Meh that's where you lose me and many others. It's a tough world out there. Quit emotionally investing yourselves in what others say to/about you. Live your life without care for what "the haters/posterior primates" say.
As someone who was pretty mercilessly bullied through all of school... That is a fuck lot easier to say than do. And it took me to my 20´s before i actually managed to reach that. Not everyone is as lucky... And to give people a free run of being arseholes because of "faith"... to embrace that kind of behavior because of religion... That is in my book very much backwards.
Yeah it is a tough world... but why should we work towards making it tougher...?
@talosin Many grants and scholarships are limited to this or that group in society.. some are more open tyhan others and some are just a small loan of a million dollars. =P If a company want a good will boost by helping out the LGBTQ community.. is that not a good thing. There are still a lot of grants and scholarships that does not require you to be part of the LGBTQ community.
I don't really care what a given person's kinks are, and it's 99.999% certain it will never become my business. I don't see people as this, because I'm not concerned, but the issue is "they" see themselves as this. Identity is a powerful part of us. I don't want to take identity like this from them by saying "I just don't care", but really, I don't. I just don't care what it takes to make your brain chemicals whoosh in that fashion. It just is, along with every other possible variation of aspects of a human being.
For that reason, I don't think it should be specially protected any more than fat people, people who are not great dressers, or bald people.
The real funny part is that this company doesn't care about these trans people at all and is just doing it for cheap, country wide advertising. Paying 2k for country wide advertising = gold.
Trump is teaching us all how to use social media for mass market advertising via "outrage culture", Blizzard used it the best so far with their fake buttgate advertising but this one is still clever enough.
Such backlash over a bill which says you have to use the restroom appropriate for your gender. I think it's sad we need a law to enforce what should be common sense. Like it or not people abuse the hell out of LGBT-friendly policies for various reasons. It makes absolutely no sense to create ridiculous and dangerous exceptions because 1-2% of the population (and that's being generous) can't accept the gender they were given due to obvious mental illness. Perhaps we should try, oh I don't know, treating them?
And before some jackass decides to spout off the usual bullshit about corrective treatment causing suicide: Plenty of people undergoing treatment for depression (clinical or otherwise) or bipolar disorder, or any number of recognized mental illnesses, commit suicide. Does that mean we should stop treating them?
Gender dysphoria is recognized as a mental illness as per the DSM-5. So again, why are we catering to their delusions instead of treating them?
Because people are stupid. It's the only explanation which makes any logical sense.
AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!
We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD.
Also this is a law that was passed purely for women, the fear of fake women coming into the womens bathrooms. Men don't care if a brown bear dressed in slacks comes into their bathrooms.
because a M>F Transgender person will feel so safe in a male bathroom wearing a dress...?
Because most assaults in bathrooms where a TG person have been involved the TG person is usually the target of said assault.
Because TG individuals never face abuse of physical violence because of who they are... Also not to mention the hilarious situations with F>M TG persons going to the female bathroom. =P Especially if they are.. let´s say.... a bodybuilder...
Yeah it is a tough world... but why should we work towards making it tougher...?
@talosin Many grants and scholarships are limited to this or that group in society.. some are more open tyhan others and some are just a small loan of a million dollars. =P If a company want a good will boost by helping out the LGBTQ community.. is that not a good thing. There are still a lot of grants and scholarships that does not require you to be part of the LGBTQ community.
This have been a good conversation
For that reason, I don't think it should be specially protected any more than fat people, people who are not great dressers, or bald people.
Trump is teaching us all how to use social media for mass market advertising via "outrage culture", Blizzard used it the best so far with their fake buttgate advertising but this one is still clever enough.
And before some jackass decides to spout off the usual bullshit about corrective treatment causing suicide: Plenty of people undergoing treatment for depression (clinical or otherwise) or bipolar disorder, or any number of recognized mental illnesses, commit suicide. Does that mean we should stop treating them?
Gender dysphoria is recognized as a mental illness as per the DSM-5. So again, why are we catering to their delusions instead of treating them?
Because people are stupid. It's the only explanation which makes any logical sense.
AN' DERE AIN'T NO SUCH FING AS ENUFF DAKKA, YA GROT! Enuff'z more than ya got an' less than too much an' there ain't no such fing as too much dakka. Say dere is, and me Squiggoff'z eatin' tonight!
We are born of the blood. Made men by the blood. Undone by the blood. Our eyes are yet to open. FEAR THE OLD BLOOD.
My two "straight" cents.
Yet another female privilege!
Because most assaults in bathrooms where a TG person have been involved the TG person is usually the target of said assault.
Because TG individuals never face abuse of physical violence because of who they are... Also not to mention the hilarious situations with F>M TG persons going to the female bathroom. =P Especially if they are.. let´s say.... a bodybuilder...
This have been a good conversation
This have been a good conversation