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Adventurers in Need: What’s Behind Tanking Problem? - Final Fantasy XIV Columns

SBFordSBFord Former Associate EditorMember LegendaryPosts: 33,129
edited November 2016 in News & Features Discussion

imageAdventurers in Need: What’s Behind Tanking Problem? - Final Fantasy XIV Columns

Final Fantasy XIV is a traditional kind of MMO. It adheres rigidly to the holy trinity of tank, DPS, and healer, and making it easy enough to jump into.

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  • Tiamat64Tiamat64 Member RarePosts: 1,545
    Tank role is one of the harshest in some trinity RPGs.  If the tank dies, usually EVERYONE dies soon after, and the tank him/herself can get a feeling of helplessness because the tank is entirely reliant on the cleric, which, for anyone who wants to play an awesome bad ass hero, makes you instead feel like a wheeny little parasite sometimes.

    Furthermore, if the tank dies and everyone dies, most people tend to blame the tank, I've found.

    And then when it comes to soloing, the tank either can't do it or is incredibly slow at it (because killing fast isn't something tanks do).

    In games where a tank is so OP that they don't even need a cleric to tank (not necessarily OP for soloing. Just OP for tanking), though, or that are twitch enough that with good skill a tanker doesn't need a cleric, you can really feel like a boss sometimes.   ....those games are pretty rare though (and it becomes a balance issue for entirely different reasons when that happens)
  • XatshXatsh Member RarePosts: 451
    edited November 2016
    From the years I played 14. People playing tanks are required to set the pace for dungeons. The way  most people play is they do mass pulls, and it is up to the tank to know what is capable of being handled at one time.  IF tanks do not mass pull they get ridiculed and what not in game. So get a new player as a tank in a dungeon and pull small because they do not know the run yet.... and you have healers and dps complaining, leaving, or in some cases kicking the tank to get a friend in.

    Even as a main tank, I did not like running new content outside my guild because of the above.

    In endgame tanks main job is to do dmg and hold hate, then secondarily negate damage. Alot of people I know from other mmos simply do not want to play them as gimp dps that can take a punch. So over time they changed to pure dps classes. High Endgame in FFXIV has become 100% focused on dealing LEET DPS, this does not let people really focus on the tanking aspects. So if you cannot focus on being a tank... why play tank over say a mnk or nin.
  • Rommie10-284Rommie10-284 Member UncommonPosts: 265
    I think PotD has helped a bit - there's far less pressure on a tank for most floors, so people can practice and learn without the harsh judgement they'll get in DF parties.

    The larger problem is that the average player can keep up 2, maybe 3 jobs to the current gear tier. The taste of HaterAde learned by so many novice tanks over the past two years means a LOT of folks have concentrated on their DPS or Healer roles, so now trying to properly gear a tank means sacrificing a job. That's a hard sell right now.

    Hopefully with the next expansion, a new tank combined with a less-stress way to learn the job will produce a few more people playing that role. I could probably squeeze it in, for example, especially if it's a radical design like a Dancer Tank. But for now, I'm not diverting time into a class just to get treated like dirt if I'm not pitch-perfect. My main was a tank in EQ2 - I've served on the line in the role :\

    Avatars are people too

  • simsalabim77simsalabim77 Member RarePosts: 1,607
    Tanking and healing is like babysitting a bunch of angry, drunk toddlers. There's always going to be a lack of both roles no matter what developers do. 
  • AlbatroesAlbatroes Member LegendaryPosts: 7,671
    To be honest, a lot of tanks just premade together after first week/month clears of content. Not uncommon hearing about 7 WARs and a healer downing most content after a period of time. WAR is op though.
  • GrakulenGrakulen Staff WriterMMORPG.COM Staff LegendaryPosts: 894
    Parties should have been 5 players and not 4. Instantly need less tanks. It was short sightedness from the beginning.
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    I dont see a problem with Tanks , i see a problem with a lack of Good Tanks /end
  • EothasEothas Member UncommonPosts: 84
    edited November 2016
    When you are playing as a tank/healer, you are on the spotlight basically, everyone can see your mistakes and some people don't want to deal with it. I don't think that is a problem with XIV only, basically every game has less players on tank/healing/support roles, even on super popular games like League of Legends, people just want to see big numbers and have less responsabilities.

