It is my understanding that the NDA he refers to is related to his NEW employer. Who shall not be named at this time. Whose project shall not be named at this time. I think that is also the reason why Darian Vorlick still lists himself as a CIG employee on his LinkedIn account and has not yet named his new employer in his profile.
We will see.
Have fun
And you got this from "due to employee NDA"? What do you know that no one else does?
I'm going to go with he pulled it out of his nether region since the reason he still lists himself as an employee of CIG is because this week isn't over yet
The NDA isn't with his new employer. If it was, the second half of that sentence would not have been added and written as it were directed towards CIG with "the company"
Also, what company makes anyone sign an NDA that states that you can say that you're leaving your old company, but not why? Not a one if they are trying to keep anything secret.
"We're trying to keep our new project under wraps so we'll make the new guy word his exit statement from his previous company extremely vaguely. That way conjecture will run rampant and people who would otherwise not give it much thought will be snooping and sleuthing like mad. Brilliant!"
It should also be noted for some people here that non-disclosure and non-compete are completely different and barely in the same neighborhood with each other.
Darian Vorlick (DV): 'I am leaving the ship.' People: 'Why?' DV: <entering a live boat> 'I can't say, but you all are in good hands.' People: 'Why can't you say?' DV: <steering the boat away> 'NDA, but I have faith in the captain. The ship will reach its destination.' People: 'Wow he is such a good guy. He must be leaving because he is happy. Everything is great! Everything is alright, fine, nothing to worry about.'
A new ToS for the employees as well as the backers then?
If there is an NDA of that nature for CIG's employee's it wouldn't be a new thing, but possibly something they all sign when they start working for the company, personally i think others have called it by linking the NDA to being part of the severance package, secrecy is fairly normal where money is concerned, probably more so at CIG where the money is more often than not, a point of contention, though it doesn't really help understand why the guy left, i am totally assuming that he has another job he is going to, but if thats not the case, then it will really beg the question, why did he leave, was it a 'sudden' decision and is that why there is so much secrecy over the severance package?
I really need to go out and buy some more popcorn!
NDA agreement so he can't say why he is leaving?, but he says it is not for negative reasons. Sounds like a bunch of BS to me, and I can't figure out why he would make a statement about it. I want to think this is harmless but my gut feeling tells me something is going on. Maybe I like conspiracy theories too much. I guess we can only wait, because time always tells the true story.
It is my understanding that the NDA he refers to is related to his NEW employer. Who shall not be named at this time. Whose project shall not be named at this time. I think that is also the reason why Darian Vorlick still lists himself as a CIG employee on his LinkedIn account and has not yet named his new employer in his profile.
We will see.
Have fun
Yeah. I was reading that statement and thought that either it was the damn strangest NDA I ever saw or he really fumbled his attempt to no incite speculation by not indicating that the NDA was from a NEW employer. I do not know which one it is, but I am more than willing to grant you that your version seems the more likely scenario.
I'm betting its because he's completed whatever portion of the production job he was working on, probably Squadron 42, and can't say that because CIG wants to keep the fact that some portion of the game is nearly finished under wraps to show it off at a big event in a big "TRA LA!!!!" moment.
But then again CIG promised backers that "Our job isn’t just to build the game you want, it’s to share the process with you." So you would know if they where that far along, right? Right?
Or, is CIG currently run 100% by PR and not giving a shit about promises, deadlines and backers?
*** Darian Vorlick delivers his goodbye speech ***
*** while he is doing v-blogs for CIG his fingers tap an S.O.S. morse code ***
*** his eyelids twitch H.E.L.P. !. ***
*** every positive word he says about Star Citizen and CIG is accompanied by a microscopic "No" shake of his head ***
*** when talking about his "greatest 2 years" his skin color shifts between slightly white and green as if he is about to vomit ***
*** When you read his Goodbye note on the Discord server in a hexameter rhyme metric and only take every sixth word you can decipher a DOOM and GLOOM message hidden in his text ***
With the number of people leaving all game developers in a year, how many actually say negative things about the company they are leaving? Look at all the people who left Cryptic after the STO game launched to terrible reviews and how many of those people went to facebook or twitter and posted negative things, none.
The game industry is relatively small compared to other industries and employers check your past history. Its similar in IT, I have left several companies and felt they had poor leadership and even watched a few of them go under after I left but I never make negative comments publicly.
