I still need to break 100 mil without spending it all. Damn those t2 fittings, damn those t2 frigates DAMN YOU COSTLY SKILL BOOKS! Heheh. I'm not a good isk saver....
"Just because there are other colours to use in chat does not mean you have to use them..." - Please follow
Suppose it depends on who you are and how you play...if you dont need the high end combat setup and just mine in safe space then a 200 - 500 hundred million is alot, if you are combat orientated or low sec then a couple of Billion is alot.
I've got 15 mil skill points and I've yet to see my wallet get anything above 20 mil isk. Even making 10 mil isk is quite a feat for me. Dunno how you guys do it...
I have 25 million SP on my character and usally hover around 150-200 million isk, I can only play very casually right now or I would have more. Level 3 and 4 missions give good isk that's how I got most of mine.
Originally posted by Ranma13 I've got 15 mil skill points and I've yet to see my wallet get anything above 20 mil isk. Even making 10 mil isk is quite a feat for me. Dunno how you guys do it...
At 15m SPs you should be able to fly a battleship reasonably well. Work towards getting one, insure it, take it to 0.0 space (join a group that is in 0.0) and hunt NPCs. You can make 10m an hour in bounties alone doing that fairly easily with a setup tailored to the NPCs you are hunting, if you hunt in reasonably good systems (much more in tougher systems). Once you have access to 0.0, making a lot of ISK is very, very easy, hence why the market actually supports the insane prices for some t2 ships.
add on to the bottom of my post, I still don't even have 2 million SP (even though a guy who started after me has 2.3mil..., stupid holidays taking offline too long) But I hover around 40-50 mil easy and I couldn't fly a BS if I wanted too. (possible with 1 mil points yes, but 750k of my SP is in learning ^_^) lvl 3 missions are easy solo BC money and lvl 4 well, lets say 2 specially built BC's can do most missions, if not all(only done 15) even courier running at lvl 4 brings in good money, but you have got to be very careful on routes, and if you really want the time bonus.. Money Is easily accesable, it is just taking the time to fiquire out which way you want to. Miners can make lots of money. But mining in high sec space is almost idiotic, but people do it and live of it...
no paragraphs there....
"Just because there are other colours to use in chat does not mean you have to use them..." - Please follow
Originally posted by Ranma13 Question is, even if I train the skills to pilot a BS, where will I get the isk to buy one?
nah seriously... what is your main income?
With missions its no problem to get the cash for a BS together, not with mining (for the ores) and neither is it with hunting rats in belts. Some take longer than others, depending on the exact place you do it. I went to a lowsec system in a crusier and made roughly 1.5 to 2 million in an hour in bounties alone. (Not my main income, just wanted to try if you can make cash that way).
Actually its a lot easier to make cash these days, than it was back when I saved for my first battleship.
But Ranma if you need a quick cash injection you are always welcome to do a few lvl 4 missions with me
EDIT: oh @ topic. Lots of cahs is when you cna buy everything you need to have fun in game. For some people that is 10 mill, for some 1bill for others 40 bill....... all a matter of attitude.
------------------------------------------------------ Originally posted by Mandolin
Designers need to move away from the old D&D level-based model which was never designed for player vs player combat in the first place.
It all depends on where you live. I can make hundrets of millions within a few days but i only do it if i need to. I got a dreadnought and a carrier and loads of ready to go ships. I PvP all the time until i have a need for isk to replace lost ships.
Isk is made easy in 0.0 but be awarew that the richest pilots are sitting in empire producing Tech II ships.
Im a lowley fighter so when I lost two battleships and had 200mil in my account I went woot... and then went and bought more ships to fight with, donated some to my corp and went on about my mary way. Now I sit with roughly 30mil and looking to buy some very expensive skills here sometime soon. But, I believe I have found a way to make roughly 60mil a week without having my alt ever leave the station. Yar!!!
ive had about 500mill at most in my eve career. I currently have 100 mill after buying a 90 day timecard for 300 mill.
The devs themselves presentet the community with some numbers a couple of months back and i believe the single richest person isk-wise had about 27 billion isk.
Now ofcourse, the richest people in eve have all their wealth in assets such as blueprints, ships and items.
I would say "alot" of isk withon resonable boundaries and by todays standards is approximately 20-30 billion isk. With that much money you wont have to worry about losing ships and equipment for a while.
Did anyone catch that thread about the poor soul that accidentally bought 2 makluth cruises for 7 billion isk (3.5 bill each) from escrow? Apparantly he was a bigtime timecard seller so noone really felt sorry for him but still, i cringed when i read that thread.
_____________________ I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.
I've almost hit that damned "accept escrow" button by accident before....