    Honestly though, I don't think that it's too bad, as a healer I also have almost instant queues, DPS takes a little more time but it's bearable, if anything you can just queue for PoTD and get an instaQ there.
    Tiamat64 said:
    and the tank him/herself can get a feeling of helplessness because the tank is entirely reliant on the cleric, which, for anyone who wants to play an awesome bad ass hero, makes you instead feel like a wheeny little parasite sometimes.
    That is the main reason that I don't enjoy playing tanks, I feel like as a healer I have much more control over a dungeon/boss fight than a tank. Yes, you can pull whatever you what, reposition and set the pace, but after that you pretty much have to pray that your healer is not terrible and actually heal you and your damage dealers know how to play so it doesn't take forever to kill a mob.
  • Scott_JeslisScott_Jeslis Member RarePosts: 637
    I usually pick tank as my first class in most games. Problem is you are expected to know the dungeons and instances inside/out and I typically am not a theorycrafter or sit around reading walkthroughs of dungeons, being on limited game time as is. As I get older I feel it's not worth all the rage and hate of making a mistake.
  • cabgoldcabgold Member UncommonPosts: 3
    IMO, for the reasons the author notes, one of the tank classes needs to be made much simpler - a fire and forget it kind of tank. RIght now, due to being the leader, the many cooldowns, having to know all of the instance mechanics perfectly, coordinating with a second tank in raids for swaps etc, for many people it is just asking too much and for many others that try - they are not good. IMO, that means one tanking class needs to make tanking much simpler. Yes, in some ways it is unfair/unbalanced to other tank classes but people that want the challenge and reward for playing a harder tank class still can. Those that would like to tank but think overall its too much - would have an option of an easier tank class to play.
  • WolfyseyesWolfyseyes Member UncommonPosts: 11
    As a tanker in XIV who has experienced burnout on the role, I assure you that tanking in this game is no fun purely by the fault of the playerbase. I'm not asking for a damn cookie every time I queue up, but I also don't like being a doormat.

    Having to deal with the manufactured stress of people who get angry at your unwillingness to pull every single floor of a dungeon in one go, or who have opinions on what the OT should do, or the regular pissing contests in raids with who MTs and OTs...

    Yeah, I'll take the casual queue and practically stress-free life of a DPS than having to put up with the expert opinions of every other role in a found party, thanks.
  • ScorchienScorchien Member LegendaryPosts: 8,914
    Now i play a Bard , but do my job and know the fights .. But i agree i have seen idiots try pushing a TAnk to pull faster .. And i have also seen the vote to kik said idiot come up and get rid of the problem .. Good TAnks should have the respect of the group to pull at there comort zone and what they are reading from the group make up .. Never understood they hurry  hurry hurry menatlity .. Put the fuggin Red Bull down and enjoy the game
  • AvarixAvarix Member RarePosts: 665
    I always play support classes if available, healers second. FFXIV broke me of that. It puts far too much emphasis on DPS. Even as a healer I needed to stay on top of my damage. This becomes even more of an issue later on. Twice the work, for what? Being a haler is stressful enough and there I was taking on the stress of a DPS role as well.

    Healing and tanking is already more stressful than it was when I first started playing MMORPGs since there is a premium on rushing. In FFXIV, and WoW as well, healers have to be familiar with the dungeons just like tanks. If you're not precasting your heals, while the tank is rounding up the room, there's a good chance he will die before he even gets back to you. It's no longer a matter of getting through content with everyone alive, but you have to do it at such a brisk pace that not only am I stressing while healing but completely unable to enjoy the actual content. Taking my eyes off the damage classes standing in the red for shits and giggles, or actually taking a breath between pulls, means a wipe and I have to listen to a bunch of crying. Eventually it just stopped being worth it.

    Needless to say, I eventually rolled a damage class and never looked back. I don't enjoy damage classes nearly as much, but I enjoy a stress free experience even more.
  • darkheartsdarkhearts Member UncommonPosts: 159
    FFXIV Dark Knight tank here, was an enjoyable job. Problem I faced in the end was dealing with randoms on a dungeon/trial I've never done. I HATE the fact that I'm required to go look up how to do dungeons prior to trying them. I want to play not practice for a test.