As much as I feel Chris has done a complete 180 on his initial vision and turned CIG into the publisher he was trying to avoid with massive overhead and too many people, a person leaving does not really tell you one way or the other anything about the company.
"Sean (Murray) saying MP will be in the game is not remotely close to evidence that at the point of purchase people thought there was MP in the game." - SEANMCAD
If an employee leaves a startup that is "doing well and progressing" and having their top of the range innovative product being worked to make its amazing debut... well, then that employee knows that things are not that well and the boat is sinking.
Unless the other job offer was really really good pay, then it doesnt make sense someone leaving a project that they enjoyed and believed in and miss the lifetime opportunity of being part of something as big and game breaking as SC.
If an employee leaves a startup that is "doing well and progressing" and having their top of the range innovative product being worked to make its amazing debut... well, then that employee knows that things are not that well and the boat is sinking.
Unless the other job offer was really really good pay, then it doesnt make sense someone leaving a project that they enjoyed and believed in and miss the lifetime opportunity of being part of something as big and game breaking as SC.
You realize this isn't a serious thread, right? It's poking fun at how every time someone leaves CIG it's a massive deal, even when the person isn't that big a deal. Next big blow will be a Tester leaving CIG. NOOOOoooooo!!!!!!
If an employee leaves a startup that is "doing well and progressing" and having their top of the range innovative product being worked to make its amazing debut... well, then that employee knows that things are not that well and the boat is sinking.
Unless the other job offer was really really good pay, then it doesnt make sense someone leaving a project that they enjoyed and believed in and miss the lifetime opportunity of being part of something as big and game breaking as SC.
You realize this isn't a serious thread, right? It's poking fun at how every time someone leaves CIG it's a massive deal, even when the person isn't that big a deal. Next big blow will be a Tester leaving CIG. NOOOOoooooo!!!!!!
If an employee leaves a startup that is "doing well and progressing" and having their top of the range innovative product being worked to make its amazing debut... well, then that employee knows that things are not that well and the boat is sinking.
Unless the other job offer was really really good pay, then it doesnt make sense someone leaving a project that they enjoyed and believed in and miss the lifetime opportunity of being part of something as big and game breaking as SC.
You realize this isn't a serious thread, right? It's poking fun at how every time someone leaves CIG it's a massive deal, even when the person isn't that big a deal. Next big blow will be a Tester leaving CIG. NOOOOoooooo!!!!!!
A producer isn't a big deal?
Not on a project of this size. There are at least 10 other producers. On top of that, why don't you tell me what you think he did? DS seems to think he was a high-profile exit, but then who DOESN'T DS think is a high profile exit. He's a marketing guy. That's it! Zero technical, low-level knowledge. Again, this is why Management is inconsequential. Leaders can be replaced with other leaders. On top of that, he has absolutely zero experience in production, yet he's a fucking shot through the heart, lol. Honestly, I don't know how CIG will carry on without him. I mean who the fuck is going to order muffins now?!?!?!?
That damage control though. The fact that he went out of his way to say that it wasn't anything negative will only make people suspicious. We all know that the most logical thing to do is quit your job before the game you are working on is even released right? I mean that makes total sense to me. I'm sure this is a very positive thing for the project. If only some more important people would quit then we would know this game is right on track for an amazing release that will be the greatest of all time. I can't wait for it, but I guess I will just have to keep throwing money at Chris Roberts and hope this game will make good on every promise they made. I'm sure that will be happening any day now.......
If an employee leaves a startup that is "doing well and progressing" and having their top of the range innovative product being worked to make its amazing debut... well, then that employee knows that things are not that well and the boat is sinking.
Unless the other job offer was really really good pay, then it doesnt make sense someone leaving a project that they enjoyed and believed in and miss the lifetime opportunity of being part of something as big and game breaking as SC.
You realize this isn't a serious thread, right? It's poking fun at how every time someone leaves CIG it's a massive deal, even when the person isn't that big a deal. Next big blow will be a Tester leaving CIG. NOOOOoooooo!!!!!!
A producer isn't a big deal?