Ratting in 0.0 is by far the easiest isk IMO. I say easiest, referring to time invested in the character's development, amount of cash invested in ships and fittings, and time per million isk earned. There are better ways to make the big cash, however those require some luck, some decent skills, and some decent agents (at least early on). The down side of ratting in 0.0 for cash is that EVE can become an isk grind, and of course in 0.0 if you are not careful you can find yourself in the cloner quite quickly.
A decent amount of ISK for a person is about a billion. (NPC'ing, Mission Running, Mining)
Alot of ISK for a person is $10B. (Mining mercoxit makes about 100M/hour/character)
A decent amount for a corporation is about $25B. (Easy to make with T2 production)
Alot for a corporation is $100B. (Few good T2 bpo's and faction loot/ships)
A decent amount for an alliance is $100B. (Funded by good corps)
Alot of ISK for an alliance is unfathomable. Take for example, a titan costs $125B ISK (for the first one) and some alliances are working on building 2-3 of these, add the fact alot of these alliances own T2 bpo's, ton's of outposts ($25B a piece) and numberous other spatial intenties.
Also, take into account that I am not only talking about ISK in your wallet but, value of assets in general. I myself have a 21M SP character, and usualy keep about 250-350M in my wallet at any given time. However, I do own about 11 Battleships (at least 3 of which are insured at 100%) and couple of HAC's, a Recon ship (love my curse), about a half dozen assault frigates, a dozen interceptors, a logistics ships and T2 components to fit all of the above. So, even if I don't "have a billion" , if I decided to relocate myself and sold off alot of my belongings, I could reach that number quite easily.
Edit : Oxycocet is fun but makes typing answers ... quite entertaining.
Dakilla[666] ~ The Realm ~ Level 1000 enchanter (retired) Maranthoric ~ La 4ieme Prophetie ~ Level 160 (5x) HE/Feu (de retour) Leonthoric[DDC] ~ EVE online ~ <Fire The "Laser"> (retired)
I solo mine in high sec space (sometimes in low sec if I feel a bit adventurous) and I can sell refined pyroxeres and kernite for about 7-8 mil an hour. Doing agent missions, I used to do level 3 courier missions which had some nice isk rewards, but I recently joined a corp that wants me to do missions for another corp so I've been working on building up agent relations with that corp.
Generally speaking, making 10 mil isk at a time is not really a problem for me, but I don't do it unless I really need it. Lately I've been working on buying and configuring assault frigates, quite a step up considering I've been doing almost everything in frigates.
14 days in, during the trial, just running missions for agents in my first ship, I was able to afford my first frigate, a Punisher, and equip it with mostly stuff I found from NPC's I killed.
After that, I've found that the missions are provoding me with enough money to buy the skills I need to advance, and still save for future ships.
After my 14 day trial, and two days of real playing, I own 2 frigages, 1 Destoroyer, and 1 Industrial, and can now mine decently, and save for a real ship.
The great thing about money coming so easy, is you'll always be able to spend and have fun, and still feel like you're earning your way.
Originally posted by binjuice I still need to break 100 mil without spending it all. Damn those t2 fittings, damn those t2 frigates DAMN YOU COSTLY SKILL BOOKS! Heheh. I'm not a good isk saver....
I know the feeling ALL too well.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Yeah combat and low sec need that good insurance money I went completely broke trying to be a bounty hunter now im just surfing the galaxy mining everything i can
Unless you get in a good corp. Money will always be a problem i think
12m sp and 2.5b isk here and I haven't done any isk generating activity in the last 2 months and have around 1b isk tied up in a char I bought (for isk, it's legal) but never got around to use and will probably sell again.
Missions (mostly level 3) and 0.0 npcing has been my main income. Best day I had npcing I made 200m in bounties alone (+ a lot of loot) from about 4-5h work. But I was a bit lucky with spawn and was able to chain multiple high level bs spawn for the whole time, but no faction spawn (not that dominations seem to drop any faction loot anyway these days).
"Memories are meant to fade. They're designed that way for a reason."
Im just over 6 months in, and I have a couple rifters and a corp. supplied cyclone (battlecruiser). I just broke 300mil isk last week and Im doing level 3 missions. LP is where its at, I sold 2 social skill (military and political connections) books for 80-90 mil. Right now Im saving LP to get a faction ship. Hopefully a faction tempest or at least a faction stabber.
Im considering buying a BS but I dont need it for the level 3 missions so I'll just keep saving up my isk until I can buy something shiny like a 540mil machariel *shrugs*. ya..waste of money you say but I have a decent corp that supplies me with my needs as far as guns, ammo, fittings go.
maybe the real answer to getting a lot of isk is belonging to a corp that doesnt mind sharing?
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."
1mil is like........ half a penny
10mil is like a nickel
A Work in Progress.
Add Me
I still need to break 100 mil without spending it all. Damn those t2 fittings, damn those t2 frigates DAMN YOU COSTLY SKILL BOOKS! Heheh. I'm not a good isk saver....