    In my eyes the community is the problem. I stopped playing for this reason. I couldn't enjoy the game when I had two options A:Study for the dungeon or B:Get yelled at for not know it all.
  • elvenwolfelvenwolf Member UncommonPosts: 146
    The problem of the class is also that you are the de facto leader of the group. Not everybody like that position. I did play an healer and I enjoyed the game immensely , just stopped to play for lack of time, you have to be pretty dedicated to FF and couldn't pull that level of commitment with family and all.

    But even in my time Tanks where under immense pressure from the rest of the group, as healer I had my moments in which you wished had a fourth hand and a third eye to keep things going, and got my share of criticism but also my share of compliments, rarely I have seen people give kudos to the tank for a job well done. Sure one expect everybody can pull her weight in a group, but some roles , like the tank mostly, are more stressful and less rewarding most of the time.

    I don't think there's really a solution no matter the mechanics to say to someone "Be ready to do a thankless job, be ready to take hard comments at every small error and if you do a job well done don't expect that's recognized"

    Myself, I'd only try tanking with a group of friends so I could set my own pace and if I have to learn a place, I'd have a chance to do so without people literally walking over you.
  • sausagemixsausagemix Member UncommonPosts: 96
    At the launch of Realm Reborn dragoon was my desired class. I had zero intentions of tanking and healing, not because I didnt like the roles themselves, they just didnt seem as exciting and flashy as literally landing the killing blow. As I got up to lvl 50 however, I started to feel the glut of dps the game had and dedicated my focus on bringing up war/pal to make myself more desirable in groups. I both loved and hated the complexity of tanking. If you miss a move in a rotation as dps, 90% of the time no one sees it and you move on. Missing a move as tank can mean losing aggro, dying etc and youre bitched out for having a human moment, even if no one is killed. Not a tank with Raid/highest Relic weapon with a dps that does and has to make sure everyone knows how awesome they are??? Well screw you! On top of that, when I stopped playing FFXIV a few patches into Heavensward the difference of survive-ability between tanks and everyone else was like 2 extra auto-attacks on most bosses or mass pulls. I started feeling less like a tank and more of just "the last logical one to die."
  • ZoeMcCloskeyZoeMcCloskey Member UncommonPosts: 1,372
    Now you're really making me think of returning.

  • omuntoomunto Member UncommonPosts: 6
    I would tank in a premade group with friends who have the same mindset as me (learn on the fly and not treat every dungeon as a speed run). But since most of my friends have stopped playing MMO's entirely, I'm left to pug most content. As a result I switch to DPS and even then I still feel like a liability if I don't watch a strat video prior to running a dungeon. I wish there was an option when queuing up on the duty finder to differentiate between speed running a dungeon or learning it.

    Current: FFXIV, Wildstar
    Retired: UO, FFXI, WoW, LOTRO, VG, AoC.

  • kallenskallens Member UncommonPosts: 39
    Tanks are the biggest diva's in the game, since they're the least played class, they don't wait for the DF to pop so they leave group over anything and everything, well byeee. They try to steal aggro from each other in the 24 man raids. They insult each other too, usually if someone is being an ass in a group, its a tank. As a healer I don't put up with a diva tank, if they cop an attitude, complain about the dps or just act like a turd, they're out and I'll grab a tank from my FC to finish the dungeon.
  • agentsi1511agentsi1511 Member UncommonPosts: 47
    In my experience, it's a pretty easy issue to figure out. Tanking isn't rewarding. If you do everything right, but the healer or the dps are a little behind the curve needed for that encounter, you wipe and cannot finish. FF14 is one of the most tightly tuned MMO's I've ever played and if you're geared/good everything is fine, but if you're a casual without the proper gear/knowledge sometimes things can be rough. Now I must say, most groups I've done in FF14 have almost always had nice people who were willing to try and help one another. But there were some situations where no matter what, we could not help the person heal better, or dps more. Wiping on content that is months old is never worth your time usually. I had a 60 drk and warrior and 50 pld. I ended up moving to SMN because of the lack of quality DPS we could find for raids. Tanks were always plentiful, but good dps, was not. I haven't played for about 6 months , so maybe a lot has changed.
  • JudgeUKJudgeUK Member RarePosts: 1,703
    edited November 2016
    I cannot agree with this article. I do not recognize the shortage of tanks in the game. Playing on the Phoenix server there is no shortage of good tanks.
    I would also completely disagree with the writers opinion of the trinity. The tank, healer, damage dealer is a fantastic set up. The proof is out there already - when companies come along with the "we are getting away from the trinity" - and end up with a complete 'we're all dps' mash up.

