am very curious as to how the hell this game still has followers. I was excited at one point...until it became very obvious that there were some massive development issues. Then Google showed me this post and BAM everything (sadly) made a ton of sense.
I live to go faster...or die trying.
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- Abraham Lincoln
"A fool and his money are soon parted."
- Thomas Tusser
All I need to say on this front.
The game has followers because we are all cultists, delusional and such. The game is bad and awful, it's going to fail and we are all going to commit suicide then (not my words btw).
ps: nice touch with No Man's Sky shown as one of the games that would destroy SC. Oups!
I've also done it outside of work in groups before. If you're a developer you HAVE to know what I'm talking about and Star Citizen reeks of scope creep issues that aren't being managed. This will always sink a project.
Only CR himself, or maybe his wife and brother, really know if it is a scam or not. My question would be: When did it become a "scam"? Pre-Kickstarter? When $xxx amount of money was raised?
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
I have been on zero 'sinking ships' on the development side (so much for 'everyone') and I have been LITERALLY on a sinking ship project (as in things sank) on the computer aided side and with a total of 23 years of experience I can tell you that you can not always tell what the business is doing or its effect, even less so when you do not have access to the company (as in a developer OUTSIDE of the project)
period end of story
are not the same thing they are friggin light years apart from each other
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I think Chris honestly wants to make the greatest game ever, his legacy could certainly use it since after the original wing commander games he has had no notable accomplishments. The problem is he has no one over him to hold him accountable. He is a poor communicator and his vision continues to change and as a result, CIG continues to use the word "refactor" over and over again which is a fancy way to say that something needs to be redone because Chris either did not communicate/manage properly or he once again changed his vision.
As long as people continue to throw money at him and let him run with no control, this cycle will continue. It is not a scam, it is just poor business management plain and simple. Eventually we will get a game with a good portion of the things he sold us on. When that will be is anyone's guess.
holy molly!
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Oh and do we all realize that we are posting in a DS sponsored thread? Scary isn't it!
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
I don't think anyone can deny the direction and the push being made on the development front is towards the promises and expectations of the Backers. In terms of scope, tech, detail and overall quality of what they are creating.
Side of that... /jumps out
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
like Enron or AIG for example
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EDIT TO YOUR EDIT: Yes you did. The reason this game did not come out in 2012-14 at least is because the original KS project scope was increased because of all the money rolling in. Since then the reason is because of incompetence on CR and crew part.
DS crying "SCAM!" is because he thinks they should have made the original KS project years ago. He feels they are "scamming" folks because they are still getting money for the game.
Big difference.
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
.edit, oh I see. Also safe search was off, I SEEN THINGS!!!!!!!
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Good points.
I think one of Roberts' problems is that he doesn't want accountability despite knowing it is good for him. He doesn't like anyone telling him "No! You need to stop and focus on x,y,z".
When he talks about previous games he always sounds so salty that the financiers weren't willing to give him all the time and money he needed to realise his "vision".
Personally I think we'll see the same with SC/Sq42, they'll be ok games with some great bits to them but he will complain that people were too impatient or not willing to support him after 8 years of ship selling or whatever.
The article I posted in the first post is where I got most of the Star Citizen information from. While scope creep is not scam, it can lead to a failed project or severe under-delivery if unmanaged. Both cases, would be a scam at worst and a bait and switch at best.
Don't get me wrong, if the game comes (and isn't horrible) out I'll jump onto it immediately.
And when you state most of what you know on Star Citizen is from that article...
I'd recommend you the actual extensive Kotaku UK articles on Star Citizen recently for actual information; rather than the rants of DS, as many times debunked they were.
Then you can find by yourself why the game has continues support and following.
scope creep is not scam and its highly misleading, disingenuous and rude to use them interchangeable.
and nobody is suggesting scope creep can not cause failure. but the word scam is a whole didnt ballgame.
please correct your OP if you want to talk about scope creep
here is another hint, you will get a LOT more allies if you focus on scope creep at the explict exclusion of using the word 'scam' one of them being me
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There were some serious development issues. However, I don't believe that there are any remaining knowledge gaps that would be deemed as troubling or insurmountable. If you're really interested in reading something objective I would encourage you to take a look at this
That article is much more rooted in reality, in my opinion.
Finally, there is this idea of a "scam" that you present. There are two major problems with that idea. First, why would they even continue at this point? They've put in a good effort. They could cut ties and walk away. Instead, they seem intent on continuing to run with a "scam" that is hemorrhaging money (spending like $2.5 million a month on salaries and making less than $1 million). Secondly, the real money is in shipping the game itself. Granted, it's a coin flip, but if you look at crowdfunded games between their campaign and their Steam Owners there is generally a LARGE uptick. We're talking in the order of tens. So if SC has a million people now, if they can ship a great game they could be at 10 million players. From there, they could even get more aggressive with their monetization. Sell planets, space stations, solar systems, etc. Sky's the limit!! So is it a scam? Not likely. Even from a business perspective, it's smarter to just make the product. And from a scammers perspective, they should have gotten out a year ago or more. Blame it on DS and walk away with an extra $30 million in your pocket.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
Lol, I agree in part. Publishers are a problem and we'll hear people complain about them (and their lack of innovation) quite extensively, which is a GREAT reason to support SC. However, I have some pretty concrete rules regarding software development. In addition to NEVER letting a software developer talk to people, you should NEVER have someone steering the ship who is in love with the project. I would hope they are passionate about it, but love clouds reason. That's where I think that giving Eric more power did SC a lot of good.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US
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I think you misunderstand it. First, it's generally meant to be funny. Secondly, it's rooted in SOME truth. However, there must always be SOME level of communication and, obviously, software developers can talk among themselves or other technical sorts. HOWEVER!!! I'm talking about "people" as in others who are "normal". If I had to get literal about the rule, I would say NEVER let a developer talk to ANYONE in the marketing department.
Azarelos - 90 Hunter - Emerald
Durnzig - 90 Paladin - Emerald
Demonicron - 90 Death Knight - Emerald Dream - US
Tankinpain - 90 Monk - Azjol-Nerub - US
Brindell - 90 Warrior - Emerald Dream - US