"Just because there are other colours to use in chat does not mean you have to use them..." - Please follow
Suppose it depends on who you are and how you play...if you dont need the high end combat setup and just mine in safe space then a 200 - 500 hundred million is alot, if you are combat orientated or low sec then a couple of Billion is alot.
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
I've got 15 mil skill points and I've yet to see my wallet get anything above 20 mil isk. Even making 10 mil isk is quite a feat for me. Dunno how you guys do it...
I have 25 million SP on my character and usally hover around 150-200 million isk, I can only play very casually right now or I would have more. Level 3 and 4 missions give good isk that's how I got most of mine.
At 15m SPs you should be able to fly a battleship reasonably well. Work towards getting one, insure it, take it to 0.0 space (join a group that is in 0.0) and hunt NPCs. You can make 10m an hour in bounties alone doing that fairly easily with a setup tailored to the NPCs you are hunting, if you hunt in reasonably good systems (much more in tougher systems). Once you have access to 0.0, making a lot of ISK is very, very easy, hence why the market actually supports the insane prices for some t2 ships.
add on to the bottom of my post, I still don't even have 2 million SP (even though a guy who started after me has 2.3mil..., stupid holidays taking offline too long) But I hover around 40-50 mil easy and I couldn't fly a BS if I wanted too. (possible with 1 mil points yes, but 750k of my SP is in learning ^_^) lvl 3 missions are easy solo BC money and lvl 4 well, lets say 2 specially built BC's can do most missions, if not all(only done 15) even courier running at lvl 4 brings in good money, but you have got to be very careful on routes, and if you really want the time bonus.. Money Is easily accesable, it is just taking the time to fiquire out which way you want to. Miners can make lots of money. But mining in high sec space is almost idiotic, but people do it and live of it...
no paragraphs there....
"Just because there are other colours to use in chat does not mean you have to use them..." - Please follow
Question is, even if I train the skills to pilot a BS, where will I get the isk to buy one?
nah seriously... what is your main income?
With missions its no problem to get the cash for a BS together, not with mining (for the ores) and neither is it with hunting rats in belts. Some take longer than others, depending on the exact place you do it. I went to a lowsec system in a crusier and made roughly 1.5 to 2 million in an hour in bounties alone. (Not my main income, just wanted to try if you can make cash that way).
Actually its a lot easier to make cash these days, than it was back when I saved for my first battleship.
But Ranma if you need a quick cash injection you are always welcome to do a few lvl 4 missions with me
EDIT: oh @ topic. Lots of cahs is when you cna buy everything you need to have fun in game. For some people that is 10 mill, for some 1bill for others 40 bill....... all a matter of attitude.
Originally posted by Mandolin
Designers need to move away from the old D&D level-based model which was never designed for player vs player combat in the first place.
It all depends on where you live. I can make hundrets of millions within a few days but i only do it if i need to.
I got a dreadnought and a carrier and loads of ready to go ships. I PvP all the time until i have a need for isk to replace lost ships.
Isk is made easy in 0.0 but be awarew that the richest pilots are sitting in empire producing Tech II ships.
Im a lowley fighter so when I lost two battleships and had 200mil in my account I went woot... and then went and bought more ships to fight with, donated some to my corp and went on about my mary way. Now I sit with roughly 30mil and looking to buy some very expensive skills here sometime soon. But, I believe I have found a way to make roughly 60mil a week without having my alt ever leave the station. Yar!!!
ive had about 500mill at most in my eve career. I currently have 100 mill after buying a 90 day timecard for 300 mill.
The devs themselves presentet the community with some numbers a couple of months back and i believe the single richest person isk-wise had about 27 billion isk.
Now ofcourse, the richest people in eve have all their wealth in assets such as blueprints, ships and items.
I would say "alot" of isk withon resonable boundaries and by todays standards is approximately 20-30 billion isk. With that much money you wont have to worry about losing ships and equipment for a while.
Did anyone catch that thread about the poor soul that accidentally bought 2 makluth cruises for 7 billion isk (3.5 bill each) from escrow? Apparantly he was a bigtime timecard seller so noone really felt sorry for him but still, i cringed when i read that thread.
I am the flipside of the coin on which the troll and the fanboy are but one side.
I've almost hit that damned "accept escrow" button by accident before....
Ratting in 0.0 is by far the easiest isk IMO. I say easiest, referring to time invested in the character's development, amount of cash invested in ships and fittings, and time per million isk earned. There are better ways to make the big cash, however those require some luck, some decent skills, and some decent agents (at least early on). The down side of ratting in 0.0 for cash is that EVE can become an isk grind, and of course in 0.0 if you are not careful you can find yourself in the cloner quite quickly.