    I feel this article has been written against FFXIV mistakenly. An error in judgement.

    It is in fact the well worn comment on the fact that more people like to dps than tank - dressed up as a modern article merely by targeting a popular current game.

    Shame on the author, I thought you where better than this. You could have said this about WoW, you could have said this about Rift. Unlikely on the latter however, as you publish so called non-sponsored articles on Rift; written by Rift employees.

    A poorly targeted article, written in a blinkered manner, that does nothing to aid the cause of as an unbiased online magazine.
  • GhavriggGhavrigg Member RarePosts: 1,308
    edited November 2016
    The community seems to think that if you're a tank, you need to play perfectly all the time and know everything, or else they bitch you out. The community is the biggest issue. Though this is alleviated a bit, most of the time, if you say you're new to tanking the dungeon, or whatever. Not all the time, but a better chance.

    Tanks also need to have a lot more spatial awareness than the rest, be ready to move bosses around for specific mechanics, be coordinated with the other tank when needing to swap aggro and other crap, and are generally relied on by the rest to lead the group, and let's be honest: most people playing like to just zone out, have fun and mindlessly do the content instead of telling people what to do.
  • QuizzicalQuizzical Member LegendaryPosts: 25,507
    edited November 2016
    I say you need to zoom out a little and take a broader view.  If you're trying to flip a coin and get it to land on its edge, and it rotates a little too far and ends up heads, the problem isn't that you rotated the coin a little too hard.  The problem is that you're trying to make the coin land on its edge.

    The underlying problem isn't that there aren't enough tanks.  The underlying problem is that the grouping system assumes an exact ratio of particular roles, in spite of the overwhelming evidence that players won't universally choose to play roles in the exact ratio that content assumes.  If it weren't a lack of tanks, it would be a lack of something else, and then you have exactly the same problem as before, except for the personal experiences of people who only play tanks or only play the "something else" (probably healers).

    It's a problem that has been solved by quite a few MMORPGs and in a variety of ways.  FFXIV chose to do nothing to solve it.  And so you have a game where "grouping" means "waiting in a queue for lengthy amounts of time" for most of the playerbase.
  • XiaokiXiaoki Member EpicPosts: 4,050
    edited November 2016
    I tried leveling several tanks in FF14 and only made it to level 57 on a Dark Knight.

    One of the biggest reasons I quit playing as a tank and FF14 in general is that leveling post level 50 is extremely boring and made even more so because it takes forever to kill anything as a tank, yeah the tanks are "solo friendly" but solo leveling as a tank in FF14 is not fun at all

    Also, the bad and very insular community is driving away new tanks. Its like people are actively trying to drain any fun that could possibly be had from tanking in this game.

    Ive thought about returning for the next expansion but I doubt I will.

  • JudgeUKJudgeUK Member RarePosts: 1,703
    Xiaoki said:
    I tried leveling several tanks in FF14 and only made it to level 57 on a Dark Knight.

    One of the biggest reasons I quit playing as a tank and FF14 in general is that leveling post level 50 is extremely boring and made even more so because it takes forever to kill anything as a tank, yeah the tanks are "solo friendly" but solo leveling as a tank in FF14 is not fun at all

    Also, the bad and very insular community is driving away new tanks. Its like people are actively trying to drain any fun that could possibly be had from tanking in this game.

    Ive thought about returning for the next expansion but I doubt I will.

    Just go in Palace of the dead, you don't even have to be a good tank in there. You'll level anything pretty quickly. As for community - this must vary pretty wildly as the players on my server are excellent, the best community I've experienced for years.
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