So a lot of people are buying VR headsets. Many ways to spin this story. Curious
Those aren't sales stop trying hard. For example Psvr is a projection they have yet to release sales numbers. Superdata last showed WWE beat psrv in sales.
The desperation to try and push VR so hard is hilarious.
Sales will keep continuing to climb once more people get to try it.
Out of probably 15 Friends & family I have demoed the HTC Vive to, 2 have bought PSVR and 1 is currently upgrading their PC for a Vive. All, with no exceptions have been amazed!
So out of 15 people 3 bought a VR? And out of those 3 everyone has been "amazed"? So by using your logic the 12 other people didn't care for it and had a negative experience right? My point was the OP stated "so a lot of people are BUYING" when that is actually a lie. He and other are extremely desperate when they need to lie and say people are "buying" VR when he post a link that a projection of sales.
No, the other 12 was either young, elderly or have other priorities to spend money on.
I just find it funny people like the OP and apparently you brag about psvr potentially selling 2 milliom units by the end of the year (3months from launch) when xb sold 8 MILLION Kinects in the first 60 days. A matter of fact the Kinect was the fast selling consumer electronic device according to guiniss book. Let's just lower the hype a little bit lol
No bragging here! I'm just posting my experience and opinion on VR and to tell everyone to at least give it a try.
<snip>. It's also worth it to note that these are end-of-year projections: <snip>
“SuperData’s approach to the market for consumer-centered virtual reality includes retail checks, executive interviews with decision-makers from all of relevant firms in the marketplace, pricing data, our survey-based consumer tracking panel, and digital content purchases collected from our data providers. We combine both proprietary and public data sources to arrive at an objective reading of the market, including financial information obtained through our client network. Analysts are expressly forbidden to buy, sell, hedge or otherwise deal in the securities of any of the following public companies whose primary revenues come from the creation, selling, or distribution of video games.”
And here is one they did earlier this year (there are others):
that begins: Superdata has lowered its expectations for virtual reality revenues in 2016 for the second time in as many months.
Note: this doesn't (necessarily) mean that the demand for VR has changed simply that Superdata hasn't been getting it "right". Which begs the question: "How right is this projection?"
guess your right. i would like to see am article that puts this one into question
<snip>. It's also worth it to note that these are end-of-year projections: <snip>
“SuperData’s approach to the market for consumer-centered virtual reality includes retail checks, executive interviews with decision-makers from all of relevant firms in the marketplace, pricing data, our survey-based consumer tracking panel, and digital content purchases collected from our data providers. We combine both proprietary and public data sources to arrive at an objective reading of the market, including financial information obtained through our client network. Analysts are expressly forbidden to buy, sell, hedge or otherwise deal in the securities of any of the following public companies whose primary revenues come from the creation, selling, or distribution of video games.”
And here is one they did earlier this year (there are others):
that begins: Superdata has lowered its expectations for virtual reality revenues in 2016 for the second time in as many months.
Note: this doesn't (necessarily) mean that the demand for VR has changed simply that Superdata hasn't been getting it "right". Which begs the question: "How right is this projection?"
guess your right. i would like to see am article that puts this one into question
I'm just posting my experience and opinion on VR and to tell everyone to at least give it a try.
Bartoni's Law definition: As an Internet discussion grows volatile, the probability of a comparison involving Donald Trump approaches 1.
Here you go. One article that puts your article into question:
Please do not respond to me, even if I ask you a question, its rhetorical.
Please do not respond to me