Not on a project of this size. There are at least 10 other producers. On top of that, why don't you tell me what you think he did? DS seems to think he was a high-profile exit, but then who DOESN'T DS think is a high profile exit. He's a marketing guy. That's it! Zero technical, low-level knowledge. Again, this is why Management is inconsequential. Leaders can be replaced with other leaders. On top of that, he has absolutely zero experience in production, yet he's a fucking shot through the heart, lol. Honestly, I don't know how CIG will carry on without him. I mean who the fuck is going to order muffins now?!?!?!?
Just cause you asked so nicely heres what I know he did
October 2014 – June 2016 (1 year 9 months)Los Angeles, CA
Performed tasks of overseeing the Engineering, Technical Design, Art/Animation, and Global Technical Content as well as assisted with project management for the PR/Community Team of Star Citizen and Arena Commander.
• Created and tracked project schedules in MS Project as well as generated and managed development tasks in JIRA. • Performed responsibilities of monitoring team progress and updates of Star Citizen to the Senior Production and Executive teams through daily and weekly production reports. • Drove team standup meetings and tracked task/bug progression and game development in MS Project. • Implemented new project and task management processes by globally integrating MS Project into JIRA using Ceptah Bridge. • Developed new QA bug generation and submission practices based on ISTQB certification standards. • Created social network traffic and daily community production reports for the PR & Community teams documenting readership across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and RSI’s community forums. • Initiated and produced Star Citizen’s “10 for the Producers” series of YouTube videos
Yup, sure looks like zero technical, low level knowledge to me and someone who just orders the muffins right?
His exiting statement doesn't exactly radiate joy and happiness and yes, the fact he went out of his way to say it wasn't about anything negative is about the biggest poke in the eye you can make without being too obvious.
I can be wrong, If the game is close to be done would it been smart of them to lay off people? When a lot the work is done. Is it that What a lot companies do. They hire a lot people then lay a good amount of them when the game is about done.
If an employee leaves a startup that is "doing well and progressing" and having their top of the range innovative product being worked to make its amazing debut... well, then that employee knows that things are not that well and the boat is sinking.
Unless the other job offer was really really good pay, then it doesnt make sense someone leaving a project that they enjoyed and believed in and miss the lifetime opportunity of being part of something as big and game breaking as SC.
You realize this isn't a serious thread, right? It's poking fun at how every time someone leaves CIG it's a massive deal, even when the person isn't that big a deal. Next big blow will be a Tester leaving CIG. NOOOOoooooo!!!!!!
A producer isn't a big deal?
Not on a project of this size. There are at least 10 other producers. On top of that, why don't you tell me what you think he did? DS seems to think he was a high-profile exit, but then who DOESN'T DS think is a high profile exit. He's a marketing guy. That's it! Zero technical, low-level knowledge. Again, this is why Management is inconsequential. Leaders can be replaced with other leaders. On top of that, he has absolutely zero experience in production, yet he's a fucking shot through the heart, lol. Honestly, I don't know how CIG will carry on without him. I mean who the fuck is going to order muffins now?!?!?!?
Just cause you asked so nicely heres what I know he did
October 2014 – June 2016 (1 year 9 months)Los Angeles, CA
Performed tasks of overseeing the Engineering, Technical Design, Art/Animation, and Global Technical Content as well as assisted with project management for the PR/Community Team of Star Citizen and Arena Commander.
• Created and tracked project schedules in MS Project as well as generated and managed development tasks in JIRA. • Performed responsibilities of monitoring team progress and updates of Star Citizen to the Senior Production and Executive teams through daily and weekly production reports. • Drove team standup meetings and tracked task/bug progression and game development in MS Project. • Implemented new project and task management processes by globally integrating MS Project into JIRA using Ceptah Bridge. • Developed new QA bug generation and submission practices based on ISTQB certification standards. • Created social network traffic and daily community production reports for the PR & Community teams documenting readership across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and RSI’s community forums. • Initiated and produced Star Citizen’s “10 for the Producers” series of YouTube videos
Yup, sure looks like zero technical, low level knowledge to me and someone who just orders the muffins right?
Lol, thanks!!! I'll break his resume for you in regular person speak, instead of resumese
Performed task of overseeing..... "I touched base with people from various departments regularly for the purpose of social media." Sorry, but he did not oversee all those departments. Not happening. A production co-ordinator essentially pushes papers, compiles reports, etc.
Bullet 1 - I used JIRA to track tasks and plop those into MS Project. I still have no idea what it all means, though. Oh! Also, I don't have a PMP, so I shouldn't be doing any of this anyway!