A decent amount of ISK for a person is about a billion. (NPC'ing, Mission Running, Mining)
Alot of ISK for a person is $10B. (Mining mercoxit makes about 100M/hour/character)
A decent amount for a corporation is about $25B. (Easy to make with T2 production)
Alot for a corporation is $100B. (Few good T2 bpo's and faction loot/ships)
A decent amount for an alliance is $100B. (Funded by good corps)
Alot of ISK for an alliance is unfathomable. Take for example, a titan costs $125B ISK (for the first one) and some alliances are working on building 2-3 of these, add the fact alot of these alliances own T2 bpo's, ton's of outposts ($25B a piece) and numberous other spatial intenties.
Also, take into account that I am not only talking about ISK in your wallet but, value of assets in general. I myself have a 21M SP character, and usualy keep about 250-350M in my wallet at any given time. However, I do own about 11 Battleships (at least 3 of which are insured at 100%) and couple of HAC's, a Recon ship (love my curse), about a half dozen assault frigates, a dozen interceptors, a logistics ships and T2 components to fit all of the above. So, even if I don't "have a billion" , if I decided to relocate myself and sold off alot of my belongings, I could reach that number quite easily.
Edit : Oxycocet is fun but makes typing answers ... quite entertaining.
Dakilla[666] ~ The Realm ~ Level 1000 enchanter (retired)
Maranthoric ~ La 4ieme Prophetie ~ Level 160 (5x) HE/Feu (de retour)
Leonthoric[DDC] ~ EVE online ~ <Fire The "Laser"> (retired)
We are creating EBAY of MMORPG industry!
I solo mine in high sec space (sometimes in low sec if I feel a bit adventurous) and I can sell refined pyroxeres and kernite for about 7-8 mil an hour. Doing agent missions, I used to do level 3 courier missions which had some nice isk rewards, but I recently joined a corp that wants me to do missions for another corp so I've been working on building up agent relations with that corp.
Generally speaking, making 10 mil isk at a time is not really a problem for me, but I don't do it unless I really need it. Lately I've been working on buying and configuring assault frigates, quite a step up considering I've been doing almost everything in frigates.
I find that I have "Enough" as a new player.
14 days in, during the trial, just running missions for agents in my first ship, I was able to afford my first frigate, a Punisher, and equip it with mostly stuff I found from NPC's I killed.
After that, I've found that the missions are provoding me with enough money to buy the skills I need to advance, and still save for future ships.
After my 14 day trial, and two days of real playing, I own 2 frigages, 1 Destoroyer, and 1 Industrial, and can now mine decently, and save for a real ship.
The great thing about money coming so easy, is you'll always be able to spend and have fun, and still feel like you're earning your way.
I know the feeling ALL too well.
- Scaris
"What happened to you, Star Wars Galaxies? You used to look like Leia. Not quite gold bikini Leia (more like bad-British-accent-and-cinnamon-bun-hair Leia), but still Leia nonetheless. Now you look like Chewbacca." - Computer Gaming World
Yeah combat and low sec need that good insurance money I went completely broke trying to be a bounty hunter now im just surfing the galaxy mining everything i can
Unless you get in a good corp. Money will always be a problem i think
12m sp and 2.5b isk here and I haven't done any isk generating activity in the last 2 months and have around 1b isk tied up in a char I bought (for isk, it's legal) but never got around to use and will probably sell again.
Missions (mostly level 3) and 0.0 npcing has been my main income. Best day I had npcing I made 200m in bounties alone (+ a lot of loot) from about 4-5h work. But I was a bit lucky with spawn and was able to chain multiple high level bs spawn for the whole time, but no faction spawn (not that dominations seem to drop any faction loot anyway these days).
"Memories are meant to fade. They're designed that way for a reason."
If you wanted to be in the top tier of people being rich, i say maybe 50bil
Im just over 6 months in, and I have a couple rifters and a corp. supplied cyclone (battlecruiser). I just broke 300mil isk last week and Im doing level 3 missions. LP is where its at, I sold 2 social skill (military and political connections) books for 80-90 mil. Right now Im saving LP to get a faction ship. Hopefully a faction tempest or at least a faction stabber.
Im considering buying a BS but I dont need it for the level 3 missions so I'll just keep saving up my isk until I can buy something shiny like a 540mil machariel *shrugs*. ya..waste of money you say but I have a decent corp that supplies me with my needs as far as guns, ammo, fittings go.
maybe the real answer to getting a lot of isk is belonging to a corp that doesnt mind sharing?
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."
I would say 1mil is a full penny. Anything less than 1mil is an easy purchase.
Expensive really all depends on the person, though.
For me, atm, 100mil is a lot of money. To some people, 100mil is pocket change.
There are two types of people in this world - people that suck... and me.
Oh well !