
totally agree.
Time saving items in a cash shop are fine, where it crosses a line that makes it P2W is where people not paying get capped. Having that gate to pay now ties the hands of every gamer and the only advantage is to pay. I dont mind someone paying for an advantage as long as if I play twice as hard I can still pass them. Only way to win that race is to pay money. Hence, P2W. There needs to be an in game option to earn the ability to change or remove the cap. If they did that, the P2W title would be removed.
I am so good, I backstabbed your face!
Actually unless I am misreading, the cap is for everyone. There is no pay way around the cap. The only advantage to paying is to reach that cap more quickly. Pay or not pay, both have the same hard cap.
exactly.god forbid a mmorpg be just a virtual world and let the players loose in it without devs playing mommy and daddy!
The caps are very socialist in concept to me....
Don't like them at all. How dare they tell me how long I can play their game! I'll just play something else then at that cap of theirs.... means other titles will likely get my money instead.
Viva la Capitalism!
Didn't Neverwinter just release a new content DLC.....?
Obfuscation is the obscuring of intended meaning in communication, making the message confusing, willfully ambiguous, or harder to understand.
This is what these trash companies are doing to hide their P2W schemes. This game will be shit, this company only produces shit. To think that it will be any different from their other P2W shit is ridiculous. Don't believe the hype, don't believe these people, they don't care about producing a quality game, they only care about sucking as much money out of your wallet as they possibly can.
Yea. I can't possibly be the only one confused by their post. Already in this thread I see different people who think it's different things. Some think that this is simply "paying to more-quickly reach the weekly cap that everyone is capped at." Others, me included, believe it's "limitting how much one can exceed the normal weekly cap via paying." (which, as presumably-sarcastically mentioned by one of the first replies in this thread, basically means the game's still P2W. It's just capped on how much P2W you can get each week, but you'll still be winning over those that didn't pay no matter how much they play as long as you play to the normal playing cap, too)
I've re-read their post several times and I'm preeeeetty sure it's the latter, but yep, this is either terribly written or some purposefully obfuscated stuff going on so I'm not completely sure.
This is the Allods Team. You can be absolutely sure that the "payment for faster progression" is going to be made VERY tempting.
The caps will most likely be set fairly high, with progression being relatively slow to earn. That means the average player will use up maybe 50% of their cap through normal game play (for example), allowing them to double their progress in a that week by spending their way to the cap.
If you don't spend, you'll fall behind those who do.
Last time I checked you can keep playing after you hit the level cap for the week. I'm not sure how you see that as being "socialist". Now P2W, that's definitely capitalism.
This is the problem though. For as much as you played, you say you weren't anywhere near the cap. This means unless free players play a ridiculous amount of hours every week, they will undoubtedly fall behind those who pay. If the cap was able to be reached in a reasonable amount of time(say 25~ hours since its a weekly cap) then it would be a non issue.
But if you have to play closer to 60 hours to cap, thats unreasonable.
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That makes it sound less worse. If the cap is really that hard to reach, then it will be a non-issue for the majority of casuals. The company should've clarified this point, but they chose to be aggressive towards people by banning them and coming out with a confusing explanation.