Bullet 2 - I copy and paste reports from various departments, put them into a single report, and pass them onto senior management.
Bullet 3 - I ask people what they're doing and how far along they are and punch that into JIRA against the appropriate task. THEN! Redundantly do that in MS Project.
Bullet 4 - Realized I was doing a LOT!! Of redundant work, so made JIRA and MS Project work together...... using a solution that I had no hand in making..... because I'm not a technical guy.
Bullet 5 - Took a course about QA. I now know everything about QA. Therefore I will now implement a process for QA, even though I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what they do.
Bullet 6 - This is where I'm in my element. Been doing this for a long time.
Bullet 7 - Yay!! YouTube! That's a term I know!!
Sorry, I know that seems pretty harsh, but he has a Biology degree, various marketing positions, and one, just one, job working in what you might consider to be a technical management role (Platform Services). HOWEVER!!! It appears that his ISQTB certification was prior to leaving his role at Blizz in Platform Services, which means he may have simply been a tester and they were sending him for a certification. Either way, his resume is highly over-stated and there is little to no technical information in there at ALL. I can pretty much assert with a great deal of certainty that the vast majority of his experience was involved with JIRA and MS Project since he cared enough to integrate the two. Other than that, he led stand-ups which is a function suitable to someone one no less than 1 arm (since it requires you move post-it notes, did marketing work (which I would expect from his background), and probably created a process for defect tracking that will soon be overhauled by the testers, who likely hated all of his ideas (since he doesn't understand what he's talking about) but would NEVER stand up to anyone and say no, but rather sit back and wait for it to fail, because that's their personality type.
Not trying to discount his marketing prowess. I'm sure that's why they brought him on. However, if you feel like his resume is technical, I would encourage you to review a couple real technical resumes and see how they go into gory detail about actual technical functions they performed. Not fluffy, pie in the sky shit.
I can be wrong, If the game is close to be done would it been smart of them to lay off people? When a lot the work is done. Is it that What a lot companies do. They hire a lot people then lay a good amount of them when the game is about done.
Also, what company makes anyone sign an NDA that states that you can say that you're leaving your old company, but not why? Not a one if they are trying to keep anything secret.
"We're trying to keep our new project under wraps so we'll make the new guy word his exit statement from his previous company extremely vaguely. That way conjecture will run rampant and people who would otherwise not give it much thought will be snooping and sleuthing like mad. Brilliant!"
It should also be noted for some people here that non-disclosure and non-compete are completely different and barely in the same neighborhood with each other.
The NDA as part of a severance sounds about right to me.
People: 'Why?'
DV: <entering a live boat> 'I can't say, but you all are in good hands.'
People: 'Why can't you say?'
DV: <steering the boat away> 'NDA, but I have faith in the captain. The ship will reach its destination.'
People: 'Wow he is such a good guy. He must be leaving because he is happy. Everything is great! Everything is alright, fine, nothing to worry about.'
I really need to go out and buy some more popcorn!
You are posting some laughably bad content, please desist.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
Or, is CIG currently run 100% by PR and not giving a shit about promises, deadlines and backers?
*** Darian Vorlick delivers his goodbye speech ***
*** while he is doing v-blogs for CIG his fingers tap an S.O.S. morse code ***
*** his eyelids twitch H.E.L.P. !. ***
*** every positive word he says about Star Citizen and CIG is accompanied by a microscopic "No" shake of his head ***
*** when talking about his "greatest 2 years" his skin color shifts between slightly white and green as if he is about to vomit ***
*** When you read his Goodbye note on the Discord server in a hexameter rhyme metric and only take every sixth word you can decipher a DOOM and GLOOM message hidden in his text ***
or at least that is what some people seem to see in this goodbye message
Have fun
The game industry is relatively small compared to other industries and employers check your past history. Its similar in IT, I have left several companies and felt they had poor leadership and even watched a few of them go under after I left but I never make negative comments publicly.
As much as I feel Chris has done a complete 180 on his initial vision and turned CIG into the publisher he was trying to avoid with massive overhead and too many people, a person leaving does not really tell you one way or the other anything about the company.
Unless the other job offer was really really good pay, then it doesnt make sense someone leaving a project that they enjoyed and believed in and miss the lifetime opportunity of being part of something as big and game breaking as SC.
