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The WildStar forum has been updated with the news that the team has been hard at work preparing the game for its Steam release. According to the post, WildStar is expected to go live in the 'next couple of weeks' after a few additional tweaks and changes are implemented.
It would "seam" so LOL
Welp, there goes their chances of being able to get any press coverage to drive folks to try out the game. Can't tell if they're honestly retarded or if they want to make sure the games last chance to stay alive fails.
In a few month...what got messed up over several years?
Good luck Wildstar, i hope this crazy little gem makes it!
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When you don't want the truth, you will make up your own truth.
I self identify as a monkey.
When you don't want the truth, you will make up your own truth.
That's like trying to compare Call of Duty to Overwatch. Their the same genre but hardly the same game.
I lasted but 2 hours,the game just offered me nothing i wanted,no matter,i am sure they made some hefty early profits from the early hype train.I guess for those that like the game,they can see some light in that efforts continue to keep the game alive.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
I think though that they need to get rid off those annoying atunments for Raids and make raiding more accesible for casual & not super skilled players (like actual WoW raiding)
What matters will be the coverage on the Steam front page.
I doubt a relaunch of a relaunch will gain much news coverage E3 or no E3. (Admittedly with so few big companies turning any news might be pounced on!
And whenever it launches it faces competition for proples' time. It is summer for one. Major sporting events: European Championship (June), Tour de France (July), Olympics (August). All of which draw in non-football/cycling/athletic people.
NCSoft spent a fair amount on marketing two yeats ago and that didn't work.
To extend the sporting theme: its the dying seconds of the game and they have gone for a Hail Mary pass. (Another "football" reference)