New players can get a welcome package and old/returning players can also get a welcome back package and 7 days free subscription time! Just click here to use my referral invitation
You realize this isn't a serious thread, right? It's poking fun at how every time someone leaves CIG it's a massive deal, even when the person isn't that big a deal. Next big blow will be a Tester leaving CIG. NOOOOoooooo!!!!!!
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
Not on a project of this size. There are at least 10 other producers. On top of that, why don't you tell me what you think he did? DS seems to think he was a high-profile exit, but then who DOESN'T DS think is a high profile exit. He's a marketing guy. That's it! Zero technical, low-level knowledge. Again, this is why Management is inconsequential. Leaders can be replaced with other leaders. On top of that, he has absolutely zero experience in production, yet he's a fucking shot through the heart, lol. Honestly, I don't know how CIG will carry on without him. I mean who the fuck is going to order muffins now?!?!?!?
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
Just cause you asked so nicely heres what I know he did
Production Coordinator
Cloud Imperium Games
October 2014 – June 2016 (1 year 9 months)Los Angeles, CAPerformed tasks of overseeing the Engineering, Technical Design, Art/Animation, and Global Technical Content as well as assisted with project management for the PR/Community Team of Star Citizen and Arena Commander.
• Created and tracked project schedules in MS Project as well as generated and managed development tasks in JIRA.
• Performed responsibilities of monitoring team progress and updates of Star Citizen to the Senior Production and Executive teams through daily and weekly production reports.
• Drove team standup meetings and tracked task/bug progression and game development in MS Project.
• Implemented new project and task management processes by globally integrating MS Project into JIRA using Ceptah Bridge.
• Developed new QA bug generation and submission practices based on ISTQB certification standards.
• Created social network traffic and daily community production reports for the PR & Community teams documenting readership across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and RSI’s community forums.
• Initiated and produced Star Citizen’s “10 for the Producers” series of YouTube videos
Yup, sure looks like zero technical, low level knowledge to me and someone who just orders the muffins right?
really means
Now it is all clear.............
Have fun
Lol, thanks!!! I'll break his resume for you in regular person speak, instead of resumese
Performed task of overseeing..... "I touched base with people from various departments regularly for the purpose of social media." Sorry, but he did not oversee all those departments. Not happening. A production co-ordinator essentially pushes papers, compiles reports, etc.
Bullet 1 - I used JIRA to track tasks and plop those into MS Project. I still have no idea what it all means, though. Oh! Also, I don't have a PMP, so I shouldn't be doing any of this anyway!
Bullet 2 - I copy and paste reports from various departments, put them into a single report, and pass them onto senior management.
Bullet 3 - I ask people what they're doing and how far along they are and punch that into JIRA against the appropriate task. THEN! Redundantly do that in MS Project.
Bullet 4 - Realized I was doing a LOT!! Of redundant work, so made JIRA and MS Project work together...... using a solution that I had no hand in making..... because I'm not a technical guy.
Bullet 5 - Took a course about QA. I now know everything about QA. Therefore I will now implement a process for QA, even though I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what they do.
Bullet 6 - This is where I'm in my element. Been doing this for a long time.
Bullet 7 - Yay!! YouTube! That's a term I know!!
Sorry, I know that seems pretty harsh, but he has a Biology degree, various marketing positions, and one, just one, job working in what you might consider to be a technical management role (Platform Services). HOWEVER!!! It appears that his ISQTB certification was prior to leaving his role at Blizz in Platform Services, which means he may have simply been a tester and they were sending him for a certification. Either way, his resume is highly over-stated and there is little to no technical information in there at ALL. I can pretty much assert with a great deal of certainty that the vast majority of his experience was involved with JIRA and MS Project since he cared enough to integrate the two. Other than that, he led stand-ups which is a function suitable to someone one no less than 1 arm (since it requires you move post-it notes, did marketing work (which I would expect from his background), and probably created a process for defect tracking that will soon be overhauled by the testers, who likely hated all of his ideas (since he doesn't understand what he's talking about) but would NEVER stand up to anyone and say no, but rather sit back and wait for it to fail, because that's their personality type.
Not trying to discount his marketing prowess. I'm sure that's why they brought him on. However, if you feel like his resume is technical, I would encourage you to review a couple real technical resumes and see how they go into gory detail about actual technical functions they performed. Not fluffy, pie in the sky shit.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US